23086094? ago

Lmao Conspiracy theorist since high school at least. The people contacting me now usually start off with, "are you freaked out ?" to which i respond "about what?" then i just listen and say "don't you remember when I said .... and.... and.... and you said I was crazy, well welcome to the nut house! and no I don't have any toilet paper for you!"

23085531? ago

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They cut right to the heart of things

23085477? ago

Interesting timing, a global lockdown combined with removal of Google censors.

23085320? ago

seeing that as well

23085248? ago

The real definition of Conspiracy Theory is any theory that differs than what the M$M tells you is fact.

23085373? ago

Yup. Previously you were a conspiracy theorist if you thought the government was lying to you. After the election the left went all-in on The ‘theory’ that Trump was ‘conspiring’ with the Russians. The definition changed pretty quickly after that. Now you’re a conspiracy theorist if you think the government is telling the truth.

23085095? ago

I have always been the crazy conspiracy theorist at work but now I'm no longer the only one. In fact I would say there are too many crazy conspiracy theorists. I know that's a good thing and I'm there to clarify what they are saying, but damnit, I need a new identity now.

23086494? ago


23085238? ago

You have ascended to: SUPER PATRIOT!

23086637? ago

Move over James Comey!!