23090994? ago

One of my employees was just diagnosed positive. I met with her 3 weeks ago. She is having difficulty breathing and her temperature keeps spiking. She has 4 kids, a Husband and a mother going through Cancer. I feel fine. But I am now officially under quarantine and will start tomorrow with what I believe will be an every other day routine of checking in with my doctor via video appointment.

My company is closing both branches for a day to have them professionally disinfected tomorrow.

How deadly or easily cured this is? I don't know. How real is it? Very.

23084331? ago

This guy looks like a propaganda spreading New York Jew.

23084281? ago

This is so dumb. If there are cases, they'd be inside and he'd never get to them anyhow.

23084261? ago

The conspiracy theories are getting out of control.

23083739? ago

God bless this this journalist and the work he's doing.

He is a patriot.

We are the news now.

23083252? ago

This video is fucking stupid. I personally know doctors who are treating COVID patients.

23082890? ago

Does anyone here have a police scanner? You can typically monitor the chatter and figure out what's going on especially if there are supposedly a lot of things happening. Most of their codes have been published on the net.

23090989? ago

You'd think all the anons/preppers here SOMEONE would at least own up to owning one!

23082856? ago

My girlfriend works in healthcare in a major East Coast city. Not NYC. There are direct orders from higher ups to not talk to people about what is going on. No information is allowed to get out in regards to numbers of victims etc. It's extremely compartmentalized. This man is not going to get any information because that is how this is. Pray for my girlfriend, they have told her they are sending her to the make shift COVID-19 tent that is setup outside the hospital, we are pretty frightened by this thing. There is not enough PPE, but thankfully I have N95 masks from my construction side projects which I have given to her 3 of them. I have labeled them and she is rotating them each day. I can't believe they don't have supplies for our hospital workers. It's shocking, but we all gotta take care of ourselves we can't trust anyone to take care of us. I have told her to quit if they send her in there without PPE and no pay bump. It's fucking alarming. I have been following Q since February 2018 and even remember when FBIAnon posted in 4chan. I was there reading the Podesta emails when they were released in 2016 and listening to AJ back in 2007. I am def pretty woke and don't trust MSM. However COVID-19 is an actual virus and a threat to the people we love most in this world. I am worried for my father who is in his 60's smoked 3 packs a day since he was 12 and continues to go to work doing service calls house to house. I don't want to lose my pops over this. I do believe this was released to collapse our economy, block Trump and ruin his accomplishments. The deep state absolutely will kill tens of thousands of people, if not more in order to gain control of the executive branch again. This is a fucking war and they want to fucking kill us and destroy us. We need to be aware that not every move the DS makes is a fucking "hoax" and filled with "crisis" actors. This shit is actually going on. We need to be careful not to fall into a place where we think shit is not actually happening. It gives us a false sense of hope when we are losing a fucking war at the moment. Wake up people, the numbers are just starting to be realized. There are patients at my girlfriend's hospital and I am scared for her life. This has a 19 year old in a coma in my state. It doesn't only kill 60+ but they are more likely to die. Check out shitty reddit on the medical and medicine communities. Actual nurses, doctors and other health care workers on the grounded facing this thing giving actual accounts to what they are witnessing. We all need to pray for the innocent souls in our world, pray for the good and even pray for those who are evil to find their way to the light. From dark to light! Keep a balanced brain going on all of this and question everything, Including this video! Why is he not getting any answers? Because the information is being suppressed and compartmentalized!

23082724? ago

I hope the weaponized version of this bug takes out every fucking vampire pedo on/in this earth including any congressman/politician who assisted them. There are plenty of patriots to fill in the gaps and do a better job than these sick bastards. No Mercy. They slaved,killed, and stole from us and generations before us. They showed us none. This child killing and other isn't anything new. In the early 70's they would fly to Caribbean islands where they would put on actual shows of these killings with dignitaries present. Continue taken out the garbage Q and Team. Good Job! Very proud of POTUS and Team.

23082255? ago

My wife is in the medical field in a major hospital in Northern California. They have a handful of confirmed cases (I think the total is up to 6 or 7 confirmed cases as of today). A few of the rule outs they had actually tested positive for H1N1 instead...weird. They have had no deaths and only 1 intubation.

23082194? ago

Just to play “devils advocate”: we are supposedly on the “flat part” of the curve. Our curve is projected to be steeper than Italy’s. Time will tell. If in a few weeks when the claim is “it’s ramping” or “spiking” and if still hospitals are empty, then we’ll know.

23083941? ago

"Our curve is projected to be steeper than Italy’s"

According to who (or WHO)? Italy has the oldest population in the developed world....they had nearly 100,000 deaths just a few years ago (from H1N1?) so this is nothing compared to the recent past. Bet you never heard about that, or anything like this during Obamba's reign of terror.

23082170? ago

I can attest that NYC is quiet and hospitals too...media is lying

23082154? ago

Folks this is the world we live in. Fake Viruses, Fake Elections, Fake Supreme Justices.

23082003? ago

Here in Bali expats are freaking out that this will be the next hard hit place. Freaking out because Indonesia isn't testing anyone so the numbers are artificially low. Friend of mine went to hospital last week for something unrelated and said she was the only one there and that is was a bit freaky.

Also, the media claims there have been two COVID19 deaths here, but one was a 70 year old french dude who died of a heart attack and they claim he had the virus postmortem.

I mean, the whole world can turn into zombies in a few months, I'm just telling you my experience here.

23081945? ago

Seriously, where are the videos of overrun hospitals? Can't find one. Only still pics or Dr/Nurse interviews. But no video.

23081733? ago

I live directly in front of a major hospital in Vancouver BC. From my vantqge point I see and hear every emergency, ambulance,ect. Throughout this 'crisis' general activity has been the most quiet I have ever seen. What crisis?

23081580? ago

This is Jason Goodman doing this reporting, he's a straight shooter.

23081482? ago

False Flags always and only bloom in Leftist held territory.

23081479? ago

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23081471? ago

Ground zero for the KungFlu where I live is my local hospital. All cases in this county came from 2 patients who were being kept and treated for other serious illnesses then sent home to recuperate, where they gave it to their family. They can not explain how they initially contracted it, no staff is sick or has tested positive.

23081407? ago

I think they took regular 'flu' tests and slapped 'corona test' labels on them.

23081398? ago

I encourage everyone to go to a hospital and film. My sister was at a local hospital (ER) and she said she was literally the only one there. No virus patients or anyone. People are afraid for no reason.

23082938? ago

State / City?

23084562? ago

North Carolina - Charlotte

23081381? ago

My wife is a nurse in NY. She says there’s nobody coming in. Her coworkers make tik toks all day

23084063? ago

NYC or elsewhere in NY State?

23081226? ago

From what I know, being from this general area, many people are being seen by their doctors with symptoms then being sent home, without being tested, to see how it plays out (*there are always many overly worried hypochondriacs here). If they start to get extremely ill with high fever and the onset of pneumonia they are advised to go to the hospital then for a test. Depending on how the Dr. reports these initial visits could greatly inflate the numbers of confirmed cases.

I was ill with some sort of flu myself for 6 days in the second week of March ( happens most years) and got over it, did not go to the doctor.

23081166? ago

Several Tweets now from individuals saying that their loved one did not die of Covid-19 as recorded but passed away from other illnesses they had been fighting.

23081157? ago

I can't walk into the intensive care unit off the street - must be fake?

23082041? ago

You can walk into the ER from off the street

23082106? ago

Yes, and that's exactly as far as you will get.

You won't be able to get into the wards, let alone the icu

23082118? ago


23081147? ago

Because disinfo and scare event necessary.

It's war cover. Nothing more.

23081043? ago

My sister is a travel nurse and getting ready to go to NY. I’ll update you when she tells me firsthand what’s going on in a few weeks

23080797? ago

I am not surprised....something else is clearly going on. Blanket op to collect the satanist pedophiles? I have notice certain elites making videos on twitter trying to pretend they are at their home, but the streets have chain link fences and weeds, no sod. Seems like with the 200 mil upgrade at GITMO perhaps its all about the "show"?

23080970? ago

Interesting, keen observation

23080774? ago

I work in teleradiology serving several hospitals all over the country (many of them in CA). Today we had an emergency meeting notifying staff that we are cutting hours/defferring pay due to how slow its been. ER's that are normally swamped with traumas, assaults, car accidents, gunshot wounds, and everything else under the sun are dead. I've seen few chest CTs coming in that are specifically ordered to "rule out coronavirus" but most of them turn out to be negative or pneumatic but impossible to confirm if its actually caused by that particular virus without other supporting lab work. The shutdown has been terrible for business, but absolutely great from a public health perspective.

23082909? ago

The new Tele- health type of services were put in place just prior to the isolate order.

Doctors offices are calling patients instead of seeing them for pre-virus stuff like blood test results

23081887? ago

Same here. I travel and see multiple hospitals and they are ghost towns. My wife is a supervisor in X-ray dept and and they are cutting hours and working with a skeleton crew...kek. Its the stupidist shit I've ever seen in my life and they have folks scared to death. There better be some utopia at the end of this pseudo-infectious rainbow or the damage will take a generation to recoup.

23083902? ago

The economic recovery will be swift and memorable....POTUS has spent the past 3 years rebuilding this nation's economic foundations so that this "insurance plan" would backfire on them and what comes next WILL be that generational shift.

23080731? ago

Major hospital in a major city in Australia. Super quiet.....i mean i guess we dont have to many "infected" in australia anyway but i dont know.....the way the world has reacted is insane! We will only get quieter with the cancellation of none urgent surgery.

23080960? ago

I had a DENTIST appointment cancelled; they are only taking emergency cases for two weeks. This is nuts!

23080640? ago

This guy is so unlikable and too abrasive, that is why he never gets anyone to answer his questions.

23080550? ago

I personally know of ZERO infected or anyone they know who is. Makes me wonder, WHY is that $2 TRILLION needed?

23094643? ago

funny thing i caught in cuomo show this morning, he was upset about the 2trillion bill. he was mad the money alloted to the states was specifically stating had to be used on costs for corona virus. cuomo then went on to rant about not being able to balance budget. lol.

23096510? ago

He talks out of both sides of his mouth like every politician. Newscum is incredible at this too. They’re propping both for a 2024 run.

23080862? ago

Thank God Trump is in charge of that 2 trillion slush fund, or would assume. Use that money to send to people who are uneccessarily out of work and a paycheck. This whole thing is fake.

23096552? ago

I have full faith in President Trump, but seeing all the money given to congress and ‘minorities’ fucking pisses me off. And didn’t the SC say ‘no line veto’ to bills?

23080569? ago

That's your sign

23080630? ago

Quite a few of those lately.

23080386? ago

We need more people to do this.

23080366? ago

They have to ensure that there is no opposition to the mandatory chemical castration and sterilisation injections Corona Virus vaccine when they roll it out.

23080353? ago

uploaded seven days ago so plausible not many victims

23080868? ago

Bet it isn't any different today.

23080351? ago

Stupid guy. He needed to go to the Corona virus hospital. /s

23080327? ago

i've worked 10 years in ER, this vid doesn't tell me anything. i don't believe all the positive corona tests either, but this doesn't help disprove.

23080234? ago

My friend's mom is a nurse at a local hospital where I live and she said there weren't any patients in the ER last weekend. No one came in not even for a broken bone or stitches. That's beyond strange.

23082901? ago

Which State / City?

23080086? ago

Jack MA is donating face masks and test kit to Nigeria! Hmmmm

23079993? ago

He didn't even go in the emergency care unit, the place that infected people would be kept in.

How is this proof of anything?

23081105? ago

The EMS worker said he had not seen any patients and neither did the woman at the beginning of the video.

23083999? ago

The EMS worker said he JUST arrived, as in literally JUST then.

Why would a woman walking out of a hospital necessarily be in the intensive care unit?

23085276? ago

He had on no PPE, and he did say he didn’t see any covid19 patients in the ER. He had just come out of the ER.

23080632? ago

You can't film patients ffs

23080565? ago

Because ventilators

23079975? ago

Interesting... This is one comment on there that occurred to me just yesterday: "Just throwing this out there but is it a possibility that this is manufactured so the masses stockpile essentials and supplies? For whatever reason that something is about to happen?? Just thinking out loud dont shoot the thinker lol"

There could be some truth to that. I'll tell you one thing, there are now millions of people who woke up one day and suddenly realized what all us crazy preppers have been up to. Not sure about you guys, but I just always bought TP every major shopping trip. I'm good till December. That's just SOP

23080294? ago

Aren't there asteroids that are supposed to be coming really close to the earth pretty soon. Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing.




23084745? ago

Are you saying the asteroids are directed kinetic weapons?

23082563? ago

They passed by a few days ago.

23082760? ago

They don't pass until april...

23081964? ago

hope so

23081955? ago

Could be, maybe

23080277? ago

I'm a Mom/EmptyNester who always has stuff. My adult kids shop my pantry like a super market.

How can people NOT be that way? Ya never know how many people you'll have for dinner or who might drop by.

I envy real.preppers and aspire to that!

23081594? ago

I was surprised to find out that my normal daily lifestyle is called quarantine. The idea of people just popping by in unknown numbers at any time is alarming to me. But I do keep a stocked hurricane pantry. So that's what surprised me - I thought everyone has some sort of natural disaster that reqiures being supplied and ready for.

23086508? ago

Right!?! I'm in earthquake country so we always had that preparedness state of mind.

Having a family made me responsible for feeding everyone. If you wait until the last minute to buy food it is pricey. If you gather it over time it's easier to budget.

I am pretty surprised at how many people don't know how to cook. Everyone eats... Cooking is a survival skills.

23080926? ago

One word: 'disown'.

23080622? ago

Not everyone lives off their dead husbands money.

23083871? ago

Grow up, emo...get some sun

23080812? ago

I was going to let your comment slide but I decided to address it instead.

My husband is very much alive. Yes, he is an excellent provider. He worked hard for us to enjoy this life and be financially secure.

I run the household stuff and do the shopping. We raised 5 kids and I was a stay-at-home Mom.

We had a 13" TV, one car, lived paycheck-to-paycheck, used coupons, and had to decide which bills to pay every month.

So to imply that it takes more money than most Americans make is completely wrong. I stocked the pantry, gave freely from it to friends and neighbors, and was always ready for extra plates at the table.

It doesn't take money to be prepared ... It takes a spirit of generosity and satisfaction with what you have.

23082574? ago

I came from a family of 5 children also. We were in the same situation and my parents did the same as you...coupons and everything. A couple of my younger siblings moved out, moved back, moved out again. But, always there was enough food for us and extra for just in case, etc. Thank you for also not letting that comment slide. Too many people make assumptions about others. People should be nicer to each other...not disparaging based on assumptions.

23086332? ago

My adult daughter does all her meal planning based on what is on sale that week. She's a SAHM now too.

We always had "enough" because enough was a state of mind. I'm guessing your Mom would eat last and take the smallest portion. That's what Mom's do to make things stretch. Haha

And I have to give praise to God for always providing for us. One particular memory was when we were very low on money... Something was not going to get paid... Like the mortgage.

I got in a fender bender. Another car pulled out on front of me. No airbag deployment but some front end damage. We got the check from the driver's insurance company to fix the damage and paid our mortgage for two months. When we could afford it - my husband fixed the car. That was God taking care of us.

It sounds like you had a big close family too. ❤️

23081568? ago

this is most magnificent response to an ashole of under human being that attacked you ma'm

More power to you !

23086520? ago

You are very kind, thank you. ❤️

23080890? ago

Seriously, the shill did not earn a reply from you. They are trash people and kudos to you for raising your own children. My Mom raised 9 by staying at home and making sure there was always food and extras for guests.

23086687? ago

God Bless your Mom. What a wonderful chaotic home you must have had!!

I think shills are hurting people who have to take out their fear and bitterness on others. Some of them are nice people who aren't used to getting sincere replies.

Thank you for your reply. Do you and your siblings argue over who is the "favorite child"? Haha Ours do but it's all in fun.

23088843? ago

I am sure we had some of those little squabbles (long time ago). But Mom enforced discipline....much needed. One thing that is clear to them is I have always been the black sheep who believed in educating myself and researching and questioning everything. I am now the dreaded conspiracy theorist. They just enjoy their normie sleep and then act out of shock when something is revealed in public. I am afraid some of my family will not understand and be totally bewildered when all is revealed, may even end up in the hospital. Most of them are fundamentalists. It is what it is and I don't even try to red pill them anymore. It's pointless and only divides. Very sad.

23089386? ago

It sounds like you will be strong for them if need be. Not every family will have someone like you to depend on.

I can't say I was a conspiracy theory person before all this. I'm a person willing to accept that anything is possible. I'm interested in what sincere conspiracy theory people have researched and found.

23080882? ago


23083451? ago

Dear Synoagogue worshippers and the transvestites being denied surgery in these days, may the earthquakes ravage your foundations to shatter and collapse, may the Federal Reserve be destroyed, may your TV programming be revealed as the lies it always was. May your society be so cursed and razed that a "Shoah" would be respite.

In the Profanity of your G-d's Onenesse, Oy Vey.

23081627? ago

All that brain of yours could put together eh? Stupid shill.

23081222? ago

....I'll take the "Bitch" (though she's not)....over your dumbass.

23080562? ago

Lock your doors.

23080612? ago

We are so we'll protected. Locking doors, monitored surveillance at the P.D. and redundant camera systems.

And maybe a weapon or two. And the best of all... Dogs.

23081937? ago

Cops love to shoot dogs. Be careful .... lock them away.

23086434? ago

It's not LEO's I worry about.

23081820? ago

Cops will be useless, and arent monitoring shit, if shit hits the fan... the inky way to protect your abode is with guns.

23086454? ago

Agreed. And I hope people know how to use them. Thankfully, we are a family of hunters and have been shooting for generations.

23080932? ago

pssst: lock your doors against the "pantry shoppers".

23086641? ago

Haha I love those pantry shoppers. Since I follow this board and watch what President Trump does, I started stocking up on everything when he stopped flights from China.

Then I did online orders for my adult kids to get from grocery pickup. They can't afford to add an extra couple of hundred dollars to their pantry... So I gave them a running start at it. This was back in early February.

23080897? ago

None of it should be necessary in avsane world, still to come, soon I hope.

23079835? ago

Local hospital recently (few years ago) added 120 beds (rooms) to existing cancer center for $125 MILLION. Next city over they built a 4 star (eg room service) 200 room hotel for $40 million!!!

We have to EXCISE the EVIL!

23081690? ago

Hospital construction is way more elaborate. Hotel seems expensive. Hospitals have dedicated circuits, pressurized rooms, backup power out the ass.

23096800? ago

WHY? It's just a PLACE. Cancer rooms * 100? WHAT special pressures are required in your ROOM? Backup power? 2 * redundance? What? They had ATRIUMS, and kitchenettes (for family) in rooms.

23079789? ago

What if this is all a setup to expose the media and corrupt government?

23080554? ago

Pretty expensive exposure considering the $2T bill.

23093562? ago

It's monopoly money that no one is going pay interest on to the world banks.

23096515? ago

(((World banks)))

23084986? ago

Pretty expensive exposure considering the $2T bill.

All they are doing is adding more zeroes to numbers in a computer.

23096521? ago

Wish they’d do that to my bank account since according to you, it means nothing anyways.

23097769? ago

I didn't say you couldn't spend it. I'm just saying that all they have to do is lift their finger to make it happen. No work done.

23079939? ago

Trump is pushing for everyone to return to normal after Easter. The only way that happens is by exposing this all as a hoax.

23080342? ago

„This is CNN“

23079787? ago

Things just aren’t adding up.

23079757? ago

This charade can't go on much longer. More people every day are realizing it's hogwash.

23079491? ago

I have a feeling that the hospital ships " Mercy and Comfort" will be playing a roll in prisoner transport.

23084943? ago

I have a feeling that the hospital ships " Mercy and Comfort" will be playing a roll in prisoner transport.

Only prisoners will be American people who display their dissent.

23082311? ago

right under everyone's noses with cameras rolling. that's the way its done.

23080912? ago

Two things that do not go together: 1. "hospital ships" at or en route to various U.S. ports to handle the overflow of "coronavirus cases", and 2. churches packed with worshippers on Easter Sunday two weeks from now. ???

23080412? ago

Q post 847:

WATCH the water.


23079801? ago

23079464? ago

They're all in quarantino

23079540? ago

Lol. No. Don’t be a fucking retard. The guy asked questions. The answers point to no pandemic.

23079624? ago

I think they're all on their way to Gitmo.

23084919? ago

I think they're all on their way to Gitmo.

Thats because you are gullible. Next step for the public is forced vaccination.

23080973? ago

'I'd like to get you on a slow boat to Gitmo..."

23079637? ago

Maybe. I still think we’re preparing for that though.

23079433? ago

What a moron; everyone knows that if you want to find Corona Virus you go to celebrity bathrooms. What a dumb fuck :)

23080916? ago

That's for the 'higher end' coronavirus, the rest of us have to make do with what we can pick up at the local Dollar Store.

23082407? ago

Yes not just anyone can get ahold of that Prince Charles deluxe coved 19!

23079376? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=kamZlRikarU :

NY man searches hospital for infected..can't find any.. - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

23080243? ago

The guy just pesters people around the hospital. He doesn't even go in. Dumb

23079353? ago

It’s a hoax. I already had it confirmation from a NY doctors that said the staff was sent home due to the lack of work. She said media reports about NY outbreak doesn’t add up to what she’s seeing.

23081672? ago

Can confirm. Nyc emergency rooms are actually EMPTY and ambulances just sitting parked outside for hours!

23080627? ago

So you mean to say the millions of nurses, doctors, hospital staff around the world are all in on it?

23132609? ago

I can just speak anecdotally. My hospital is empty. Non essential procedures have ban cancelled and are rescheduled 2 weeks out. If your job allows, you work from home. If your specialty is outside of Coronavirus, there’s less work to do and lower staffing levels. A unit was moved to make a Coronavirus ward. Windows taken out and replaced with plywood with fans mounted to create negative pressure rooms. ER is just treating colds/bronchitis/pneumonia (things with corona-like symptoms). Several areas have been stripped of their typical stuff and made into overflow for patients.

If it’s a hoax, the hospital doesn’t know about it and has spent a ton of money.

23081980? ago

Your a NASA fan arent you!

23081573? ago

nope but you have total control of media and ...

23081242? ago

You have not interviewed millions of doctors and nurses. Neither has anyone else.

23080823? ago

Its the fake news thats in on it. Thats what you see when you watch the news. THats why dont watch the news, because its all fake news, enemy to the people

23080636? ago

I’m saying that corona is a hoax. Hospitals are empty. No pandemic. Prove me wrong. It’s 2020. Surely you can find one video of a single US hospital being overrun with corona patients.

23081970? ago

That's a major eye opener for me. No videos of overrun hospitals. All secondhand info at best.

23080943? ago

There is an old Chinese (ironically!) saying about hearing footsteps on the stairs; you turn around to see who's coming and there is no one there.

23080966? ago

It’s more like someone else telling you that you hear footsteps and when you turn around no one is there.

23079358? ago

have you shared any proof of that?

23080224? ago


It’s a hoax

23079377? ago

It’s all over the internet. It’s an obvious hoax. The truth is there for those who seek it. I’m not the kind of person to force feed it.

23079635? ago

If you have details, then please spread that info around. Give us a screenshot of the conversation at least.

23079656? ago

It was a phone call. Not a text. But I’ve already read a lot of similar conversations. There on the internet. It’s 2020. Everyone has a camera. Can you find a single bit of footage of any US hospital overrun with corona patients? It’s an obvious hoax.

23079608? ago

H1N1 didn't cause a crisis. Why would this be one? Lol it's common sense based off the available data extrapolated off the timeframes.

23079701? ago

Show me one video of a US hospital being overwhelmed with corona patients. You can’t because it’s a hoax.

23079980? ago

I was saying it when Italy was being so dramatic, but I couldn't find any videos of overwhelmed hospitals or even ordinary people panicking. Same with Korea.

This is the most benign pandemic ever.

23082884? ago

There was one of an Italian hospital ward - sorry no source - about a week or 10 days ago.

23079994? ago

One thing to note about Italy, the whole Biden $1billion thing. High up Italian officials were reviving kickbacks from Ukraine. They are in bed with the deep state.