OMG! Things went to CLOWN WORLD, as deep state just seized control not only of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine in 12 nations, but now are seizing azithromycin!
FBI WILL DOWNVOTE 80 times like I predicted my prior post warning (, but now its far worse. You have 4 days to act.
[This is not an ad, in fact NH4Cl is free (under one cent) per person, per cure.] Feds will still downvote because I reveal secret stuff.
Friday, as FBI was seizing supply as I warned! IDAHO and TEXAS banned doctors from writing these lifesaving scripts for NEW PATIENTS with corona virus!! Even azithromycin!
See Those! Other states too. Soon a federal edict. For short term, Only the US Gov will decide who gets to live, not Doctors. Even if you provably have lab test showing you have Chinese Flu.
Only pre-existing MALARIA patients can get prescriptions, and even then they cannot get proper supply, and even then they CANNOT get azithromycin, because azithromycin is never ongoing.
I predict these rules will be redacted in about 4 weeks as suppliers start making thse pills in USA, unless someone wants to kill off older white voters for no reason.
My prior warning with 80 FBI downvotes :
Read those two links above. Other states are similar now, but its a moot point, the FBI Glowniggers that gave me 80 downvotes won. Voat loses.
Only the US government now can prescribe chloroquine, and hydroxychloroquine to whomever the US gov wants to get it, as of Saturday 21st March 2020, JUST AS I WARNED!
One doctor leaked TOP SECRET fact that some of the US stockpile was given to 1,600 asymptomatic government elites during a live satellite feed of ABC GMA television (I saw it myself).
You can STILL SAVE your lives with proper amount of a 5 pill Z-Pack of azithromycin AND consuming proper dosage of widely found NH4Cl
NH4Cl !
For an early seminal paper with 90% efficacy charts (Figure 4 NH4Cl 90% efficacy too!) refer to 2005 famous : DOI: 10.1186/1743-422X-2-69
Yes 2005. Look at that!
The problem with NH4Cl, is that its NOT based on millions of test subjects taking it daily since 1934. No one makes money on a drug costing less than one US Cent $0.01 per day. It is G.R.A.S. though.
Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS)?
This substance, NH4Cl, can be added directly to human food in the U.S. and is Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) [US FDA]:
You never ever ever read about or heard about NH4Cl curing the Chinese Flue, not even from Trump or anyone on any site, or any prior post of mine, because I and other bitter angry overly-educated people like me do not always share our knowledge with the public they hate.
I actively am pissed at the FBI fuckers downvoting my warning 80 times last Friday.
"This substance (NH4Cl) is approved as drug in several countries for electrolyte replenishment or expectorants and as food additive (fermentation and blowing agent) without use restrictions in Japan. This substance (NH4Cl) is also used as food additive (flavors) in Germany. This substance has been available as a therapeutic agent in Canada since its introduction in 1925. It has been used as a mild diuretic, an expectorant, a weight-reducing agent and a urine acidifying agent"
I , and I alone, am telling the worls about NH4Cl 100% efficacy taken with azithromycin, now here and showed you a science paper proving it is a cure EQUAL to Chloroquine efficacy! Equal!
But now the US gov is unjustly banning doctors from access azithromycin, and using legal directive world-play to prevent it by stipulating "prior use" when its a drug you never take for more than 5 days ever.
azithromycin in USA is 1,000 times easier to find this week than Hydroxychloroquine or Chloroquine, but now ILLEGAL for Doctors in most states to prescribe, EVEN IF THEY HAVE A DESK SUPPLY!
Most physicians still have a desk drawer and a half of azithromycin "free" Z-pack samples to hand out to very poor people in most "diversity enriched" neighborhoods, untracked, unlogged. (I know).
Its as if someone wants to kill off older white voters for no reason, or someone wants a panic and a crashed stock market. This is insane.
DOCTORS CANNOT LEGALLY PRESCRIBE medication to save lives now! Only the Deep State gets to legally prescribe common as water azithromycin, and hydroxychloroquine.
Get your NH4Cl NOW NOW NOW, its half of large agriculture megafarms, but battery grade (industrial) is 99.9% pure.
Many of those NH4Cl suppliers are in Wuhan (ironic), but get your NH4Cl from US supplier in your own state. NH4Cl is everywhere. Its in every college laboratory in locked supply chem rooms too, and you only need a little to save your life.
zithromax is extremely high tech drug though.
Get your zithromax now , it price 2 days ago was $9 dollars USD retail ( ), but now that its illegal, zithromax will skyrocket to $4,000 on the black market. Until 4 weeks from now when it returns to 8 dollars.
IF YOU WANT TO LIVE , HURRY, secure azithromycin NOW NOW NOW!!!
You have about 4 days remaining to beg azithromycin from a Doctor before they get a fed notice to not prescribe in their mail. Unless Democrats shut down society, and spread lies banning NH4Cl, you have forever to acquire Ammonium Chloride.
FEDS WILL DOWNVOTE again! Upvote if you want more cures from people like me to revealed to society.
23058458? ago
What makes you think ammonium chloride will cure coronavirus? It is an expectorant, but that is about the only pharmaceutical action I know of. One nice thing though is it is incredible easy to make.
23058504? ago
Well tested against the malarial drugs. Identical EXACT same efficacy proven :
For an early seminal paper with 90% efficacy charts (Figure 4 NH4Cl 90% efficacy too!) refer to 2005 famous : DOI: 10.1186/1743-422X-2-69
Yes 2005. Look at that!
Its established but little known science, well proven in studies.
23057906? ago
You are glowing you faggot. Corona is a hoax.