23050815? ago

She looks like an obnoxious, annoying, full of shit, SJW taco nigger dyke that has no business living in America. Send her and her fake pHD back to mexico plz

23056075? ago

aw sweetie, you're looking in the mirror

who cares what your bigoted opinion is of someone you didn't meet? This is an important breakthrough. Shut your pie hole with your hateful comments

23055990? ago

You're talking about a Trump voter!

23050733? ago

Great. A Taco Dyke.

23049956? ago

I'm glad people are waking up, however i think it's a bit sad that they are profiting on their own awakening. When I learn something new about myself, i don't seek to profit from it.

23065960? ago


You just keep the new knowledge to yourself, causing the world to suffer? How wonderful of you!

Most people take new knowledge and seek advantage using it; most often, my advantage comes from sharing the knowledge.

23066064? ago

How is what she has to say, new?

Answer that simple question.

It's been done before. Good for her and good for you. Now keep it to yourself.

23049734? ago

What a beautiful read. Thanks it gives hope in a hopeless situation.

23049463? ago

Is this a bitter Sanders Sista?

23049002? ago

Why are they trying to bundle the bailouts and the stimulus together? Just pass the stimulus and debate the bailouts later? It's not only the democrats being idiots here

23049000? ago

Boomers really think that niggers and faggots are going to vote for a Republican? Lol you retards...

23048838? ago

Right now, this isn’t about how the Dems feel about their supporters, this is about getting a bill passed for the election that throws the advantage to the party. They know this is their last chance at election fraud, so if they piss off their followers, they get them back in the fraud.

23048827? ago

They are rejecting it because:

1) It's not good enough, they're pushing for another month of pay for workers. They are partly opposing this because they think more of the funds should go to regular people, and too much is going to business owners.

2) They are blocking certain GOP members from making a $500B slush fund that would allow powerful people, like the assholes who dumped shares when the virus hit, to bail out corporations.

Moscow Mitch stuck that slush fund clause in there specifically so that the dems would logically reject it, leaving them open to accusing them of blocking it for partisan reasons.

The people with power and money are, once again, trying to profit from a crisis. At this point, what do you expect?

23051379? ago

You know what, I was about to rebut each of your points, but your last two sentences are correct. Both sides are playing politics with this one. Upvote.

23051728? ago

And that's my point really - we could argue about this shit all day while people die or run out of money.

They don't give a shit about us, and it won't seem real to them until senators start dying.

Do rebut if you want to though, because it's good for people from different places and different state/ city cultures to communicate.

This isn't a run of the mill news item, it's a f*cking emergency, and we need to come together, not let them split us apart. So you and I don't agree on the specifics; can we agree that they're all being bloody ridiculous right now and every single politician who is trying to make this bill cover ANYTHING other than sorting out this crisis should be covered in honey and strapped down over a fire ant nest right now?

We already bailed out the economy, and it didn't work. Let's not throw good government money after bad - that''s America's money. Don't let it go into pockets we can't check. Sort out the people first, sort out ventilator and mask production, stop people from being evicted or running out of food money.

Thanks for your comment; I appreciate you.

23065944? ago

otheranon here, your continued discussion turned my downvote to an upvote (as well as upvoted this). God bless!

23049404? ago

CNN talking Points. Shill much?

23049528? ago

I haven't read the CNN article on it (CNN is just entertainment 'news' same as fox IMO), but it's being reported in many places because that's what's in the proposal. They're trying to push through a bailout that benefits their business cronies.

There are no good politicians. We know they're all on the take, and we know that at a time like this, the dems argue in favor of bailing out the people, and the GOP argues in favor of bailing out corporate America. Both think that they're right, and to be fair, there are good and bad ideas on both sides. It's the kind of situation where you need people to be a bit centric, and stop trying to just take the piss. Maybe they need to give them a word limit...

Anyway in this situation, the dems are actually on the side of common sense when it comes to the two points I mentioned above. I do think that people need more help to get through this - anyone in a state with a stay home order is already feeling that. And I don't really want to hand a bunch of self-serving politicians a blank checkbook for a $50B account. Do you?

Now I am not really on either side here - I'm a transplant and I don't think either side has anything to recommend it. But I think that there are a LOT of people who just lost their income, and I think that people who have been ordered to stay home and stop working should not come second to billionaire business owners.

If you just blindly block out every negative thing about the party you support, and don't listen to criticism, how do you know which is the best choice to vote for in state elections? I know lots of people support Trump here, but do you support EVERY GOP senator? Or do you think there are some bad apples? Don't you want to follow their motives and check on what they're actually bargaining for - all of it - to see if you might want to vote for a different senator within the same party?

23050143? ago

Try harder. Forgetting to mention one thing that's in the dems version of the stimulus bill is an obvious red flag. Strike one. Sticking to all the CNN talking points and claiming you are "neutral" is another red flag. Strike 2. The "muh big corporations" talking point is an invented talking point to sell the dems reason for voting no to the uninformed. The big corporations get loans. The dems version wants someone in government on the board for 10 years of they take a loan. Dems version includes a laundry list of legislation they couldn't get passed at any time. 800 million for the endowment of the arts and humanities, wind farms, planned parenthood funding, and the likes.


As for voting for another senator. I always do. But the corruption and control in NY City area nullifies all of upstate New York because of the difference in population. Pull up a map of the 2016 presidential election in NY State by precinct, and by county. You'll notice it's 90% Red. Yet Killary won the state anyway.

There have been a number of attempts to make all of upstate NY a separate state. All have failed. This shit has been going on forever.

Anyway, nice try. Swing and a miss on all counts. Stay safe my friend.

23050394? ago

I feel that you think I see this as some sort of competition I'm trying to win. I'm really not - I'm just discussing politics. it is possible to be in the middle, especially if you are not from here, which I am not.

Perhaps consider that not everyone who doesn't 100% agree with you is your enemy. You and I most likely have more in common than we have to disagree on, but if we all see political discourse as something that can only ever be a battle ground, what hope is there for the future?

I hate how partisan politics is here - I think it's detrimental. But I think it comes from both sides, and I still maintain that politicians are all a shower of bastards.

You stay safe too, friend.

23050566? ago


23048677? ago

The real truth will be told at the ballot box!

23048645? ago

Why is there a thumbnail of an ugly halfniggerjewdyke on qrv?

23048820? ago

She's pulling other's of her ilk to the light, just think of the diversity we'll have.

23048842? ago

You like to say ilk don't you

23055967? ago

And other's. With a meaningless apostrophe thrown in.

23065906? ago

typos have meaning (kek!)

23048443? ago

Makes you wonder how they will feel once they find out the things we know about here..

23048401? ago

Pretty sure that is the same person that was the 'I'm a Democrat who attended a Trump rally' author.

23048320? ago

Did you dumbasses not learn your lesson in 2008? I don't want Trump giving away a TRILLION+ taxpayer dollars to corporations with little or no strings attached. Fuck this.

23049419? ago

Those are loans. Not giving big corporations a thing. Just loans to stay afloat. They employ a shit ton of people.

23048562? ago

I suspect that you are the dumbass.

23048308? ago

FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT: Fresh Air And Sunshine - Q Proofs/Decode 'o-o' <



23048301? ago

This is Wiley Coyote blowing himself up again,

While Trumprunner couldnt be bothered by the explosion and exits with a Meepmeep

23048261? ago

Goes to show how President Trump's Twitter account is being messed with. She has 33K likes to a tweet & his always stays around 16K. He has 70+ million followers. Glad to see her come over to the correct side.

23048064? ago

How many of those likes are people like us who came across this? You people who are saying ‘this is 40k new woke voters’ are simpletons. Not saying this isn’t a good thing. It is. Let’s hope many more who lurk see this too. But don’t think for a second all ~40k likes are leftists fucking cunts. And even less of them will stick to their guns because the left are hive mind who will vote Dem no matter what in 6 months. They’ll forget about this whole thing in a few weeks like every other thing.

23065892? ago

she has 40k followers, not likes

23048040? ago

Everyone being quaretined is now at home watching the t.v. watching all this and seeing the dems true colors. Biggest red pill ever!

23047958? ago

She just woke her nearly 40k followers up wow. I watched her ten minute video, and one point she made another anon made here earlier: no way they haven't been sitting on that 1,400 page whopper for awhile.

The Trump Campaign should have her do an ad kek. Nothing is more powerful than someone that's just fed up and willing to red pill everyone about it.

The comments are also telling. It's like our meme efforts are paying off big time!

23047877? ago

normies are celebrating 5 Senators in quarantine, therefore, DEMS IN CONTROL of SENATE. lawfags care to weigh in?

23048319? ago

By design. Let them show their asses!

23047743? ago

If it weren't for Q, I'd be a solid BernieBro. I still hang out with alot of the same people. There's alot of anger. Most small 'd' dems weren't happy with the impeachment BS, but more or less kept quiet. Pelosi's shenanigans will probably cost 150k-250k votes nationwide for Dems for every day of delay. Shit is unconscionable.

23053288? ago

I voted for Bernie. I saw the "dnc hack" as either a ploy to victimize HRC and get the pity vote or controlled opposition for Trump. I lived in NYC during that election and thought both HRC and Trump were always the pick to usher in the NWO. Trump has Pet Goat2 and Simpsons and SNL predicting it and I always assumed that was predictive programming. Either Trump was to be like Bush Jr and fail us looking stupid but planned and complicit, or he was going to blatantly tell everyone he's NWO and lead us in.

Either way it's clear they want US dead and I do see how if everything bis as Trump claims, it's likely only possible with military help. But I also see how everything could be a lie and Republicans die in the epidemic or the news claims they did just to justify a blue wave after a miserable 7 months under dying Republican control.

Time will tell who goes in the FEMA camps, Patriots or NWO

23047894? ago

Trump is further to the left than most people even realize, hes just not a corrupt loon thats the difference.

23048398? ago

I wondered if anyone else equated Trump bux with Obummer phones. While one is a gift (with strings) prize, the other is a necessity under the guise of national pandemic. However, both are paid with future labor and increased costs, but at least the half-nigger didn't close all businesses. If Trump doesn't pull a trump card soon, chimpouts will be on everyone's doorstep and the NG can only do so much to contain it.

23047845? ago

Who do your BernieBro friends plan to vote for? Do they think Bernie still has a chance?

23051232? ago

If Bernie would take a goddamn real swing at Biden, hell, yeah. Bernie won't take the gloves off or throw some fucking elbows. I saw a psyche profile of Bernie that said his desire to avoid conflict is almost pathological. I just chalked it up to the usual trash-talk or concern trolling or whatever. Now, though...

I can totally get behind the "Not me. Us." thing. It's the same as WWG1WGA! And I can understand Bernie not wanting to make his candidacy/campaign only about fighting the DNC bullshit. But when a bully keeps pushing you, not fighting back is letting the bully think they can bully other people, as well.

tl;dr - Bernie could easily still win the nom; but he won't throw a fucking elbow

it's to bad. I'd love to see a genuine debate between Bernie and DJT. Bernie doesn't have the same corrupt history as other Dems and Bernie can't be baited with personal attacks the way other candidates can. I think Bernie & DJT would actually debate shit. I'd love to see the jaws on all the people on the left drop when they realize DJT is significantly smarter than how he's been portrayed.

23048468? ago

A vote for Bernie is a vote not against Trump.

23047420? ago

https://tweetsave.com/drkarlynb/status/1242154704815239176 :

Dr. Karlyn Borysenko on Twitter: "I have never voted for someone who was not a democrat in my life. That streak will end in November.

I'm beyond angry about what they are doing. This is not about the well-being of workers. This is taking advantage of a crisis. It's unconscionable. I can't wait for them to lose.… /EnzApZpzQA"

This has been an automated message.

23047305? ago


23047294? ago

Her tweet with 31.5K likes right now says:

Dr. Karlyn Borysenko


I have never voted for someone who was not a democrat in my life. That streak will end in November.

I'm beyond angry about what they are doing. This is not about the well-being of workers. This is taking advantage of a crisis. It's unconscionable. I can't wait for them to lose.

The comments are mostly agreeing with her. This Doc is the tip of the redpilling iceberg. Just went to work today at a new location and two gay guys were talking about the Dems attempt at takeover. One of them brought up Brandon Straka and his #Walkaway movement. I just smiled and nodded. They're figuring it out. Once again, I think the Dems have overplayed their hands. They are in such insulated conversations that they don't seem to understand how tone deaf and foolish their attempt is. Here's Clyburn saying this is a "tremendous opportunity." https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2020/03/23/democrat-clyburn-on-coronavirus-bill-this-is-a-tremendous-opportunity-to-restructure-things-to-fit-our-vision/

23049431? ago

Reading Qs posts last night left me incredibly angry, thinking about the potential effects of this weaponized virus on our country. Thank you for your post, it gives me hope that people are 'figuring it out' and seeing this for what it is... or at least starting to ask questions.

"One of them brought up Brandon Straka and his #Walkaway movement."

Its like the information (truth) is already seeded in their minds they just need a triggering event to turn their lights on. Maybe this is it.

23048046? ago

And how many MILLIONS are seeing this and saying the same thing?

23047659? ago

This whole virus thing, people being at home bored with nothing to do but watch tv is destroying the dems. I have a good friend, she LOVED Odumbass and voted for him twice, hated Trump even before he ran for president. She told me the other day, that she has been watching the president's daily virus updates and she really thinks she had the man all wrong this entire time. She says the way he speaks comforts her nerves and she loves how he don't take shit from the people asking stupid questions. She's also super pissed about what Pelosi and Schumer did about the bill to help Americans out. She hates Biden and thinks he's senile, (he is) and she used to love Bernie, but she also doesn't want communism. I think we have a new Trump voter in her. She ALWAYS votes.

23056124? ago

YAY! Got goosebumps. This is what we need. This is Sun Tzu all the way. Use your enemies weapons against them. We are getting a Master Class in this

23049467? ago

Always encouraging to hear about someone waking up from the brainwashing. Funny how your friend changed her mind about Trump once she actually listened to him speak. No wonder MSM doesnt want to broadcast his daily CV briefings anymore!

23054626? ago

Exactly this! She never really watched TV at all before the shut in orders. She just went by what others told her about our President. Once she sat and really listened to him, she saw the light.

23048803? ago

It's like trying to lead a retarded horse to water.

23058016? ago

Don't talk about Maxine Waters like that.

23054291? ago
