23055875? ago

He's mental, someone had better secure that gun he bought the other day.

23054743? ago

So Q was a KID all along! Wow. Actually impressive.

23054413? ago

nice find, disappointing some folks are following this pied piper from hell

23049350? ago

No outside comms! If he wanted to prove he is on the Q team, he could post that on 8 Chan with Q password. Until then he is fake and gay.

23048628? ago

Steinbart mentioned this letter and attempt to sue his parents over a week ago. Bit slow on the uptake, aren't you?

23048785? ago

Yeah can't tell if OP is a just a brainless qtard or an actual paid fake MAGA shill.

23048353? ago

Glow faggots doing major damage control. You want to sell me a patriot flashlight you fuck?

23048350? ago

Do you actually believe this lawsuit will have any tangible affect, it'll be thrown out by any reasonable judge. I'm not saying Austin Steinbart is telling the truth 100%, but I can't stand Jordan Sather and some of the others in the community he's called out. Not to mention there's no tangible proof disproving anything he's said. I'm sitting on the fence for this one, but you my friend sound like a shill- does anyone really speak like that?

Especially when you consider that Mark White (the lawyer who's defending the Amen clinic, a place Austin claims to have hacked) was the one who filed this lawsuit. The only options are that he truly hacked the amen clinic and showed us Terry Bradshaw's records, or this is a very carefully crafted LARP and Mark White is just controlled opposition- either way this lawsuit against his parents (who he hasn't lived with for 10+ years) hurts your case...

23051511? ago

Wow. You are retarded and you openly admit it. Thanks for self-identifying.

23048246? ago

Never heard of him

23047835? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3723059 contains this ..https://www.gematrix.org/?word=fresh+air+and+sunshine&view_rude=on

Which contains this https://www.gematrix.org/?word=austin%20is%20the%20lord

23047326? ago

The guy was a troll. It was clear as day.

The fact that there were people(aka full blown retards) who genuinely believed that he was Q is the part that gets me worried.

23048294? ago

Most trolls comment on their own posts under different accounts to make themselves seem more credible or sow division. Age old trolling tactic.

23047103? ago

Fuckin Steinlarp

23046696? ago

Yep, AS'fart is definitely...."a Beautiful Mind"...

23046625? ago

would be the first 29y old "DIA Agent" with legal guardians.

23046943? ago

They haven't been his legal guardians, since he came of age. In order to be hired by the military at 17, you have to have your parents sign for everything. A member of my family went in at 17, and my parents signed all of his papers. Just an FYI, you should look up this stuff, so you don't look ridiculous.

23047489? ago

no one looks as ridiculous as Steinfart and faggots who defend him

23047891? ago

Oh, Ok.

23046600? ago

Austin is a soy boy attention seeker. Nothing more.

23046540? ago

Considering he already mentioned this in his videos (that they threatened his parents), I'm failing to see what this proves?

23046569? ago

But i thought he was an DIA Agent handling quantum computers and shit.

23046922? ago

Well, then you should report him, as the others did weeks ago, and see what happens. QRV doesn't have the power that you do.

Report back with sauce, will you?

23046583? ago

Silly Goose.

23046575? ago

Have you even watched his videos?

23046613? ago

Yes, a good bunch. But his rants on twitter showed me what nutjob he is.

23046953? ago

He responded when the paytriots attacked his wife and parents. That seems pretty normal.

23046981? ago

I'm unaware of that tbh.

But given he "comes from the future" and he is "Q", so why has he "Q'd" these, how you call them, "Paytriots"? As he "comes from the future" he should know that at some point they will attack his wife/parents.

Get the point?

That guy is a FRAUD!

23047217? ago

He doesn't come from the future. He never said he comes from the future.

He Q'ed them because they relayed relevant information. That doesn't make them our gatekeepers, nor give them the right to go after his family.

Fucking cowards that go after a man's wife, and parents.

Q mentioned how he feels about paytriots .. Steinbart knew. He didn't go after them, until they went after his wife, and parents.

Praying Medic had the opportunity to settle all of this when Steinbart invited him to use his office for a Q meet up. PM turned him down, because he didn't want to work with someone who wasn't at his own level. Praying Medic refuses to address this point. He could still settle it. Steinbart is right across town from PM.

April 5th (D5) will give us a clue if Steinbart is who he says he is.

Not one of us can say definitively who this man is. He has been reported to the DIA, FBI. DHS, and not one has arrested him for impersonating a federal officer (felony). When the FBI showed up at his house, he showed them his guns, drugs, and explosives. They watched a couple of his videos. FOIA request has already been filed for that report.

People are on it.

23047668? ago

He is not Q because he doesn’t post using Q’s tripcode on 8kun. Even back in 2018 he was posting as “Q Anonymous” without a tripcode, even though the real Q posted on the same day and did have the valid code.


23047889? ago

Yup, I've seen others post what they believe to be his posts. How does this prove he isn't Q?

23055233? ago

  1. No trip code. The alphanumeric code after the name of the person posting. Trip code is generated by password to verify the post is made by the real Q. Only Q has the password.


Q !2jsTvXXmXs 7 May 2018 - 9:36:41 PM

  1. Q never posts as “Q Anonymous”, just “Q” ever since they started using trip codes on 11/09/2017. Before that he was just Anonymous and no trip code.

Austin is NOT Q and never was. He is a LARP.

23055639? ago

I've been paying attn. You seem to be good with a post on a message board, as if you know what's going on behind the scenes. I'm looking for FACTS. April 5th isn't that far away. I'll be paying attn. then too.

23061275? ago

I’m only calling it as I see it, based on what Q has posted in the past and how his identity is verified through the trip codes. Trip code IS fact. Austin’s post in the previously attached screen cap doesn’t have one- Fact. It’s how the Chans work. I have yet to see Austin post anything using Q’s trip code which would authenticate his claims of being Q on 8Kun. Don’t take my word for it. Look at the Q posts yourself and see if what I’m saying is true or not. Don’t just sit there waiting for a “proof”. Austin isn’t the first one that tried to scam people by claiming to be Q.

Q also warned us about being careful who you follow. What you decide is ultimately up to you but at least be circumspect about it.

23061967? ago

I am circumspect about it. I've read all sides' opinions. The problem is FACTS. Everyone has an opinion, but not a lot of facts.

No one has addressed the gatekeepers, or the gatekeepers "talking points" chats behind the scenes. It's the gatekeepers that are slinging arrows, and going after his wife, and parents. Why don't we address that as well? If the movement has a nonviolent policy, why aren't people clamping down on that immediately? Why aren't people addressing the Praying Medic issue? He could have put this to rest TWO years ago. Steinbart lives across town from him. Offered PM his office for a Q meet up. PM declined, because he didn't want to work with someone at a lower level than he is. WTF? When did we set levels in the movement?? PM published one, and has four more Q books in the works. WTF? When did Q become a career? We need to start cleaning up this place like NOW. Everyone is skirting around this paytriot, and gatekeeper crap.

Which is why I'm waiting, until April 5th (D5) to make a decision on Steinbart. There's too many outside agendas at work here.

23063140? ago

D5=April 5 you say? It’s probably more like 4/10/20 which is Good Friday and also D/J/T. But who really knows. Serial Brain2 always was doubt mind-bending gymnastics to make things fit.

23063867? ago

Steinbart set the date of April 5th in re: to the sale of Greenland to the US. He threatened their Queen. So, if nothing happens … either we own Greenland, or their Queen is no longer with us .. one of those two things must occur on April 5th. We'll see. My mother always said, "The proof is in the pudding."

I'm patiently waiting for April 5th. Yep! My next date to watch will then be 4/10, but Steinbart didn't say anything about 4 10 20 that relates to a Q proof of what he's claiming. Actually, I watch most days, because I'm in lock down, and nothing else to do, but read, and watch, and saunter through an empty store.

23063996? ago

Trump saying he would buy Greenland was a joke. Trump was just pushing Democrat buttons to keep them off balance. Wow.

23064063? ago

Trump said he was joking? The White House didn't comment. Sauce it, that Trump said it was a joke. I missed that somehow. Thank you.

23047414? ago

IMHO, one of the best Q proofs I've seen over the weekend. For Austin.

23047906? ago

It's amazing that people will do research as to whether, or not, there are pedovores out there, but refuse to do research whether, or not this guy is Q. There's an agenda.

23052510? ago

Yep. They dismiss the claim completely because it doesn't fit their narrative. You're right that there seems to be an agenda. What's puzzling to me is the vitriol they spew against anyone that says, look at the evidence that he might not be full of shit.

Several of the QPharisees (I love that term, btw) are blocking people for even discussing the validity of his claims. "Expand your thinking" my ass. They called bullshit and keep doubling down on nothing more than their intuition.

The craziest thing is the lack of discussion. These idiots say "Nope, he's not Q" and refuse to examine any evidence. As if "No outside comms" was some unbreakable rule that was intended to be followed forever in perpetuity.

I still don't fully buy into BabyQ (hell, I'm still have doubts about Qs connection to the president), but we are too far along to dismiss anything out of hand. And that's what people are doing.

23052740? ago

I agree with everything you say here!!! I am really a hard sell. I don't board or jump a ship without good reason.

How many times have we seen the "D5" posted from Q??? I've always thought it was a date, and an avalanche. 4 10 20, again, date or POTUS. When April 5th arrives, and it's another day as usual, I'll move on, and never watch another Steinbart video.

It's interesting how Steinbart claims that Sather, Praying Medic, Lisa Mei Crowley, etc., have been doing exactly what MSM is doing with 4 am talking points, and they refuse to address it, isn't it? They're creating videos, as if nothing is happening behind the scenes. If Steinbart was just talking smack, wouldn't the proper place to discuss it be within one of their Q videos, since it's Q related, and they're not gatekeepers, and innocent of Steinbart's claims? Is Steinbart the only one up for scrutiny here?

23054999? ago

I've tried to have THIS discussion on twatter and 8kun and was shot the fuck down, called an idiot, and accused of being Steinbart. It is literally like saying "Trump's not evil" to my lefty friends and family.

It's really funny because I believe that Julian's Cum is some kind of disinfo op. I quit following him quite a while back, but I can't help but see retweets of his stuff. So the only reason I even looked at Steinbart was because a QPharisee on twitter was bashing him. kekyty-kekkek.

And just like you said, if April 5 rolls around and Greenland isn't a US possession, I'm out. If a Romanov type event happens by 4/20, I'm sold.

Some dipshit in this thread said that Greenland becoming a US possession by April 5 wouldn't be surprising to anyone. It's literally like talking to Trump haters.

23047523? ago

Stop talking to yourself, retard.

23052522? ago


23046455? ago

DIA Agent - laughing my ass off.