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23043652? ago

If this is true, it means that the virus is a real threat to America and that Trump is currently reacting to it; he's on the defensive.

If coronavirus is not a cover for whitehats that they planned, then arrests won't happen at this time.

If Q is saying that coronavirus was released by the deepstate, then I would assume it could be proven. If it can be proven, then why don't they just do that and end this shit?

23044010? ago

Maybe more important to make sure the cure is in mass production mode, then make it so these people “can’t walk down the street”

23044270? ago

It's been almost four years. If they released a bioweapon that has killed thousands across the planet in a matter of months and that can be proven fact, you wouldn't need anything else to arrest them. If Q can't prove it to be fact, then why are they saying it at all?

Not to mention all of the other shit Q has claimed they have proof of.

What has to happen for the responsible parties to be held accountable? I'm starting to believe Q is a psyop.

23044603? ago

What you are is a lying shill and useful idiot for satanic pedophiles.

23044662? ago

Far from it but no way to prove that. The problem with this community is that 90% of the critical thinkers from the chans didn't move here. So now when anyone doesn't blindly drink the koolaid, you get high IQ discussion courtesy of brainlets like yourself.

23045862? ago

FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT: Fresh Air And Sunshine - Q Proofs/Decode 'o-o' <
