23075899? ago

Adrenochrome Chemical ID Decoded = COVFEFE = QANON = DORIAN



23074309? ago

The more days pass with America shut down, the less I think Trump would want to sour the epic win he's building right now from pushing this country past the corona virus. I very much doubt that big arrests are incoming before the country goes back to work.

23073048? ago

Hey crumb catchers, the comfort has ported and its got pluses all over it. That is a Q time marker all day long, good chaps dont deny the obvious

23072297? ago

Ah One and ah two 3....4...… 5 matches light one at a time National Guard https://twitter.com/DanScavino/status/1242873613323325442

5 musicians/singer appear one at a time 5 again US ARMY https://twitter.com/USArmy/status/1242892341180084225

5:5 or more to come Any ideas ??? No coy winkee dinks with this one. IMHO

23072425? ago

Trip Code on 4 working ?

23068961? ago

MSM failed? Looks like they are still doing a bang up job controlling the narrative for more than half the USA.

23068567? ago


23068031? ago

Dirty tinsel townies, theres no figuring out, the ark has scraped an iceburg, satan never keeps promises its not who he is

23065366? ago

Does anyone even need more drops? It's all happening, only fake posters are protesting now. The hounds of hell are hoarse and dissapearing quickly, enjoy!

23063789? ago

Master key is the one that opens all doors- KNOWLEDGE - all this virus scruff came out RIGHT WHEN HRC'S emails- 675K of them were to be testified about BY that creature herself. WOW- what kinda something is THAT anyway- MUST BE THE WHOLE ENCHILADA on those things.

23063688? ago

'The Start' ??? DIdn't Q reference this w/the jfkjr plane crash for the Senate seat???

23063675? ago

YOU arent doing the heavy lifting , so STFU. SO WHAT we have SOME inconvenience for awhile= we'd be filling some FEMA camp right now if it wasn't for POTUS & Q Team. THIS PLAN is working like a well-oiled clock. TRY having some patience like OUR FOREBEARS DID! They only WISHED to see our day. And WHAT a Day it shall BE! WHINERS

23077383? ago

Amen brother!

23062852? ago

It took me a week or two to be able to comment and I just want to say that the Q discussion is fucking retarded. What happened to the GA peeps from the chans and reddit?

23057846? ago

Lol @ discussion. Not much to discuss. Where the fuck are the arrests?

23077413? ago

@dumbass pay attention.

23057070? ago

The one thing I can count on when checking in to whatever daily discussion is stickied is that there is no real information and I can continue on about my day watching the world burn.

23056945? ago

psy op fail

23055757? ago

Maybe we should ask SB2 to decode all of this useless info. I liked it better when r/GreatAwakening was around. QRV is shit.

23055710? ago

we are dying on the vine, we have maybe a week left until total economic armageddon. I cannot play super secret decoder ring anymore. Time for action is NOW or never because it won't matter.

23052064? ago

satan is the great deceiver ; got deceived? should of read the book first, its covered in details

23061350? ago

why give people a drug made for parasites? ....

23051643? ago

hows marie abromwitch doing? shes gotta be getting peppered with questions from her star studded fans

23050807? ago

VETO PELOSI BILL, keep her sidewalk shit style legislation off our main street. we can wait, tic toc

23049523? ago

Odd that I got a push alert for Harris’ tweet yesterday. Twitter never lets me know when his office says something.

23047570? ago


23047115? ago

Most if not all of us are frustrated and patience is wearing thin...no doubt. However, as difficult the waiting is for us, we are still safe and sound in our homes, behind our keyboards typing away. I believe we are in the midst of the greatest war that has ever been waged. I cannot remember a war wherein the primary victims were children and the death toll are millions upon millions of children each year! When I woke up to the NWO, the Cabal, or whatever else you want to call it, the year was 1995. I have been trying to wake people up ever since only to be ridiculed, sidelined, laughed at and scorned as a tin-foil hat wearing fool. I went along this way until the last election and to be very honest, I knew for a fact that Hitlery was going to be elected and it was lights out for America. I fully expected the NWO was in God's plan as judgement on our nation for all the death and destruction our government had caused for the last two centuries! I literally had no hope except that I knew when it all ended I would be with my Lord and that I had had a good run.

Well, I was wrong! I was wrong about God, I was wrong about His timing, His judgement...I was wrong about almost everything. I was so wrong because I had no idea how loving and patient our God really is. God has plans for this nation and Trump is just the beginning. The thing that we need to understand about war is that this is war, it's more spiritual than physical and it's much more complicated and dangerous because there's a whole hell'va lot more at stake than any other war in world history. Given this...patience is key. If we knew the timing and plan of everything, you can damn well be sure our enemies would know it as well! Correct? You cannot believe that we are the only one's following Q?! The Deep State is following Q more closely than any of us are I am sure of that! Disinformation is necessary...it's that plain and simple and no way around it. We may not like it, or believe it, but it's the only way to keep our enemies in the dark. The only way this war will be won is through deception of the enemy and if it takes misleading us as well, then that's what's going to happen.

We are only into this almost 4 years and we are seeing things that frankly I would never even dreamed of 10 years ago...5 years ago! We actually have hope...

God will not tell His enemies His timing or His plan. I could give you example after example of this truth from both the Old Testament and the New Testament. I love listening to all the so called "End Times" experts prognosticate about what's going to take place in the last days and they love to date set. One thing I have learned about God is as soon as you say things are going to happen such and such a way or at such and such a time...you know you'll be wrong. How many times have the Hal Lindseys of the world predicted the date of Jesus return. Will they never learn...not as long as there are impatient, immature people out there who are willing to listen to whatever teachings itch their ears.

God says His plans will happen when we least expect it and I have to believe it's going to be the same with The Plan because based on what I've seen, God's definitely in control of and execution of The Plan. It's God's Plan, not Trump's plan, just as it's God's children that are in the process of (hopefully) being saved not Trump's children.

I know it's so difficult to remain patient and cull the frustration when we have waited so long and there's so much at stake for all of us. But please remember that God does win and this is all happening on His timing not Q's and not ours. Part of being mature, adult Patriots is thinking rational at all times and keeping the faith no matter what we see or feel.

23047186? ago

"However, as difficult the waiting is for us, we are still safe and sound in our homes," I didn't even get past that part, because most of us are definitely NOT "safe and sound". You think everyone losing their job is safe and sound? I fucking hate when someone gets on here and tries to paint a pretty picture about a crashing economy, millions unemployed and tens of millions of starving children. Good you got the time and situation that allows you to come here with your cup of coffee and snacks. For millions of patriots, unemployment is literally worse than the virus. At least most people are asymptomatic and even the ones who do get it 80% survive it. Those are way better odds than 100% unemployed and broke.

23050378? ago

So far idiot I haven’t heard of one person dying of starvation because of this virus and economic situation! Have you putz! You obviously have no understanding of history or you would be more thankful and less petrified. What kind of man are you! I use the word “man” loosely in your case for obvious reasons! I’ve been down and destitute many times in my life and it’s caused me to realize how to be thankful amidst trials. I was comparing our situation to any other war wherein civilians are blown to bits from carpet bombing and those left alive will literal spend days looking for pieces of their family members! You should have read the whole thing before you go popping off in ignorance. Makes you look stupid really...

23052529? ago

Awww did I hurt your feelings with truth and logic? Sounds like you forgot there are other people in this world besides you who don't have savings or mommy's basement to hide in. You think nobody dies of starvation unless you hear about it. Genius logic. I'm sure everyone who just lost their already under-paid job will make sure to check in with you before dying.

23054400? ago

Didn't hurt my feelings at all. Who are you anyway? Just some cry baby who want's people think the end of the world is here without offering any support or hope! You have no logic, but I guess common sense isn't so common anymore. Try to find some peace and say something worthwhile to help your fellow man get through this instead of criticizing someone you know nothing about and without even reading the entirety of what was written. Real smart dumb ass!

23063990? ago

He's not worth arguing with. God bless.

23055288? ago

"say something worthwhile" LOL like what; we're all safe and sound in our homes? That's real helpful to the millions of Americans who just lost their jobs this week. Oh but not to worry, everyone has three months of savings and their 401ks to fall back on. LOL just stop digging yourself deeper.

23046804? ago


23046595? ago

Australia here: Coronavirus has destroyed our country. Most people don't realize it yet, but our economy is already dead.

I can't say that I'm a fan of Q's plan or Trump's America First policy.

Think of us and all the other white nations that were used as cannon fodder as part of Q's plan.

Next time Q has a plan involving crippling western civilization, count us out because we have families to care for too.

23056975? ago

Q was never about Australia so go fuck a drop bear you kike.

23058975? ago

That guy is a shill. I'm from Australia and its fine here.

All this will pass. People will stop going crazy panic when a 'vaccine' is created, which it will and it will be the next biggest boom ever.

23061376? ago

vaxx scene dont cure virus's Prove me wrong silly fool.

next why a malaria drug? malaria is for parasites

23047263? ago

if someone is behind the virus it is deep state. NOT Trump.

23061394? ago

my best friend told me DOE Obummer years.

23046085? ago

I see a lot of people losing their trust in Q on this thread. In these uncertain times it's easy to do exactly that - just don't forget how far we've come already. It's easy for those who have been red pilled to want to jump to action immediately and defend our country(can't blame em)

However, I think it's critical for things to play out more gradually so we end up with a greater majority on Q's side that understands the depth and severity of the situation. If POTUS were to say tomorrow that COVID-19 was a deep state attack and that he was taking military action to stop the deep state in it's tracks, the left would likely think he's gone 100% bonkers and is abusing his power. This is war for sure, and I for one am going to trust that POTUS and our generals know more about war and the current situation than I do, and that they are taking the necessary steps and precautions to end this definitively and as safely as possible.

My focus is on sharing information and redpilling family, friends, and neighbors. It's easier now than ever because of what's been happening in the world. We can't lose faith now more than ever before. Remember, divided we fall and as one we conquer.

These are just my thoughts.



23045515? ago

The more Q posts, the less I know.

Not complaining, not criticising, just admitting that I don’t know WTF is happening.

Here’s me thinking I’m in the soup and part of all this, but with much frustration, pain and embarrassment I must acknowledge that the only role I can play in this war is to step aside and STFU.

Now that hurts.

Whether we win or we lose, I will always have that regret, I will always feel that shame.

23045352? ago

FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT: Fresh Air And Sunshine - Q Proofs/Decode 'o-o' <


23044826? ago

Deep state in control.

I feel played with every day that passes.

23045498? ago

Of course you do, Mr Concern Troll

23045926? ago

Why is concern a bad thing?

23056993? ago

Because most Qmmers don't see that they are the NPC's they are so against.

23044599? ago

Hey Q, if the Patriots are in control, do you think you guys could do something about this "pandemic" before we all lose our jobs? Thanks.

23045623? ago

You do realize they will hire you back once this goes away I hope.

23061544? ago

And you know companies will just hire the same people back how? And when will this all end? Please, enlighten us all. Hopefully it's before my family loses our home.

23063800? ago

Wow, you're right fren! I love that there's always so many facets to what VSG GEOTUS President Trump does!

This is an excellent way to get rid of the dead wood! Like in the movie Office Space, they'll get Bob and Bob the consultants to interview everyone for their old jobs!

I love it when a plan comes together. God bless.

23047146? ago

Yeah, they need to tell their children to just stop being hungry until this is all over. Stupid little children always crying about being hungry.

23047647? ago

FFS, do people have ZERO savings for times like this? It's actually pretty hard to feel sorry for people at THIS point....if it drags on for 3+ months, different story...

23057014? ago

Obama era wiped out most of my prime working years savings. What should I do? Nobody wants to pay an honest wage for an honest day's work anymore either. This will be my second year not able to afford healthcare insurance that won't break me when I need to use it.

23058910? ago

Go buy cartons of noodles. You can live on noodles and boiled water for ages.

In the meantime, go and invest 10% of your time into learning and improving yourself. Also do a side hustle and start getting passive income.

GO read some books. Why we want you to be rich by Robert and Trump.

23061326? ago

diff anon here you do realize those noodles are full of arsenic? perhaps not, you dont appear to grasp higher concepts or any other concept but your own.

23049123? ago

FFS you do realize that 99% of the entire world population lives in poverty just making it day to day right? Even in the U.S. millions of people just barely making it to the next day. NO most people don't have any savings for times like this.

23044586? ago

WAIT....Q & Team has NOT been using this LOCK DOWN time to round up the DS cabal while they have all this great "cover" with the Virus? WTH. They could have used this lock down, etc. to work the plan through in many cases. I feel played.

23045408? ago

You struggle with perspective...it's still early in the blackout game.

23057024? ago

Game is over. Just re-elect Trump like the psy op tells you to.

23044455? ago

the 'start' opens many doors. One BULL DURHAM https://qmap.pub/read/3800 Some would say ALL doors. Gates/doors open, flood waters incoming. Catch a wave if you dare. Never been a better time to be alive. Surf's UP; ENJOY

PS Mother Nature beckons your presence.

23044250? ago

I never post on this verse because I felt I was no Autist or Baker. It always seemed a chore with my busy life. I work hard, but things have slowed since this stuff. I see people are losing hope. Please don't. The patience needed is not our timeline. The curious thing is that I know it's emminent. I cannot tell you when, but I can guide you to a pill where someone you have no trust in has laid it down. The EBS is real and will be your trigger to watch tv and LISTEN. Yes. I know your hesitation, but the War Powers Act give power and he will address us soon. He will drop pills on history and there will be no one who will be able to dispute the healing truths he will drop. THEY WONT BE ANLE TO WALK DOWN THE STREET!

Stay the Course! TRUST THE PLAN! Stay Positive!

23072994? ago

I think you're giving people false hope. IMO this is a deepstate setup to make us think the storm has arrived. This will blow over, nothing else noteworthy will happen, and the shills now have a whole new set of ammo to claim nothing is happening.

I've been saying for awhile Trump isn't even the man who will drop the hammer. We have at least 4 more years of this madness.

23073430? ago

Here's why I have some positivity...

James Stockdale was an 8 year POW in Vietnam. His story creates the Stockdale Paradox.

The inherent contradictory dichotomy in the paradox holds a great lesson for how to achieve success and overcome difficult obstacles. It also flies right in the face of unbridled optimists and those positivity peddlers whose advice pervades nearly every self-help book or guru spiel out there.

In a discussion with Collins for his book, Stockdale speaks about how the optimists fared in camp. The dialogue goes:

"Who didn't make it out?"

"Oh, that's easy," he said. "The optimists."

"The optimists? I don't understand," I said, now completely confused, given what he'd said a hundred meters earlier.

"The optimists. Oh, they were the ones who said, 'We're going to be out by

Christmas.' And Christmas would come, and Christmas would go.

Then they'd say,'We're going to be out by Easter.' And Easter would come, and Easter would go. And then Thanksgiving, and then it would be Christmas again. And they died of a broken heart."


Q and POTUS is a part of reality. Just like trannys, jews and taxes.

Optimistic expectations set you up for a let down. Remaining positive in adversity causes peace and calm. I would not want to stay angered, frustrated, and wallow in defeat, so I'm positive it will all work out. We are watching a movie. A really long one as well.

23045435? ago


23043827? ago

Q post 528




Also the multiple "We have it ALL." drops.

It surely doesn't look like it now, does it?

Right now this can go both ways and it's not like we have any control... "Giving power back to the people"

23063766? ago

Prayer. That is (one of) The People's power. A lot more of that going on these days, at least in this body.

23045621? ago

You may be awake and ready for what has to happen next, but most need this build-up and the media blackout to shake them from their long sleep.

23057042? ago

Media blackout? It's been 4 years of non-stop anti-Trump / anti-America rhetoric from the MSM.

23043740? ago

We’re here with you Q team! Where we go 1 we go all! Nothing can stop what is coming! Nothing! The best is yet to come!

23045446? ago


23043678? ago

If Q sees and hears all, like he keeps claiming, why wasn't he prepared for this cornoavirus bioweapon attack?

23045522? ago



you don't even Q...

23046137? ago

Yeah, what a dumbass. You think any nor is can link Fox News and conservative news blogs? Obv this is a high level team of insiders

23043618? ago

hey if y'all want to do something about this "big threat" we got going on you gotta give me my wish list! classic Nancy!

23043536? ago

[China pref Biden[+VP] as P?]

Kill boxes. Notice the one around +VP? I bet Q, Q+ and team know who the DNC is putting in there as Biden's running mate. The one who would end up being President, on the slim chance that he won.

23043482? ago

Hmmm...The 'Start'...

I wonder if that's a reference to Microsoft Windows and the "Start" button. In other words...Bill Gates?

23063750? ago

I loved his appearance in the South Park movie. :)

23043374? ago

If we "have it all", this sure seems like a good time to start using it.

23043343? ago

These people are sick!

sick with the Cov(id)-FEFE (high levels of iron + fe_____ found in adrenochrome)


Deep state bio weapon intercepted, a weaker version was released, or hyped up, while adrenochrome was tainted. Elites can't tell if this was their plan or not (in one of Ellen's cryptic tweets, she calls someone and says coronavirus is not your friend). Ellen is arrested and gets access to twitter to pretend like things are normal. She's calling other elite friends to see what they're doing (about it). For example, today she calls Michelle Obama, and s/he reports that her kids are in their respective rooms (read: also arrested). Ellen says her condolences.

23043300? ago

Epic elections stuffing incoming. NO ID requirements for absentee ballots. If that passes they can mail in millions of false ballots freely and there will no means to stop them. Every election will be 100% rigged.

It will pass because "the virus" and the need to give money to the people. Their plan to knock out 5 GOP senators with the virus worked perfectly. Now Pelosi has her written in secret bill on the table stuffed with every bad law she ever wanted, and an apologetic crisis to force it through.

Enjoy your Soviet States of America. Enjoy sucking jew cocks you fucking faggots...see you all in hell.

23045936? ago

Goddamn I'm terrified that you may be right

23044608? ago

Has it passed? No....it hasn't.

If it does, I'm right there with you but not yet...

23043157? ago


23044480? ago

Open your eyes

23052592? ago

Haven't seen many

23043125? ago

Geezus, no more super secret decoder ring, we are two weeks away from a crumbling nation economically, leading to far more deaths than wuhan virus, time is NOW to open the economy after the 15 days a week away

Keep playing your trust the plan titanic violins if u choose.

23043124? ago

I am beginning to despise Q. Why is a Pandemic that ended our economy and many jobs necessary for "the plan" to take out some crusty old treasonous demonic/pedo jews? Why would Trump go along with it instead of PUBLICLY TELLING PEOPLE, THIS SHIT IS A DEEP STATE BIOWEAPON ATTACK AND HE MUST TAKE IMMEDIATE MILITARY ACTION TO TAKE THEM OUT, ALONG WITH THEIR ACTORS IN THE MEDIA. Leftists might cry about it, but I guarantee half the country would be relieved and with no Fake News polluting discourse anymore, many would eventually take our side.

And why is Trump surrounded by Event 201 people that plotted this? Why doesn't Q bring up BILL GATES / EVENT 201 / FAUCI / BIRX / CDC ?

The answer of course is that Trump is in bed with them, like always, and the same reason for all the other inaction.

23045567? ago

The crusty demonratic jews are only a teeny tiny part of all this... thats why. Dude, theres aliens and a time machine and likely things like Electrogravitics being used off-word in a secret space program and there are massive underground tunnel systems and bases. It bigger than a jew.

23047922? ago

None of that is true. Space is fake and I can't believe you retards don't realize that yet. Nasa was founded by Crowley Satanists, the modern alien image (the gray) was created by Crowley too. No one except Illuminists work at the high levels of Nasa. Not one single picture of the ball earth ever photographed, pretty amazing considering the tens of thousands of satellites they claim orbit our "planet"

The aliens that will inevitably appear are demonic vessels created by slush funds and technology given to us by fallen angels.

23045467? ago

The economy hasn't "ended"....enough with this apocalyptic bullshit. The economy has never had a stronger base and will quickly recover.

23043575? ago

Or maybe we're all going to die some other way and we are being isolated with our family for the last days.

23043236? ago

You clearly don't understand the concept of a "dead man switch" do you?

23045184? ago

intrigued.....what does this have to do with it?

23055423? ago

Imagine Patriots went out an Arrested Soros.

GS has connected to him over 120,000 "charities." Even more so, Youtube, facebook, Reddit, NYT, WaPo, and more all have people who formerly worked for "media matters." One of his larger organizations. Remember this "little" activism group called....Black Lives Matters? GS "donated" $400,000 to them and sent them people to help them organize. That was a side project for him, look how big that blew up.

So GS gets arrested, his "charities" start inciting riots in every city, non stop until GS is released. At that is assuming he doesn't have any loyalists in even more critical areas...like maybe nuclear power, or even the nuclear weapons command.

There is a reason Patriots haven't just arrested him. There is a reason he is able t make enemies of every western government and bend them to his will and still survive. Actually getting him is easy, his security forces don't stand a chance against government commandos. But he doesn't need that, he has his dead man switches.

23061356? ago

thank Q

23042960? ago

I just lost my job because of the coronavirus.

I don't feel like Q's riddles.

If Q know something, then share it. It's no time to fuck around with us.

23063883? ago

Right! So everything is riding on Durham now?

What about "trust Sessions"??

What about "trust Horowitz"?

What about "Huber is coming"?

I don't see any of these people doing JACK SHIT. This is all bullshit.

23064101? ago

God bless AG Sessions for orchistrating the largest FBI house cleaning in US history. And when his task was finished, he left with a smile.

Horowitz did what he could based on not being able to investigate any FBI claim. He wasn't allowed to do anything but interview FBI agents. If they said something about foreign actors or CIA agents, Horowitz wasn't allowed to follow-up.

Huber couldn't arrest anyone either.

Durham is the one with the power to make indictments.

I don't see any of these people doing JACK SHIT.

That's probably because you're too stupid to understand that lawyers can't arrest people.

23055700? ago

yep, we are dying on the vine. I have a call with customer CEO who owes me 1.2 million and they have bad news. my business could be toast overnight. POOOOF. 120 employees. POOOOOF.

23054076? ago

If it was a hoax, why was it never mentioned before? Why did Q let them release the virus if they knew? Why not warn people?

23047034? ago

I'm sorry. I can't work either. I'll lose a thousand dollars a week because of this. It's a lot, to me. Maybe not to people who make "real" money, or who have corporate jobs.

But hear me out. My faith is in the Lord. When I doubt, I remember how hard the elite/hollywood "cabal" fights AGAINST my Lord, and how much they hate his Name.

Be strong. Stay here, stay with us. Read Psalm 91 - I promise you, the Lord is with you and you will not suffer.

23045836? ago

You're gonna have to get your Big Boy pants on. The Deep State has trained you with Pavlovian perfection to need your immediate satisfaction and pacification for any/all uncomfortable feelings. I understand the frustration, we all do. But people are dying to protect us. Q doesn't talk about it much but people are risking their lives so you can have a job again one day. FAITH, PATIENCE AND LOYALTY are what Q needs from us. Not much to ask considering they are saving the world.

23064870? ago

Very well stated!!! #TrustThePlan Think about this guys as well, if we aren't gathering anywhere that has a planned event like outside concerts or bars....or even running the streets of Boston for a Marathon-there can't be any pre-planned #FF think about it, what States are on #LockDown the ones that house the most #DeepState Cabal cronies? New York the #Epicenter. Also, look at how the Dems are stonewalling the bill that could help people feel like they are being heard & getting their needs met; by adding in DACA laws, the new green energy BS & racial profiling at Corp that receive financial assistance...that has nothing to do with the Chinese virus. They had an opportunity to practice what they preach; FREE stuff for everyone. Yet they stonewall it to get things covered that have nothing to do with being "free" or the virus. POTUS is letting this play out so that those that are not awake may get WOKE seeing their favorite leaders holding out to give stuff to Illegals then their own constituents the American people?? A lot of us are hurting at the moment I am fortunate to be able to work from home. But in 6 mos I lose my job because it is being outsourced to India. I will be in the same boat in 6 mos, when the majority of you will be back to living large or finally feeling like you are getting settled. Please trust the plan, just because you can't see, doesn't mean nothing is happening. Expand your thinking. Everyone is praying for all of us. Sending love & light to all- Breathe & believe that Spirit has us right were we need to be.

23058961? ago

amen anon

23045742? ago

Forget your stupid job. Don't you understand what this all means? Q's been saying it since day 1. You're watching the destruction of the old guard. The new world is going to be so different, we will no longer be slaving away for 40 plus hours a week. That's behind us soon. It'll be a brave new world.

23055953? ago

The post where he mentioned the "brave new world" was quite scaring to me. It immediately reminded me of Aldous Huxley's dystopian novel called Brave new world. And Q must have known the double meaning.

23051649? ago

I'm excited for the New FREE World that will come as soon as this is all over. I hate every minute of this war, but I have complete faith that we WILL persevere and come out of this stronger than ever before. I'm praying and turning my fear over to God, because he/it has NEVER let me down. Ever.

23045874? ago

Q never said anything about us not working anymore moron

23047453? ago

This must be your first crisis. See y'all pick on us Boomers, but we've been around this block a few times. This is the fastest I've ever seen a govt get their arms around it. It's the best response and the most strategic response in decades filled with wars and rumors of wars and economic crashes and all that has gone on -- most of it done by the deep state. Think all the way back to the manufactured 1929 Depression, the 1987 stock market crash, 9/11, the SARS virus, the ebola crisis, the 2008 Real Estate crash, not to mention tons of serious hurricanes and tornadoes.

Geez, are all y'all 20 years old? We've been through shit before. Most of the time we felt like the government said, "You're on your own." Or we languished around for months and months and years trying to figure it out. Compare this to the response of Obhozo to the Swine flu. Dude didn't even ACT until a million had died and 6 months had passed.

Yeah - there are some serious immediate concerns. But sometimes when you respond with severe restrictions like this, you can contain something that would be far worse. I liken it to doing a control burn in a vulnerable forest. This burn line hurts. People have lost jobs or are temporarily laid off. BUT -and this is a big one - if Trump had done what Obhozo did and waited for 6 months, you might not only be permanently out of a job, you might be dead. Millions would have died.

You wanna know what's really going on? Listen to all the ex-Obama officials who are making dire predictions. They already had talking points in place for this. And Trump said, "Nah. We'll get through this strategically." We even have a potential cure! That's something the Demoncraps didn't expect. They had all these things in the Bill because they want to push as hard as they can to get what they want. They know if he's President 4 more years, they are all fucked. This is what dangerous and wounded enemies do. It's all out war.

I'll take what POTUS is dishing out ahead of all those evil bastards

23068641? ago

You are straight up fucking retarded, boomer.

2009 H1N1 didn’t kill “a million people”. There were 95,000 cases globally that killed 429. 170 in the US.

The R-naught of H1N1 was 1.5... for COVID-19, it’s looking more like 4.

The CFR for H1N1 was 0.05%... for COVID-19 it’s 2.3%

You can’t even compare these two pathogens. They are not in the same league, despite what your ODS makes you “want” to believe.

Now go dig up your mother and fuck her.

23047629? ago

well said

23045918? ago

Why do you think we work you idiot? Who does it benefit at the end of the day? We're in a system of usury.

Shit, you have a lot to learn. Instead of insulting, why don't you ask me what I know?

23053704? ago

Usury, nigger please, go peddle that shit in the Islamic world. We have a system that is constantly creating wealth for innovators who are able to find funding from capitalists who expect a special ROI. Do I think there should be debt jubilees? Yes. If you pay on a house for 50 years, you own it. Should money be created debt-free by the Treasury Dept. and not the Fed? Absolutely. But get out of here with that life was better in the Middle Ages crap because no one charged interest.

23046163? ago

You want me to axe you a question?

23045136? ago

I lost mine too. I'm hoping and praying this is all over soon, and I find a better job.

23058830? ago

You will Patriot.

Go and learn something. Always invest 10% into learning and improving yourself. Always have a side hustle. Aim for passive income.

23045256? ago

Sadly, this is world-wide and many countries will be devastated by this for a generation.

This is the point where President Trump now owes us everything because we are dying for his cause.

23047636? ago

"many countries will be devastated by this for a generation"

It's been less than a month, Francis.....stop panicking!!

23051512? ago

Literally Karen.

23045420? ago

'his cause'?

what a f'ing loser.

23045887? ago

Right? It’s the only cause we have left

23043290? ago

Yeah, now that he was woken us up and all the shit is going down the Q team really needs to take into account that a lot of people who are awake and pissed off aren’t gonna wait around for Q and their team to finish up the fucking plan. I’m not gonna go out and shoot anybody or start anything unless we find ourselves in another revolutionary war and I need to defend myself, but I’d be surprised if others didn’t want to wait on “the plan”.

We are not enjoying the show.

23065752? ago

Sorry, this doesn't work on your timeline.

You realize we're at war, right?

Get your head out of your ass, anon.

23044700? ago

I've also been sick with fever, headache and painful, swollen glands. I've found that if I take 2 aspirin and take a short nap, I'm fine when I wake up. It's the weirdest thing because it only happens every 2 or 3 days and I'm fine the days in between.

23047942? ago

Thank you! I am unfortunately can’t take aspirin because of digestive issues I have… I’ve been taking a lot of turmeric, fish oil, cod liver oil, liquid C, D, B’s, ACV, baking soda in water, spraying colldiol silver spray to the back of the mouth and gargling with cayenne. Fever broke, feeling a little better... but glands still hurt, lungs shaky. will continue all of this for the foreseeable future.

23051667? ago

I'm glad you're feeling better. I had the symptoms again last night just as I was getting ready to go to bed. I don't know what the hell is going on. Not only were my glands aching like hell, my whole bottom jaw was in pain. Also had the headache and fever again.

I'm in my 60s and don't own a car, so I haven't been out of the house since December and haven't had anyone come over to my house during this time. Not sure how I would have caught something.

Take care and be well.

23072629? ago

I often wonder what they are spraying on us...

23078736? ago

The non-lethal form of the virus, that immunizes you against the lethal form

23053637? ago

You need to get out of the house. It’s not healthy to be inside for 3 months.

23059298? ago

Sorry, I should have said I haven't been anywhere since December. I do walk around my yard on nice days and I go out on my porch a couple of times a day and have a cup of coffee and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air.

I only get to go somewhere about twice a year. I have a brother, but he is also a senior. He lives 4 hours away and has a lot of health problems. He drives down about twice a year and takes me out to a couple of stores or wherever I need to go.

23060227? ago

Good on you, friend. I hope you feel better. I hope you find the community you need here and elsewhere. Wish I had some health advice, but I tend to just go with cannabis and colloidal silver. And try to stay right with God.

23044500? ago

Very well stated my friend..God Bless.

23047956? ago

Thanks, man.

23043560? ago

At this point, we deserve more than riddles because POTUS and Q postponed either a civil war or a military coup... and for what? The closest thing to justice we've seen is the deep state assassinate Epstein.

23047363? ago

Currently there are many bad actors tasked to spread the virus in various places.

Social distancing is very important. Apart from slowing down the spread it makes it easier to identify these actors among the public.

23044569? ago

Thanks for sharing your CONCERN, Troll...

23045000? ago

Everything he said is true, though.

How many more bio-weapons do you think the Jews have?

I guess we'll know sooner rather than later... while Q is bragging while doing his "trust the plan" poll-dance.

23048169? ago

Why do you think Jews released this as a bio weapon?

Do you just blame all bad things on Jews or what? I’m gonna guess yes lol

23048184? ago

Because the coronavirus was released exactly when it could have the most damage on our economy before the electron.

Because this election is between nationalists and (((globalists))).

Also because the top 5 most powerful Democrats as Jews and they are funded by Jews and conspiring together with our Jew owned mainstream media and our Jew owned Hollywood and our Jew owned central bank.

This is a fight for the survival of America against the Jews.

Thanks for asking - you may now make personal attacks because you have no rational and informed rebuttal.

23058229? ago

Given that worldview, where do the ChiComs fit in? I can't imagine they are puppets.

23060209? ago

China also wants to destroy Trump because he's not letting the Chinese rape our economy.

China has never been our friends, but they are happy to play their part to help anyone get rid of President Trump.

23060451? ago

Enemy of my enemy type thing?

23060833? ago

I'm not sure if the Jews were working directly with China to plan the release of the coronavirus bioweapon, but (((they))) are doing everything (((they))) can to maximize the damage it's causing to America.

It's possible hitting us with a bioweapon was China's response to trade negotiations... but the kikes never miss a chance to stab us in the back... to attack us from without and from within.

23060945? ago

I'm still holding out hope on Barr.

23061048? ago

I suspect we'll know once the Durham indictments start being made public.

It may also be the moment when we definitively know if President Trump has the will and the ability to save America.

We were not prepared for this coronavirus biological attack, which likely means Q and Trump have no idea what our enemies are doing and are impotent to stop them.

I wonder how many more viruses China has waiting for us?

23061529? ago

Preppers are always mocked, going back to Noah.

What about the theory that this is part of the plan. The virus is nothing more than a bad flu, and Trump tricked them into getting everyone into lockdown and perhaps even martial law. Now the field is set for the take downs.

How about that scenario?

23062202? ago

The virus is nothing more than a bad flu

That seems likely, however it's being used by our Jew owned MSM and the globalist WHO to create global hysteria.

This hysteria, justified or otherwise, as raped the entire world, including every white nation. Australia's economy is totally fucked. Millions of Australians will lose their jobs and lose everything because of this.

I won't be impressed if this is part of POTUS' plan because most white nations will be royally fucked by this. Companies and families destroyed and living on the streets.

President Trump sounds proud of how prepared he was, with the world's greatest number of respirators and the world's strongest economy... but I couldn't help but think of every other white country that just got fucked by China's biochemical response to Trump's trade negotiations.

If Trump played a willing role in any of this then he's no better than a Jew.

23062240? ago

Unless a global debt reset is in the cards.

23062300? ago

That is no solution and it wouldn't change the fact the Jews own 192 of 195 of the world's banks. A reset accomplishes nothing because those usury central banks are ALL debt traps, designed so no nation can ever dig their way out.

We need to end our own central bank and show we can survive the Jew World Order attacks that will follow, likely MOAR assassination attempts against President Trump. If (((they))) can't nuke us directly, you can bet we'll see the first false flag nuclear attacks against our allies, in an attempt to continue to destroy our economy with forever-wars.

We need to be seen to survive removing our Jew central bank face hugger. That would make our economy unstoppable and then we can slowly start to help our allies remove their (((parasites))) too.

23064907? ago

Ending the central bank system is implied in the global debt reset.

23063238? ago

"It's in 148 countries now" -- VSG GEOTUS President Trump

Less than 50 to go! :)

23058934? ago

sabbatea tzvi. sabbateanism. frankism. the modern luciferianism. all began by false messsiah tzvi and his inversion of judaic cabbala. He preached all good was evil, all evil was virtue. The bloodlines come from tzvi yet the satan worship goes beyond race

23059039? ago

OK, thats's interesting stuff (and I really do need to go further down that rabbit hole than I've gone so far), but did it answer my question about ChiComs?

I was a bit slow to believe the satanic part of this story, but am open-minded on the subject now. Share a link if you'd like to shorten my homework on Tzvi. I've seen the name, know it's Hebrew, but that's about all I can recall.

23045805? ago

Who cares about our little slavery jobs. Those are going to be done soon enough. Enjoy the break and watch the show that's unfolding. I know it's hard in this day with the instant gratification Facebook world.

23044172? ago

Feel better now?

23044350? ago

I see no reason not be honest that Q has no fucking clue and is absolutely impotent to do anything about the Jew World Order's plans.

23078723? ago

I think the Q ppl know the playbook and have the best responses possible, but no they cant force the other side to just abdicate the field.

23078753? ago

The best responses possible?

The closest thing to justice we've seen, during the entire Trump presidency, was the time the deep state assassinated Epstein.

23043456? ago

Well that’s at least one thing to live for! Lol

23042905? ago

Per Q post 3897:

Having formerly been left of left I recall the credo from then and it still stands now: by any means necessary. And that means ANYTHING, and AT ANY COST to your target. Just sayin'. We still have not seen the half of it. Skullduggery.

23042864? ago

Maybe Trump substituted Quinine for Fluoride. Watch the water? Only half kidding.

23042693? ago

Why was it critically important impeachment be rushed in the House?

Why was it? Anyone? Been wondering this. Seems like it would’ve been more effective closer to election.

23058180? ago

My take is that they were hoping the fake impeachment, Plan D, would work, had already committed to it, but when they realized it was going to be fruitless, they had to rush it to prime for Plan E, the Wuhan Flu.

Go back and re-read Shifty's diatribes. He continually hit on the "existential threat" nonsense, priming the pump.

23059830? ago

Tks Anon. Makes sense.

23043055? ago

Distraction from people starting to fall ill from this bio-weapon..

23044486? ago

But they rolled out the bioweapon anyway. Why not just roll it out in December?

23042636? ago

So is Q posting that epoch times article basically stating that millions died in China?

23042622? ago

Agree with ARRESTSORGTFOanon. What is going on?

Is the virus fake or not?

23042898? ago

Not fake, but contrived.

23044272? ago

And exploited.

23042614? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=aeVrMniBjSc :

Vice President Mike Pence's Remarks on the Administration's Policy Towards China - YouTube

https://archive.ph/E4UUg :

Tom Fitton on Twitter: "WARNING: Leftists using pretext of #CoronavirusOutbreak to push unsecure, "vote by mail" free for all, no voter id anywhere for 2020 elections. #HowtoStealAnElection… t.co/YG8CPlHj3Q"

https://archive.ph/voeJF :

Tom Cotton on Twitter: "Families and businesses need help now to survive the China virus pandemic. But @SpeakerPelosi walked away from negotiations to write her own bill, full of absurd provisions completely unrelated to the crisis at hand. Here’s what Speaker Pelosi is demanding while Americans suffer:"

This has been an automated message.

23042586? ago

Thanks Jim, you fucking pedo.

23042583? ago

[super T] - Tranny Mike?

23042609? ago

Super Tuesday.

23043073? ago

Ah... I like Big Tranny Mike better

23044115? ago

Lol, I bet you do!

23042580? ago


23042576? ago

The best place to discuss this is over in v/Niggers.

23042559? ago

This all means jack shit right now. Do something or shut the fuck up.

23044495? ago

Lead the way princess

23051972? ago

Already am. Where you at, pussy?

23052319? ago

You talk'n to me

23045616? ago

I Kek'd...

23042552? ago

Is this the opportune time to use the 'ammunition' of declas? Destruction of the democrat party; destruction of those who are desperate to destroy all of us.

23042542? ago

I doubt there is 100,000 of the 60-odd million who voted for Trump in 2016 that haven’t put this together already.

23042537? ago

So what does this mean exactly? Are we safe from the virus, are we not, is this a cover for the storm or is this really the DS legit trying to wipe us out?

23043362? ago

We are not safe. I have the symptoms... the virus is real. I am not enjoying the show.

23045884? ago

If you were in danger, Q would tell you. He loves us.

23046237? ago

Q is love. Q is life.

23058102? ago

Stargate fan, huh?

23045131? ago

I hope you recover soon!

23047908? ago

Thanks, fren.

23044107? ago

You have the flu. Eat a ton of garlic, oregano, ascorbic acid and you'll be fine in 3-4 days.

Unless your old and/or already immuno-compromised, but even then the above should help.

23047967? ago

I hope so, and am doing all of that. I am immune-challenged unfortunately... But because of that I also take a lot of natural and organic anti-inflammatories, antifungal, antibacterials, and antivirals daily as part of my protocol.

23043076? ago

Q said we are safe. Meanwhile, the celebs are panicking..

23042604? ago

No one here knows. More cryptic BS from a leaker toying with easily led sheep. Q is a LARP.

23045576? ago

You're the one LARPing as a "concerned Trump supporter"...

23046231? ago

No U!

23042499? ago


Or we'll be Ottawa's colony forever!

23042432? ago

We Anons were right all along! Covid19 is a Deep State biological weapon released in winter for maximum damage!

23057982? ago

Since you've already drawn the correct conclusion, here's some more sauce to bolster that: Sir Adrian Bond

23058296? ago

Yeah that's gonna take a couple seconds to read kek. I'm about 1/3 of the way through, and it's pretty interdasting so far.

23058992? ago

Sorry, should have warned you. Some good juicy stuff in there.

23061444? ago

No worries! I'll get back to finishing it later. Knowledge is power 😊

23047546? ago

RELEASED BY SATAN WORSHIPORS VIA space rocks sent into our solar system!!!!














More significantly, in our view, during a solar minimum, new viruses, bacteria and other microscopic biological entities can penetrate the interplanetary magnetic field barrier and reach the stratosphere. Descent of such particles to ground level by means of gravitational settling might take months or years depending on size. The final descent phase through the troposphere would be mostly controlled by meteorological events. It is also of interest to note that the first descent of viral-sized particles deposited in the stratosphere will occur at places where the stratosphere is thinnest; and by this argument populated areas of China lying eastward of the Himalayan mountain range would present the best candidates. It is therefore not surprising to find that first strikes of new or renewed viral diseases are often recorded in China. We should however stress that not every minimum in the sunspot cycle would be associated with a new epidemic or new pathogen. Additional conditions need to be fulfilled, most importantly that the Earth has recently encountered a stream of cometary debris containing disease-causing dust – e.g. phages, virions, microorganisms.


was dragged here? ^


2017 just enough time to drop buggs off ^ timeline fits




23063158? ago

More significantly, in our view, during a solar minimum, new viruses, bacteria and other microscopic biological entities can penetrate the interplanetary magnetic field barrier and reach the stratosphere.

Yeah okay, fake space explains why they released their bioweapon in China, sure...

23063520? ago

If you read the hole paper, it says why China is more vaulnrable to the particles settling there. And you dont believe in space i mean Comon.

23046949? ago

Except, God is in control!

The weapon was released in Winter, yes!

But, it arrived in America on the cusp of Spring! Our children and families were already preparing - or "prepped" - because of Spring Break. Our nation is entering its warmest months - when Americans are eager to plant, to mow, to go outside after months of bleak, rainy, indoor captivity. God has His upright hand in this. The cabal is predictable and weak. By May, this charade will be a forgotten memory.

Psalm 91:1-16 🇺🇸

23046719? ago


23043581? ago

Its an israeli bioweapon. The Charles Lieber weapon. China should attack israel

23047330? ago

This is not from Israel

23047333? ago

Its from Iran, goys!

23047370? ago

No is not from Iran. The people of Iran are the victims of this virus

23047386? ago

What did Charles Lieber do?

23047419? ago

The people he is associated with. Mabye that should be the question

23050692? ago

You jew shill

23044652? ago

That would be a sight to see

23042512? ago

I believe Q is saying the virus is fake.

23042892? ago

Fake, no. Released purposely, yes.

23043086? ago

If it's real, it's virtually harmless. The panic is unfounded either way.

23043384? ago

I guess you mean virtually harmless to the people who didn't die, yet.

23058047? ago

It hasn't, and possible can't be, quantified, but a lot of the dead were already on their deathbeds already.

23045214? ago

You should see how many people have died of the flu in the same time period!!

Gullible, credulous faggot!

23045279? ago

I never wrote the flu wasn't also deadly. But if you're equating the two, you're a bigger moron than your letting on here.

23045411? ago

Why wouldn’t I? The flu, which we don’t fear, has killed 3x as many people in the US alone this year, as the Wuhan virus killed in the world during the same time.

Don’t fear. If you’re not going to think, then at least listen to the smartest guy in the room: Q.

23042565? ago

Did you fall and hit your head? SB2??

23043072? ago

Did you have a reasoned response, or just ad homs?

You're taking the fake news and China's side on this one?

23042520? ago

How the hell did you get that from the drop?

23043063? ago

As another anon said. Occam's razor.

We are to believe this novel virus arose at just the right time?

I guess you believe in coincidence. I do not!

23043630? ago

Q is saying the virus release isnt random, not that the virus doesnt exist.

23058024? ago

But that means the bats weren't in on the plot?

Dang, I hate those flying rodents.

23045199? ago

“Don’t fear” ie it’s harmless. If it’s even real.

23058032? ago

"Don't fear" could also mean it's under control, not necessarily harmless.

23042593? ago

his use of occam's razor

23043855? ago

The simplest explanation is not that the virus does not exist. Because that is much more complex an operation than that it does exist.

23042498? ago

"And pray ye that it be not in the winter."

- Mark 13:18

23045556? ago

What’s that supposed to mean? Sorry I just pray to the lord in 2020 speak.

23052578? ago

"And you should pray that it's not in the winter."

23057992? ago

Sorry, that cracked me up.