23054983? ago

So, if we were to take all the talk coming out of military and the president relating to Coronavirus and replace the COVID19 with DS Cabal...

What would the frontlines on a map look like right now...would be a curious map to look over and see how it relates to criminal organizations taking hits at the moment.

I know Italy's most prolific gangster was just arrested due to police officers "seeing cigarette smoke coming from a vacant property window" during the mandatory quarantine in Italy.

23045672? ago

I don't think Q ever said anything about adrenochrome, where is the source you guys are getting this from. Are there any legitimate sources that link celebrities or politicians with taking adrenochrome? Btw, i'm not being argumentative or saying I don't believe it, i'm just genuinely curious.

23045378? ago

FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT: Fresh Air And Sunshine - Q Proofs/Decode 'o-o' <



23045297? ago

That was the op 😉😉

23043464? ago

Fake and gay fuck you

23041999? ago

this is disinfo.

23043019? ago

Oh gosh, I almost just believed something that seemed likely, good thing an anonymous person told me it was false without any reason why. I’m glad there’s resourceful debunkers like you on here.

23041834? ago

I'm an adrenochrome theory critic but this is one helluva coincidink.

23041673? ago

The blue one is even pulled in closer to the body and the red one stretched out further and angled downward a bit. Def no coincidence!

23041579? ago

I am so glad to know that they know - That looks like a no BS man to me

23041396? ago

That is one sexy de-code.

23040980? ago

So what.

Enough with the fucking cryptic puzzles and clues and drops.

Fuck your stupid white rabbit.


In a few short months a giant tsunami of economic depression will plunge this country into the greatest calamity since the 1930s. In fact, the depression of the 30s might not look so bad compared to what's coming down the pike.

And in the meantime, people here are still looking for rabbits and secret decoder-ring clues to unlock supposed puzzles.

Here's the answer to the puzzle: You're fucked!

23041037? ago

Calm down bro, society is not having a breakdown, but you might be.

23041340? ago

That's right, society is not having a breakdown.

It's having a shutdown.

The actual breakdown will happen a few weeks/months down the road.

Has anyone even mentally processed the damage that has occurred and the severe economic shock waves that will reverberate for years to come?

When in history have 1 billion people stopped working all at once?

When in history have all the major industrial economies ground to a halt all at once?

That didn't even happen during the great depression.

People have no idea the new world they will wake up in.

Okay, I'm calm now.

But the rest of the planet won't be very soon.

23042331? ago

Oh, the concern!!

There is a massive difference between now and then and it comes down to sound fundamentals being in place, ensuring a strong rebound once this contrived event runs its course...

23042702? ago

Oh my. Yes. Why be concerned about the world economy melting down. How trite.

"strong fundamentals"

You don't know what you're talking about if you think America has stronger fundamentals now vs the 1930s, with all our manufacturing outsourced to China, the dollar devalued 90% since 1913 and an entire financial sector devoted mostly to speculation.

23044166? ago

Bernie bro calm down! Smoke some weed and chill. 420 69

23040941? ago

or disinfo / trolling

23040557? ago

Beside not believing in coincidences.... there is no fucking way this is a coincidence.

Looks and sounds like Comms with a not-so-subtle hint of deep state bitch slap.

23043261? ago

Definite COMMS going on. We have been told explicitly to follow the white rabbit, the comms are growin less subtle too.

23040506? ago

Dont listen to that turd. It is NOT a coincidence. Rescues are underway

23040423? ago

Yes, it's exactly that...a coincidence. Sometimes things will line up in slight ways and it doesn't mean anything, that's why we have a name for it because it happens regularly.

You should do some reading on pareidolia.

23041744? ago

None are so blind as those who refuse to see.

23041653? ago

Yeah, you guys just don’t realize how many soldiers run around base in bunny costumes playing redpill/bluepill. Move on already.