23171954? ago

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23033476? ago

FED, IRS, C_A, FBI, Congress. Look at all that winning.

23032724? ago

i think this is Q posting these

23032436? ago

Where is the win in the DOJ suspending Habeas Corpus?

23036165? ago

The "win" is in Barr messaging to Congress that he will not let the COVID-19 crisis stop the DOJ's aggression against the Deep State.

23031120? ago

Thank you

23030987? ago

Thank you. IMHO you are doing a great job and a great service to anons.

23030811? ago

Thank you

23030746? ago

I usually upvoat these and feel confident. I do t feel confident when I see Congress conducting partisan bullshit like it’s business as usual while We The People are standing around with our cocks in our hands. It’s not ok, OP and I’m pissed to see MY fellow Americans about a week away from suffering while a well fed Congress conducts insider trading and hems/haws over if we should get OUR tax dollars give to us in a crisis. Not ok.

23033240? ago

They want us to feel the pain...we are just pawns to them.

23035441? ago

Sickening. I’m sorry for the callous rant faggots. My Brother (24) and his young family of 4 toe headed beautiful Mom and babies just got a pink slip. He’s such a hard worker and loves this country as much as any of us. This is just frustrating to see. He only was making ~36k/yr to begin with but was in a trade school to start subbing out and making more money. Trade school closed-indefinitely, Job now closed-indefinitely. His home, ability to feed his family is now at total risk. I’m floating him money of course because I’m older and have saved but what the hell man?

23050141? ago

It's shameful. They show what big POS evil bastards they are. Skilked trade is the way to go...we make over 100k/yr fixing wrecked cars on a single income. Self taught (via owners deciding work ethic was good enough to invest time in training) collision technician, with 20 plus years of experience and training via ICar(Platinum level tech) and ASE(1 more test to make Master certification)...average tech annual wages for our state is 49k...plus if things get real bad, there are so many people who can't wrap their heads around how to keep thier cars running, its shameful. We'll be able to care/earn for ourselves if employment dries up.

I hope you family makes it through, In Oregon under state shut down, auto repair industry is still working, but it's slowed down and so far parts are not a problem...catch up time on work orders. Your bro is young and 36k is nothing to shake a stick at. Hard times make us tougher...souls are strengthened by fire...it will get better at some point. His family would do well to remember to keep his pantry fuller in the future for those times when you can't buy or afford to buy groceries, because sometimes you can't but kids still need to eat. There are a lot of ways to get food for families, but familial support is most appreciated. He is lucky he has you to aid him. Our elderly parents are struggling and ill, but we aid where we can...pay their power and water, send them cash to help them through the month with expenses due to numerous dr appt...dad is in renal failure, waiting for a kidney and copay money (20k before they'll operate), but too many other heath issues to do his surgery yet anyway. It's stressful, and it makes us angry, but we just have to keep pushing through it all. THIS, TOO SHALL PASS.

Prayers to you and yours.

23051007? ago

That’s good gouge right there. He was in trade school also for welding I’m going to do some digging on automotive careers and talk to him out of love to consider a career change. He wants to anyway I think deep down. He’s so freaking smart anon, it just hurts my heart to see him struggle knowing what he’s put in already so young. You know he’s the one to stay at home and tinker (teen years which you know are difficult) or (now) to play with his kids instead of hit the bars and clubs. He’s a genuine friend and an incredible father.

I appreciate your positive feedback, You don’t understand how much it helps as I am working to keep my family afloat right now. God bless.

23056603? ago

Collision technician are in very short supply...and there is a varity of welding tasks. They use all kinds of different metals and plastics in cars now a days and a true understanding of metal and how it works is a rare find. Lots of people can weld, but a good tech can make sure that weld will withstand a 65 mile an hour impact with a stationary or moving target. ICar welding certification is a tough class to pass and they do all the instructions in a class setting with technicians prior to the welding tests...there are a series to acheive platinum level standing. Also, in the repair shop...they can specialize as a tech assistant, a mid tech (can do most work alone) and even frame technicians, or...measuring and reversing damage on vehicles. Employer has 4 different locations and they hire a lot of people, but good techs are fast and accurate and flag more flat rate hours than you can hourly. There are hourly techs for the less experienced, but the boss is always checking output levels to ensure it's worth having that tech use that much floor space. I do on aveage 400 flagged hours a month, with 1 frame rack and 6 working stalls where the other tech in our smaller shop has 1 rack with 2 other stalls and clears about 140 flagged hours (but he runs late all the time and doesn't keep his nose in his jobs as hard as I do, and is on the verge of unemployment). Aveage techs flag 250hr/month. Hourly wages at full time allow 172hrs...flat rate is better if you can beat the sheet time (how much the work order pays). Starting wage is between $13 and $15/hr with minimum experience...more experience and more tools of the trade equal better pay rates.

23057929? ago

I talked with him for over an hour today about it. We sat on the phone and looked at slot of info on body repair technicians and the process of becoming certified. Then we looked Glassdoor for salary and available jobs in our area....that alone sold him on it LOL.

23061430? ago

Best of my wishes for both of you and your families. Sometimes it just takes thinking outside the normal box we get into, to find different possibilities.

23061611? ago

Thank you.

23031031? ago

I agree completely. The "win" in that story is that the Dems are showing their dysfunction at a time when the entire country is watching.

23030985? ago

It's understandable to be scared, Anon. So you not see this as The Great Awakening? Are you upset because you aren't as prepared as you'd like to be?

I feel your urgency to care for our most vulnerable. In my area they are doing that. There are free lunches every day for children - picked up at their schools. Hotels are being set up as hospitals or quarantine areas. People are coming together and helping each other.

There is a 90 day moratorium on evictions for residential and commercial in New York City. Perhaps that can be used in other areas.

We need to keep our essential businesses and supply chain going.

I agree that Congress needs to get their shit together. They are exposing themselves as the selfish bastards we knew they were all along.

Take a deep breath and stay strong. WWG1WGA

23035492? ago

It’s not me Brother, it’s my little Brother. He’s a hard worker 24yrs old, family of 4...just got pink slipped. He’s not sure how he’s going to make ends meet for his family. 2 weeks ago he was flying high. This is frustrating. I’m of course older than my Brother and am helping him out with money but I’m dipping deep into savings. Where is our help guys? How can things be this bad? If anything this shows just how corruption and selfishness of the elite, which dont have these problems, is in full control over our lives. Damnit.

23038391? ago

I have the same worries for one of our sons. He is in a non-essential category. His services could be considered a luxury. So who will have money for recreation after all this. Thank God he has trade skills to fall back on.

My husband and I are concerned about his pension. Will he continue to receive it? Our concern is the government looking at the funds in our private pension as a piggy bank. They have had their eyes on it for years.

Local grocery stores, Walmarts, Costcos, etc are hiring people on the spot. They are also raising wages as much as $2 an hour more Maybe your brother's area will have similar hiring events. Amazon is hiring too.

This is a logistical nightmare. What I've heard so far is that government checks will be sent to folks based on their adjusted gross income from 2018. The IRS has that info. I think it's only fair that those who pay their taxes get paid first. I also heard that large companies with a payroll system may get their employees money to distribute through existing payroll. The government would monitor to make sure the money for to the employees.

We are a nation who needs instant gratification. I'm as guilty as anyone. I want it all figured out so I know how to plan. When my brain goes crazy thinking of all the possibilities... I stop to pray and that helps.

God Bless you and your family. Your brother is lucky to have such a good big brother.

23040385? ago

Excellent points and again sorry for the panic mode. God Bless.

23040721? ago

We all have our moments of panic... That's our human nature when things are so uncertain.

Last week I woke up crying thinking I'd never get to see my grandchildren again. My husband hugged me and said it's all gonna be okay. That helped... And I'm doing okay.

It helps to say our fears out loud. If we hold in our fears our brains will amplify them. If we share them - we'll find support and someone to help us carry the load.

Prayer works. May God Bless and Protect Us All. 🙏

23030652? ago

Thanks again! Love these posts!

23030500? ago

Wow quite a day! The one about the single $15+ million donor to Warren surprised me. And Italy's virtue signaling has cost them Italian lives... So so sad

Thanks for posting, Patriot! ❤️🤍🤍

23030145? ago

Remember to smile, anons. I give you: Baby Trump!



23030112? ago

Ka-BOOOOOOOOOM!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Thanks Patriot!

23030072? ago

What about the bailouts for banks and airlines while the rest of us twist in the wind?

23030187? ago

For starters, we get to postpone paying taxes till July, don't have to pay student loans for a few months, and should be getting checks for a couple grand pretty soon, if the democRats stop trying to block it. And I expect there will be more to come later.

23030710? ago

  1. I pay my taxes on time and filed early as most responsible Americans do. This does nothing for a majority of middle class Americans.
  2. I paid for my student loans in blood and sweat in Afghanistan x3 Iraqx1. So that does nothing for me or a majority of Middle Class Americans who never sought ‘higher’ education.
  3. We outnumber the Democrats in the Senate. So what’s the hold up?

All I see is promises and shoulds. Let it not happen..let people in the middle class that this administration needs more than ever right now be forgotten...as the Democrats did in 2015/2016...let it happen and we’ll bring this whole fucking show to a halt. Do not fuck with us like this. This. Is. Not. A. Game.