23027898? ago

WTF?!? Dark Legacy is not a Q post. Don't post bullshit please

23024133? ago

Wouldn't surprise me. Scum of the earth.

23018658? ago

nice catch

23016715? ago

Confirmation of long held suspicions.

23016387? ago

I hate to waste the one post a day I get here, but Bush, Sr killing JFK has been known for decades. Declassified documents put him at the scene and detail him making a call in attempt to frame someone else. As for JFK, jr....The Clintons and George, Sr had a meeting where it was decided that George, Jr. would sabotage the plane. Bush, Jr. was missing that weekend. All this has been out before.

23022315? ago

I would contend that papi bush’s role that day was more of an overseer or opsec if you will. A mitigator to handle certain circumstances if it became needed.

To ensure a path to the patsy was followed and escape routes of comrades remained clear. Him not being the only one. Perhaps you could then attribute some of the mysterious deaths occurring to witnesses in the aftermath. To being loose ends that for various reasons they may of felt could lead back to them some day.

Having access to all eyewitness testimony it would be fairly easy to surmise which individuals needed to become collateral damage for their cause.

I believe it is safe to assume such endeavors had been achieved before to feel comfortable enough to do something so drastic and extreme in broad daylight on the streets. Contingency upon contingency was figured and thought out providing them with plenty of stories and plans A, B, C, D, E, F, G etc to mitigate things going wrong.

The reason to have numerous other snipers was not necessarily to ensure the one kill was achieved but to ensure all contingencies could be properly executed.

Wat to many skeptics may be seen as unnecessary overkill to execute the situation that occurred that day. Merely could have been backup ready to perform had the situation called for it.

An example would be jack ruby. Had things at the theater ended with Oswald being shot dead perhaps he is not called on and never gets cancer. Maybe one day becomes mayor.

23016138? ago

Exactly. I didn't think anyone else caught this reference.

23015955? ago

Wow I feel like a dummy, talk about your have more than you know’

All I did was listen to the song and feel the moment of the movie we must be in based on the vibe.

23015716? ago

Good catch!

23015685? ago

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23015661? ago

Great catch Anon!

23015358? ago

An interpretation that makes sense but I personally do not like:

The content of the Q drop says "Do not fear." The youtube video points to the Bushes. This is telling the Bush family not to fear. Because Q and the patriots are not coming after that particular evil family.

23015450? ago

Well, to continue your line of thinking: remember Bush Jr's face at the funeral? Everyone else was freaking out, but he was calm, almost, sighing as if to say, finally it's out.

He talked. I would bet. So if your interpretation is accurate, then perhaps Q team is telling Bush Jr, "you might be shot on camera but they'll be blanks/rubber bullets/etc"? Just spitballin'.

23024187? ago

Where's he been anyway? People have been asking about that for a while now.

23015474? ago

I do not remember Bush Jr's face. Which funeral was this?

23017867? ago

McNoName. Look for vids on the envelopes that were delivered to certain attendees of the funeral.

23024237? ago

It was actually his father's funeral. He was sitting with his wife and Jeb who completely freaked out at whatever was in the envelope. No name's was when Graham got something from Huma Abedin, and the widow and spawn were escorted by two general's in plain clothes. Which was interesting because he was not afforded military honors, a funeral and dress uniforms. AT both funerals Bush Jr. passed something, "candy", to Mike Obama.

23016060? ago

I thought it was “Poppy” Bush’s funeral. When we invaded Afghanistan, and agreed to ignore poppy/opium production for 18+ years, it’s basically protected the upstream production of cheap heroin.

23019218? ago

It was Poppy’s funeral.

23016001? ago

then you really missed out. it was the noname funeral. it has been disected. goto bitchute or invidio.us hahaha, jeb was totally like: what the hell?

23015151? ago


No, it does not. It may IMPLY or make REFERENCE to that, but the only thing the new drop actually "asserts" is not to fear.

There's a massive problem in this movement of people over stating things. We need to use accurate language to keep ourselves honest.

23017832? ago

The description was taken directly from IMDb

This follow-up to 2009's 'Dark Legacy' asserts that the Bush family engineered the deaths of not only John F. Kennedy, but also his son John Jr. who died in a 1999 plane crash.


23022192? ago

So? That doesn't change anything I said.

23016837? ago

You REALLY do not know how Q works, do you? EVERYTHING is code. Learn OUR comms.

23022177? ago

Even if everything is a code, that doesn't mean your particular interpretation of a code is correct.

You need to learn basic logic and deduction, as well as spycraft.

23028947? ago

You need to learn The Craft.

I can tell you have no fucking idea.

23016108? ago

Yea Q doesn’t want us to watch a documentary about the Bush family. The Q program has just been leading up to this promotion of music.

23022220? ago

That might be possible, but you can't claim to know exactly what Q wanted to communicate.

23023108? ago

Some people won’t figure it out until it is explained to them after all the full storylines are out in the open.

You should probably just wait until then.

23023150? ago

Facts are more important than your fee fees snowflake.

23014916? ago

Montage John F Kennedy Jr his wife Carolyn Jeanne Bessette-Kennedy who with her sister allegedly perished July 16, 1999 plane crash blamed on Hillary Clinton identified alive & well, foreground figures are wearing MAGA hats which indicates the montage was assembled during the Trump Presidency in any case. The Assassination of John F Kennedy.

23014714? ago

When JFK, Jr.'s plane went down, there were rumors about Bush, Jr. being involved. Had to become "made" just like his daddy.

This was a big discussion right after 9/11. Evidence of the plane's controls being found with the wrong settings, and the official story didn't add up.

23015436? ago

Interesting. I remember Iraq being "finish what daddy started" and this also seems to line up -- Sr. kills Sr., then Jr. kills Jr.

23014614? ago

Hillary killed Jr using the CIA and military

23014980? ago


23014445? ago

And Austin posted a video that hays mention in the last part the Bible verse.. hmm

23014806? ago

fuck off with "austin" you low-IQ MOS shill.

23014132? ago

Bush and No name.

23014403? ago

HIS NAME WAS JOHN MCSHITSTAIN. Don't forget a traitors name...

23015411? ago

I've always called him McShitstain as well. I'll never be able to not call him that.

23014001? ago

The (((Bushes))) are Kikes.

Am arrogent Israli fucked up and outed them, wonder if he was killed for it.

23014257? ago

Aren't they german heritage though...Nazis like the royal family?..

23014436? ago

muh nazis, just how fucking stupid and bluepilled can you people still be?

23014643? ago

Very compelling rebuttal, fuck stick

23014472? ago

They did finance the nazis during WWII, so no blue pills here.

23014456? ago

What was stated that isn't fact? And nazis are socialist.

Get fucked loser. America is leading this one.

Try harder

23014483? ago

Read mein kamph Ford edition you newfag.

Then read Feder - manifesto for the Abolition of debt slavery if you want to know basic natsoc economy. They aren't socialists the way Bernie is.

They just wanted to be free of Jewish debt slavery.

23014552? ago

Riiight and he is the newfag

Have you not read the Q posts for yourself?

Please show me a single post where Q blames an entire religion instead of individuals?

23014602? ago

real history in a book that hasn't been subverted vs q posts, which one should I believe? This q shit has turned your brain into a toilet.

23014574? ago

Don't read them then

Remain a nigger

23014578? ago


23014514? ago

I have.

Hitler was a puppet who did EXACTLY what [they] wanted.

"Jewish debt slavery" ok boomer

23014592? ago

You are a brand new level of nigger.

The FED is the root of Jewish debt slavery you atomic nigger.

23014467? ago

Nazis have nothing to do with royalty retard.

23026583? ago

One version is that Hitler was installed by the European Royals as a bulwark against the Russians (Communists) who had just murdered the Russian Royal family - so that it wouldn't happen to them.

23028721? ago

Hitler wasn't "installed" by anyone. Actually read his fucking book or you're a nigger forever.

23032224? ago

Supported if you prefer...

23014622? ago

Nazis have nothing to do with royalty retard.

Your display of ignorance just peaked. You need to do a lot of history homework before you continue being a nazi tool.

23015760? ago

Dont waste your time with this asshole. Either a schill or one of the 4% Q mentioned. Ran into 1 yesterday. Completely brainwashed

23014479? ago

Oh boi...

23013995? ago

I’ll ad the fact papi Bush was a cog in the importation(aka smuggling) of illegal narcotics(aka drugs) into America in order to fund C_A operations to extend deep states tentacles corrupting the world over.

23024141? ago

"Poppy". It's Poppy Bush and for good reason.

23030442? ago

Ummm yeah no offense guy, but I could give two shits whether the cocksuckers name is spelled correctly nor capitalized. In fact I can’t stand spell check capitalizing shit for me when I am intentionally disrespecting an individual by not capitalizing their name.

I’ll have you also know I am a Texan born and raised and the first time I ever voted was to vote against W. I can remember at that time feeling so compelled to do so because I felt a day would come when I could be judged by not voting against him.

23035742? ago

He is called poppy in reference to the drug trade he started out of Afghanistan. Heroin. He's not your papi chulo. So don't get uppity with me. I don't care where you are from. And we all hate the Bushes the same.

23024801? ago

41 in the grassy knoll?

23025029? ago

Wasn't he head of the Clown Agency at the time? Or shortly thereafter?

23016294? ago

Crack in the inner cities, then Clinton jailed them to fill the beds of private prisons! a 2 for 1

23014726? ago

"American Made" was a movie (Tom Cruise) about Barry Seal. Barry was a CIA pilot who flew drugs into Mena, Arkansas. Bush, Sr. and Bill Clinton conspired to bring the drugs in, which is what put Bill on the inside track. Hillary followed his coattails.

23014380? ago

He was behind the Iran Contra affair.

23022796? ago

He was also behind the attempted assassination attempt on Reagan, which was only meant as a warning to Reagan to toe the line

23028869? ago


23039597? ago


toe the line

Also, toe the mark. Meet a standard, abide by the rules, as in The new director will make us toe the line, I'm sure, or At daycare Brian has to toe the mark, but at home his mother's quite lenient. This idiom refers to runners in a race placing their toes on the starting line and not moving until the starting signal. Its figurative use dates from the early 1800s.

See also: line, toe

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

23039669? ago

Cool. Thanks.

23014143? ago

Papi and his demon seed killed JFK and Jr.

23013968? ago

Elvis lives.

23014028? ago

Andy Kaufman / Donald Trump??

23013955? ago

Q also posted this exact youtube in drop #3594:

The Armor of God



13 Nov 2019 - 5:21:13 PM


Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.


For God & Country.

For Humanity.



23013990? ago

Posted 5:21

Q Post 521



13 Jan 2018 - 7:18:18 PM



We are at WAR [@].



Do you TRUST the US Military?

Do you TRUST the Chain Of Command?










23013862? ago

Where does it say Dark Legacy?

23013797? ago

[They] have been engineering death for a long time.

23013796? ago

Yep, we're going there. This is really getting good. WWG1WGA!

23013549? ago

Dark legacy 2 is written in the bottom right corner of the YouTube video

23015530? ago

Good catch anon!