23027821? ago

Stay Strong Patriots, this is our time to shine! WWG1WGA!!

23027185? ago

So is the image depicting St. Michael. He was the only angle of war that I can recall. Note the sword.

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.'

23021533? ago

With schools shutdown, next generation are SUPPOSE to learn online. In reality they are mostly playing games, watching youbube. If this shutdown prolong, we hurt our next generation.

If it is my time, it is my time.

23021046? ago

If Q turns out to be bullshit then we need to vote 3rd party this fall.

23020699? ago

Thank you Q, really needed this, downloaded the mp3 and playing it on repeat....

23019002? ago

Do not fear. The Patriots will rise like a Phoenix out of the ashes of the NWO. Be not afraid. GOD WINS!

23018950? ago

Imma need a lot more than a video repost to feel comfortable lol

23018459? ago

that video was from 2011

23017037? ago

The video he posted is referring to the Documentary called Dark Legacy. Many have pointed that out. However it says X2 which means watch both Dark Legacy 2009 and Dark Legacy II 2014. They can be watched on Amazon Prime for free if you are a Prime member.

23016799? ago

Society's are controllers through hope or fear. They want you to choosd fear.

23016130? ago

Well I just woke up and blasted this link to everyone I know.


23016107? ago

Dark Legacy 2 is in the corner. That is a documentary about JFK Jr's death by the Bushs and Clintons.

23015602? ago

If your a Scared m.f.. go to Church!

23015551? ago

Awe so beautiful!!!

23015429? ago

I'm tired of being angry and afraid. It's their turn.

23015415? ago

Thank Q!!!

23015410? ago


Stay strong and stay safe

God bless you all

23015286? ago

Saint Michael the Archangel,

defend us in battle.

Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.

May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;

and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host -

by the Divine Power of God -

cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits,

who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.


Obama – What’s he gonna do, wave a magic wand?

No its a Magic Sword + In the face of Evil

23015136? ago

Gayness overload on the music but GO Q!

23015597? ago

Kids like you prefer jigaboo rap I guess.

23015719? ago

fruity music for a girl like you : O

23015031? ago

I don't fear the virus. I'm concerned about economic collapse though. The dollar is done.

23014918? ago

Thank god Q is still posting I was thinking I might have to kill myself as I did not know if I could live without Q! If Q went away before anything really happened that would be a real disaster. If the corruption is not dealt with and the Satanic democratic leaders are not taken down our country is finished!

23015159? ago

off yourself and miss the end of the movie? who does that?

23014877? ago

can anyone please explain where Q supposedly posted this

23014640? ago

Thank you, Q. The post had special meaning for me, as you well know. I love you and will keep you and President Trump in my prayers every day.

[I posted here yesterday under the March 9 update thread, which is now gone replaced by the March 21st thread. I asked someone on 8kun or wherever Q is posting to give an update, even if only an image as I was feeling so fearful. And look what we got back. It sent shivers down my spine when I saw the new Q post. And tears. I have never felt anything like this. I know with every fiber of my being Q is real. This is habbening. GOD WINS. And it is going to be glorious.]

I am excited for the future. WWG1WGA, Patriots!


23014543? ago

Do not fear death. Death is a part of war. We are at war folks.

23014409? ago

What kind of outfit is that? Looks military but not sure. Is that a military airport?

23014252? ago

What is the frequency, the notes, the timing of this song? Any musicfags in the house? There is a message in this recording.

23014154? ago

New Q Post!! Do not fear!!

I agree. I'm NOT concerned about cor0navIrus https://voat.co/v/QRV/3718611/

23014081? ago

oh brother.. here us a message to Q and all you so called patriots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QZuhVZiLwA

23014507? ago


23014076? ago

3/22...and the Angels rejoiced.

23013991? ago


23013944? ago

Same song as in this drop:


23013830? ago

Q 1032

Q!xowAT4Z3VQ6 Apr 2018 - 12:22:15 AM

Think Navy Ship crashes.

Bigger than you know.

We ARE active.


Two ships in the 7th fleet crashed in the summer of 2018, leaving 17 dead. The first crash was the USS Fitzgerald, the second was the USS McCain. Both occurred near China and the Korean Peninsula. Anyone have any more info on the crashes?

23013698? ago

Q knows there is a great fear in the land. The people believe they may be about to lose every thing they have, possibly even their lives.

The message was not for the stead fast among the anons. It is for those that are wavering and the masses. It is the message the anons should spread to the sheep. The demons need the masses to fear. They fear those that don't. They fear those that have steeled themselves to what ever fate awaits them for those are the ones that will fight to the bitter end for a victory.

23013695? ago

Youtube number 765 . . . Watch the water.

23013584? ago

That brought tears to my eyes!

23013402? ago

I cried like a howling dog watching this video. Tears are gone, shields are up with sword in hand! WWG1WGA!

23013250? ago

St Michael.....coming to kick some ass

23013135? ago

The Q movement is the dress rehearsal for the Millennium. Before Christ returns, there will be confusion, conflict, war, plagues, and famines. The children of faith will be divided from the children of the world. That division happens when the faithless turn on those who still have faith. They demand proof. They draw lines in the sand saying, "If it doesn't happen by this date, I'm outta here!" They will turn on those who still harbor hope without proof. It's the parable of the 10 virgins. Those who are prepared will abide the day of the bridegroom's coming. Those who leave will miss the glorious return and the wedding feast.

You are seeing that play out here. I don't say Q is Christ, but the operation is a dry-run of sorts. In this thread and others like it over the past month, we see who has abandoned Q and those who stand firm. We see those who are vacillating, hoping for some sign on which to hang their hope.

As I told one of them earlier, either way, we are all going to go through this event together. We have the choice of facing it with hope or with hopelessness. The ones who are hopeless are not very happy about it. I choose hope.

23015670? ago

Abandon All Hope Ye who Enter.

This is on the gates of hell..

Dante's inferno.

23015294? ago

Thank you. Agree wholeheartedly!

23013127? ago


23012775? ago

Ok... hope the economy can come back soon so people that are financially ruined can bounce back before they forclose and lose their health insurance because of still inflated obama care premiums.

23016488? ago

You reveal where you place your faith.

23012721? ago

Just a picture and pretty instrumental music. What am I missing???

23012826? ago

Q mentioned in the past the "operators active" like certain tunes to get hyped, so could imply when Q posts epic sundtracks, Navy Seals are en route to an important target jamming along to the same beat.

Also could just be a traffic exposure test... peak hours saturday night, nowhere to be but home with a computer. Bet he wants to see how many clicks to chart the size of the active engaging Q base.

Clearly its important for them to keep tracking how many of us are seeing the message and able to respond back via hyperlink

23012622? ago

23012619? ago

20 Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast.

21 For, behold, the Lord cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.

Isa 26:20-21

23012519? ago

Thankful for encouraging comms

23012427? ago

I hadn't looked up Future World music on YouTube music for a long time for one of Q's post. All of a sudden it was in my endless mixtape this afternoon. Now Q posts this. That's crazy.

23012415? ago

I believe Q...

but, lol, it should be pointed out telling us not to fear is exactly what someone we should fear would say :)

srsly, tho, it's good to get a drop from Q

good luck to all of you in the upcoming days. hopefully alot of relationships shattered by the MSM can be mended. Patriots will have alot of work.

23013110? ago

Don't be afraid is pretty much the first thing angels told people in the Bible.

23013390? ago

Every time

23012626? ago

You're taking the drops at face value and not realizing its a comm. It's been 3 years, learn how to decode the drops already.

23012671? ago

Why dont you explain the 'comms' that are so apparent then?

23012937? ago

for starters... with a drop, take the keywords in the text and start searching for other posts on Qmap.pub

See if anything connects. Thats just for starters. I will tell you in this case... (copied from my above comment)

Q mentioned in the past the "operators active" like certain tunes to get hyped, so could imply when Q posts epic sundtracks, Navy Seals are en route to an important target jamming along to the same beat.

Also could just be a traffic exposure test... peak hours saturday night, nowhere to be but home with a computer. Bet he wants to see how many clicks to chart the size of the active engaging Q base.

Clearly its important for them to keep tracking how many of us are seeing the message and able to respond back via hyperlink.

Additionally the title of the cue is "Victory Of Life". Clearly this could be a nod to having beat the virus and avoiding mass casualties. Q said Do Not Fear... ok Q!

23016514? ago

That's a lot of "could" for someone who claims to know the comms.

23013727? ago

Thanks for that!

23012990? ago

Appreciate the response!

23013367? ago


23012381? ago

This song "Victory of Life" is from the album "A Hero will rise".

Interesting when you look at the titles and sequence of songs. Looks like the sequence of events foretold in the bible.

Passion of Victory

Anthem of the World

Gods and Demons

A Hero Will Rise

Victory of Life

Battle of Babylon

Oceans of Time

Allegiance to the World

Spiritual Awakening

Gothic Messiah

Leap of Faith

Rise of the Machines

World of Dreams

Messengers of Destruction


Glorious Adventure


Attack Of The Titans

With Great Power

Until Justice Prevails

Wrath of the Gods

Heavy Static

The Devil's Waltz


Destroy and Conquer

Turning of the Tides

Angels Of Justice


23012377? ago

Even if there are troops running thru your neighborhood. Trust the plan

23012356? ago

Future World Music - Victory Of Life

23012336? ago

i'm dancing again. joy of the Lord.

23012318? ago

Go go go

23012287? ago

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7

23012317? ago

thank you

23012286? ago

Thank you Q! We know that this enemy is short for this earth and that this virus is under control. We trust the plan and foremost we trust God, our ever-loving creator. WWG1WGA!

23012283? ago

Speak to those nearest to you.

23012273? ago

10 Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown. Rev 2:10

23026271? ago

This is a great find, also Corona = Crown.

Revelation 2:10 is coded about 4/1/2020 to 4/10/2020...

Q just made post 3895 which simply said "Do not fear." mirroring "Fear none of those things" in Revelation 2:10. It is synchronistic that this was Q's 3895th post, as 10/28/2017 + 895 days = 4/10/2020


23015126? ago

Totally gay,

23013672? ago

I love this.

23012595? ago

Fuck Jew propaganda

23013973? ago

muh joo?

23014914? ago

Bless you.

23013232? ago

It's from Revelations. Christian.

23014585? ago

Christianity is merely an extension of the Satanic (((plan))) for global domination under a one world government.

23015032? ago

Christianity is merely an extension of the Satanic (((plan))) for global domination under a one world government.

Christ has nothing to do with the predictive programming of the Abrahamic Deception by identity thieving mongrels.

Atlantis Edda & Bible by Hermann Wieland (1925)

The first ever English translation of Hermann Wieland's epic retelling of the esoteric history of Atlantis and the truth about ancient Aryan religion.

Banned and destroyed by the Allied forces following World War II this cornerstone work of the ages has remained hidden to the Anglophone world until now. Going beyond the saga of Atlantis Wieland goes further into the darkened depths of history to reveal how the true religion and heritage of the Aryan race has been falsified and stolen from us for thousands of years.

Atlantis Edda and Bible not only exposes the forces behind this concerted effort to destroy the Aryan peoples but also ultimately reveals the secret and hidden message of the Holy Bible itself.

23014856? ago

Only in the sense that organized Christianity has been thoroughly subverted. Scripture says all the non-white races are bastard races destined for the Lake of Fire. Joshua and King David tried to hasten their demise.

23013399? ago

Christians have propaganda too.

23012490? ago


23012262? ago

Heads on a mutha fucking pike!!!

23012244? ago

I shall not fear. If it's my to vacate Eartime to vacate Earth, so be it. God must need more angels. I feel sorry for those with children because I'm wondering who si going to take care of my dogs if this virus is the killer the MSM makes it out to be even though I'm leaning toward 'not'.

23015270? ago

I've been saying, "I'm not going to be careless. Yet, I refuse to get crazy over it like the MSM wants us to. If I get it, I get it."

23016812? ago

Yes, good way to look at the situation. Be well, fren.

23012228? ago


“And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels; And PREVAILED NOT: neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was CAST OUT(!!!) that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, who deceives the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

23012289? ago

Your comment ID confirms.

"According to scripture, seeing 222 is symbolic of of unity, love, and our relationship with God. If you've been seeing this number frequently, it could be a message from your guardian angel about your relationships and the role of God in your life."

23015869? ago

I see 222 a lot, so thanks for that..

23012774? ago

Thank you.

23012196? ago

Same video from 3594


Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.


For God & Country.

For Humanity.



23012652? ago

Thanks for sharing this again. So powerful and relevant. Satan is a defeated foe!

23014612? ago

No, Satan lives as long as people follow Christ or Allah/Yahweh/Jehovah. (The name “GOD” has been usurped by Satan.)

23012194? ago

The LORD is my shepherd.

23013735? ago

I shall not want.

23012192? ago

Q is not a bad DJ

23012181? ago

Yes do not fear

just remember anon peeps do not fear doesn't mean do not prepare

23012152? ago

Normally I don't listen to the music posted by Q, but this song is especially good. If you really take a moment to think about what we're going through, it hits home, hard.

23012754? ago

I love the one with the Magic Sword. I’d never even thought of listening to that type of music but found myself really moved by it. I love the idea of our great warriors taking on the “invisible enemy” and have nothing’s but great thankfulness and appreciation for their sacrifice. I wish I could do what they’re doing and they are owed greatest HONOR! THANKYOU, to the GREAT WARRIOR SERVANTS fighting for justice and freedom. America owes you EVERYTHING!

23012143? ago

Today's post is timely...

Collective grieving has never been more intense. Fear plays a part, but many are beyond the fear and even the anger. Some of us process collective emotion through our blessed bodies...and if you're waking up with an uncharacteristic and mysterious malady, look to the prevailing emotions on this planet.

We grieve for all the suffering. We grieve for all the deception and manipulation. In a safe haven inside our homes, perhaps it's time to let it out and howl with grief! There are chemicals in tears that need to be released from the body.

Trust that it's happening for a reason and relax into the knowing that you came here to change this place and as such...you will be supported and loved throughout the process.

It really is going to be okay.

23017576? ago

I gotta admit friend, as I listened to the music and looked at picture, I was overwhelmed with a lot of different thoughts and emotions. That's a rare thing for me! Without being able to stop it tears began to flow. The main thought in my mind was my greatest fear. Then I thought about the post again. Now I feel cleaner, because the chemicals that were released through the tears.

Another thing. There is one living here that, I'm fairly certain, is a servant of darkness. This one probably don't even know they serve the darkness and would be extremely upset if they knew of my accusation.

There are no coincidences, so as usual, while I sat there with cleansing tears flowing, this one came and, yet again, interrupted the moment. Because of this I did not get to finish. Much of the chemicals were released but not all that were meant to be. It was a help, but I am left needing more.

That is why I suspect this one of being a servant of darkness. Every single time that progress is being made in good ways this one will interrupt the natural flow that is taking place and shut down the progress! If it happened occasionally I might consider it coincidence. But it is every single time!

23020781? ago

You had an encounter with the Creator, you inexplicably cry when receiving a heart touching sound, feeling, word, person- it opens your heart and he can touch it. You feel fresher and "cleansed" as you said, It's not chemicals, well it is but thats His creation too, all of science is - it was the Creator. You're putting together patterns quicker now on a path you and Him set, you're also recognizing your enemy more clearly (they're not like us and you know). Where there are people like you, His adversary will set people in your life to move you off your path at the most critical times. (there's a reason why when it rains it your life, it pours - critical time for you, fork in the road etc). But you have the true power, those people are truly powerless against you, they can only glean it through your doubt, fear and anger. When you fully realize that, you will feel the power and they will know you have it too.

23021152? ago

"Where there are people like you,His adversary will set people in your life to move you off your path at the most critical times."

This has taken up a lot of my thoughts lately! I believe it to be of most importance, to know and understand it, and to share it with others!

23021000? ago

Thank you for your comment. I knew it was our Creator. I immediately began thanking Him, asking for forgiveness for all the times I've failed, praising Him, and asking for guidance!

Thank you for the things you wrote. Some I had not considered or looked at quite the way you stated. Opened new paths of thought for me!!! I'm going to save and go over in more detail later!

23013267? ago

Dammm. You nailed me today fren. Thank you for the beautiful, intelligent, and knowing words of what I was just struggling with today. I actually called people to help me vent and get feedback on these emotions. I’m a racehorse in my job, empty nester, AND my wife is is stuck in Venezuela. My company shut down for this false flag like all good Bay Area businesses, while I’m salary, I want to build! Fuck sitting home being paid for nothing, I want to fucking build!

23014576? ago

I want to fucking build!

No offense fren, but if you want to build so badly, then why in the hell are you working for a company based in a state where it's leaders are intent do bring it to ruins? Go build for a population that deserves your work.

23012112? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=_MK0j765ko4 :

Future World Music - Victory Of Life (Volume.11 Preview - early 2011) - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

23012052? ago

Neon will be pissed.

23012122? ago


23012044? ago


23011985? ago

Gotta say, that clip made me weep.

23015644? ago

Right - like a life preserver in the ocean. Hope!

23013401? ago


23011960? ago

So much needed this....

23013293? ago

So true.

23012612? ago

Would have liked something other than a song but we'll take the message non the less.

23013547? ago

Thinking it's sending out certain vibrations for us empaths. Just listen to the whole thing. Gave me chills. I was told that when the hair on my arms stands up I'm in the presence of God. This is really getting good. WWG1WGA!

23029411? ago

It felt like my heard turned into a radio beacon. such a powerful signal.

23015611? ago

YES!!!! That’s what I thought. You can really see the divide in the online alternative media right now and I decided yesterday that I wasn’t going to follow the fearful messages any longer. This confirms that decision.

23015207? ago

Also an empath. Found myself connecting and in sync with the music. Like when I'm in an airplane and there's a bunch of turbulence, instead of being fearful, I just ride along with it.

23015038? ago

You're not an empath, you're just a dumbass.

23014390? ago

That’s your own internal mechanism responding to certain frequencies. Yes you are closer to God because your vibration heightens and matches more closely to God. God is. And is everywhere and everything. So the only thing we are doing is bringing out focused awareness to the present moment. And that’s where you find God. In the here and now.

23012447? ago



Q drop


23014572? ago

I don’t know. Q has pinched some real stinky drops. This one is at least as bad as some of the worst. But if you consider that no Q drop has ever proved fruitful, they’re all pretty useless.

23012599? ago

Says the guy who doesn't understand how to read the comms. You've had over 3 years to learn but still haven't. RETARD!

23012836? ago

Nice unity you're showing there. Making fun of someone instead of helping them. Q would be ashamed of you.

23013339? ago

No, you're the one who said it was the worst and a useless drop. You're talking shit about Qanons drop without even understanding it.

Gtfo with concern faggot shit. You're better suited elsewhere like reddit or Facebook.

23013632? ago

Nice division you're showing there. Making fun of someone instead of helping them. Q would be ashamed of you.

23012680? ago

Fuck off with your useless shaming comment. STFU OR GTFO!

23012557? ago


23012017? ago


23012440? ago


23014070? ago

You can get with this or you can get with that

23012444? ago

The other thing.

23012675? ago

Kek. Drilled down this reply thread and was going to say that but you beat me. Was playing the video to the fam...otherwise. ;)

23014529? ago

The fake thing. The Q thing.

23011957? ago

spiritual shields up! onward!

23011925? ago

Hey fuckstick, where’s the post? The least you could do would be to copy and paste. Instead you just jumped on voat, looking for likes and comments.

23011942? ago

Go to Qmap.pub concenfag

23012088? ago

I did, I got the notification and went straight there. I then came to voat to see what people were saying. Luckily the post has been edited with the info... but I know I’m not the only one tired of clickbait bullshit.

23011910? ago

This is the attached video:


23011892? ago

Do not fear the virus? Do not fear? Do not fucking fear anything Patriots! In God we trust.

23014509? ago

Yes, ridiculous. Just more crap. Meanwhile these Q shills will invent all sorts of connections and patterns. They lack the objective self-awareness to realize exactly what it is that they’re really doing.

23014160? ago

Do not fear the virus? Do not fear? Do not fucking fear anything Patriots! In God we trust.

I agree. I'm really NOT concerned about cor0navIrus https://voat.co/v/QRV/3718611/

23013356? ago

Maybe winged watchers are gonna show up and they're telling us beforehand to not freak out. The wingmakers...?

23013823? ago

At least headshots will still kill those ugly motherfuckers. We're gonna need incendiary ammo for the terminators, though.

23026888? ago

Silver Bullets.

23017244? ago

What the fuck dude. They're not "bad". Don't be such a caveman.

23013236? ago

Don't fear the reaper

23013147? ago

We have nothing to fear but fear itself.

Why do you think the enemies of humanity want us afraid? It is their only chance.

Anyone who encourages fear is not only not your ally, but intentionally or unintentionally serving our enemies.

23013828? ago

Yes. Fear is a basic, primal survival energy, which can be useful, but, in this case, not for us. They have used it whenever (((they))) had something to gain. That is why propaganda is used, because it's how they can trigger us and our instincts to play against our will to win as we reach out to others (thank God for the internet!) , because fear triggers us to fall back into our own little bubble and to think only about ourselves, mostly. We will win because we can see them squirm in the dark as we bring the light closer to the cockroaches. LET'S ROCK THIS ONE TOO, PATRIOTS.

23012692? ago

Don’t fear because the world is about to find out if Q is real or not. There’s no way all this will be setup this perfect again, and shills are scared.

23014413? ago

No one is “scared” that Q is a fraud.

23015990? ago

Why are you a loser? Has it ever occurred to you that your whole life is a fraud?

23012404? ago

Fucking bullshit drop. Protect POTUS and Americans or STFU. We need facts, not bullshit new age YT links. Get in the game, or GTFO!

23013342? ago

Take your own advice.


Loser ☝️

23013172? ago

Consider "We have nothing to fear but fear itself" until you understand it.

Don't fear.

23012613? ago

Yeah I’m sick of it. Let’s get on with it. This is getting old. We are ready!

23013355? ago

You're not ready. Clearly.

23012587? ago

It's not new age, moron.

23012429? ago

Quit your concern-fagging. Lightweight. Man-up, or GTFO.

23011908? ago

So eloquent.

23014513? ago

And fake, like Q.

23015194? ago

Define fake.

23015451? ago


23017932? ago

we’ll have to agree to disagree on your assessment of Q.

23014440? ago

At -8 votes I’d say there are very few demons here now. So we win again!

23012165? ago

So fucking eloquent. FTFY

23012182? ago
