23001026? ago

Q is doing “silent running”. Suck it up and pray for those who are fighting hand to hand while you sit home.

23001083? ago

I have been sucking it up my entire life - I hope that I don't lose my home

23001106? ago

We all have.


It will be glorious.

23000061? ago

Q is silent for a good reason. If the Coronavirus were a real thing, Q would be indicating that, and making inspirational posts. Q is silent because there is an ongoing operation.

Remember folks: Q's purpose is not to give us secret information that nobody else has. Q's purpose is to win the war against invisible enemy. If it would be counterproductive to tell us what is really going on, then Q won't do it. Q doesn't exist to make us happy or give us advance knowledge to impress your friends.

Everybody is going to have a sob story about this. But it feels like the final boss battle, doesn't it? The Populists vs. the Globalists.

23000121? ago

I understand your point, and I mostly agree - I am not interested in impressing anybody, but I also am not interested in being "quarantined" - I know to trust the plan - I also know that we are the plan - I would like comms to bolster my faith

22998690? ago

God wins.

22998519? ago

Q does not exsist time to straddle the reality donnkey, which is oowned bt the jews, wake the fuck up

22998531? ago

You do not appear to be able to express yourself with words very effectively.

22998504? ago

Wwg1wga! Homeless!

22999388? ago

Prust The Tan.

22998517? ago

Good Lord I hope not - I just scratched and clawed my way out of homelessness - I just got a steady life put back together and now the entire world is shutting down - I'm still barely recovered from 2009!

22998473? ago

Hi, Deep State! How's it going!


22998470? ago

I bet it would be



22998490? ago

I would be satisfied with:

"Just two weeks, and your life will be back to normal."

Do it in gematria so an autist can decipher it - Anything - I am watching my life fall apart and I worked really damn hard to put it together

22998595? ago

Thank you, much appreciated, however it's not quite the same unless it appears on qmap.pub

22998634? ago

I will start to post my decodes there then. Thanks.

22998640? ago

If you have the ability to post on qmap.pub, then it is a pleasure to meet you.

23045591? ago

FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT: Fresh Air And Sunshine - Q Proofs/Decode 'o-o' <




23006468? ago

No problem.


You will know it's me, as the format will be the same.

See you at the top!

23045578? ago


FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT: Fresh Air And Sunshine - Q Proofs/Decode 'o-o' <


23023985? ago

Q Post # 3896: Do Not Fear > Future World Music - Victory Of Life - Decode



23019417? ago

On it now. Working. I am making up a list of all POTUS phrases etc. and will post a mega decode afterwards.

Check out this as a taste: >
