23009397? ago

I will not be giddy until the traitors are swinging in the wind for the world to see.

23005636? ago

I'm NOT concerned about the coronavirus

Why? Here are four of many reasons:

1. Coronavirus is LESS Concerning Than Common Flu

How does the new coronavirus (COVID-19) compare with the flu? Which one is more worrisome? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number of Americans who died this season from the common flu range from 20,000 to 52,000. Compare to only 288 Americans from coronavirus.

Source 1 https://www.livescience.com/new-coronavirus-compare-with-flu.html

Source 2 https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/preliminary-in-season-estimates.htm

So based on the facts above, when the medias claim that coronavirus killed more Americans than the flu, their claim is FAKE news. What is their source? Is it a really independent source?

Also notice that the fake news mass media presently does a wall-to-wall coverage of the less worrisome coronavirus. But no or little coverage of the more worrisome standard flu season. Why? Could it be because some politicians and or others will ask you the tax payers for not realistic amount of "aid" money for the "coronavirus". If they do will they unethically or illegally use that "aide" money. Conflict of interest? Kickback? Where does that money really goes? Who track & monitor that money?

2. Simple Soap Kills Coronavirus

You don’t need to use antibacterial products – simple detergent [soap] should break down the virus.

Source https://sph.cuny.edu/covid19/

So I'll keep periodically washing my hands. But more often before and after social events.

Video 2 minutes https://youtu.be/d914EnpU4Fo

3. Low Risk Of Spread From Products Or Packaging

In general, because of poor survivability of these coronaviruses on surfaces, there is likely very low risk of spread from products or packaging that are shipped over a period of days or weeks at ambient temperatures.

Source https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/faq.html#basics

So I'll keep ordering products online. As the further the shipper is the safer it is. And continue to wash my hands.

4. Fatality Rate LOWER Than 3%

Compare to all the other viruses, coronavirus fatality rate is LOWER than 3%. Which is one of the lowest fatality rate compare to this list of known viruses. Higher estimated percentage are just speculations. Because they are not supported by really independent sources.

Source https://archive.md/9uzOu#selection-1791.0-1791.44


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 25 Mar 2019 - 10:28:14 AM



PEOPLE around the WORLD are 'WAKING UP' to the FACT (NOT FICTION) that the CORPORATE [[D] party politically controlled] [6 CORPORATIONS OWN 90%] MEDIA [FAKE NEWS] IS NOT unbiased journalism but POLITICALLY MOTIVATED AND CONTROLLED.








Meme Fake News Medias

An increasing number of people know fake news media is biased, political and controlled?




23003236? ago

There is a cure for that too. Wine, Beer, and/or whiskey and a bunch of carbs.

23002331? ago

"Those who know, cannot sleep"

23002182? ago

Those who know cannot sleep

23001675? ago

When you can’t settle into a sleep, just get up and check QRV.

23001422? ago

Same here. I've been reading all day every day and have this feeling that we are on the top of a rollercoaster that will drop at any second. It's happening.

23001109? ago

Was up until 4am yesterday just trying to keep up with it all. Sleep is a necessary annoyance lol.

23001400? ago


23001074? ago

It’s like watching a train wreck. Horrible but can’t take your eyes off of it.

23000756? ago

Rly? 20 mins and I feel caught-up

23000670? ago

yeah i'm having problems sleeping even 2 hours a night

23000521? ago

I took two Benadryl and zonked out for like 11 hours. It feels great to not need an alarm clock.

23000507? ago

I hope so! I can't wait for it to reveal what we've been laughed at and made fun of for saying for 3 fucking years. I wonder what life after disclosure will look like.

23000506? ago

Take a break. There is nothing you can do.

23000091? ago

Haha try to get enough sleep. This is a long marathon. Keep up the good fight. Stay safe. Stay healthy

23000077? ago

Lol... Needs to include the "yo guys i get high on weed" in his post.

It isn't 1990 anymore. Smoking weed has as much edge as a beach ball.


Honestly, i am kind of burned out (no pun intended). I have been aware/paying attention to Q shortly after the posts began. I have gone through the transition from LARP to LEGIT. There have been several times that we hoped something was about to pop, only to be disappointed because our predictions didn't come to fruition. I think the burnout is by design. When Q first started posting, and had the arrests began shortly thereafter, i probably would have been one of those guys you see amidst the chaos, backlit by a burning daycare center and wearing a necklace made out of Leftist ears- naked, giggling, and killing any cats that i see (because i am convinced conservatives are dog people, cats suck ass). The "letdowns" have successfully tempered my feelings enough for me to have developed perspective about where we go and what we need to do once it all begins. I think Q intentionally desensitized us to the notion that we will need to take to the atreets in anticipation for a second Civil War.

There have been so many false starts and unmet self-imposed deadlines that i am kind of numb. It will happen eventually. Nobody has successfully predicted what Q will do or has planned. We keep trying and trying to outhink Q, but we have been miserable failures. That is okay, because Q is running circles around (((them))) and that is what is important. You think you are tired and frustrated by all the feints Q has thrown us, imagine how (((they))) feel reacting to every implication, shadow, and accusation Q throws at them. They are fighting for their lives and the continuation of their cult. Those motherfuckers have got to be getting exhausted.

Everybody thinks they are an autist, but the #1 mistake i see on these board and verses is the amount of time and effort some anons spend trying to convince others that they have figured out what Q is going to do.

Be comfy! Sit back. Watch for drops. Focus on digs independently or working with other anons. Get semi-obnoxious telling normies the truth. If you feel the need to have discussions about the future, limit the scope and maintain perspective- remember it is the past drops we are looking for verification of. Q never tasked us with figuring things out ahead of schedule. This is a movie. It is already scripted, sure there will be some improvisation along the way, but the ending is written and the major plot points will be hit.

Get comfy and watch this shit go down, but to answer your question: i have been sleeping fine. I am not even taking melatonin anymore.

23000003? ago

It's hard to sleep when decades of research lead to only one outcome. The more I research and the more I pick up on clues from what the POTUS says.... And the more I realize the POTUS hasn't wavered one molecule from his campaign to " Drain the Swamp",....

Shit, I can't even digress here.

I fell asleep at 7pm ... Probably from not sleeping much the last couple weeks... Er...months... Wake up at 2 am to my wife wondering why I didn't eat dinner.

She said I was making too much noise.... While,I wasn't doing anything but turned on the news...OAN....at a low volume level.

And here I am at 5am wondering...Jack and Coke or Coffee? Kek, not funny ...but kek

22999635? ago

I'm getting weary of it all, tbh. The push and pull of this information cycle is nearly overwhelming. And, honestly, some of the "connections" and "comms" I've been seeing lately seem completely bizarre, almost SerialBrain2-level connecting the dots. So I'm trying to limit my intake of information now.

22999351? ago

Trouble sleeping...dunno why

22999348? ago

Same here minus the bong n such..wish I had some though

22999401? ago

Weed is for niggers. You nigger.

23000684? ago

Shill alert🚨🚨🚨🚨

23005114? ago

Nigger alert.

22999323? ago

I'm up, but ready for arrests/trials/hangings...any of those would be nice.

22999297? ago

What is the latest totally really happening soonTM?

22999347? ago

Looks like april 19/20.

22999282? ago

almost 7am and i'm still not asleep... been up to 4am daily. i doze off at 9pm until 12 or so every night but then i'm up all night. i want the movie to end already!!!!

22999811? ago

My hours too! I also have to fit in letting the cats out in the early morning hours.

22999986? ago

ha! pugs for me...

22999276? ago

It's the shopping hassle that's keeping me awake. Just got back from the supermarket- slim pickin's, but I did manage to score a few items. Anybody have some good recipes for: two kumquats, one rutabaga and a box of baking soda? It's to feed a family of 6. For a week.

22999824? ago

Great idea for the food channels. They should have one of those shows for 'here's what I got at the store during quarantine and made this great dish' (Assuming, of course, these guys aren't escaping to Australia due to their arrest warrants.

22999268? ago

The Great Stay Awakening!

22999932? ago


22999260? ago

Nope. I'm still working because apparently the super niche thing I do is important

22999256? ago

It's been hard to sleep for past few years because I hate living in this clown world. I want FREEDOM back. And the virus does not worry me at all - the government taking FULL CONTROL of our lives however scares the shit out of me. If this is the STORM, it needs to be SWIFT. We need to get back to normalcy within 2 weeks. Otherwise, economy will continue to shut down, the supply lines will shut down, and there will no longer be food in grocery stores.

22999206? ago

Yes! Im with you, not sleeping, even though im tired, waking up at 5 in the morning, with my mind rushing around with habbenings! I have such an excited feeling to, i think thats whats doing it :-)

22999063? ago

Y'all mother fuckers need professional mental health.

22999249? ago

And yet here you are you stupid faggot lol! get fucked!

23384675? ago

Lol. So edgy!

22999136? ago

Wouldn't it be: Y'mother fuckers all?

22999022? ago

QRV is totally lame. Just wake up to the fact that nobody likes you and everyone thinks you are retarded, it will be easy to sleep then. There's nothing exciting about being a joke. You can go to sleep now. You're welcome.

22999254? ago

you could try suicide. it is 100% effective cure for faggotry and other diseases like leftism.

22999321? ago

I don't know why you thought that comment would be funny or appreciated.

22999489? ago

I can see you are still alive, Keep trying faggot.

22999305? ago

leftism on voat

Imagine being this retarded.

22999160? ago

these retards are shitting up the front page

22998980? ago

Im afraid to fall asleep because I keep waking up in this fucking nightmare

22998958? ago

Popcorn is gmo garbage. Eat some grassfed meat. Don't drink coffee. You'll sleep normally then.

22998900? ago

I woke up at 3:33am...yikes

22998888? ago

Wish I could get RSO in New York. Medical program here is such a joke. New York anons know how it is.

22998879? ago

Yes!!! I’m addicted I was thinking yesterday but so much is happening and everyone is starting to see it too!

22998863? ago

Mortality Rate in the U.S. using Johns Hopkins #'s

3/11 Wednesday - 2.2% .. (with 1,600 confirmed U.S. cases - World Wide 7.9%)

Thursday - 2.1%

Friday - 2.1%

Saturday - 2.0%

Sunday - 1.9%

Monday - 1.8%

Tuesday -1.8%

Wednesday - 1.6%

Thursday - 1.5%

Friday - 1.4%

Saturday - 1.3%....(with 19,624 confirmed U.S. cases - World Wide 4.1%)

22998856? ago

Hell yeah fellow anon. You're doing God's work. Worked so much overtime this week doing my tiny part keeping the supply chains going, I couldn't feel more vibrant and alive than i am right now!

22998821? ago

Averaging 4 hours of sleep a night....

22998816? ago

It's coming down the tracks. Rolling like thunder, lightning strikes and deep fear chills the heart of the damned.

22998792? ago

I am tired and going to bed at 9PM and waking at 3:30AM and I really don't know why, my usual hours are quite different when I am working.

22999810? ago

This isnt the effect.... this is returning to normal.

The slavery was the problem.

Enjoy this freedom, it wont last.

23001072? ago

It's funny, I realized how stressed I was from work. Being home with my family, no alarm clocks, no schedule to keep, just working on the garden/property and some home repairs is so refreshing.

23002171? ago

That's real life.

22999577? ago

Similar and much different than my schedule over the last few decades...

22999480? ago

Yes! Same here.

22999212? ago

Been on that exact schedule for 3 years. The world feels different. The vibe has changed. Feels like the timeline has been modified or something. I can’t explain it but I feel it.

22998709? ago

It's 4am here right now, and I am commenting here. So yup...

22998699? ago

Yes and here I am.

22998691? ago

Right there with you patriot! Stay healthy and sleep. I know, I know, - Don't wanna miss a thing. - Neither do I, but it'll all be there in the morning. - WWG1WGA!

22998687? ago

Yes, too anxious! Can't wait for the climax and ending!

22998557? ago

Me too Digits. <

22998667? ago

kek! Up to 490 now, I suppose I should read them at some point (it's really nice not having to respond to shills though!!!). Been emailing my brother along with the rest of the family with the "do not fear" etc stuff, and various videos to download for when the net goes out; but, still haven't continued an earlier discussion with him, which needs continuing. A bit vague, anyway, thanks for your support. God bless.

23006577? ago

Yes, an updated conversation with him would help clear things up.

22998726? ago

Here in the Netherlands its almost ten in the morning.

So yes i'm still here. ;)

22998515? ago

Haha yes! I have done this a few times when I thought it was about to go down. When I was investigating pizzagate I would literally wake myself up repeating the deep state names! Quite often I will wake up at 3am and check my notifications incase it has happened.

Not long now patriot :)

23001046? ago

3am! That’s when I keep waking up.

23004296? ago

I certainly believe we can feel the energy. Schumans resonance for example. Glad to be sharing this journey ❤️

22999887? ago

Fred, (seems like a cool name to call you) I feel the same. I’m not a baker like you, but I am intrigued by The Plan.

23004264? ago

Ha! It’s Charlotte but I like Fred. What is your view of the plan?

22998475? ago

Keep your climaxes to yourself. Sheesh