Search Google for "Symbolism will be their downfall" - The results are glorious! (
submitted 4.9 years ago by 3716455?
22999662? 4.9 years ago
Quite incredible
22989945? 4.9 years ago
note Q did say their algos can't read memes, that's why the search results for Images mostly liberated.
22994605? 4.9 years ago
Symbol ?
22989598? 4.9 years ago
In fact, I would suggest searching google for a lot of different Q terms now that it's uncensored. I'm not an expert on the repeated phrases he's said so someone with more knowledge than me would have to do this.
22994591? 4.9 years ago
weird masonic shit on endchan dot net?
22996120? 4.9 years ago
Great find. Thank you!
22999662? ago
Quite incredible
22989945? ago
note Q did say their algos can't read memes, that's why the search results for Images mostly liberated.
22994605? ago
Symbol ?
22989598? ago
In fact, I would suggest searching google for a lot of different Q terms now that it's uncensored. I'm not an expert on the repeated phrases he's said so someone with more knowledge than me would have to do this.
22994591? ago
weird masonic shit on endchan dot net?
22996120? ago
Great find. Thank you!