22983445? ago

Thanks Win Anon

22981857? ago


22980335? ago

Thank you Aggregating Patriot!

Moar 🍿🍿 for you!

22980243? ago

Thanks, keep em coming!

22978803? ago

I’m glad you’re here OP. o7

22978304? ago

It looks like Trump is maintaining his approval percentage even with the crisis. Good to see people are not blaming him for what is happening.

22978280? ago

Subscribers seem to be increasing at a faster rate.

22982556? ago

Yeah, I've seen it over 800 in last couple days.

22977857? ago

come here everyday just for this!

22977415? ago

Thank you, Patriot! ❤️🤍💙

22977196? ago

Awesome, thanks!

22977183? ago

Thanks WotdAnon!

22978715? ago


22977098? ago

Biden is nothing more than an empty suit puppet that will be used for Obama’s 3rd term.

22977397? ago

Omg, that is actually sad how much of a puppet he is. If he weren't so evil, would have some legitimate pity. Usually the puppets are at least capable of the self-awareness to walk off the stage when done.

22977498? ago

I don't know if he's mentally cognizant enough to be evil.

22978158? ago

Maybe not anymore, if it's not an act.

Regardless, he's still cognizant enough to hang.

22976721? ago

Slight typo on the last one kek...otherwise good shit as always

22976582? ago


22976529? ago

Thank you!

22976480? ago

Thank you.

22976452? ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/IqCwR8oYq8xU - ( US needs to reevaluate its relationship with Ch... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/nto5rPtjpmIa - ( Democratic Primary Results: Joe Biden’s 3-Sta... )

22976132? ago

this is so fucking stupid it must be part of the plan. breath.

22975957? ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=2F2PHafq6qo :

Democratic Primary Results: Joe Biden’s 3-State Win Puts Nomination Out of Sanders’s Reach - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

22975839? ago

22975749? ago
