22975905? ago

The constitution will always exist. There is nothing to take or rip. We shoot those that say otherwise. End of story

22971825? ago

Why can't old people talk to the young? We have the internet, email and texting. And plain old phone calls.

22971026? ago

The 2nd ammendment and private militias.

22970757? ago

The possibility does exist that this is a psyop to pacify and lead us to slaughter. BUT...Admiral Rogers, General Flynn, et al have been inundated with Qanon support, praise and trust the plan comments for the past 2 years. I believe them to be true patriots that started this and they would have squashed it if it was a psyop that threatened the sovereignty of the US.

22970672? ago

Seriously I am reading the comments replying to your original post and I really don't know what to think.

What I observed so far in the whole world (not american obviously): Religions are gone, no more meeting, preaching, etc, every churches, mosques whatever are empty.

Everyone are isolated by their own choice. Martial law is on the verge globally, and everyone think it will be for their benefits. The market is done for on a global scale, and will never recuperate from what happen, the wave is moving and we are waiting for it to hit us.

The old world order is gone...what do you think is coming in the weeks to come? They successfully implemented the new world order and we did nothing to stop them...we are too afraid to get the virus.

I don't see a win here. We will see in a couple of weeks if I am right.

I believe in God, and I know in the end he will clean the place, but right now I am not so sure Trump was the people savior.

My God is, and he will be.

22971997? ago

Love your optimism!

22974542? ago

Lets talk again in 3-4 months...

22974969? ago

We WILL talk in 3-4 months. Despite my above sarcasm, we will be here and we will be fine. This will be a win. Trust.

22970506? ago

No, the White Hats' Plan A was to have a complete coup to take back America and destroy the Federal Reserve and the evil cabal running the show. We are IN Plan B -- which was to ASK Trump to run for President, SECURE his election and then systematically, LEGALLY take down the traitors and corrupt politicians in D.C. For a more detailed explanation, every AMERICAN should buy Neon Revolt's book "Revolution Q: The Story of QANON." PACKED FULL OF FACTS, not conjecture.

22969862? ago

I trust myself only. Be aware of everything.

22969758? ago

Very good video for Q Proofs, LONG, but very, very good:


As for plan B... I think/suspect that this goes way beyond "Plan B." They probably have Plan C, Plan D, Plan E and on and on... They've been working on this for years.

22969533? ago

My 2 cents... while there is always a chance this is a scam on us, i truly believe, based on research and proofs, that is <1% chance. It wouldn't make sense for them to make their move while many Americans are armed. However, if that is not the case, I'm guessing many patriots will bug out to remote locations, and will fight guerrilla warfare style. 100 million + guns, IS the largest army. BAR NONE! Would be a total shit show

22969515? ago

Plan B is to just die. But at least we had hope. With the deep state in charge, we are enslaved with no hope and then die.

I choose hope with all my might.

22969490? ago

Overthinking this I think. We don't need FEAR on this list

22969304? ago

Q would have been a psyop if the corona virus was as weaponized as the deep state wanted it to be to cull the population.

There is too many people with too many guns to implement a global government and remove the Constitution (at least in the US)

This is the real deal these satan loving fucks are going down.

22969270? ago

Good thread, no bs.

22969047? ago

If we've been duped, Plan B is: https://youtu.be/JcW8VNwYvL0

22969000? ago

They are who they say they are.

When did Q say who they are?

22968999? ago

I'll just reply to everyone here. I got irritated by constantly reading the news well before the Corona panic and deleted my voat account, and tuned it ALL out, probably for a month or two.

But then when the shit show in China started to unfold I had to come back because this is one of the better sources of info / news that you won't find anywhere, nor will you hear Alex Jones talking about it in between his snake oil and big dick pill commercials.

I am more than prepared to sit under "house arrest" for 6 months if I had to. My home is paradise and I already work from home as it is. This really isn't much different than my normal day to day.

BUT, history books show that when something THIS crazy goes down in a country, more often than not the result is NOT good for "the people." It would be EXTREMELY naive to believe this is the big moment we've all been waiting for without at least SOME healthy skepticism. We should consider a list of "signs" that this is the formation of our new banana republic rather than the good guys rounding up the bad guys.

For me, one sign would be forced inoculations. We all saw the Alex Jones posts about the yellow armbands, and we all know that he needs to fill his sales quota of survival seed banks and colloidal silver purple people pills this week.

However, if we start seeing checkpoints, bridges locked down (that's where they will go first), police driving through the streets with loudspeakers, people in hazmat suits telling people they are forced to have this shot, or kicking down doors to search people's homes for contraband and guns...

If those things come to pass, that's my line in the sand. Hopefully the Q group aren't a bunch of retards and can see the writing on the wall. Gun stores are cleaned the fuck out this week. That should be just as much a sign to THEM as what's gonna happen if we see those signs FROM them.

22968967? ago

I absolutely know, that this is Good vs. evil (God vs satan), and the good guys are in charge. The outcome has been foreseen AND pre-determined. Do not fear. I have had moments of doubt myself, but then I realized it is meaningless to fear, it doesn't matter. No matter your world view:

  • If you are religious, then a good God would not allow this evil to go unchecked, but because of free-will, he is restricted in how he works in the world. So he uses unusual people to carry out his will (Donald Trump? Seriously? I used to hate strongly dislike him.)
  • If you are an Atheist, then nothing matters anyway, and free-will is an illusion arising from quantum entanglement.

22968771? ago

Did we really just have the Constitution "ripped" out from under us?

The Dems, NeverTrumpers and Globalists were adhering to the Constitution for the last 40 years? The Last 20 years?

My observation is that the folks around here...

  1. Tend to think for themselves, thats why they're here in the first place.

  2. Maintain a critical eye, but have decided that the Q proofs etc are enough and that they believe Q is legit.

  3. Are RELATIVELY comfortable with a shut down, especially since it was predicted.

The shut-down is not a reason to begin questioning Q. Q predicted this when critics were mocking as as tinfoil hat etcetcetc.... This is not the time to be questioning, or rabbit-trail off on the Constitution....

We've already picked a side. Time to follow through, not fumble just as we are ready to cross the goal line....

Ultimately, grown ups make decisions and follow through. Change for something obvious? OK, but a hand-wringing re-evaluation, in the absence of new information? Thats for little girls.

22971899? ago

Well said!!

22968657? ago

Plan B was for the military to walk into DC and just arrest everyone in front of the world. That would cause an incredible shit show, so they went with this really long and complicated plan we are now witnessing. Now, as you said, if this is just a psyop and we got played, oh well. Its not like we ever had a chance to begin with against a world wide cabal that controls all the intel agencies, the money supply, the military, and gov't.

and don't forget, should this whole thing go sideways, the military still has the option of bringing out the full force of military action if required.

22972085? ago

That was plan z, military coup under obummer

22969027? ago

Plan B was for the military to walk into DC and just arrest everyone in front of the world.

I also suspect that this wouldn't have ultimately worked. If you just get rid of the humans causing trouble, the demons will instantly reincarnate in the next generation. The way to win this is a total spiritual awakening, and that it the timeline we're really on now.

22970481? ago

I have a feeling the Roll Tanks option would have also included a whole lot of de-programming shows on the TV, radio, et.c. The Red Pill would have been crammed down everyone's throat by force, instead of letting the people find out themselves, over time.

There's an easy way and a hard way to do anything. The .mil knew the ends they wanted, and I'm sure they figured out multiple means.

22969378? ago

Exactly, it was not the optimum solution. Its the fall back and always a possibility, but definitely not the first choice.

22968749? ago

Its not like we ever had a chance to begin with against a world wide cabal that controls all the intel agencies, the money supply, the military, and gov't.

We as individuals don't — but GOD, with our earnest request, does!!

and don't forget, should this whole thing go sideways, the military still has the option of bringing out the full force of military action if required.

And patriots need to make clear we're willing to fucking scorch the earth and leave the genociders in the stone age. They don't get to hijack and take credit for everything we and our ancestors have created after proudly genociding us.

22969414? ago

That's right, if a patriot is going to die, he's going to go down fighting with a scorched earth mentality.

22968618? ago

The plan B is wise. I feel we are in for great things, IF the bad guys are in control this would not be such a smooth transition to the new new world order.

22968441? ago

Any attempt to form a Plan B is quickly shut down by DoJ and DHS, which shows that patriots are not in control.

If feds are in your area, print stuff out and hand it to the boots on the ground. This is a good one.

22968382? ago

I got 12,000rds of ballots for the next election, if this was all a power grab against the people.

You can't educate and galvanize millions into the Q movement then not deliver.

Reddit kicked out small groups of racists and they were followed by non-racists who learned to hate - hate fat people. Then blacks. Then the Jews who started it all.

Q will deliver through this movement. The question is whether we watch the movie or need to step up ourselves.

22968450? ago

I haven't counted but I know I have more ballots than I can carry.

22968472? ago

Sounds like enough for the primary election!

22968369? ago

It is far from foolish and overly cautious to assume that the Plan A may not work.

When you put all your eggs in one basket you may lose them all!

22968295? ago

Unfortunately, the current only plan B is Trust the plan A.

22968232? ago

It's good for when you don't want more babies and can't find a rubber