These are some good links to send out now that Big Tech's filters are down (QRV)
submitted 4.9 years ago by 3711483?
You are the news now, so share the news!
Homeland Security's submission to Jihad
Active, unprosecuted spy rings in the United States
Britain and Saudi subversion of the United states
Graphic flowcharts of foreign spy rings
Russian interference that no one is talking about
Gamergate has been solved! It was a Saudi spy ring.
Bernie Sanders was blackmailed by the FBI
22950631? 4.9 years ago
Are Bernie Bros going to rounded up?
22949754? 4.9 years ago :
8Chan gamergat e community at 8kun is dead. Somebody told me that there are bunkers. : kotakuinaction2 :
Bernie Sanders Was Blackmailed By The FBI & Intel Agencies To Play Role Of “Sheep Dog” For The DNC In 2020 : conspiracy
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22950631? ago
Are Bernie Bros going to rounded up?
22949754? ago : :
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