22951053? ago

Thank you

22950684? ago

Thanks, I got nailed on FB for reposting your post, but it looks like everyone did. I'm sure they have wised up and started kicking off not just conservatives, but liberal posters also.

22950643? ago

Thanks for summarizing the daily wins--always reminds me to be grateful.

22949906? ago

Thank you, Patriot! ❤️🤍💙

22949567? ago

https://tweetsave.com/dutnews/status/1239687514614530048 :

US Attorney Utah on Twitter: "@USAttyHuber “No amount of bank accounts, shell companies, burner phones, or the transfer of millions of dollars to foreign countries will stop us from tracking down money stolen from the government and holding criminals responsible for their wrongdoing.”… t.co/o7uV73Syp4"

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