22938276? ago

Thank you so much for these, I share them with multiple social media groups and get coverage like crazy, these are awesome carpet bombs to wake up the masses...especially now that Google is free and search results are telling the truth, and everyone is home doing their own bit of research...keep it up and together we will all break completely free of this tyranny!!


22934135? ago

Thanks so much

22934127? ago

Q gained control, or Q is ready for the masses to see?

22933068? ago

You are doing the greatest work we’ve seen in a while - truly amazing stuff keep it up.

22932878? ago

Keep it up. I read em everyday

22932701? ago

Thank you Patriot! We all read them. Your up-votes are missing!

22932425? ago

Thank you. I send this on to a friend who is still being red pilled. Keep up the good work Patriot.

22932258? ago

Thank you, Patriot! ❤️🤍💙

22932246? ago

Thanks Bud!! Good Job!

22932016? ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/k8XLaJmgAEGN - ( MSNBC host Brian Williams and New York Times ed... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/CNK6AUiJPmlZ - ( "60 Minutes:" Satellite security targeted in space )

22931972? ago

WinAnon best Anon!

-+ Satan account on twitter deleted. @S8n

22934122? ago

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