22935906? ago

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22920873? ago

First and foremost, this life isn't the real one. This is only the start, a training for the next.

Relax and let God take over. Prepare yourselves with the items you need the most, at least two weeks.

Pray and put on the armor. Christ is coming.

22920683? ago

Why would we ? Under what pretense would every ISP in the country have to be shut down ?

22920634? ago

It's a nice fantasy. Too good to be true I'm afraid.

22920451? ago

I guess we'll find out in <30 days, won't we?

22920276? ago

This^^^^^^^^^^^is mostly accurate.

22919684? ago

So, you think that the good guys released a virus that has already killed thousands and may kill millions of people with pre-existing conditions and that will effectively destroy the world wide economy as a pretext for covertly arresting a handful of criminals and you think this is a good thing?

You're either completely full of shit or fucking insane.

22919872? ago

Most people on this board think that the "White Hats" knew of the DS plan to release a virus and - instead of stopping it entirely like they should have - allowed the release and ensuring mass panic to happen, essentially making themselves COMPLICIT IN THE DEEP STATE PLAN.

It's a crime against humanity and apparently Q is on it and most people on this board are all for it.

I would say the entire Q movement has gone off the rails with hopium and insane justifications but they would call me a shill.

Nobody stops to think for a minute that if this is ACTUALLY IS THE PLAN, then the man in the street will eventually start questioning if Q/POTUS is legit DESPITE ANY DS ARRESTS. They will logically ask themselves, "Hey. Wait a minute. You guys used a deadly virus that has killed thousands and wrecked national economies across the globe to arrest a few thousand people? Really? Like you couldn't arrest them any other way? Maybe YOU ARE PLAYING US and this is just a power grab from one faction of a global elite to another because your methods used were TRULY EVIL"

22921463? ago

Rules change in time of war, especially when designated a National Emergency.

Q has always emphasized compliance with rule of law.

Not worried.

22921205? ago

It definitely has gone off the rails. At some point, absolutely everything became part of "the plan

22919670? ago

Amos 5:24 (NIV)

Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!

22919365? ago

Thank You.

22919303? ago

Hate to be nanny nay sayer, but so much inconsistent with this. 1. China & Iran would never cooperate with this plan; restoring America puts them at a disadvantage by every metric. 2. As one person noted, Canberra Raiders is a football team, not an Australian deep state. 3. White hats deliberately releasing a deadly virus to justify martial law, curfew and quarantines. More people would die from this white hat strategy (benign or not) than a deep state FF. 4. Red pilling the masses with this information does not justify a complete broadcast blackout even for 1 day, much less 10. Trump would have to officially suspend the Constitution to circumvent 1A freedom of the press. 5. There's no part of this plan that requires Trump to be President in order to execute it. Would be way easier for white hats to run a moderate and blackmail him into cooperation than deal with what Trump has dealt with 3.5 years. 6. The militaries of all other countries in the world would not participate in such a plan of self-hardship just to see justice served for Americans. 7. America, much less the rest of the world that it would inevitably effect, cannot just switch back to a gold standard in 10 days. Do you think the military is going to go around chipping off flakes of gold bars in exchange for everyone's paper currency? That would leave China holding half a trillion $ of US currency that immediately turns into toilet paper. Another reason China would not participate in this plan.

22919935? ago

Stop thinking logically and ruining all the hopium delerium!

Actually, I can't wait until 4/10/2020, when all this blows over WITHOUT A SINGLE DEEP STATE ARREST but with new repressive laws in place and the banks having bought up juicy stocks and real estate for pennies on the dollar.

The narrative here will flip to "Just wait until a year after the 2020 elections. That is when the REAL storm happens, The virus thing was just a dry run to make sure military units are well primed for the real thing"

Or something like that.

You get the idea.

22919102? ago

One can dream

22919100? ago

Stolen from a tweet thread.

22918936? ago

I’m sure that each one of these evil people who have taped confessions will be given a cyanid pill to take on the day that the videos go live. So technically Q team will not kill any of them. Don’t take the pill and you go to Gitmo for immediate military tribunal and execution.

22918861? ago

If this is Greg Rubini, don't buy it.

If this is from any other white hat, it might be true.

22918527? ago

A very rational analysis.

But in my experience, if it sounds too good to be true, it is.

Here's to my suspicious nature being in error.

22918515? ago

If all is out in a month then who should Trump be suing cnn right now? A process that takes a year to start rolling?

Cnn wont even be around in june if this all goes down "now"!

22918229? ago

So white hats released a virus that can kill the sick and elderly?

Not buying it.

22918477? ago

Life span of Asians is 70.5 years old. They have a receptor (ACE2) in their lungs much greater than the Western people. The more receptors the greater the negative impact to the person. So, combine the two...of course older people are going to die in Asia because they aren't expected to live to 76. Also, throw in this...China males smoke is mirrored to how Americans don't smoke. The nubers thrown at us is propaganda.

22918186? ago

You seem dogmatic about this. It's pretty much what most of us have expected for the storm, but you lay it out well.

Saving and printing to follow along as time progresses, to check accuracy.

Regardless, I do expect something along these lines.

22917831? ago

If I'm outside of the country, do I know about the EBS? Where does one access this?

22917415? ago

can we take out Collingwood supporters in Australia too?

22917352? ago

It's all from @killaudeepstate - posted 24 hours ago.

22917330? ago

My birthday is on April 1st would be awesome

22917324? ago

Boomers are expendable collateral damage, apparently.


22918652? ago

That's what I was thinking LOL.

22917274? ago

SARS-CoV-2 é um Psyop. Operação Psicológica ( manipulativa)

É um vírus real, mas causa pouca mortalidade.

Portanto, é benigno em geral mundialmente e menos preocupante do que a gripe.

O vírus pode ser problemático, mas apenas naqueles com doenças já mórbidas graves - quase exclusivamente nos idosos.

Dito isto - medidas preventivas DEVEM ser tomadas até POTUS (Trump) dar sinal de tudo claro.

Antivirais, como o remdesivir, serão úteis no tratamento na UTI.

O vírus foi projetado pelo Deep State (Governo Secreto Mundial) na Universidade da Carolina do Norte, Fort Detrick e AAHL, Geelong Austrália.

No entanto, foi modificado/neutralizado pelos chapéus brancos (os “mocinhos”).

Duas das quatro inserções de HIV tiveram adições de pares de bases para melhorar o "ganho de função".

China, Irã e Itália estão do lado de Trump.

Eles criaram a crise controlando a liberação da desinformação do Psyop

(operação psicológica).

A maioria das mortes foi da gripe comum.

Portanto, a prevenção / tratamento tradicional da gripe é importante.

A China lançou o vírus no horário designado.

O objetivo era criar o PANICO como cobertura para as operações.

As quarentenas serão escalonadas nas principais cidades do mundo.

O nível de ação será totalmente inadequado (exagerado) considerando o risco real.

A Mídia está torcendo que o vírus seja muito mortal e acabe politicamente com Trump.

Não é e não será.

Eles irão aumentar o pânico porque não têm outra escolha.

Eles pensam de que o vírus ainda está em sua forma original do Deep State (Governo secreto mundial).

Durante esses períodos de quarentena, a mundialmente ocorrerão prisões simultâneas secretas de integrantes do Deep State (Governo Secreto) de baixo escalão.

Isso inclui o MS-13 (Gangue de Crimes violentos oriundos do México) nos Estados Unidos, Máfia na Itália e os apoiadores do Canberra Raiders na Austrália.

Esses indivíduos desagradáveis serão colocados em campos de quarentena dirigidos pelos chapéus brancos ( Mocinhos) dos Exércitos de todos Países.

Não ouviremos muito dessas prisões - embora algumas já tenham sido anunciadas sutilmente.

Portanto, ainda não houve nenhuma prisão dramática desses indivíduos desagradáveis.

O silêncio é estrategicamente a melhor opção.

As quarentenas das cidades mundialmente continuarão desde o início individual escalonado até o final de 10 de abril (sexta-feira de Páscoa).

Sobrepostos, haverá 10 dias de escuridão (sem Mídia alguma. TV, jornais ou Internet ou radio), que começará em 1º de abril (manhã) e terminará em 10 de abril de 2020 também.

Imediatamente antes do início da escuridão, POTUS irá fazer um Tweet : "Meus Parceiros/Companheiros americanos ... a tempestade está sobre nós ......" ( com exatamente estas palavras= My fellow Americans ... the Storm is upon us ......”)

Como será no Dia da Mentira, 1 de Abril, isto diminuirá o medo inicial sobre a escuridão ( fim da Mídia Fake).

Quando a interrupção das mídias começar, será o pico do pânico no COVID-19 e Lei Marcial Médica Mundial.

De fato, a Lei Marcial Médica de Quarentena / Medicina estará em vigor na maioria das grandes cidades do mundo há algum tempo antes de 1º de abril de 2020.

Muitas pessoas se auto-isolarão em casa.

A maioria já terá preparado para alimentos etc.

Na Austrália, os desempregados / pensionistas receberão US $ 750 em 31 de março de 2020.

Outros países também terão contingências.

Isso significa que poucos passarão fome.

Mercados de emergência estarão abertos para fornecer suprimentos, se necessário, mas geralmente a maioria das lojas estarão fechadas.

Nos 10 dias de blecoute não haverá mídias sociais ou internet.

Haverá eletricidade, mas não TV ou rádio.

Nenhum jornal será impresso.

Os militares de cada país as fecharão.

Trump terá o ÚNICO método disponível para alcançar as pessoas ao longo dos 10 dias de escuridão e isso será feito pelo sistema de transmissão de emergência. (STE)

Cada exército do mundo transmitirá isso para TVs e dispositivos em seus respectivos países.

Trump estará no exterior ou no AF1 durante os Dias sem mídias.

Aparentemente, a desculpa para o uso do AF1(Aeronave presidencial) será o risco de segurança e / ou infecção.

As transmissões de emergência serão transmitidos do AF1.

Efetivamente, haverá um blecaute total de notícias, exceto do governo Trump.

Os documentários feitos profissionalmente serão transmitidos no para TVs, dispositivos etc. mundialmente.

O conteúdo apresentará todos os crimes / horrores e detalhes.

No entanto, será de nível censura familiar.

Mesmo assim será indiscutível, provando toda malicia.

Trump descreverá como ele foi convidado a correr pelas Forças Armadas dos EUA para derrubar o Governo Secreto mundial e que ele não é um "político".

Ele comprovará o programa de disseminação Q.

Esses documentários incluirão confissões gravadas de famosos políticos e elites do Governo Secreto.

A estrutura do controle mundial será revelada.

Serão apresentadas provas de crimes.

Os resultados dos Tribunais Militares serão revelados.

As apresentações ocorrerão, por exemplo, 8 horas / dia pelos 10 dias seguidos.

Repetições ocorrerão pelo resto do dia, para que os trabalhadores de turnos / trabalhadores de emergência não percam nada.

O Programa Emergencial (STE) será 24/7

As famílias não terão mais nada a fazer senão assistir.

Os vídeos / provas mais hediondos não serão para todos - e podem ser vistos por aqueles que desejam fazê-lo, na Internet, após os 10 dias de escuridão de mídia.

Haverá tempo para refletir durante cada dia desses 10 dias.

Haverá repudio / incredulidade e confusão em massa.

Nosso papel como pessoas do bem será proporcionar uma sensação de calma, validação, compaixão e segurança.

Muitas pessoas anteriormente receosas de falar serão capazes de fazer isto agora.

Os 10 dias de escuridão terminarão na sexta-feira de Páscoa, e haverá um derramamento em massa de espiritualidade.

Na sexta-feira da Páscoa, as pessoas serão informadas de que o status do vírus agora é seguro para sair para rua e se reunir.

Igrejas, sinagogas, mesquitas e lugares de espiritualidade estarão cheias novamente.

Haverá muita dor, mas também alívio.

Uma pequena porcentagem - talvez 5% será desequilibrada demais por sofrer lavagem cerebral progressiva por tanto tempo para aceitar a verdade.

Eles tentarão se revoltar, como sempre.

No entanto, em breve eles perceberão que "o povo" está muito mais irritado, disciplinado e potencialmente violento.

O Governo Secreto perderá o controle para sempre.

Os militares guardam estações de TV / jornais para evitar vandalismo.

Após o blecaute, midia fake ( Globo etc) será completamente exposta e não tentará contrariar a narrativa.

Os atores do Governo Secreto que não mudaram e ainda não foram enviados para Guantánamo provavelmente optarão de participar no fim de semana de suicídio de 11 e 12 de abril de 2020.

Os incorrigíveis serão deixados a defender-se diante das massas agora informadas.

Pode haver um reajuste econômico dentro dos 10 dias de escuridão com o fim do Federal Reserve (Banco Central Fake dos EUA) e o retorno ao padrão-ouro

22917261? ago

I´m lost... I just did a translation of this post to portuguese... not just the google trans... but I just cant find the sub anymore for the brazilian Patriots! help!

22917234? ago

Why would China and Iran support the President?

22920057? ago

They won't. Makes no sense whatsoever.

Why on God's green earth would China participate in any such plan when that nation is perfectly primed and situated to be the dominant world power starting in the latter half of this century? Read up on the Belt and Road initiative if you haven't already. China is set to lead the entire world and, despite their repressive communist regime at home, they will do MUCH BETTER JOB in raising other countries out of poverty than the Anglo/American strategy of domination, colonization, and bombing and invading.

China was all set for the win and it is absolutely ludicrous to think they would participate in a plan to somehow revive American supremacy.

Hate on China all you want. Some of it is well justified. But no other nation on earth has lifted 1 billion of its own citizens out of dire poverty straight into first world standards. No other nation has bought increasing prosperity to Afirca. China builds railroads, highways, schools and factories in Africa while the Anglo/American project was one of political assassinations and arming militias to fight each other in perpetuity. Is it any surprise Africa would prefer to deal with China instead of us?

I see this virus thing as an Anglo/American/Zionist attack against Chine and Iran - their two major enemies. They probably targeted Russia as well but Russia was crafty enough to prevent the infection, likely due to their stellar intelligence gathering capabilities.

22920412? ago

China has it's own severe problems and will never reach it's potential with an authoritarian government. They will also continue to be our enemy until changes are made.

Our issues are not that we need to be more like China. On the contrary, we need to return to the strong American values that made this country great in the first place.

22918554? ago

What could happen if they don't?

22920436? ago

Eventually they will be beaten. Nevertheless, the current regimes in both places will never give up power willingly and would never cooperate with the President on any project that would help the U.S.

22917049? ago

Thank you for this. My husband might actually be able to comprehend it.

22917035? ago

Canberra Raiders supporters? That’s the name of a football team.

22916851? ago

i mean... that would be great but it all sounds o far fetched... you know? i mean everything that has happened thus far, also sounds far fetched. donald trump becoming president sounds far fetched. it's all crazy.

22916417? ago

I hope this is true and how it will happen. I'm most worried about the people who are so brainwashed that they refuse to see the truth.

22916225? ago

The structure of world control will be outlined

22916179? ago

Nice fantasy.

22916158? ago

Some of this seems reckless. Hospitals need the internet. . .

22916728? ago

I am fairly certain hospitals were around and functioning just fine prior to the mid '90s.

22916618? ago

You think they can't control which portions of the net are shut down? You really think they'd plan this whole shit to such a degree, but then forget that hospitals need internet connections for patient information, etc.?

C'mon now. Think.

22916145? ago

15 Days to Go....

22916058? ago

10 days of darkness should be the ultimate Q proof for the non believers

22923934? ago

Q596: Download Off-Line Free "Book of Q" Before Internet Down April 1st, 2020 at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3708439/

22920372? ago

Why / How are hey going to turn off all communications for 10 days ?? Not buying it ... “a prophecy misread ...”

22920517? ago

Other countries can do it, we all know Russia can so why can't the US?

22918328? ago

Seeing the baby-eating elite behind bars or dead will be the ultimate Q proof.

22917151? ago

That'd do it for me, until then, I'm just here for the entertainment

22916024? ago

Why post anonymous with no sources?

22916236? ago

This is from someone’s guess as to what could potentially be going on with the current events and Q posts.

22916013? ago

There will be electricity but no TV or radio.

Each Military WW will transmit this to TV's and devices in their respective country.

22919938? ago

EMS...(broadcast over the "air waves"). As in days of the old, er.

22915958? ago

If applicable, there are no words to thank you enough. God Bless us All and our Fallen.

22915953? ago

Sounds like a dream come true but who said it - source?? Come on - dont build false expectations.

22915863? ago

I totally buy this anon, thanks

22915859? ago

This is the truth. Believe it.

22915804? ago

This is Interdasting. Archived.

22919224? ago

I obviously did not buy enough popcorn.

22915802? ago

how did you figure this out? it does paint a picture essentially of what Q has been attempting to tell us over the last few years but would be interesting if you could show the connections you've found in qdrops to come to this conclusion

22916596? ago

It's pretty obvious if you've followed the drops. Those Q phrases that didn't always make complete sense suddenly make sense as you watch it unfold before your eyes.

22916538? ago

It appears to be similar to this string of twats


22917187? ago

Yes.. it would've be nice if OP noted that. 😒

22918647? ago

I was hoping it was the same guy because otherwise pretty lame. The original author has clarified that this is his best guess.

22915801? ago

Loved it all, especially the joke you threw in about Canberra Raider supporters.

Wait, maybe you were being serious.

Regardless, thank you Prime Minister SCOMO for the update.

I shall pass this on as an official press release from The Prime Minister's Office to Channel 9, 7, 10, SBS, ABC, and SKY News.

NMBRFG approves of this message.

22918244? ago

Good day Sir

never heard back on my things iv sent you in the last weeks. i know lifes crazy rt now but can we proceed?

last de and the postmen are frowning !!

we shall walk through the valley and thy staff and rod will sustain us

may the force be with you


22918862? ago

Would love to join you. No idea how.

22915669? ago