Looks like Flynn will get a full pardon (QRV)
submitted 4.8 years ago by 3707471?
22915912? 4.8 years ago
He deserves a lot more than a pardon.
22915652? 4.8 years ago
Called this a month ago: >
22915371? 4.8 years ago
Yes. What other option was there? He'll be starring in the 3rd movie of the trilogy.
22915285? 4.8 years ago
Flynn's getting a promotion soon and then the FULL reveal.
22915912? ago
He deserves a lot more than a pardon.
22915652? ago
Called this a month ago: >
22915371? ago
Yes. What other option was there? He'll be starring in the 3rd movie of the trilogy.
22915285? ago
Flynn's getting a promotion soon and then the FULL reveal.