22916592? ago

This is a warning to the DS that he is readying for battle. Freeing Flynn up is a notice that Trump is done preparing, he is ready for full on war. It is no mistake that he announced this the same day he wanted lots of prayer coverage from us all.

22914443? ago

I am so sick of this circus. so let him go?

22913356? ago

Do it Q+

22912187? ago

And why not Assange & Manning while he's at it?

22911978? ago

cool, wake me up when the kikes get called out.

22909941? ago

Trump sure likes to throw gas on the fire to agitate the deep state, what better way to make them screw up.

22909441? ago

If the court/FBI cannot be trusted and Full Pardon is the only option, then BY ALL MEANS.

I would also expect charges to be immediately filed on those who have conspired to subvert justice in this case.

22909407? ago

I'll just leave this here: >

Future Fagging > Trump Pardons [F]lynn > This is an open bet with Anons > Welcome to The Competition


22909339? ago

Oh dang, I thought Trump only pardoned skeevy jews.....

22909144? ago

Allows the (((government))) to print 1.5 trillion to give to Jews so they can buy up all our businesses through their manufactured crisis, but hey, look over here, more political theater that does nothing to help citizens who you were elected to represent.

22909098? ago

Strange timing!?

22908944? ago

Full exoneration

22908785? ago

Does Barr Spring Declass on them well they are scrambling trying to hold their pandemic narrative together?

Do It!!! Declass Clears General Flynn and Others!!!


22912909? ago

Declass before indictments .......

22908578? ago

No. A Pardon right now is protecting Treason.

The FBI.

The IRS.

All National Security holders.

Past, Present and future must be vetted for Blackmail evidence.

Then the civil war can start.

22908545? ago

When the righteous are in authority... https://imgflip.com/i/3spt7h

22908486? ago

If anyone deserves a full pardon, it's General Flynn.

22908148? ago

Good. He deserves it. I would also consider him as being part of your cabinet, but you already know this. These sick bastards need to be extinguished once and for all. What a great asset he would be. Great Job President Trump and Team!

22908092? ago

I don't want Flynn to get a pardon, I want him to win his case, Show how corrupt the system was against him and other, Truth needs to be shown to public

22908314? ago

He already plead guilty. Taking a pardon would be acknowledgement that he’s guilty

22909997? ago

He rescinded that, no? He was forced by crooked cops into pleading against his will and innocence

22910102? ago

His recinsion was rejected by the judge

22907970? ago

Records never existed. Jail time.

22907941? ago

Tweet was at 1:29pm Eastern on 3/15.


Q Proof.

22907904? ago

I say commute the sentence so Flynn can continue to fight in court for vindication . The evil corrupt inversion perversion we call "justice" must be disinfected by the sunlight of truth. We can help fund his victory over darkness, so this perversion spares the rest of us.

22907846? ago

The commentary on POTUS's twitter feed is un bearable to read, can those really be American citizens or just ching-a-ling prisoners spewing trash for a get of jail card

22907772? ago

Where are all the shills now who said Flynn was going to be raped in prison? Big buncha dummies

22907746? ago

First reply is from a (((Cohen)))

22908250? ago

I'm just shocked a kike is involved in subversion.

22908232? ago

oy vey!

22907694? ago

Pardon him for what? How about we nail the fucking courts for withholding Brady material and avoid the whole pardon thing to begin with? It’s inly going to keep on happening unless something is done, Mr President.

22911220? ago

Exactly... nothing to pardon. No crime.

22907640? ago

Free Flynn!

22907616? ago

a pardon is good and fine, but losing records should mean the case gets thrown out and doesn't even require a pardon. losing records should mean someone in the DOJ goes to jail. losing records means there should be acountability. none of this should require a presidential pardon because if it can happen to Gen. Flynn, it could happen to you or me too.

22912797? ago

What about the rest of the corrupt cases? Can’t have the President pardon every time the DOJ/FBI frames someone.....

22913099? ago

We should have a system that operated properly.

22912665? ago

Unfortunately what it means is that Flynn already pleaded guilty and when he demanded a trial they lost everything. Effectively putting it into limbo.

22911697? ago

Except no records were lost. They were destroyed.

22913110? ago

Just all the more criminal charges to apply to the FBI agents involved.

22911188? ago

Hopefully he is just drawing attention to the case now... the best play is let Sidney Powell play it out in the courts, it's so ridiculous... the fact heads aren't rolling over this one case is a conundrum though, what's really at play?

22916436? ago

I think yes, he is just drawing attention to the case. No one wants a pardon. Good people want Justice, and a pardon isn't justice. Bad people don't want a pardon; the want Flynn to suffer some more.

22911349? ago

I like that theory, and I hope that is the case. If nothing else, everyone needs to take a look at this corrupt travesty.

22909994? ago

a pardon is faster than waiting on a court to dismiss. A pardon doesn't prevent accountability

22910760? ago

True, but the whole thing should be thrown out on its ass as corruption, just as a matter of principle and lawlessness. It should have never happened.

22909737? ago

General Flynn should sue. For all court costs, for all the shit he and his family have been through, for the damage done to his reputation, etc. Not the government , but the Individual(s) responsible personally. Take all their assets. Make them sell their homes. And force MSM to smear those responsible 24/7. I think that would be a good start.

22910768? ago

I can't agree more, it should bankrupt and completely wipe out those that committed these acts against him.

22909645? ago

What records were lost?

22910778? ago

All the 302s, the incriminating evidence. Basically they have zero evidence that he committed a crime, they lost it all.

22911083? ago

Do you have a source that lays out what they "lost" or whatever?

22911251? ago

Its in the news if you do a little googling. I can't remember all the details, but I do remember they lost the 302 forms, which in this situation is the whole case. Its a he said / they said case and the only evidence was the 302s that our friend Mr. Stzrok and his buddy Agent #2 wrote up stating that Gen. Flynn lied. No documents, no case. The ones they used had been modified and damn if they didn't lose them all.

22908365? ago

I agree

22908303? ago

The case is over. He plead guilty

22908561? ago

You are stupid. He rescinded it. And do you even know what he pled guilty to?

22908462? ago

Holy shit you're fucking stupid

22908390? ago

If everything was lost and was illegal, can the case not be thrown out? he hasn't been sentenced yet, so technically its not over or is it? I know he'll get a pardon if necessary, just doesn't seem like it should be necessary. The gov't has committed a long list of criminal activity to get the guilty plea.

22908386? ago

The case is not over. Sentencing never happened.

22908126? ago

The FBI scumbags who were framing Flynn conveniently lost the records. Does anyone feel safe with Wray and the FBI?

22908236? ago

I don't feel safe as long as the FBI exists. Too much power controlled by too few, its an abomination and has been that way since its creation, same goes for the DOJ and intel agencies too.

22912815? ago

We need to remove the power of the FBI/DOJ to independently charge anyone.

22909218? ago

I’m fine with some sort of national law enforcement agency because the fbi has always had better resources like access to larger databases or better computer equipment etc. And they’ve been able to help local law enforcement hundreds, if not thousands of times. But I think it should be in the hands of the military in some way, rather than “owned and operated” by faggot buearacrats.

22912138? ago

Return it back to the State Police and Sheriffs...

22910805? ago

I don't know how to restructure it, but it needs to rebuilt from the ground up, all of these corrupt agencies. I would be all for anyone that worked for them be put out on the street and unable to re-apply to work in that sector again. Yes, we're throwing out some babies with the bathwater, but we don't know which ones pissed in the bathwater and which ones looked the other way.

22908518? ago

At some point, the Soros, U.N. Doctrine of "Borders are Racist" permeated the FBI and DOJ. These Deep State

SJW traitors believe they are doing God's work by betraying America, and subverting the Constitution. There needs to be a new culture and new indoctrination that says America is a Light to the World, America is good. Truly, the U.S. Government has been infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood and others.

22908783? ago

Yet you sit behind your computer and do NOTHING

22917325? ago

Panicking again, I see.

22909988? ago

Ok shill boy. YOU go do whatever extreme thing you think that poster should do....


22917315? ago

He is definitely that.

22910115? ago

No I just like circlejerking about it online. Thanks

22909303? ago

Who told you I'm doing nothing?

You're listening to the voices in your head again. Those are demons.

It's Sunday, go to Church. Worship your Creator, the one who gave you

life today.

22908282? ago

Me too brother.

22907825? ago

Came here to say exactly this - only you said it better.

22907887? ago

at least many of us are thinking the same thing, and that's the important takeaway.

22908713? ago

^^^To All of THIS^^^

22908832? ago

I am not a paid bot and approve the:

^^^To All of THIS^^^ and then some.

Hang them publicly or it is for not.

22909443? ago

it's too important not add another YES! THROW THE CASE OUT!!!!

22907554? ago

https://tweetsave.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1239242219019735042 :

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "So now it is reported that, after destroying his life & the life of his wonderful family (and many others also), the FBI, working in conjunction with the Justice Department, has “lost” the records of General Michael Flynn. How convenient. I am strongly considering a Full Pardon!"

This has been an automated message.

22907551? ago

Real question is how often these documents are lost?

Is it regularly? Wtf

Is it only for WH enployees? Wtf

Is it infrequent horrible coincidence?

22909209? ago

regularly if they work for deep state against patriots

22907635? ago

If the year was 1692 then I can imagine a document getting lost. Today, it is impossible to "lose" a document. Its not like someone wrote it on a piece of paper with a pencil and that's the only copy.

22910016? ago

Lulz. "Sire! The messenger on horseback was ambushed by scoundrels on his 2 week journey to deliver the parchment! All documents have been lost!"

22910298? ago

Haha exactly. They wouldn't want it like that again. The messenger would be swiftly, uh, dispatched.

Maybe the agents who "lost" these documents should be dispatched lol

22907909? ago

Maybe that's what happened- it was on paper- and with the toilet paper shortage, well...

22909236? ago


22907434? ago

Look at the false equivalency asshole comments underneath about the gang rapists who got "exonerated."