22916117? ago

Wow. When did she say this?

22915009? ago

God bless this woman.

Courage like that is a rare human commodity.

22913464? ago

Where are all the ‘great rank and file’ people???? HOW has no one released ANY of this over the last 3 years? Huh? That makes me think it’s all BS! Trump can’t cough without a leak to every outlet. This is supposed to be a computer filled with the most EVIL AND DISGUSTING things imaginable, and yet out of the MANY who have allegedly saw it, NOTHING has been leaked???? C’mon!

22911664? ago

insurance file IS REAL

22910427? ago

What is on Weiner's laptop?

According to Erik Prince, whistleblower and former U.S. Navy SEAL officer, allegedly the Anthony Weiner's laptop contains this:

  • Corruption/Pay for play by Hillary Clinton and others
  • U.S. compromised national-security by Hillary Clinton and others. Misshandling of classified information. Up to SAPs.
  • Money laundering involving Hillary Clinton and others.
  • Pedophilia involving Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and others. Crime against children. Sex slaves.
  • 650,000+ emails

Source https://www.breitbart.com/radio/2016/11/04/erik-prince-nypd-ready-make-arrests-weiner-case/

Video & Call

For those who missed this 2016, 2017, and 2018 news. It connects a lot of dots. Including some 2019 present dots. And some details about exactly what is on Weiner's laptop. This video includes a 19 minutes call with whistleblower Erik Prince at https://www.bitchute.com/video/pjYGs0rciujw/

I suggest to download now and mirror those videos below. Before they are somehow censored and or blocked. Assuming within your local laws.

Battle NYPD & OIG vs FBI & DOJ

Bombshell hidden in OIG Report. According to Tracy Beanz, starting in 2016 there was an alleged battle at the highest level between:

  • The New York City Police Department (NYPD) & the United States Office of Inspector General (OIG)


  • Obama’s Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) & United States Department of Justice (DOJ).

Back then NYPD & OIG were trying to go public with the crimes listed above. While Obama’s FBI & DOJ were trying to cover-up the crimes. Cover-up their crimes?

Will Trump's FBI & DOJ & Trump's NYPD & OIG go public or cover-up? If those evidence of alleged crimes are true, will the same Laws apply to all? Or are some people above the Laws? https://i.postimg.cc/3JNznfRT/Equal-Justice-Under-Law-US-Supreme-Court-front-building.jpg

Tracy Beanz's video at https://www.bitchute.com/video/9Tj5sVT49kQt


  1. Erik Prince. For those not familiar with Erik Prince he is an American businessman and former U.S. Navy SEAL officer best known for founding the government services and security company Blackwater USA, now known as Academi. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erik_Prince
  2. Article at https://www.breitbart.com/radio/2016/11/04/erik-prince-nypd-ready-make-arrests-weiner-case/
    1. https://archive.md/SfeAe
    2. https://www.bitchute.com/video/pjYGs0rciujw/
  3. Tweet https://twitter.com/tracybeanz/status/985526771557814273
    1. Archived tweet https://archive.fo/wFIu4
    2. Video https://www.bitchute.com/video/9Tj5sVT49kQt
  4. Sidney Powell, lawyer video https://youtu.be/97H7CQg3WYg

One of the NYPD Chief, who is just one level below Commissioner, after he learned the above content of the Weiner's laptop, he said this: "As a parent, as a father, with daughters, I can not let that level of EVIL continue."

MATURE Behaviors or Immature Behaviors?

I believe that most public-servant at the DOJ, FBI, NYPD, and OIJ are GOOD people with mature behaviors, and lawful behaviors. But allegedly a minority have immature behaviors, and unethical behaviors, or unlawful behaviors.

Also as you know in 2015 & 2016 it was Obama's DOJ, FBI, NYPD, OIJ. Not Trump's DOJ, FBI, NYPD, OIJ.

22910279? ago

In other words she didn’t see anything but is leading all the “think mirror, think 5.5, 1 trillion sealed indictments! 3-14 14-3 43!!! But who was phone?! All your base are belong to us, Q nuts” into a rage

22907379? ago

Interesting, given everything that's going on with this virus, perhaps they're getting this back into the public eye for exposure soon.

22907367? ago

What about NYPD Officer Miosotis Familia? (Sp?) Assassinated on 7/3/17? Wasn’t she involved in the Weiner laptop? Her mother also was invited and Joined POTUS on stage the next year when he did a dedication to Fallen Officers. Many refer to her as A Patriot. One who died for her country. Not the normal Hero who died for her community.

Don’t have links. Sorry. But look her up.

22907354? ago

Its NOT A CONFIRMATION YOU FUCKING RETARDS! Shes just repeating the rumor.

You dumbfucks talk like shes seen it, and is reporting on what shes seen.

Fuck, you people are stupid.

22908686? ago

Qtards will Qtard. They just hear some rumors and repeat it as truth. I'm waiting for real confirmation if this is real.

22914063? ago

I believe there is tons of sick shit on the wieners puter, yes, involving Cankles.

However, its long buried, and we STILL only have internet rumors about whats on it.

These dumbfucks just read whatever they want to into stuff. It’s absolutely bizarre how their brains work.

Ya, i know, I'm a shill for saying this.

22906879? ago

Any NY police officers left that isn't "suicided" ?

22906752? ago

Sorry I tried to find out myself but couldn't find anything yet does anyone know if this is old, or is this a new Sidney Powell video?

by the way, there was yet another NYPD suicide (yesterday? I think)

22907311? ago

02202020 or 02020220

22906708? ago

Jews are demons from hell.

22906558? ago

Not letting me on the page without signing in. Can you please post with invidio.us link or bitchute? Hate going to youtube. Thanx

22915294? ago

thank you sir!

22906436? ago

22905990? ago

Shouldn't this have been done like 2-3 years ago? What did I miss?

22906139? ago

Bad actors needed to be flushed out of the 3 letter agencies, notice all of the people who have either stepped down or been fired over the last 3 years. The media will have us believe it's because of orange man bad. No, in fact you can't go after and prosecute those ( the Clintons and co.) who have appointed people to powerful positions in these agencies over the last several decades.

22906051? ago

A corrupt judiciary for 1.

22912144? ago

We have it all?

22907383? ago

When Clinton was president, he only appointed judges that could be blackmailed.


22905768? ago

This is major confirmation and should be spread and shared widely.

Sidney Powell's definitely in the loop, presenting Flynn and having thus communication contacts with the inner circle.

22910446? ago

Another confirmation & more information about what was found on Weiner's laptop at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3706341/22910427/

22907182? ago

They are telling us this shit as if we are the police. Why havent they arrested him yet? Oh yeah, its all bullshit and we are being played like fiddles.

22907017? ago

Sidney Powell represents Flynn in something unrelated to the weiner laptop, she has no inside knowledge.

22912402? ago

I wouldn't be so sure. They were after Flynn precisely because he knows what was on the laptop, amongst other things he knows.

22908030? ago

You calling her a liar? She said all things Hillary are on the laptop (Sec of State, Clinton Foundation, Huma, more). Flynn was attacked because Trump beat Hillary. The dots are related and connect. They may pass through Mueller on the way, but there is still a complete circuit.

22909637? ago

No Im just stating facts.

22907298? ago

The laptop may not be at the center of Flynn's case, but it ties together people that are.

Secondly, Flynn himself tweeted about Weiner's exposure, which was the outcome of NYPD obtaining the laptop.

Finally, it is expected that Sidney Powell has discussed the matter and the surrounding events thoroughly with Flynn, as any good defense lawyer worth his/her salt would have done.

22907833? ago

Flynn wouldn't know much about it either, he was a foreign policy advisor not domestic law enforcement.

22907156? ago

You hope

22905557? ago

Fake? the mouth does not match the words at all?

22906125? ago

Try another video. Her words and mouth movements lined up fine on the version I watched on Twatter yesterday.

22906121? ago

that's from conversion of the video file to upload it to the social media, i work with video..

22907527? ago

No deals for Hillary.

22905524? ago

Excellent point - the forgotten 675,000 emails of Hillary, the Clinton Foundation and Huma need to be researched by trusted investigators. I hope this is already being done.

22913493? ago

No, they need to be leaked to the public. NO REDACTIONS and FULL disclosure.


FUCK ‘trusted’ investigators. Let us be the judge!

22905982? ago

from: doglegwarrior

what will the suicide rate be for these trusted investigators? 90+%

22908450? ago

90% sounds a wee bit high. I think you need to allow for botched robberies like Seth Rich or Mary Caitrin Mahoney, plane crashes like Ron Brown and Dr. Stanley Heard, slips in the bathroom like Shawn Lucas or Gareth Williams (who slipped into a duffel bag in the tub), and sporting/exercise accidents like John Ashe and Jim Wilhite, plus heart attacks and outright murders...

22906975? ago

Definitely will need secrecy and hazard pay. The attorney in the video suggests military investigation. PS I like your name.

22908588? ago

from: doglegwarrior

you are literaly the first no name person to ever say anything nice about me using my name.. very weird funny and appreciated

22908882? ago

things are shifting in this strange world ;)

22906144? ago

What will the suicide rate be for namefags? I’m hoping 100 percent!

22908035? ago

I’m going to start parodying “from: doglegwarrior”

Muddy his precious fag name. I’m sick of seeing that attention whore everywhere.

22908062? ago

from: doglegwarrior

no, please don’t, it’s all I have!

22908108? ago

from: doglegwarrior

nice try jewfag. you’re pathetic attempt only reveals yourself. nothing can stop what’s coming

22907996? ago

from: doglegwarrior

I have low self esteem and starve for recognition so I make sure everyone knows who I am in order that they will hopefully praise me.

22906228? ago

from: doglegwarrior

it always amazes me you non name coward anons are more mad at me using a goat name then the fact jews have tricked you and millions of other americans into accepting mutilating defensless babies.

circumcision is an evil jewish religious ceremony with absolutly zero medical benefits

22907967? ago

Nice deflection namefag. Swallow your ego and be anon.

22908555? ago

from: doglegwarrior

i like parts of the anon thing but to easy for shapeshifting jews to hide amongst you

22909336? ago

And your namefagging combats shapeshifting jews how, exactly?

22911952? ago

from: doglegwarrior

good point I dont think it will help just being stubborn from early anons telling me to kill my self and that i will be hung when Q wins.

22905242? ago

Let's do it.

22905544? ago

It feels like things are culminating today. I think there is some sort of occult significance to today, anon started a convo about it

22908532? ago

It is also a National Day of Prayer... and the Ides of March (death date of Julius Caesar). The occult is indeed suffering a disturbance in the spirit realm.

22905044? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=97H7CQg3WYg :

Sidney Powell Evidence Weiners laptop - YouTube

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