22901519? ago

Love this...."think mirror! 11.3 & 11.4 are really 3.11 & 4.11"

22901077? ago

Agent V to 3711 message received ... Europe .. the Final Count down occurring ... Silent Running enabled... The last few weeks work is the greatest invention I have, I have only mentioned it to you for your health. It is my BARRgain chip to finish MY project to help YOU and OUR NEW WORD ORDER ... Please play "life in the fast lane" before BARR 1 year delta ... HOLD ON" paused please provide dead drop from "Eagles" selection" St Michael Wingman OP will be complete per March 2019 instructions... PLAN THE TRUST ... towering above all hopefully that `11 week cruise worked out .. 32 times 3/4 would be nice gold eagles 1 silver eagles 3 has a picture perfect RING to IT :) that is all carry on Who is Anna?

I've lived to be

The very best

I want it all

No time for less

I've laid the plans

Now lay the chance

Here in my hands

Give me one moment in time


Salty Language for a SAILOR against 5th column

How about NO more BOSS-lAdY-angel stuff

22899828? ago

Spot on.

JFK Jr is still alive. POTUS did an R error tweet right after R anon popped up. POTUS still has plot twists for us as well :)


22899683? ago

You had me up until Kobe and JFK, Jr. being alive. Please stop with the JFK, Jr. being alive stuff. As much as it pains me to say it, John John is dead.

Everything else sounds plausible.

22902124? ago

this is not based on facts

God I hope all of you fucking Qoomers die off!!!

22902486? ago

Has it occurred to you that you are already dead? This is your hell.

22902275? ago

So why u here? Go back to mommys basement to read your comics.

22902290? ago

To point out blatant fucking evidence. When I run up against the group-think, I realize how fucking played you morons are. You are the darkness suppressing the light. You fucks are breathing my air!

22899681? ago

Maybe virus only kills thru adreanachrome, made in china.

22899500? ago

Forgot the White Squall link.

Has now been added

Timestamp 1:01

22899395? ago

We shall see

22899377? ago

Am I going to miss the Cleetus Freedom 500?

22899294? ago

We outlawed datefagging here....didn't you get the memo?

22899464? ago

Must be Serial Brain.

22899196? ago

You were okay until the Kobe Bryant part. Now, if JFK, Jr. were to show up that would be a proof.

22899610? ago

Check out the hectic results in this decode.


John Kennedy is a result.

John Kennedy Time Travel 2252 1500 250

There's a heap of Q proofs in that decode too. It's based on the POTUS tweet about Italy.

22899084? ago

I believe your vision.

22899008? ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=rSxvc8sSh0U :

President Trump with TOILET ROLL attached to his shoe - YouTube

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