22889429? ago

Just watched "Kubrick's Odyssey Secrets Hidden in the films of Kubrick". Very happy that Stan changed details in this idiot's novel for his own purposes in "The Shining".

22889361? ago

Just like joo, stephan

22889137? ago

like both DNC candidates?

22888663? ago

Another back stabbing jew. Pathetic.

22887375? ago

Except for those two wome, one whose a middle easterner.

22886745? ago

Everytime someone bashes POTUS I can't help but think "damn, you're one the bad guys too?"

22886707? ago


You spelled "jew" wrong.

22886665? ago

Angry about his adrenochrome shortage. - Remember that time he made the joke about "having the heart of a child?" - ..."on his desk." - Mother fucker is so vocal now but for years that piece of shit was quiet as fuck. - Too busy getting high on dead children. - Piece of shit. I'm convinced now after his faggoty whinging lately. - Used to think he was okay.

22886557? ago

That's a pot calling the kettle black.

22886543? ago

from: doglegwarrior

yep when there is potientialy something really bad going down you dont worry about retarded diversity highering quotas you bring in the high iq older white guys with experience

22886084? ago

Says an old white male.

22888592? ago

he's not White, he's a jew.

22891084? ago

Even worse

22893158? ago

Ezekiel 3:19

But if you do warn the wicked person and they do not turn from their wickedness or from their evil ways, they will die for their sin; but you will have saved yourself.

22885922? ago

What a fucking piece of shit NIGGER THAT -king is!

22885872? ago

I use to be a rastaman but I's alwhite now.

22885775? ago

Dig into his associations with the CiA. His novels feature a fictional group called 'The Shop'.

He's not very bright, and his demons are dark.

22885719? ago

I have never understood the appeal of Mr King. His books all follow the same formulas, and have the same characters.

22885504? ago

Ol' Stephan looks like a jewish pedo to me.

22885404? ago

When desperation just goes to sadness

22885250? ago

Just like all of his candidates.

22885117? ago

why would Trump trust anyone else?

22885089? ago

Capable executives, with the situation well in hand.

Did you see Trump's press conference today? He kicked serious ass.

Turns out, Trump thrives in crisis scenarios.

22884946? ago

Seema Verna isn’t a white male. What a hack.

22884915? ago

notice, so is Steven King.

22885093? ago

Is he white? I think he might be Jewish, not white.

22884663? ago

Just like his micropenis.

22884641? ago

Stephen King is pissed that POTUS assembled a team capable of dealing with the situation, rather than just consulting a diversity and inclusion officer and hoping for the best.

22884493? ago

The first person he introduced was a woman.

22884653? ago

Reality doesn't matter, riling the public over nonsense matters.

22884330? ago


22886457? ago

Pedo Woody Allen? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3694485

22886715? ago

Allen is a jew. Not White.

22884282? ago

There were stories of Tom Clancy not being nearly as brilliant as everyone thought. He was fed story ideas and inside info from the CIA to write his books.

Stephan King acts like he has something to lose wrt Trump.

22884279? ago

Greatest Director Ever. Don't be envious. You know you like his movies. You're just mad because your not RICH like he is. lollollol

22886063? ago

Never seen any of his movies but somehow still know he’s a piece of shit loser in the GRAND scheme of things. BTW; God wins. 😁

22884260? ago

give me a link you stupid fuck. i don't care about your screenshot of some asshole on twitter, i'm interested in the replies to it.

22884259? ago

Yeah, Stephan, just like you. But not as ugly.

22884215? ago

Niggers will fix it.... Tranny niggers are preferred. My ole lady has ALL of his books in hardcover and now detests him over opening his fucking mouth since 2015. And he has yet to explain his childhood friend killed on railroad tracks when he was a kid.... he pushed him. POS!

22886043? ago

Sounds like a good time for you and your wife to affirm your relationship with a good old fashioned book burning. 😇

22884207? ago

He has lost his mind....non stop hate for 4 + years on his Twitter. He’s obsessed with Trump.

22884649? ago

He must be a pedo is all I can think, nothing else makes sense.

22885590? ago

A former drug addict that wrote about children having an orgy might be a pedo? No wai. ;)

22884100? ago

Plot Twist: Stephan King is ALSO an old white male!!!! HAH!

DOUBLE Plot Twist: Stephan King was actually a FUCKING JEW ALL ALONG!!! MAUHAHAUGAUHAHAHAHA!!!!!

22886779? ago

I remember back in the 80's or so. Way back when he actually was a male. Now? You're being too generous to him.

22885931? ago

No shit!

22885407? ago

They are all KIKES

22885791? ago

Kikes aren't white.

They are grays, and grays are demon-spawn.

22886638? ago

Trumps gray team

22885942? ago

Grays and gays.

22885357? ago

And an asshole to boot!

22885159? ago

The powder King sniffs is all white too 🤪

22883966? ago

What a dumb thing for him to say - he used to be a writer, should have been able to come up with something a little better than that. Typical lib I guess. He is just jealous Dean Koontz's virus was chosen over King's 'superflu'.

22885954? ago

Excellent point.^^^

22883951? ago

fuck that kike

22883917? ago

He can't write either.

All male all white = trustworthy emergency leadership!

22885994? ago

Yeah there's that female doctor who previously worked with the short male doctor. So, the first claim is false. Why pay attention to this guy?

22883906? ago

He's a total douche bag. Must have skeletons in his closet.

22886481? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3693310/22799496 He wrote about a pedophile orgy in his book IT.

22885075? ago


22885965? ago


22883804? ago

I used to like Goober Buckteeth back in the day, but it's been years. He's a fool.

22884155? ago

I used to like a lot of people before I woke up. Now, all I have is you retards.

Yes, Stephen King is a fucking kike, which means he’s a pedo, too.

22885973? ago

We retards love you back. <3

22884921? ago
