22885641? ago

22885447? ago

I'm a person running for office in france. could you link me to where "follow the white rabbit" comes from?

22886283? ago

reference to alice in wonderland -> follow -> reference to MKultra usage of alice in wonderland symbology/phraseology

Secret and Occult Practices = Mystery Rabbit, guides initiates to wisdom (or doom)


22884989? ago

Anybody else find it disturbing but also refreshing that Neo from the Matrix was told by Morpheus to "follow the white rabbit" - and although it was personified as a woman with a tattoo of a white rabbit. - Isn't it odd that the villians in the film were always ultra wealthy fetishwear sex club visiting secret society "what's the password" types? - What if the Wachowskis were onto the truth, and all that shit that happened to them was forced on them? - Turning into women etc. -Some kind of bizarre punishment? - Or were they the "gimp" types who thought they were being cute by putting all this secret information encoded into the film. Things that make you go hmmmm... This kind of shit makes me think of Judy Garland too.- RUBY SLIPPERS. WTF ?!?! You can't make this shit up. Real life is stranger than fiction. We are living in PROOF of that. FUCK!

22886292? ago

whoa ruby slippers...

no place like home...

mind blown

22883982? ago

Makes their white rabbit "art" have a new meaning. Kill these motherfuckers. No fucking mercy.

22882781? ago

Could this be why Merkel went to Wuhan mid 2019? Did she need to put in her yearly order because of the violent body shaking she did in 2019 video?

Is 3B Scientific making synthetic Adrenochrome so these satanists won't have to terrorize and murder children?

22883140? ago

Interesting. Just a couple months before the CV19 release.

22882314? ago

Theory : Adrenochrome was made in China from political prisoners that were having organs harvested.

Wujan lab processed the drug and shipped it around the world.

Team Trump intercepted the drug and adulterated it with a toxic substance .

Sent the drug out to the world to see who would die.

22888720? ago


AmazingPolly did a post on this, back on 5th Feb.

The source of the substance, not the possible poisoned chalice.

22887688? ago

one could only hope this is the case

22887390? ago

Is this why their organs are harvested with no anesthesia/pain blockers, nothing? Maximum fear and pain to increase adrenochrome?

22885727? ago

Ho Lee Shit. This would explain why so many elites are getting it.

22885074? ago

<Sent the drug out to the world to see who would die>

that's beyond reckless and potentially devastating to a plethora of innocent people though, no?

22889858? ago

I'm guessing this supply line is for "VIP clients" and not the general public...

22885011? ago

This ^^^ !

22883693? ago

Damn dude. I think you're 100% right.

That's what the Uyghur labor camps were...

22886868? ago

If anyone wants an adrenochrome substitute. Check out Caveman bone broth. Get it at INFOWARS.COM. KEY WORD: QRV For 20% off. KICK CORONAS ASS TODAY!

22889952? ago

I've got shapeshifter lizard oil, much more potent product.

22883224? ago

Oh shit!!!!! They couldn’t get away with manufacturing the Adrenochrome here so they had it manufactured in Wuhan, China. It was being sent over in shipments from Huawai (cellular telecommunications company). Remember those shipment boxes from Huawai that Q had photos of!?? That was the tainted supply the cabal consumed.

22886912? ago

Remember the Feinstein drop - the shot of the limo on an urban highway - Wuhan

22883211? ago

like this one!

22882304? ago


Check out this theory on it.

22882136? ago

There is another post totally De-bunking this post. lollollol

22889973? ago

Yes, you keep posting it and we keep downvoting it...

22884898? ago


22886308? ago

no, just believe him and form the intended viewpoint damnit.

Critical Thinking? Ah you're not a team player, call security, this guy must be a thought criminal.

22881742? ago

They also kill animals by hanging them upside down, slicing their throats and letting them bleed out alive. I'm sure that creates adrenochrome in kosher meat.

22883052? ago

In Chinese medicine, antlers are used as medicine. Those animals are frightened and chased because the adrenaline hormone works its way into the antlers, and then the animal is killed. Without the fear, it is said the antlers won't have any medicinal properties.

22883712? ago

Holy fuck.

Is this why the Rothschilds always have antlers hanging? And they wear antler masks?

22883769? ago

Choice to know was mine. I want to know the truth, regardless of how much it may harm my brain.

22882972? ago

Everyone should watch Earthlings and then read The Good Life by Helen and Scott Nearing

22886316? ago


I'm down to check it out, can you give me an idea of what sort of journey I'm about to take?

22886730? ago

Earthlings is difficult to watch, but the kosher slaughter scenes in particular has haunted me for over a decade. People should understand what is being done.

And The good life is just INCREDIBLY relevant to current events. It's an inspiring true story on what you can achieve if you just remove yourself from a sick and broken society and focus entirely on what truly matters. It's incredible how much can change while still being the same even 100 years later.

22881845? ago


Kosher is an ancient form of torture, used to create this drug.

When consuming the blood of children who are tortured, they experience god like highs.

It's always the fucking kikes. Don't buy kosher kike garbage.

22881668? ago

3B also looks like a bunny when you turn it sideways.

22881619? ago

Great share... looks like it triggered the QRV shill.

Look at him go! https://voat.co/v/QRV/3703787


22882020? ago

I would have agreed with this sentiment normally, but this is a legitimately huge find and they brought no argument at all.

22881609? ago

It has a red shoe.

22881853? ago

Jesus fucking Christ.

You're the first to point this one - You're fucking right.....

... never made that connection until you said it.

22882720? ago

What's the connection exactly? Who cares about red shoes?

22883945? ago

Q has mentioned the red shoes in multiple drops.

22883439? ago

Here you go!


Before we found out about this, Hollywood used to have red shoe parties in public.... go on late night shows etc, and all talk about their red shoes.

Then we found the websites where they sold human skin shoes.... and here you go.

22885693? ago

The human skin shoes originated from the fake news article from YourNewsWire:


I'm French, the magazine is specialized in business, economics and technology. They don't do sensationalized people style. And they did confirm they never interviewed Macaulay Culkin.

YourNewsWire was a plant (they renamed themselves NewsPunch nowadays) posing as conservative alternative news. When the cabal wanted to attack conservatives, the MSM would select the obvious fake news published by such plants, and show them to normies to assert how dumb and gullible conservatives are.

The same clown at YourNewsWire wrote a series of fake news following the same formula: a celeb makes big claims (satanism, cannibalism, pedophilia) while abroad (thus impossible to fact check if claims said to be made to a non-English speaking media or in situations impossible to verify) reported only in a written article (no video to confirm the celeb actually did make the claims).




If you can find other reliable sources confirming this rumour and not basing themselves on YourNewsWire, then go ahead. Otherwise, put that aside as fake news for now.

22887480? ago

Just because one website isnt the best, doesnt mean ALL THOSE PICTURES of the world's "elite" wearing suspicious red shoes to secret events are fake....

The cabal wears red shoes to special events. End of story.

22891222? ago

The red shoes are real, there are too many photos that you can show normies. The red shoes "made of human skin", that's a jump that if based on this YourNewsWire fake news, isn't valid. As I said, it's a planted story to discredit the truth searchers. It could be based on truth, but the interview never happened in the first place.

I do believe shoes made of human skin exist, but that's my opinion. I don't have believable sources to show so I don't assert it. But like the previous comment, if you do find reliable sources (not based on the YourNewsWire article) that confirm this rumour, then go for it.

22885759? ago

Still a good post, but I wasn't referring to those particular instances.

On the dark web, we found 5 or 6 seperate "cobblers" TORs who were selling human skinned shoes.

22883028? ago

Jews love red shoes.

22882980? ago

They make red shoes out of babies

22885704? ago

The "red shoes out of babies" originated from the fake news article by YourNewsWire:


I'm French, the magazine is specialized in business, economics and technology. They don't do sensationalized people style. And they did confirm they never interviewed Macaulay Culkin.

YourNewsWire was a plant (they've renamed themselves NewsPunch nowadays) posing as conservative alternative news. When the cabal wanted to attack conservatives, the MSM would select the obvious fake news published by such plants, and show them to normies to assert how dumb and gullible conservatives are.

The same clown at YourNewsWire wrote a series of fake news following the same formula: a celeb makes big claims (satanism, cannibalism, pedophilia) while abroad (thus impossible to fact check if claims said to be made to a non-English speaking media or in situations impossible to verify) reported only in a written article (no video to confirm the celeb actually did make the claims).




If you can find other reliable sources confirming this rumour and not basing themselves on YourNewsWire, then go ahead. Otherwise, put that aside as fake news for now.

22920093? ago


22887151? ago

22920101? ago

YourNewsWire is faux. Fake.

22887320? ago

Like another comment, if you have other good sources that don't use YourNewsWire as reference, then you can keep going. I do believe in the human shoes, I just don't have personally any reliable source to defend my opinion so I won't tell it to others.

But I know that the Macaulay Culkin interview so many are referencing from YourNewsWire is fake. The fact might be true, but the interview never happened. That's how the cabal works to discredit us.

22889897? ago

Dude...you're glowing from trying so hard...

22890970? ago

Get that shill out of here. I don’t care if it’s fake news. It ISNT. If it backs up Q it’s a fucking fact.

22881585? ago


22881473? ago

Funny how jews used to make a fortune, carrying and selling these little glass vials of red powder.

Some say it was the blood of tortured christian children.


(Check his footnotes for references to gorillions of other historical books on the matter)

22883734? ago

Holy shit. Remember when Angelina Jolie would wear that blood vial around her neck!?!??!?!

22883802? ago


22881631? ago

Muh joos??

22881478? ago

Not Jews, idiot. So dumb, so dumb

22881361? ago

Was this not common knowledge before?

22892075? ago

Really though. Just today everyone is talking about it?

Where has that picture been? Where have the wuhan connections been?

22885765? ago

Need to bake more bread

22883212? ago

If others knew this, it wasn't discussed widely afaik. Seems to be a big red pill to me.

22881566? ago

Common knowledge? Most people don't even know what adrenochrome is, let alone what it looks like.

22882786? ago

amongst us conspiracy nuts. Not the sleeping sheep.

22881182? ago

https://archive.ph/wip/Hz73Y :

l E T 17 on Twitter: "Just jumps off the page doesn’t it… "

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