22904649? ago

That is one serious puzzle piece.

22903429? ago

What does adrenochrome do?

22901467? ago

Maybe that's why so many wealthy or elites are infected.

22888839? ago

This might need some digging to see if China fan Diana Feinstein might have had some connections with this and found this article in the La Times..

Feinstein, Husband Hold Strong China Connections

Near the bottom of the article (it's too long to post here)

In late 1996, Newbridge invested $14 million in Xuzhou W Food and Beverage Ltd., the leading producer of soybean milk in China and maker of the popular brand “Wei Wei.” Newbridge bought a 24% stake from Guangdong Enterprises, run by another old CITIC executive, Kwok said.

The third venture, made final in January, is a 50% stake in Guangshengyuan, a leading maker of milk candy and honey products. Their most popular product is “White Rabbit” milk candy.

Surely this can't be a coincidence?

22888749? ago

COVID = Kobe in Hebrew. Kobe Bryant was suing 3 companies owned by Novartis and his investment partner Stibel has connections to Novartis. Next thing you know, Kobe dies in a helicopter crash.

Wuhan Virus starts being referred to as COVID-19... don't have time to do a full deep dive, but just saw that Novartis is involved with the company in Wuhan that manufactures Adrenochrome... this ALL seems connected!

22890846? ago

Novartis is mainly known in the States for making birth control pills. Interesting.

22888312? ago

So Adrenochrome comes from the Pineal Gland, and the pineal gland can be decalcified via energy exercises and meditation. Could this be a reason the Falun Gong practitioners were imprisoned? It was alleged that they were organ harvesting, but maybe they were a prime source for Adrenochrome.

22888175? ago

And lookie where the ((Source)) lab is located. What a co-winkiedink ! These ((people)) are truly EVIL. Pray Anons, Dark to Light. God Wins .. #KAG

22887967? ago

Andrenochrome taken by itself is not that effective. It's the combination with the DMT-rich pineal gland that does the trick. Much like the chemistry of ayahuasca, where the combination of the MAO-inhibitor in the ayahuasca vine together with the DMT from the mimosa root produces the desired effect. Andrenochrome acts like a endogenous MAO-inhibitor to strengthen and prolong the effects of the endogenous DMT from the pineal gland.

22890602? ago


22887861? ago

Let the whole world of sheep know this stuff before the lights go out.

22887185? ago

Someone pointed out the RED SHOE! This is insane stuff! Lord help us with this evil!

22887685? ago

1 red shoe...

22887028? ago

So "Y head" and the owl symbol represent andromchrome I take it?

22887020? ago

I have no idea what this is

22886737? ago

okay so, can some other anon explain to me... i thought adrenochrome was "received" by the blood of the murdered (sacrificed)... so why would some people take it in powder form? is that like, adrenochrome for people who don't want to partake in the satanic witchcraft aspect and just get high?? i'm having trouble connecting the fine details

22890784? ago

i can imagine they conserve the harvested adrenochrome by drying it and grind it to powder. as china has had it's one child policy, millions of (then traumatized) babys were thrown away(literarly left behind alongside the road)/ given away and taken away. forced abortions were daily bussiness. we all know chinese use évverything to make 'medicine 'out of. even tigerpenis!!!wtf! nothing goes to waste. no moral grounds in communism, i guess. so possibly the cinese have a shipload dried adrenochrome for sale.....

22886702? ago

welp. now we know why "pope francis" was like the first famous person to get it.

22886627? ago

OP...show them the effects of adrenochrome...what was it combined with to show the participants?

22886599? ago

Easter Sunday is 30 days from now.... follow the white rabbit... it's going to be biblical!

22886536? ago

Are eyes opening? Is this really the time? How many will be able to hold on? More than believed. Keep up the press.

22886511? ago

Frank Giustra springs to mind. Mining is his specialty

22890624? ago

So aren't the Clintons. And now apparently he has Prince Harry and his whore staying with him.

22887654? ago

^^^ Plenty to look into, not just mining but Hollywood too.

22885899? ago

So China contaminated the adrenochrome supply, knowing it would trying to take out some of their "customers", and trying to pin it on the US.

I suspect Trump probably has evidence that is was really China.

This should be interesting how this pans out. After people realize everything is going to be OK, I bet the media will stop talking about it and moving on to a new story to spin.

You will never hear another word about Corona Virus again.

22885945? ago

Here's more: Remember when North Korea killed that one guy who caught it? Didn't that seem weird at the time?

Well, if there was a traitor in their midst, he's probably an adrenochrome baby eater, so they were able to flush him out when he caught the virus and execute him. I mean, seriously, how else are you getting it from China to North Korea? It's not like there are daily flights or anything.

22890645? ago

They share a border. People cross at their peril all the time.

22885807? ago

Adrenochrome is unscheduled by the Controlled Substances Act in the United States. It is not an approved drug product by the Food and Drug Administration, and if produced as a dietary supplement it must comply with Good manufacturing practice.


22885756? ago

A couple things from the 3bsc:

Three child companies: 3B Pharmachem (Wuhan) International Co., Ltd., Wuhan E-ternity Technologies Co., Ltd., and Wuhan Chip-Code Technologies Co., Ltd. http://www.3bsc.com/index/subsidiaries5.7.php

2.) Supplies to Novartis http://www.3bsc.com/index/introduction.php

Novartis announced during late 2019 a five-year artificial intelligence "alliance" with Microsoft. The companies aim to create applications for "Microsoft's AI capabilities", in turn improving the other's drug development processes. Microsoft seeks to "test AI products it is already working on in 'real-life' situations". The deal will pursue solutions for "organizing and using" data generated from Novartis' laboratory experiments, clinical trials, and manufacturing plants. It will also look at improving manufacturing of Chimeric antigen receptor T cell (CAR T cells). Finally, the deal "will also apply AI to generative chemistry to enhance drug design"

It's impossible not to wonder if 3bsc hasn't been adding trackers or other data collection devices to their products.

22885514? ago

So if this is a ploy to get rid of DS players, why are so many others dying of this virus? Hundreds in Italy, and the WA nursing home.

22890656? ago

Complications from the flu. Same as every other year.

22898271? ago

I'm beginning to wonder. Lots of alternative media sites have put the word out to contact them if they personally know someone who has died of the virus. So far, no one has.

22885769? ago

Old people die of the flu every year. Old people die of age. Heck, old people die of sickness, even a mere cold.

22886289? ago

They do, but in the nursing home they all died just about the same time. That's not common.

22890677? ago

Could be more media lies. We know they aren't exactly truthful and they sure love to panic people, especially when THEY are the ones panicked.

22885747? ago

Old people dying of the flu being overblown. Tens of thousands of deaths from flu every year, but you never hear about it - until now. Now deaths from flu is from coronavirus and a pandemic. Maybe even deep state killing people or just creating deaths.

22885374? ago

Perhaps they are pointing to wuhan being the processing center for human sacrifices and harvesting ?

22885316? ago

I have heard the Alice narrative applied to Operation Looking Glass and now Adrenochrome. Which is it? Or is it both? I fail to see how the two might converge.

Q often reposts when the masses research and dig interesting stuff. So I expect this find to surface on Q soon.

22890718? ago

I think it has to do with timelines and how these celebrities somehow never seem to age. Maybe we fucked up their time travel(?)/ ability to appear/ stay young? I've heard the adrenochrome can do that. Act as a "fountain of youth". I think CERN was tied up in this. The "glamour" wearing off? IDK. Just throwing it out there. Looking Glass seems to have something to do with time travel.

22885222? ago

In the spoken Hebrew the use of the word rabbit is similar to the word "chicken" used in the English language.

Although rabbits were a non-kosher animal in the Bible, positive symbolic connotations were sometimes noted,


22884463? ago

I posted this two days ago


22884446? ago

Oh my goodness gracious.

22884437? ago

Remember this?

from 31 Aug 2018 - 10:13:08 PM (31 Aug 2018....31 8 2018...3 18...3/18..?)



Past drops important to frame context.

These people need to ALL be ELIMINATED.

Those who know cannot sleep.


22884291? ago

ADRENOCHROME (ADC alt-coin) is a new, open-source, decentralised cryptocurrency. Holders of ADRENOCHROME can use it for the exclusive purchase of ADRENOCHROME. Each transaction on the ADRENOCHROME blockchain incurs a small fee, which is reinvested in the international sourcing, harvesting and trafficking of ADRENOCHROME (ADC). ADC is available on most cryptocurrency ERC20/altcoin trading sites.

22884063? ago

I heard that Jews farm adrenochrome on white girls. They impregnate then and kill their babies as they are being born.

Truly disgusting people.

22883993? ago

It’s happening fam. It’s finally happening. Great find. This is it.

22883981? ago

What the fuck. It never occurred to me, and probably most of us, to look at the actual chemical chain. That's creepy AF. Q was absolutely right when he said words and phrases have double meaning.

22885206? ago

And also when he said, "You have more than you know."

22886158? ago


22889068? ago

Thank you.

22883479? ago


22886887? ago

Literally fucking sick - not ethically or morally - literally dying. Crazy.

22883421? ago

So now I'm finding out that Adrenochrome is legal and easily purchased in the US. I'm really getting tired of all these CERN space/time glitches.

22883298? ago

Oh shit!!!!! They couldn’t get away with manufacturing the Adrenochrome here so they had it manufactured in Wuhan, China. It was being sent to the US in shipments that were from Huawai (cellular telecommunications company). Remember those shipment boxes from Huawai that Q had photos of!?? That was the tainted supply the cabal consumes (assuming Coronavirus is designed to kill adrenochrome consumer. Or maybe it was Q tipping off the black hats that they know where there supply is coming from).

Trump cuts off the supply by no longer allowing Huawai products to be imported into the US. Now these people are dying.

22890466? ago

And right after that they held a cabal royal wedding in the UK.... I mean Oprah? Really? I guess we know how they are getting their supplies because Britain still does business with Huawei.

22883602? ago

Hey, good job, forgot about those photos. You might have just tied a few things together...

22883146? ago

3B scientific (wuhan) corp......... WUHAN........ as in Fukin China Wuhan..... what in the fresh hell is that...

Its Time to dig faggots !!!!

Great find OP ...... much love !!!!

22883157? ago


22883134? ago

what a waste

22882863? ago

I always thought "follow the white rabbit" referred to LSD.

'Well,' said Q, jerking her head toward the door to the stairwell, through which the tattooed woman was disappearing. 'You'd better follow the white rabbit, then.'

(From 2013)

22890735? ago

Another wonderful government creation along with MDMA.

22882816? ago

Corona Virus = Carnivorous

22882763? ago

Or maybe the Coronavirus is cover for the withdrawal symptoms that all the pedovore elites are experiencing now that their adrenochrome supply is gone...

22882543? ago

22883070? ago

Feed YOUR Head.

Has a different meaning now..

22882750? ago


Been around awhile.

Maybe Skynyrd didn't want to play.

22882542? ago

It's legal in the United States by the way

22882488? ago

It has a red shoe.

22883026? ago

And in it's hands, a red pill and blue pill.

22885080? ago

Guys, this is all too much.

22882575? ago

ONE red shoe. Who likes to tweet about single shoes?


22884778? ago

He did a movie with that name. The Man with One Red Shoe.

22886630? ago

fuck ur right. we had that on vhs, never watched it

22882401? ago

Is this different then Epinephrine? Like if you have an allergic reaction to a bee sting?

22882662? ago

Being highly adrenalized is one of it's properties (epinephrine), but much more.

22883238? ago

The atomic structure is actually different. I guess adrenachrome is actually legal in the US.


22883262? ago

That needs to change.

22882342? ago

Perfect headline.

22882315? ago

Now do a search on the CAS Number and be amazed ...

fyi, the CAS number is a unique numerical identifier assigned by the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) to every chemical substance. Adrenochrome's number is 54-06-8 ...

22897461? ago

paging u/nmbrfag

22883616? ago

Keep going, give us some treats

22882375? ago

Significance of number?

22882157? ago

I thought it was a shit post. Wow great find anon

22882043? ago

Also resembles soccer ball stitching, which I think might have been part of the message sent with Trump and Putin tossing a soccer ball around.

22896268? ago

Wilson. Tom Hanks' best friend in Cast Away was a soccer ball.

22887628? ago

This place has gone to shit.

22882831? ago

Ding Ding Ding Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

22881979? ago

Thats what I said last week what if it was in the truck shipments of Andrenochrome last week to Canada that got busted for being overweight.

22884002? ago

fuuuuuuuck I forgot about that pos!

Can you link it?

22886803? ago

Consider Giustra

22887629? ago

Finally something that makes sense.

22881933? ago

Maybe its like kingsman 2....tainted drug

22881889? ago

God said unto us that we could partake of anything in his garden, but do not eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge. Yet there are still those who must eat the forbidden fruit.

22890566? ago

Ie: the brain. The fruit of the tree of knowledge.

22881912? ago


Also, why did Jesus tell the disciples, the night before his murder.... "Drink of my blood, the new covenant". He's begging the kikes to stop drinking blood, and only drink of Christ's blood in symbolism.

Jesus was trying to save the fucking kikes. And the fucking kikes murdered him.

If any of you don't understand why the bible is important, you should rethink your life.

22882065? ago

Millions upon millions of Muslims would say the same thing about the Koran. Why so many religions? Why so many flavors of Christianity alone?

22882133? ago

Religion is a fun topic.

Christianity (due to Martin Luther) allows us to be saved with independent relationships with God. No church, or external influence is required. Just to ask for forgiveness.

What's the difference between Jesus and Mohammad? One asks for peace, love, and compassion. The other murders and rapes children.

I find it offensive to treat islam and Christianity the same.

22882213? ago

Wasn't treating them the same. My point is that , if the one true God and true religion were very obvious and beyond question, why are there so many different religions and why are their followers absolutely as confident in their beliefs? I'm not religious. Im also not an atheist. I don't believe anyone is truly an atheist. I do believe in a higher power, I do believe in reincarnation. I do believe in karma and karmic debt. I don't believe in the heaven and hell thing and the one single life notion. I don't believe the God/Source energy creates anything flawed.

Religion and politics will continue to be discussed and debated till the end of time.

22884604? ago

IMO, heaven is the absence of suffering .

22883516? ago

All good discussion points, to answer you questions, as best I can...

Why are there many religions? Because we humans are flawed people, and it's like a game of telephone. We will NEVER agree on a single story, people will always have different interpretations, many sociological, historical and other reasons for this.

It's not about having to be dogmatic about any particular religion, I think that's where the great misunderstanding comes from, and where the big differences come from.

You should not be dogmatic about faith. You don't have to be a Christian at all, but from my point of view, Christianity is the closest to purity of pursuit, and freedom. For as a Christian, you need to do nothing more than to ask for forgiveness, try not to sin, and try to treat everyone as an equal. You don't even have to call yourself a Christian, that's the beauty of it. To me, that's the purest relationship with God. Call it what you want. That's just my perspective from studying religion my entire life.

Truth is, we will never know all the answers. There are infinite life forms in this universe. God is just the name for the highest life form, of above that. We can all believe in God, even having differences of opinions. It's just my choice and opinion that Christianity offers most flexibility in this belief system - however many exceptions as many Christian denominations are dogmatic as well - which is the opposite of what I support.

All interesting discussion. As long as you believe in higher life forms, and science - then it should lead you to the same conclusion: You have a moral and ethical duty to be the best person you can be. To provide for others, to help less fortunate, and do not harm others. I believe that is our moral duty.

22881812? ago

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22881811? ago

Wanna know something truly nuts in all this corona virus crap?

There have been extremely few reports of children being infected with corona virus.

22881762? ago

Does Biden suffer from dimentia? Or long term adrwnochrome use or withdrawal

22881677? ago

Looks like you triggered the shilltard here


Great work! They do hate the truth.

22882796? ago

That's good tears

22881672? ago

What the hell is adenochrome even used for? To get high?

22901450? ago

I'm guessing to live much longer.

22882620? ago

It is said to be an ultimate high as well as aiding in satanic ritual sacrificing ceremonies.

22881832? ago

Apparently it lets them talk to "demons" in other dimensions. Who knows if it's true, but it's one hell of a psychedelic. Hunter S Thompson used to talk about it (remember, he used to make snuff films for the elite)

22887648? ago

They all said it was very real.

As hallucinations are always purported to be

22883235? ago

That explains some of the the demon and cannibalism symbolism in music videos as of late. Vigilant citizen used to point it out

22881648? ago

OMG. I just got cold chills. It makes sense now.

22881593? ago

All goes back to the same thing. Always. Human sacrifice. Live human organ harvesting and sex trafficking.

22882731? ago

Look into the Atonists, pre-dates the jews, but they are OF this evil cult.

22881818? ago

Yep. It's the kikes - it's an ancient ritual.

22881552? ago

Follow the white rabbit.

We already have it all. The puzzles just needs puttin togheter. This is fucking nuts.

I knew there was a reason for this corona shit feeling like a epic thing for good

22887856? ago

You have more than you know.

22887945? ago


22881517? ago

This is one of the most intriguing connections I have read on here. Good work.

22881470? ago

It's real. I liked it up and Wuhan corp is listed as a vendor. Someone should dig into ALL the vendors listed here. I'm not sure how to dig into corporate entities.


22881468? ago

I've seen this before but forgot, but now with Wuhan virus, it has deeper meaning.

22881461? ago

. The first time I had ever heard about Adrenochrome:

"U.S. Vice President AL GORE was once apprehended at an airport with a suitcase full of packets of his own adrenochrome-laden blood. High-level bureaucrats and V.I.P.’s carry around at least 2 pints of their own adrenochrome-laden blood at ALL times".

22882585? ago

I remember the vials in his case. Not enough blood to support his explanation of emergency supply for medical purposes. It was adrenochrome.

22881417? ago

HOLY CRAP! What's funny is I created a MEME awhile back with the molecular construct of "it". Before I was banned from twat, I used to drop it ALL the time, especially on Hitlery and Pedowood fuckers. I NEVER saw that just flipping it would result in this. Amazing.

22881810? ago

I actually remember seeing it on 8chan a while ago, but we didn't have as much information back then as we do now.

Now it's all coming together.

22881399? ago

... Shit.

22881385? ago


This i huge. Huge like huge.

22881337? ago


The fuckity fuck

This is all NUTS

22881325? ago

nice Rabbit pic. But the virus insertion a giant leap. Not how that became accepted here. Please expound.

22887684? ago

nice Rabbit pic. But the virus insertion a giant leap.

Yes the great leap was the rabbit, that's how it works. The folks here are tripping their brains out. (no offense intended, just a call to step back a bit and consider how logic works when trying to make a case even just sound factual).

22881291? ago

Blown away! Now it ALL makes sense!

22881246? ago

Can you imagine being a consumer of adrenochrome and reading this? Oh shit...too late now.

22881185? ago

Shit man, very well spotted! Was looking at it just yesterday and still missed it. Top marks #WWG1WGA

22881178? ago

Holy shit. This clarifies everything. All the references in popular culture. Alice in Wonderland. They were letting us know the whole time!

22881007? ago


What about it?

They have been studying this since 2005.

Adrenochrome; 54-06-8; Adraxone; USAF uctl-7; 3-Hydroxy-1-methyl-5,6-indolinedione; 1-Adrenochrome; 3-Hydroxy-1-methylindoline-5,6-dione; EINECS 200-192-8; ...

Compound CID: 5898


MW: 179.17g/mol


IUPAC Name: 3-hydroxy-1-methyl-2,3-dihydroindole-5,6-dione

Create Date: 2005-03-26

United States Air Force.

22882851? ago

The rabbit with one red shoe

Scare you?

22882876? ago

Scared of what? The Bogey Man that isn't coming? Buwahahaha

Oh nooooooooooo Mr. Bill not the RED SHOE Diary Conspiracy Theory Again.


22883952? ago

Have another shot of tequila...hanx

22881161? ago

Ok, groomer.

22880958? ago

Please note the origin of manufacturing.

Would it not be a hoot is the Wuhan virus targets any who consumed the poisoned apple?

And this is why Trump is laughing his ass off?

22882250? ago

Trump keeps saying he doesn't need to be tested!

22882664? ago

I will with 100% certainty say Trump won't get infected. He's surrounded by medical people, you think they aren't testing him by the hour? Know this, if Trump get it, it's ALL OVER. Markets would collapse, people in the streets etc. But he won't get it, now Treadeau on the other hand...

22882928? ago

Trump won’t get it because God is in control, and he is God’s also anointed.

22882373? ago

He knows who will be infected. Right Groomer?

22884271? ago


22881950? ago

Trump is sick though. Did you see his announcement today? He could hardly read the speech. He has a mild fever.

22884782? ago

He may have been pretending because he was just having dinner with some infected Brazilian DS. The elite think the stuff they have is also loose in the public to a much greater extent. Trump let us know the killer strain can only be given to you by someone you know, as in a dose of adreno

22882699? ago

He looked fine today. Just didnt' like having to read pre-prepared scripts. Mike Pence was awesome btw. Seemed to have it all in hand, no lines for him.

22882577? ago

Trump just looked tired, which is understandable. And so what if he is sick? Could be just a regular cold.

22882001? ago

OK Groomer

President Pence is Ready to round up fag in the US and see if fags can fly off a tall building.

22881753? ago

Then why are people in nursing homes dying?

22890495? ago

Flu. Like every year.

22882158? ago

Some call it nursing home, the last bill is always listed as Hospice Care.

Those last two words will escape the mentally slow Groomers and Pedovores.


22882696? ago

The nursing home in Washington is not a hospice.

22884263? ago

They are when they die of old age. And the diseases most 82 year old end up getting.

22885886? ago

You don't seem to know what a hospice is.

22882041? ago

because they are old and in nursing homes at the end of their lives?

People die every day, and old people are the most likely to die due to them being weaker.

Hence the death toll of the common cold/flu every year.

22885673? ago

No. It was stated that they died from CV.

22887085? ago

Yeah, and they would never lie about that, right? /s

22887619? ago

If you have to say everything is a lie except what you believe to be true, with no facts to support it, then you are on drugs.

22880891? ago

Adrenochrome -- manufactured in Wuhan, China of all places -- has a chemical structure that resembles a white rabbit.

Hmm ...

Nothing to see here. Move a long ...

22884321? ago

Great post. This is getting so incredibly interesting. Terrible, but interesting nonetheless. Who needs sports when you've got rabbit holes like this going in 500 directions at once? This is war and we're all involved. While the rest of the sheep are fighting over toilet paper.

22886748? ago

Right? Lol

22886594? ago

Television was never this good.

22881913? ago

It's not 'white'. Any more than a picture of a benzene ring is 'white'. You people can make a pattern out of any old shit, like the people who think they can see Jesus on a bit of toast.

22884911? ago

Even more retarded is the fagoot on this post.

22884045? ago

Show me an organic chemistry book where the background for the benzene rings is not white.

It’s kind of universal.

22884220? ago

Right? It's not like we color them with crayons.

22882418? ago

Fuck you.

22882510? ago

They do say masturbation strengthens the immune system...maybe it will help me fight off the virus!

Thanks for the helpful advice, you're so thoughtful and caring :)

22890937? ago

Semen retention. Its a real thing. Semen gives you an energy when retained gives an insane power. Use that energy through mediation and prayer.

22896392? ago

Ew, weirdo. I don't have semen, and if I did, I would still ignore your creepy advice.

22881581? ago

Where did we find that it’s manufactured in Wuhan? Thank you. 👍

22882725? ago

Jesus Christ, dude. Look at the graphic.

22888360? ago

but when you go directly to the link there is no reference to the source as being Wuhan. Unless I am not clicking on the right thing.

22884817? ago


22881926? ago

It's probably just made in small doses for testing, if anything.

22881046? ago

So maybe corona was a US military op?

22883281? ago

I think it was a real bioweapon that was disabled and redirected to smack them in the face.

22883103? ago

What if this was the "Christmas present" that Kim Jong Un tweeted about? What if NoKo knew about this plan and after being somewhat free of the clowns in action and took care of this to wipe out a crapload of the global cabal?

22882535? ago

The chemical structure of Adrenochrome resembles a white rabbit. Seems like that could be a part of the inside joke among DS criminals with their references to white rabbit, Alice in Wonderland, etc. Their ADC is part of their inside secret/joke.

The fact that it is made in Wuhan, China where the CV19 came from has to be more than a coincidence.

Could be explained either way.

  1. CV19 could be DS release of bioweapon, with Wuhan being the source because it is where they also produce ADC, or
  2. CV19 could be Q op, with it being used to infect ADC users.

I see #1 as much more likely.

22886734? ago

I like number 2 though :-)

22881592? ago

Might be one of the reasons why CCP propaganda has been pointing the finger at the U.S. military.

It sounds ridiculous and like propaganda, but perhaps it is actually true. Of course they have no evidence of this at all, and neither do we.

22886573? ago

CCP is telling the truth.. no one will believe them because the origins of the virus was obviously China...Army of N. Virginia hard at work.

22881724? ago

What's CCP?

22881755? ago

Chinese Communist Party

22881217? ago

What brings you to that conclusion?

22881649? ago

Ok gotcha! I somehow missed this myself.

22881170? ago

I believe so. All this time I thought it was the DS doing, but now I really believe it was US. This shit is insane

22886585? ago

I'd like to believe this, but now I have a cold and thats kind of worrying me.

22885186? ago

Could be both. DS cooked up the original plan and put all their black magic juju behind it to make it happen. Then the good guys coopted the plan. Replaced or reconfigured the virus in some way. Boomerang suicide sort of thing.

22880866? ago

i'll see your 'holy fuck' and raise you a 'Wuhan'.

22886112? ago

Wew han

22880852? ago


22880962? ago


22880849? ago

Damn that’s huge. These people are sick... a whole new meaning. Enjoy hell bitches!!! Looks like suicide weekend will happen to them on our terms.

22881550? ago

Can someone please explain. Like I know the gist of it but what exactly are we talking about guys? I get the rabbit part of it and that the supply could’ve been tainted via the White Hats and that’s why Hanx (elites) are getting sick... but is there more to this that I’m not comprehending? Thank you!!

22881881? ago

It's just a load of nonsense made up by people who don't understand basic science and have watched too many sci fi shows. Good article here:


22881794? ago

Rich people drink the blood of children, specifically, for it's age-defying, and potentially super potent hallucinogenic properties.

The people getting "sick" are people who consumed Adrenochrome that was manufactured in Wuhan.

The "virus" is a military op - the only way to actually get it, is to consume Adrenochrome created in that lab. The people getting sick, are people who were buying adrenochrome for their consumption.

In other words, everyone who get sick from this, deserves to die.

22887594? ago

You should preface claims with 'supposedly', 'reportedly', 'some people believe', 'while not confirmed', 'there's speculation that', 'I'm so high I believe everything I say as though it's fact', 'everyone on this thread is high on Adrenochrome and tripping', 'I should of bought toilet paper before I read these crazy allegations' and so on.

22886968? ago

That sounds like unfounded speculation.

22884337? ago

To be blunt, game over. Now this takes a whole new level of meaning. Check mate you pieces of shit. This virus couldn't have been a successful DS operation, since PLG has been mentioned and we assume it is real. Makes no sense for white hats to have PLG and fail at this proportion. All coming to light. OMG this is it. The fucking storm, for them not us. I only hope that shit is some synthetic version just to fool these fuckers tather than the real thi g. Pray for safety of children worldwide

22884908? ago

What is PLG?

22886324? ago

project looking glass?

22889059? ago


22882922? ago

Why would the non-elites in China be consuming this? Could it be labelled as something different, or in a medication or vaccine they've taken?

22884477? ago

I think the ones dying in China may have to do with Wuhan being ground zero for a full roll-out of 5G all over the city. The first 20 minutes of this is worth watching as a possible explanation for what's going on in Wuhan. I wouldn't put it past the DS to try to pass off effects of 5G as coronavirus. It's an interesting take IMO.


22883418? ago

I don't think they are. I think the Chinese came in close contact with others, also the Chinese were the testing ground for the virus.

22882552? ago

I've been watching this narrative unfold for a couple of days now, even my Pede lady thinks I'm crazy repeating this, but I do on a fake news site. So many coincidences, so many things are lining up. I'm not totally convinced the elites are sick though, the alliance, IMO would not release ANY virus on people purely because they happened to drink an artificual compound from Wuhan. Also, ANY death over the so-called outbreak would never be tolerated. Remember 60+ died in Iran drinking moon shine (yeh I know, total douches haha)

22881898? ago

It's hilarious that you think this. I have the virus (I think) and have never drunk the blood of a child.

22882049? ago

First, then you're the first voat/chan user who has the virus - why the fuck wouldn't you make a post about it? Not a single other person online has it.

You came in contact with someone who did, at least by several degrees.

Good job!

22882156? ago

I work from home and have been isolating myself, so I'm not sure! It's possible my husband is a carrier. I haven't been tested for it so I didn't want to post about it in case I've just got something else.

22882178? ago

Why haven't you called your doctor? You shouldn't be in isolation if you think you have it, you should be in intensive medical care.

Isolation should only happen: if you don't have sickness, have already been tested and released. Call your fucking doctor now, it's an extreme emergency.

22882218? ago

Because it's not that bad. I just feel a bit shit, have a mild fever, and a cough. If I get any worse I'll call, but I don't see the point of clogging up a system that's already becoming overstretched. I'm not on my own, if I get much sicker I can walk to the hospital from here. Thanks for your concern, but I think I'll wait a bit before I start panicking over a virus for which the average death age is 80. I promise I will call if I get any worse. If I was 65 I'd be more worried.

Also my doctor's just closed for the weekend so there's that.

22884776? ago

Buy Citric acid powder (vitamin C) and mega dose after every urination, yoy cant take too much.You'll be fine in a week 👊

22884846? ago

We probably have that. Good thinking, Batman.

22884917? ago

Drink extra water too to keep the C going thru your system , I always do it at the very 1st signs of symptoms. Im 50 snd haven't been sick for...30 years or so.

22884947? ago

Wet your (clean) finger, dip it in the powder , what sticks is enough, rinse mouth, gargle and swallow, 4 or 5 times a day does the trick.

22882537? ago

You probably just have a regular cold, flu or other bug/virus.

22882003? ago

or do you just have 'a' corona virus that was released at the same time? How can you tell?

If you die, we will take that as a point that there may be victims who didn't consume wuhan adrenochrome, however, you may have died from the flu/cold like 100's of others every year...

22882162? ago

I don't think it's going to kill me.

22883241? ago

Let us know if you die

22883879? ago

Sure I'll call you from my nonexistent afterlife.

22880829? ago

Can someone ELI5? I see the rabbit clearly and Wuhan in there but I'm somehow not putting the pieces together here.

22881010? ago

Go lick on Soros' testicle face you fucking piece of shit.

Bwaaaahahahahahahaha, your masters are sick. GloriousI ....I hope Soros is last.

22885671? ago

When my wife was diagnosed with cancer my son began seeing shadow people. Indie not believe him at first, until I researched what he described. At five he was too young to read about such a topic, but he described it to a T as to what I researched so I wholeheartedly believed him. Sounds kinda like one of these entities. He's almost 14 now and had not seen it since he was 7.

22888342? ago

Sir, what is the connection between cancer and "shadow people"? I'm not following. Please explain and thank you in advance.

22882284? ago

Let me see if I am picking up your implication. This adrenochrome stuff is some psychadelic drug that these "light-eater" beings consume for some unholy purpose, and it has been laced with coronavirus and is now destroying them. Did I get that right?

22887667? ago

And we have to wait for the paperback edition because the hardcopy books are sold out.

22888139? ago


22882431? ago

I implied nothing, I simply linked a source of information that would provide one with a foundation upon which to build.

I don't do research for other people anymore. Teach a man to fish.

22880799? ago

Follow the fakeness of Q...if you are a fool.

22881169? ago


22881016? ago

Go lick on Soros' testicle face you fucking piece of shit.

Bwaaaahahahahahahaha, your masters are sick. GloriousI ....I hope Soros is last.

22881495? ago

Ooo! Someone is sure getting emotional.

22880840? ago

You’re here. So you’re a fool??

22881503? ago

I’m here because I’m self-loathing.

22881080? ago

No, we browse voat by all/new so that we see everything rather than our own echo chamber.

22881448? ago

Who the fuck is “we” you fucking faggot

22881536? ago

At a minimum, myself and 22880799. There are others as well. It's generally accepted as a more intelligent way to browse the internet, because opinions are no longer curated by echo chamber.

22880772? ago

That's fucking crazy. Many likely missed the "Wuhan".

22880692? ago

Damn...I've been on the fence about Q but that's some shit right there...

22886958? ago

What is supposed to be significant?

22882199? ago

I was shitting on all these fucks for about a week straight. Then Bill Gates steps down and then this.

22886753? ago

Where can I read about this Gates stuff?

22891108? ago

This was the first link I saw when the story broke. I'm sure there are more updated articles now. The narrative is that he wants to focus on his "philanthropy"


22886606? ago

Stick around...you ain’t seen nothing yet...

22882397? ago

Um hmmm. Boomeranged on (((them))). Or so the cover story shall go. I like.

22882509? ago

So it seems. A DS play gone horribly wrong.

22880669? ago

step 1: infect the andrenochrome with corona

step 2: evil people buy andrenochrome and consume it

step 3: evil people get infected, die, it's their fault for being evil

22901388? ago

Maybe China was correct, virus came from US.

22885800? ago

Corona doesn’t kill everyone unilaterally. Only the old and feeble are getting hit hard.

22882977? ago

They die. If the corona doesn't, their imminent suicide will.

If it was true they wouldn't be able to show their faces.

22883196? ago

If it was true they wouldn't be able to show their faces.

look at the big names going into self-quarentine

22883247? ago

Perhaps they would die - in like manner to No Name?

Maybe some of them commit suicide one weekend.

22882412? ago

I'm sick of this stupid misinformation. You CAN'T get high just by eating/injecting adrenochrome. I think it has something to do with the blood brain barrier, but some biochemist anons have explained it multiple times.

22883462? ago

Studies on adrenochrome go back a century. It was studied similar to the way LSD was.

If ADC is used (at least partly) as a way to "open the mind" it would make a lot of sense because the Illuminati concept is all about becoming illuminated in terms of wisdom of the world/universe.

Call this a "high" or something else, it has at least been studied for these properties, and of course there are likely many other studies that were never published publicly.

Most info out there points to somehow being a fountain of youth of sorts, but look at the people who are suspected of using it. Nothing particularly youthful about them. HRC can barely get through a day without a few naps, or walk up a few steps without help.

So, maybe it is touted as a dual use. Whether effective at all or not might be completely irrelevant -- drink this blood to prove you want to be in the club.

Get it?

22891072? ago

if you compare photos of them from 30 years ago they dont age. I mean no wrinkles. Still youthful looking. Look at officer doofys wife courtney cox. how about demi moore. literally have not aged a bit. there are many more.

22885847? ago

Some say she’s a clone.

22882791? ago

If that's true, why is it a drug in Fear and Loathing?


22884474? ago

Cuz it's a fuckin movie dumby. You can buy adrenochrome online from a lab supply website, go try it for yourself.

22884694? ago

What's "dumby" is expecting people to believe they made up drugs for that movie and book. I suppose that Peyote, Mescaline, LSD aren't drugs either according to you.

22884801? ago

Go buy some adrenochrome and eat it. Tell me the effects. I'll wait.

This goddamn bullshit that the elites are out of adrenochrome because their kid supply has been shut off - meanwhile any chemist can synthesize that shit in bulk.

It's available to the general public.

22888802? ago

Synthetic thc has been (and is still ?) legal for awhile and called spice or k2 or whatever, but it is considerably different than actual thc from a plant in terms of high.... it’s not as good and is weird and feels different/tastes different. And that’s just thc.. I can only imagine how different in effect/flavor/etc the synthetic adrenochrome is vs real authentic human adrenochrome

22884149? ago

In the book, he talks about eating an actual adrenalin gland. There's no way they would've shown that back when the movie was made. The public would've scorned and shunned it.

22882179? ago

Covid 19 only kills old folks. Best to infect the adrenachrome with weapons grade anthrax, it kills 100% of the time.

22884825? ago

Too obvious. Can't have them all dropping dead at once.

22882461? ago

No. It also kills younger people. Moron.

22880830? ago

Step -2: Find the adrenochrome production/storage facilities.

Step -1: Infiltrate them without detection.

Step 0: Assemble equipment to compromise available stores of adrenochrome.

Step 1: Infect the adrenochrome with corona

Step 1a: Return compromised adrenochrome to storage.

Step 1b: Disassemble equipment and has exfiltrate facility without detection

Step 2: Evil people buy and consume.

Step 3: Evil people die by their own hand.

22886977? ago

Jesus fucking Christ.

22885865? ago

Infiltrate them without detection.

Right. Because China wouldn't have this facility classified and protected as top secret or anything.

22886719? ago

I offered my revised list to point out how ludicrous the initial offering was.

See that? It went right over your head and you didn’t even need to duck.

Good Job, detective!

22886605? ago

Bitch, I'm Sam Fisher.

22884118? ago


22884096? ago

And we all laugh all the way to the polls in Nov

22883304? ago

b_b_b_but corona is a common cold/flu bug... I thought?

22883369? ago

What do keys do, Anon?

If the Adrenochrome was modified with a mutated but dormant pathogen that is compatible with the Corona Virus. "These People are Sick and We are the Cure." is quite literal in this instance, because if the Corona virus is in fact a bioweapon targetting Adrenochrome; then that means it spreading like the common cold makes [Them] vulnerable.

It won't be safe for them to walk the streets.

22882653? ago



9 Feb 2018 - 8:17:44 PM

[Next week]

[Next week]

[Next week]

Suicide weekend?


22885081? ago

Fuck You! It may not be All, but it is Much of what needs to be.

22882459? ago

But not many have died even though they were positive for Corona. How are the rest of the corona cases explained, and why don't all who get it die?

22883436? ago

Deep state spreading fear over common flu to cover for themselves getting sick with the real coronavirus.

22883918? ago

No. This was a skull and bones operation. They were going to sink the stock market. They needed this to end the Trump presidency. They even announced that today. What they didn't know is that the Q operation would piggyback off of this.

22883972? ago

Maybe they thought they were releasing a plague but it was a dud and they were the ones who got sick from tainted adrenochrome. Now they are trying to crash the economy with a virus that is weaksauce while sick as dogs. Kek!

22885812? ago

This doesn’t sound plausible and is too much of a stretch. The connection btw adrenochrome and corona are not close enough for me to bite. I’m sure that Wuhan is a place where many bizarre things are made.

22885499? ago

Their plan was to kill as many boomers as possible and depress the Trump vote count so that they could reasonably steal the election. they also wanted to use this as a way to hide the enthusiasm for Trump at Trump rallies and the lack of enthusiasm for Biden. There are probably other rationalizations but these are two.

22883167? ago

Bio warfare. Maybe there's a couple other virus out there.

22882259? ago

Only the American supply? Cause there were supposedly a couple children that have it. What do you think?

22881626? ago

Son! This^^^

22880821? ago

That's a plot line straight of of "True Blood" really

22882077? ago

Who was the star of True Blood from Racine, Wisconsin?

Why did she change her name to Kristin Bauer van Straten?

What was Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s real name?

What fake religion does she practice?

How is the NXIVM doctor connected to Kristin and Racine?

How is she connected to the Clintons, Podestas and Emanuels?

Why was That 70’s Show set in Racine, Wisconsin?

What fake religion dominated the cast?

What is a Red Fez?

What sex club was Chris Ashton Kutcher’s ex-wife involved with, how did he scrub the Internet, and how are they connected to the Clintons, Ron Burkle, Guy Oseary and John McCain?

Why did Chris Kutcher and Kristin Bauer van Straten pull out of the I-94 Project events with other celebrities including Tom DeLonge, John Legend, Mark Ruffalo, Caron Butler, Mark Wahlberg and Susan Sarandon?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

22992960? ago

What are the answers to these questions?? VERY interested

22890292? ago

wait, former Washington Wizard player Caron Butler?

22887620? ago

I just realized there are two characters on That 70's Show specifically named Red and Fez!

22886988? ago

Who are you, anon?

22886955? ago

Do you know any of the answers, or are you just riddling?

22886597? ago

The real thing ladies and gentlemen. If we seek what we think we seek...these answers start that journey.

22885832? ago

What’s in Racine?

22889876? ago

I've heard this town mentioned a LOT but nobody can answer why it's so important.

22887544? ago

Someone unhappy about property taxes and eminent domain laws.

22884842? ago

Just like Hanx's movie, A League of Their Own, based on Racine Bells from Racine, Wisconsin

22889860? ago

Wow, you're right!

22881263? ago

Fuck I miss True Blood.

22886622? ago

that shit was gay af.

22881336? ago

Yeah but towards the end it was becoming too retarded to warch

22883042? ago

The whole Lilith thing was way too much, stopped watching after that. The first few seasons were hilarious though, especially that snarky chef

22881854? ago

It really did. I loved the early seasons but it got so stupid. Eric and Pam were the best though, I always wished they had done a spinoff with them.

22883046? ago


22883085? ago


22883289? ago

Just the worst! I turned it off when he started bathing in blood with that Lilith worship. And this was before my knowledge of the satanic elite and their sickness. Aleksander Skarsgard was so good though!

22883889? ago

He is! I always try to catch movies if he's in them. Also Lady Gaga killed him in a video once.

22881802? ago

I used to warch it on my ruff while I colored with crowns

22883738? ago

I only read the first book before True Blood was produced. I thought it was so dumb and written like a twelve year old teen, I never bought another book from this author. When I started hearing of True Blood, I've stopped watching TV anyways.

22880632? ago




22880602? ago

Thats interesting.

22880564? ago


22880453? ago


Imagine a virus that could target Adrenochrome consumers rather than producers.

22884244? ago

Oy vey!

22883387? ago

These people are sick! Kek!

22881483? ago

Please explain. Thanks, Anon! 👍

22881444? ago

I've been dropping this on Adrenochrome topics for newbs or folks who haven't see it yet.


22886699? ago

This is a really interesting article. That blew me away about the copper mines. We have a lot of them in my state.

22884262? ago

Thanks for the post/link. I read this recently and you saved me from trying to find it. Cheers!

22881011? ago

great, doesn't that mean that anyone who is scarred will be extra fucked....

22881127? ago

No, but innocent schizophrenics might be fucked.

22881899? ago

They are already scared into insanity. If not they are faking the symptoms.

Pedovores on the other hand will be in a pandemic level melt down.


22886122? ago

Love it.

22880981? ago

Oh wow yessss!

22880449? ago

What the fuck.

I thought this was a shitpost, so I went there myself.... https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ then search for "Adrenochrome". 100% real...

Where did you find this? Was this on chans? This is first I'm seeing this.

Insane. That's definitely a rabbit...

22888277? ago


created better imaages


without hydrogens


22886214? ago

remember al gore was stopped in an airport and found to have a briefcase full of adrenochrome vials?

22888542? ago

Really?? Sources?!

22886182? ago

There's a list on there with numerous manufacturers:


22885818? ago

Adrenochrome is unscheduled by the Controlled Substances Act in the United States. It is not an approved drug product by the Food and Drug Administration, and if produced as a dietary supplement it must comply with Good manufacturing practice.


22884396? ago

The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.

Anyone looking into this q statement?

22883733? ago

Wait... you thought adrenochrome was fake? You dumb?

22883766? ago

No. I've known about it a long time.

I thought the graphic and link was made up, about the visualized representation that was being depicted. But I was shocked that when I searched the database, this poster was legit using live data.

22882080? ago

Here’s the thing. Just because the river is real doesn’t mean that Q isn’t fake. In other words, don’t be a foo, foo.

22884071? ago

I pity the foo

22881928? ago

Silly Rabbit, trips are from kids!

22881840? ago

Here are the direct links for everyone else to easily look at:


Look under 6 Chemical Vendors and you will find, amongst many others:


I followed the white rabbit and looked at the similar compounds for molecules that looked more like the white rabbit and found these:


Interesting to me because it is a form of dopamine and adrenochrome. I tried researching it but there’s nothing outside of scientific literature, which is still a little difficult for me to comprehend, but it seems to mainly promote the formation of H2O2 within cells. I know this has a lot of beneficial health effects, such as cancer is killed by H2O2 while normal cells are much more resistant. This is why vitamin C can be so effective, though you can’t absorb enough of it outside of intravenous injection, which is now illegal.

Here’s the other one I found that’s the simplest form of the rabbit shape:


Can’t find any biological interaction information with this substance.

22889794? ago

Isn't H2O2 Hydrogen Peroxide? That's what I learned in Chem....

22890716? ago


22890897? ago

K. Thought I was losing it for a minute there.

22888234? ago

You can absolutely absorb Vitamin C in large quantities without using intravenous. www peakenergy.com/articles/nh20140411/Exposing-the-truth-about-liposomal-nutrients/

22896061? ago

Link doesn’t work, even when replacing the space after www with a period. Can you explain how the bioavailability of Vitamin C can be increased to achieve cancer-killing levels?

22885033? ago

Why does the modify date say 3-11-2020?

22886781? ago

Last date the entry was modified.

22881879? ago

Great links anon.

This is a very difficult compound to research.

The truth is, we need a reporter to try it out, and report effects (on Youtube), but it's too late now. We can't get ahold of it, and if we did, it will be Corona'd.

22887924? ago

There are some reports on Erowid

22895634? ago

You found reports on Erowid of people using Octahydronaphthalene-2,3-dione and dopaminechrome?

22884054? ago

No, but if you have the knowledge, it can be synthesized, like DMT/LSD and other psychotropic and we could go from there. I'm willing to give it a go if others here are as well.

22881193? ago


22881062? ago

Created by the United States Air Force in 2005


22891938? ago

Adrenochrome was in the movie "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" in 1998.

22896072? ago

Thanks detective

22880725? ago

a puzzle, all pieces are there now? Simulation and Jeffrey Epstein's Harvard program of Evolutionary Dynamics .. @TruthIsAVirus @darkknight111 @gamepwn @carmencita https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3702469

22884067? ago

You can buy it (synthesized) by the bottle, mostly likely is a pale shadow of the real thing...

22884605? ago

Ohh. Thanks