22894194? ago

Welcome aboard Anon! WWG1WGA!!

22891260? ago

Serious Stuff; Welcome: Trust the Plan: SPREAD the Links...

22888044? ago

Know your shit before you judge something, faggot.

22887670? ago

Been watching Q for some time. Just an ordinary ole man who appreciates the work done by the bakers and Anons on here. If justice isn't severed I'll be disappointed and pissed. Can't decide if the Barr DOJ isn't a false flag like Huber. Three long years of known crimes and people like General Flynn cannot get the exculpatory evidence from the FBI. Trust Wray is bullshit. No justice, no Country!

22887296? ago

Welcome home

22886902? ago


22886355? ago

I came.

22885770? ago

Nigger pox!!!!๐Ÿคก๐Ÿ™Š๐Ÿคก๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿคก๐Ÿ™‰

22885702? ago

In it to win it, patriot!

22884517? ago

Get in faggot.

Weโ€™re taking back our country.

22884094? ago






22883365? ago

Just wait until you all collectively shit when Extraterrestrial disclosure begins bwahaha

22884046? ago

THAT's what I'm waiting for! Bring on the fantastic new tech they've been hiding from us!

22883180? ago

I laughed at You Q People for 3 Years. ...I'm not laughing anymore.

The blessed meek, for they will inherit the Earth.

-Matthew 5:5

22883080? ago

Iโ€™m still laughing

22882837? ago

For 3 years you showed you were an idiot. Hence, welcome to the real party.

22882422? ago

I just red-pilled a coworker today. The school where we teach was closed today because of COVID-19 and we go on spring break starting on Monday. We anticipate that the state board of education will close the schools for a couple of weeks after break is over. The faculty had a work day to print off learning materials and work for students who don't have Internet. While we were working, he asked me what I thought about the virus and all the crazy stuff that he has noticed lately. I introduced him to Qmap.pub and later, I sent him the link to Joe M's "The Plan to Save the World," He thought it was cool. Imagine trying to get up to speed on Q stuff now, with all that is going on daily.

22882274? ago

Seems like the only ones still following Q are the ones still on FB and watching TV daily.

A lot of us moved

22884627? ago


22888498? ago

You downvote me then ask a question?

Cowardly little men do that.

22882190? ago

Oh? Why not? Why are you suddenly not laughing after 3 years? Do tell! Will you? Nah...

22880570? ago

How deep does the rabbit hole go?

22880531? ago

Thank you. Our burden is heavy. Encouragement is pretty scarce. This helps.

22880424? ago

Eventually everyone will stop laughing. Welcome to truth!

22880395? ago

Corona Virus=Star Trek Specter of the gun


22880262? ago

Can we ask....what caused you not to laugh anymore?

22880126? ago

welcome aboard...now grab some red pills and start stuffing them up liberal ass like suppositories, we are running out of time.

22880121? ago

I'm still laughing. These faggots get more hilarious with each passing "it's happening" declaration. The more that things change, the more they stay the same.

22884643? ago

Not pencil dick. Dickless. Like Weinstein.

22882084? ago

but you are still here jerking off to us......................... so where does that put pencil dick?

22879689? ago

Enjoy getting laughed at by the side you just left. So many more asleep.

22879659? ago

@op Welcome. It's nice here. Even though we disagree on some things, it's a great place to find out what's actually going on in the world other than what the MSM says.

Also - one point to remember: There are about 3 people who are assigned from ShareBlue and CorrectTheRecord to try and gaslight us. You probably know that because you used to mock us. Easiest way to spot the shills is by their use of "Qult" and "Qultists." It doesn't work because most of us made the journey you did. Quite a few of us are former Liberals or Democrats who were brainwashed that all Conservatives are bad, etc. So we recognize their feeble attempts and mostly ignore them. They are also the ones who post porn.

Ignore them. Enjoy the ride here. It's actually quite informative and fun

22879379? ago

Sorry you wasted 3 years of your life.

22879362? ago

Welcome to QRV!!๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

and please ignore the tranny porn;)

22879180? ago

Welcome Anon!

22879111? ago

You're probably going to edit this later to "...And I'm still laughing". ;)

22878971? ago

Welcome aboard anon!!! At one point we were all not trusting the plan quite yet ;) WWG1WGA

22878129? ago

This is the actual definition of shilling, but you morons can't comprehend it.

22878114? ago

The Great Deception. Carry On. You're not Red Pilled yet. Don't drink the Qool Aid and Swallow the Blue Pills of Q. You'll be sorry in the end. Do you actually know how many In the Know Larp's have trolled the Internet since its grand inception? Too many to count. They all fizzled out because NOTHING HAPPENED.

Q will fizzle out as well. Meanwhile the Q-cult marches on like good little SHEEPLE.

22878058? ago


22877617? ago

The end is not for everyone....

22877525? ago

Welcome to the team!

Don't worry about laughing, I got laughed at when I said 9/11 was an inside job. It's okay, laughter is an evolved defense mechanism against a perceived threat where violence isn't the appropriate response. Congrats on not being a chimp! Lol

22877412? ago

Someone's a liar

22878006? ago

But they did tell you you're watching a show.

22877140? ago

Welcome to the real world.

22877037? ago

Oh yea!!!

22876976? ago

Trust me. we laughed at you wayyyyy harder. you stupid normie fucks

22876970? ago

Same here. Now I'm ๐Ÿคจ

"Q" = Puppetry of the Penis People.

22876950? ago

WOW ! thanks for posting that and grab your popcorn!

22876847? ago

22876835? ago

The rabbit hole is deeper than any of us thought, keep your action oiled, friend.

22878063? ago

This psyop is too well-designed to wake many of them up, but at least you're telling them.

22876646? ago

Nice roleplay post.

22876629? ago

Itโ€™s not really funny. Itโ€™s sad. The fakeness of Q knows no boundaries and extends far, for the gullible are everywhere.

22876522? ago

Everyone is welcome here faggot.

Its never to late to belive โค๏ธ

22877823? ago


22876367? ago

Dark to light!! Welcome. Amen

22877518? ago

Free to Qult!!

22878852? ago

Blue pills are for Qultists

22876154? ago


22876134? ago

God Bless your shitposting!

22875978? ago

welcome to the Qniverse!

just nosey... can you tell us a little bit about your "trip" to Qniverse?

ThanQs! :)

22875947? ago

Believing everything you are told is what got our citizenry into this mess.

Follow Q, but realize the movement is a pro America positive psyop.

22878145? ago

Most of them lack the capacity to grasp the depths of the control they're under, but maybe a few can wake up. Is it worth bothering?

22875885? ago


22875786? ago

Glad to have you Patriot and even those of us who believed from the start know it is sometimes hard to believe the scope of this and the depth of the cabals evil. God wins!

22877185? ago

You can't be a Qultist unless you refuse to believe the scope of this, and the depth of the cabals evil.

"I refuse to believe we've been turned into puppets by the jew cabal Trump fronts." Take off your cult blindfolds and it's right in front of your faces.

22878345? ago

Personally, I assert that all these scenarios are possible, and that neither of us can reliably 'know'.

That is to say, I respect your opinion on the matter, and I'm listening to you exactly as much as I listen to views that oppose your view. Not all of us are in lock step, I like the Q movement, I consider myself a 'Qtard' among good people, however, they should never expect me to follow them off a cliff and I wouldnt expect them too either. This means, I consider your warnings as VALID and plausible, although I cannot assert that they are definitively true.

Some here really do care about the truth, but I hear your complaint, not all listen once they have decided and that is truly folly.

22880693? ago


22878784? ago

Then you're the rare person, and an outlier in that demographic. If you want to see the basis for my beliefs about this psyop, and the cult that's grown out of it, take a close look at Trumps past life, his associates, and the people backing him.

This may sound weird, but I also feel the pull of his personality and style. I can't stand actually listening to his word salads, but his skills at manipulating people and situations are pretty remarkable. It's easy to see why people ignore that he's eager to import the most immigrants "in the history of our country", doesn't give a shit about white people, and is doing everything he can to make jews supreme in the US. He creates an intense gravitational or magnetic field around himself that's difficult to resist, except for those with opposite polarity.

Anyway, it's my belief that those qualities were why they selected him. He's perfect for the purpose.

22880181? ago

btw, I heard you again and I'm not the other guy, I'll let ya'll argue it out and watch.

22882481? ago

Well, I hope I didn't gaslight you too much with that first sentence. lol Didn't realize that other guy was in his 80s until near the bottom. Hope I wasn't too hard on him.

22879557? ago

Like all Never Trumpers, you make accusations without backing them up. I'm very willing to admit there are things we don't know and don't understand. But as people have often said, "If Trump's a racist, he's really bad at it." Your assertions are specious and just more gaslighting lies for those who can't think for themselves. All we've really been told in this movement is to think for ourselves. But your's don't sound like that. They sound like ShareBlue or Rosie O'Donnel talking points. To wit:

Then you're the rare person, and an outlier in that demographic. If you want to see the basis for my beliefs about this psyop, and the cult that's grown out of it, take a close look at Trumps past life, his associates, and the people backing him.


This may sound weird, but I also feel the pull of his personality and style. I can't stand actually listening to his word salads, but his skills at manipulating people and situations are pretty remarkable.

It's easy to see why people ignore that he's eager to import the most immigrants "in the history of our country",

---------PLEASE BACK THAT UP. HE MOST ASSUREDLY IS NOT ABOUT IMPORTING ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, BUT FOLLOWING THE OLD MODEL THAT HELPED THIS COUNTRY - ie SKILLED IMMIGRANTS, YES. EVEN NYSLIMES SAYS THAT The Trump administrationโ€™s new means-testing rule is an attempt to change the profile of the American immigrant .More green cards will go to immigrants with a good education and a measure of self-sufficiency; fewer will be granted simply because someone has a family member in the United States.

doesn't give a shit about white people,

---------------AGAIN - BACK THAT UP. TRUMP CARES ABOUT AMERICAN PEOPLE. THIS COMMENT YOU MAKE IS ALL OVER CERTAIN LIBERAL SITES. REDDIT PICKED IT UP... BUT THEN OTHERS SAY HE DOESN'T CARE ABOUT [PICK ONE] JEWS, BLACKS, MEXICANS... IT'S ALL BULLSHIT. I like what Rush said, -https://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2020/03/10/donald-trump-cares-about-the-american-people/

and is doing everything he can to make jews supreme in the US.

--------------BACK THAT UP. Why? because of the antisemitism thing. That's not supporting Jews or making them supreme, it's recognizing a problem and dealing with it. And if you go to the Dem rags (which I assume are the ones paying you) most of them are after him for the way he treats Jews. He approved the ability of adoption agencies to discriminate by religion. He also got this reaction - https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/nov/16/us-no-longer-haven-jews-under-donald-trump-steve-bannon-antisemitism

He creates an intense gravitational or magnetic field around himself that's difficult to resist, except for those with opposite polarity.


Look, i get it, you have questions. But if this is real and not some assignment from ShareBlue or CorrectTheRecord, then you need to back up what you're saying. You have every right to post here and say whatever is yours to say. But think it through. All the paranoia about who's behind Donald Trump ignores one reality. That is - IF NOT TRUMP, THEN WHO? If not the Q movement, then is all of life in the world hopeless? Are we completely doomed? If that were the case, then why wouldn't the people you think are behind him just nuke all of us "useless eaters"? What difference does it make to the Satanists if the Deplorables live or die? Your logic falls apart there. Trump has worked his ass off to help us have a better life and he's done it against some of the most mind-blowing odds I've ever seen in my 8 decades on the planet. No other President (except perhaps Abe Lincoln) has had to face the non-stop, ongoing assaults and bullshit that Donald Trump has faced. And still he's here. Even if Trump were the LARPER you seem to think he is, very few people could withstand the onslaught.

Sure I question, but I also recognize and appreciate what he's doing. I sleep very well at night now.

22881939? ago

Like all Never Trumpers...

I voted for Trump... But I'll read a little more anyway.

I'm very willing to admit there are things we don't know and don't understand.

That is because you've averted your eyes. All of that has even been posted right on voat. You'd have to deliberately avoid looking.

as people have often said, "If Trump's a racist, he's really bad at it."

EXACTLY. Trump is literally a multiculturalist shabbos goy who doesn't give a shit about White people.

You're not doing so well for the first three sentences... But let's continue on.

Your assertions are specious and just more gaslighting lies for those who can't think for themselves.

I wasn't expecting you to admit it so openly. What the hell? Seriously?

All we've really been told in this movement is to think for ourselves.

"Read this riddle, then go make the conclusions I point you towards." Dood... They're telling you what to do and what to think.


Okay, how about I tell YOU you're an idiot, who is obviously in over his head. Is that better? No GASLIGHTING, right? Or am I now using the technique of NEGGING? lol

Look, i get it, you have questions.

Ah, I see you're now using the TYPICAL GOOD COP TECHNIQUE... Did you have too much coffee this morning?

then you need to back up what you're saying.

I actually don't need to, but I've helpfully pointed out what to look at, without even resorting to riddle form... in my reply to the other guy. I'm not here to provide you with a free education, and if you're too lazy to have looked by this late date, you're free to just stay in the cult.

That is - IF NOT TRUMP, THEN WHO? If not the Q movement, then is all of life in the world hopeless? Are we completely doomed?

Good question. As I pointed out, I voted for Trump. Yes and Yes to the second and third question. It's hopeless, and we're doomedโ„ข๏ธ. It's just a fact that the vast majority of humans have always been owned and controlled by the fraction of a percent at the top. Even more so now in this totally networked world. Look around at how people live. Look at what they do with their lives.

If that were the case, then why wouldn't the people you think are behind him just nuke all of us "useless eaters"?

I believe they're "finally" waking up to the realization that they've let slave production get way out of hand, but some level of human assets are necessary to keep things running. I don't know the details of their thought that led to such an overpopulation problem. Could be any number of factors.

What difference does it make to the Satanists if the Deplorables live or die? Your logic falls apart there.

My logic? I'm not following your meaning here. I have no idea if "the Satanists" think about "the Deplorables" living or dying.

Trump has worked his ass off to help us have a better life and he's done it against some of the most mind-blowing odds I've ever seen

If you're a negro, then this is probably true. The things Trump has done to destroy White people and to hurt America are a whole topic that would be longer than this post. Suffice to say, there is some unhappiness over Trumps actions. But better so far than Hillary or Senile Joe? Let's say, "not as bad as it seems like they would be."

my 8 decades on the planet.

Dang, don't get so worked up you have a stroke. But congrats, that's longer than I've survived so far. Working towards my 7th.

No other President (except perhaps Abe Lincoln) has had to face the non-stop, ongoing assaults and bullshit that Donald Trump has faced.

Irrelevant to my point, but sure.

Even if Trump were the LARPER you seem to think he is, very few people could withstand the onslaught.

I don't at all believe he's a LARPER. Haven't seen any plastic swords or homemade costumes, so not a larper. What I believe he is, is the front man for the jew cabal that installed him. The 'onslaught' he's receiving is from the cabal/mafia/whatever group that has owned and operated the US for "a long time". Trumps group is attacking them in an attempt to steal The US Operation away from them. If you've been on voat for awhile, you've seen all the evidence for the groups involved, the players, and all of it. Way too involved to get into here.

Sure I question, but I also recognize and appreciate what he's doing. I sleep very well at night now.

Sleep is important to our well-being.

22875764? ago

Should of listened to your self. Now you're being deceived like all the rest of them. There is no plan. Well there is. But not the Plan you're expecting.

22876192? ago

look everyone. a retard faggot who cant understand Trumps plan. he tries but hes a stupid nigger fuck who cant contemplate whats going on. at all.

22876261? ago

What plan? lollollol There is no plan. Other than to fulfill the wishes of the PUPPET MASTERS.

22876372? ago

heres a faggot for everyone! lol black pill muh black pill guise! nubbins habbeneen! hurr durr!

22875768? ago

fuck off and die you pathetic fledgling fuck

22875837? ago


22876084? ago

just a stupid cunt

22876099? ago

argumentum ad hominem

22876173? ago

argumentum ad Qium. you dumb fuck.

22876252? ago

22876388? ago

stupid nigger that has no purpose on QRV other than shitting himself for everyone to mock

22876465? ago

Told ya once. I'll tell you again. argumentum ad hominem lollol

22876828? ago

dont forget to kill yourself you useless idiot fuck

22876660? ago

thinks this is some kind of "logical" debate. stupid fucks like you dont belong anywhere. kill yourself.

22875733? ago

You've just aligned with the zionists. Remember when everyone aligned with the zionists in WWII?

Hitler and Germany were right. America and Europe were fooled.

22876850? ago

yeah we should vote for the jewish communist bernie sanders instead! this will work! hurr durr!

22877091? ago

Voting is useless when the government is under a foreign occupation.

22877354? ago

the jews pretend to fight eachother! dont vote! just let them win! oy vey

22875655? ago

no shit! what was it specifically that snapped you out of it?

22875593? ago

Definitely some scary shit. Just think... God Wins.

22875580? ago

Welcome aboard!

22875571? ago

KEK, now wipe the sand from your eyes. welcome WWG1WGA

22875496? ago

I laughed at you sheepโ€™s for the last 20 years. Iโ€™m still laughing my ass off as you slowly wake up.

22878167? ago

They're not going to wake up. Their minds are available to anyone who wants to control them.

22880464? ago

I believe youโ€™re right. Those that are woke (I fucking hate that word) is all there ever will be. Everyone else will either instantly reject anything else or instantly accept a new source of propaganda.

22887747? ago

Is there any "truth" that you don't have access to?

22890690? ago

My truth is the conclusions I draw.

22893172? ago

So you're not immune to propaganda, but you feel justified in condemning others?


22893190? ago

You ask a stupid question, you get a stupid answer. But feel free to have your feel good moment based on it.

22893229? ago

You say something stupid, you get to get called out on it. But keep feeling morally superior jew.


22893311? ago

What truths do you have access to? Iโ€™d like to see how you respond to a stupid question like that.

22894522? ago

I'm not the one claiming to be God's gift to the universe and everyone else is stupid and believes propaganda, so that question makes no sense directed at me.

22899394? ago

Iโ€™m sorry youโ€™re offended by my ability to recognize the world I live in.

22899473? ago

Is there any "truth" that you don't have access to, or?

22899495? ago

Ah, so youโ€™re retarded. It all makes sense now.

22899948? ago

Step 1. Make outrageous claim.

Step 2. Person points it out and asks you to justify it


Step 4: kek


Step 6: kek you're reeing

Step 7: I'm not reeing

Step 8: Justify your claim


22900032? ago

My claim is that Iโ€™ve been laughing my ass off for 20 years. Good luck proving me wrong.

E: Iโ€™m still laughing my ass off. Especially at you.

22900090? ago

Step 10: "I'm only pretending to be retarded".

22875465? ago

Enough with the platitudes... You all were right.

What's the next step?

22878914? ago

The next step is explaining what changed your mind

22878735? ago

Share what you know. Keep researching. And trust God.

22878288? ago

The Only Way Out


22879624? ago


22878190? ago

Kneel and worship your lord and owner, President Kushner.

22877458? ago

State of emergency in 1 hour.

22877139? ago

Probably should analyze the petulant arrogance that forced you to mock the same people you come groveling to like a bitch. I'd say the next step is to go fuck yourself.

22877847? ago

Well I don't know that your recommendation really lines up with what Q wishes to see, so...NO.

22875545? ago

Red pill your family and friends. Pull them from the doom* and gloom of the MSM

22886418? ago

Redpill them.. or not... doesn't matter now. They're about to get a redpill like a suppository I believe.. you can always be around after the fact, but I'm pretty sure the generals are going to be the first people to dish out the redpills after it goes down.

22875397? ago

What was is that changed your mind?

22876420? ago

The fact things are shitting down for a cold?

22877840? ago

Exactly! More people died from SARS and there was no panic. Obama didnโ€™t give a shit.

22877145? ago

kek. "shitting"

22877827? ago

See? And y'all thought it was crazy about the TP thang!

22878512? ago

i feel sad that Q didn't warn us about the TP drought.

22879611? ago

yeah Q,

what's that about?;)

Maybe Q was being too optimistic, and overestimated the sheeple's intelligence...

our Walmart had no TP or ramen noodles, scary to imagine the thought process๐Ÿ˜ณ

22881347? ago

we found some at Sam's club. a lot of it because it's Sam's club. i think we're good now. if we run dry we're lucky enough to have sheep outside. New use for wool.

22878252? ago

He's right, I just shat myself laughing at this, now I know nothing but regret.

22875395? ago

You can laugh still...it didnโ€™t matter then and wonโ€™t matter now. All that matters is the awakening and the change that ensues. Seeing is believing...I think we get that.

22877910? ago

It's sad that it's so easy to make people believe bullshit, but this is just how humans are.

22875368? ago

You were smarter

22875338? ago

What caused the change?

22875322? ago

Welcome Patroit. Glad you're here!


22875296? ago

Stilling laughing, well, not really, just cringing.

22875245? ago

Welcome aboard!

Next Stop: The Great Awakening

22875233? ago

There is no JUSTICE coming bud. As well get past that right now. The Q shit is all propaganda created by the very people you despise.

Feed the sheep a little information to make them think a Storm is coming, feed them a whole lot of disinformation to keep them in line.

The eyes and ears are useless if the mind remains closed. There are many truths weaved in between lies and misconceptions on 4chan and 8kun . Many things that Q-tist's believe are simply not true, and many things Q-tist's do not want to believe are very true.

All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances and we are but fools who believe the LIE. The rulers make it appear as though it is something that it is not. Our world is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing created by those Rulers.

Coopting or preempting a resistance Q movement to neutralize the threat that a grassroots movement would pose to an established power structure.

Hijack the goals and actions of an organization or Q movement for purposes other than those that were the original intentions of the grassroots movement.

Give the public the false illusion of choice by presenting a political party or Q organization that superficially speaks to the desires or frustrations of the people but whose actions do not further the stated goals of the organization.

Disinformation or deception of the Q-tist's. Steering the Q-tist's in the wrong direction or misdirect their energies, beliefs and actions.

Act in such a way that superficially appears to benefit the Q opposition, but in truth furthers the ends of the controlling NWO Globalist Demonic Elite.

QAnon baked a whole loaf of lies March 10 2018 alone.

No Storm.

No perfect storm.

No Crisis.

No it's not coming.

How many times have you brainwashed Q-tist's predicted it's coming? Too many times to count.

Whatโ€™s supposed to happen? Absolutely NOTHING.

But as Q would say, enjoy the show.

You folks are being Larp'd by the DS Illuminati Cabal.

Red October โ€“ FAIL,

Sessions โ€“ FAIL.

Mattis - FAIL.

Kelly - FAIL.

Huber - FAIL.

RBG Dead โ€“ FAIL

Obama in GITMO โ€“ FAIL

Hillary in GITMO โ€“ FAIL

Brennan in GITMO โ€“ FAIL

Clapper in GITMO โ€“ FAIL

McCabe in GITMO โ€“ FAIL

Stzrok in GITMO โ€“ FAIL

Page in GITMO โ€“ FAIL

Steele in GITMO โ€“ FAIL

Baker in GITMO โ€“ FAIL

Lynch in GITMO - FAIL

Q-anon Update 12/3/2018 THE WORLD IS ABOUT TO CHANGE โ€“ HUBER FISA Doc release - FAIL

Wednesday, December 5, often presented as #D5.- FAIL

1-1-19: National Emergency. FAIL

Hey Q - How is everyone going to celebrate the 11-11-2018 failed prediction?

22878233? ago

Expect not your words of wisdom to be heeded in the realm of those so easily manipulated.

22878283? ago

Den of wolves. A Q-ult on steroids.

22876867? ago

so much text that no one will ever read. just some kike faggotry that tries to turn people away from the one thing that can crush the kikes once and for all. kill yourself you deluded fuck

22875317? ago

they still dont name the core problem.

ZOG jews run this fucking show and have been for a long time. Q anons will not name the fucking kike. how hard would it be to outlaw circumcision??? you fucking Q fucks

circumcision is an evil jewish religious ceremony with absolutly zero medical benefits

22875854? ago

And then thereโ€™s this shill...does this ever work...anywhere?

22877724? ago

from: doglegwarrior

where do i pick up my checks? if im a shill i should be getting paid. but never forget you no name faggot.

circumcision is an evil jewish religious ceremony with absolutly zero medical benefits

22879384? ago

Checks? You get paid in shekels.

22875940? ago


22876874? ago

Hurr durr the jews are pretending to fight each other! trump is faking his hate if the jewish left!

22875994? ago

Kek...for the record this isnโ€™t about the Jews...none of it is. You canโ€™t seem to keep them out of it.

22876032? ago

Of course it isn't and that's the whole problem.

If you don't fix this, Israel will continue to drag us into their wars and make our presidents kiss their wall

22875966? ago

point to where I wrote the word shill?

22875634? ago


Here are the Jews of the Trump cabal, in order of appearance. Some are very familiar, like his daughter and son-in-law. Others are billionaires who supported Trumpโ€™s campaign, and others yet are not so famous:

Michael Abboud (Sephardic Jew) โ€“ Communications Coordinator, Donald J. Trump for President

Paul Achleitner (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Chairman, Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank (Donald Trumpโ€™s largest lender)

Sheldon Adelson (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Elliott Broidy (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Michael Cohen (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Executive Vice President and Special Counsel, The Trump Organization

Gil Dezer (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ President, Trump Dezer Development

Michael Dezer (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Founder, Trump Dezer Development

Lewis Eisenberg (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Boris Epshteyn (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Senior Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President

Stephen Feinberg (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council; Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Alan Fishman (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Chairman, Ladder Capital (Donald Trumpโ€™s second largest lender)

David Friedman (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Co-Chairman, Israel Advisory Committee for Donald Trump

Samuel Fox (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Alan Garten (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Executive Vice President and General Counsel, The Trump Organization

Bruce Gelb (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Michael Glassner (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Deputy Campaign Manager and Former National Political Director, Donald J. Trump for President

Lawrence Glick (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Executive Vice President of Strategic Development, The Trump Organization

Jason Greenblatt (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer, The Trump Organization; Co-Chairman, Israel Advisory Committee for Donald Trump

Vincent Harris (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Former Digital Strategy Manager, Donald J. Trump for President

Carl Icahn (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Peter Kalikow (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Daniel Kowalski (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Deputy Policy Director, Donald J. Trump for President

Charles Kushner (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Jared Kushner (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Yael Kushner [nรฉe Ivanka Trump] (Orthodox Jewish convert) โ€“ Executive Vice President, The Trump Organization

Bennett LeBow (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Richard LeFrak (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Corey Lewandowski (Ashkenazic Jew/East European) โ€“ Former Campaign Manager, Donald J. Trump for President

Ronald Lieberman (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Executive Vice President of Management & Development, The Trump Organization

Howard Lorber (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council; Donor, Trump Victory Fund

David Malpass (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council

Douglas Manchester (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Donor, Make America Great Again PAC

Bernard Marcus (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Rebekah Mercer (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Donor, Make America Number One PAC

Robert Mercer (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Donor, Make America Number One PAC

Amanda Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Vice President of Marketing, The Trump Organization

Eli Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Chief Operating Officer, Donald J. Trump for President

Jason Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Senior Communications Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President

Stephen Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ National Policy Director, Donald J. Trump for President

Steven Mnuchin (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ National Finance Chairman, Donald J. Trump for President

Samuel Nunberg (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Former Policy Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President

David Orowitz (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Senior Vice President of Acquisitions and Development, The Trump Organization

Geoffrey Palmer [nรฉ Weissinger] (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Donor, Rebuilding America Now PAC

John Paulson (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council

Stewart Rahr (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Richard Roberts (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Vice Chairman, Israel Advisory Committee for Donald Trump

George Ross (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Executive Vice President and Senior Counsel, The Trump Organization

Wilbur Ross (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Steven Roth (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council; Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Felix Sater (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Former Senior Adviser, The Trump Organization

Keith Schiller (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Director of Security, The Trump Organization

Melvin Sembler (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Ivanka Kushner Trump [nรฉe Yunaska] (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Vanessa Trump [nรฉe Haydon] (Ashkenazic Jew/North European) โ€“ Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Ronald Weiser (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Andrew Weiss (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Executive Vice President, The Trump Organization

Allen Weisselberg (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, The Trump Organization

Lawrence Weitzner (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President

Steven Witkoff (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Stephen Wynn [nรฉ Weinberg] (Ashkenazic Jew) โ€“ Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President



22875877? ago

So? What itโ€™s against the rules to use Jews? No wonder you people have been cattle for so long. You refuse to use every weapon on the battlefield to stop The Real enemy behind your enemy. Thank GOD youโ€™ll never be in charge of anything of any importance...ever.

22876076? ago

Trump serves the Jews. That is the problem with you people. You put your faith in false hopes,, countries, flags and mere men and women. No wonder you people have been SHEEPLE for so long.

22876693? ago

Seriously. Even sitting there with a gigantic list of names and links, and the ability to cross reference ALL of them with events in the last twenty years at our fingertips, and these Qtards and dipshit cultists simply cannot do it. Cannot accept it. There they are. Right there, right in front of you, dragged out from under their shingles and rocks and out of their caves with their names highlighted right in front you guys, and still. STILL even here at the end, you still can't overcome your brainwashing, narcissism and cult indoctrination.

The problem, the Enemy, is the same as it has been for over two thousand years. That Enemy has been using the same playbook for two thousand years. You, the first people in history with the ability to learn about those incidence at your fingertips, with the length and breadth of all history available for you to know and learn, STILL refuse to accept the simple and obvious truth. Even with all that, you still refuse to cleave away from the jew.

What's funny is reading all this with my buddies. We go down the list of Q drops with the psyop manual open next to us. God. Shit is so obvious now it's agony.

22876894? ago

The jews pretend to fight eachother!

22875289? ago

I don't even know where to begin. You're at least a better shill than most.

11.11.18 was an IP address, one that routes through the DOJ servers and hosts 8kun.

You fucking retarded dimwit.

22886345? ago

Thatโ€™s not a valid adress tho, itโ€™s missing an octet

22875646? ago

Doesn't change the fact that you are suffering from Cognitive Dissonance.

22875833? ago

So weโ€™re on or with the left? Youโ€™re scared of what...parity? Why do t you tell us how much better your perch is than ours? Tell us how only you have the way forward and what that way forward is? PRO TIP: you wonโ€™t

22876010? ago

There is no Left or Right. There-in lay the great deception. The rulers make it appear as though there is a left and a right. There is only ONE party that rules Washington DC. The Masonic Freemasons

What you do not see, what you do not comprehend is that there are two parties with-in the Demonic Freemasons. One practices Black {Dark] magic and the other practices White [Light] Magic.

The Skull and Bones [Black - Dark] vs. the Templar's [White-Light].

These two factions have been at war for thousands of years trying to gain control of the world.

The PLAN that you will not accept is DIVINE and not part of this world or realm.

22876909? ago

goddamn pathetic idiot post right here, hurr durr guys you cant win! its all a scam. you cant win so dont try at all! fucking die and burn you black pilled piece of stupid shit

22878597? ago

bwahahahahahaha. what a load of fucktard bullshit. bwahahahahaha! kill yourself you dumb fuck black pilled kike magnet

22878612? ago

Cognitive Dissonance

22878624? ago

fucking idiot that watches scott adams instead of doing something productive. you arent smart. you are deluded and deceived like a fucking idiot would be.

22878653? ago

I don't watch Scott Adams. This is why you are always wrong. You ASSUME and thus suffer from your Q-ult assumptions.

22878929? ago

I know for a fact that you are a useless idiot piece of shit cunt

22878940? ago

Again. Assumptions reflecting and projecting only yourself.

22879019? ago

faggot shills like you are my source of joy

22875509? ago

11.11.18 had two meanings. One was the IP address for the DoD in Franklin Ohio. The other was "The Shot Heard Round The World" which happened on 11/11/18 as per National geographic. On the morning of November 11, just before 9:30 UT, a mysterious rumble rolled around the world. Remember Q kept saying "Waves" and "17."

Per the article:

These waves didn't just zip by; they rang for more than 20 minutes. And yet, it seems, no human felt them.

However, there was no big earthquake kicking off the recent slow waves. Adding to the weirdness, Mayotte's mystery waves are what scientists call monochromatic. Most earthquakes send out waves with a slew of different frequencies, but Mayotte's signal was a clean zigzag dominated by one type of wave that took a steady 17 seconds to repeat.

Many features of the waves are remarkably weirdโ€”from their surprisingly monotone, low-frequency โ€œringโ€ to their global spread. And researchers are still chasing down the geologic conundrum.

It involved Tesla technology. Here's the post I made about it right after it happened. Some of the source links have since expired.

Shot Heard Round The World

22875217? ago


22875196? ago

You're in before the tidal wave, so that's good ;)

Welcome to the Digital Army

22875171? ago

I am still laughing at you faggots

22875920? ago

It's good to be happy.

22876493? ago

I didnโ€™t call you gay, I called you a faggot.

22875167? ago

Welcome to the other side.


22875157? ago

Iโ€™m a Planner by nature, been on this ride one way or another since mid-90โ€™s thx to dialup + Win95. Been duped more times than Iโ€™d care to admit...Iโ€™m cautiously optimistic but have yet to see a hole in the Plan that hasnโ€™t eventually played out to (((our))) benefit [[[their]]] dismantling. Finest military op of all time...or Iโ€™m throwing in the towel.

22879160? ago

me too. I was so depressed and feeling so hopeless back in 2016. I'm generally pretty positive person, but the more I saw with Human Trafficking, the more I understood what HRC and her criminal cartel were up to, the more resigned I was to selling off everything and getting the hell outta dodge. I had multiple passports and a plan to move to -- are you ready for this? Estonia... Brrrrrrrr.

Out having a few beers with some friends. Said "i'm almost outta here." They told me about Q and all these chat groups. (yeah yeah yeah... heard it before. right.) So I logged on. Been here ever since. I just wish there was a safe way to meet up with some of you without any of us getting doxxed or tricked by the fuckwit shills on here who haven't yet figured out they are on the wrong team.

Bless you all. May we have an amazing 30 ride!

it's habbening!

22879493? ago

yeah I felt the way too; depressed with my job, and my health, and then I had a NDE, Trump was elected, and then Q!! my life hasn't been the same since.

and I agree, it would be so awesome if we could all meet someday as we've learned a lot together.

like we've been through some type of class/training...

maybe we can figure something out when there's not so much panic in the air. even some type of Skype meeting would be kind of cool.

22886768? ago

I went to a Trump rally and it was the freest I ever felt. Tons of Q people waving banners and handing out literature. But I was still shy and didn't making lasting connections. I would like a do-over.

22877107? ago

have yet to see a hole in the Plan that hasnโ€™t eventually played out to (((our))) benefit

jews win.

22884756? ago

As long as the oldest bank on Earth goes down I'm game.

It was the richest independent bank in the wold and had branches in most of Europe since before the end of the Medieval Period.

The Vatican bank also sponsored Benito's Dictatorship in 1922 (National Fascist) and as the Allied Italian Fascist party. After looting the second war they were instrumental in the formation of Israel. Money well spent so they could invent the Mossad as their personal scapegoat.

If only the one shoe fits all Jewfags knew the truth. Or do they and are excellent liars. Are not Groomers highly manipulative and experienced liars? Well dam.

22877409? ago


22878331? ago

That is the literal meaning of that sentence.

22879517? ago

yeah I just saw someone else post (((our))) in a sentence that didn't make sense.

maybe they don't understand...

22880319? ago

There are a number of admitted jew 'tard wranglers' here, but agreed that usage makes no sense in context.

22879730? ago

[[[ ]]] = killbox ((( ))) = hugs

22877081? ago

Been duped more times than Iโ€™d care to admit...

Increment by 1.

22875650? ago

Out of curiosity, how long did it take you to notice the massive Jewish influence? I knew that 9/11 benefitted Zionists in the 2000s but the full extent of what they have been doing to us didnโ€™t dawn on me until the last three years or so.

22889011? ago

Neither Q nor Trump at any point in history have blamed "muh Jewish influence". Q has been very specific, Soros, the Rothschild family, Mossad and the government of Israel. The decision makers are most likely a few.

Blaming "muh Jewish influence", as though the millions of American Jews had anything to do with it, is a shill tactic used by Chinese women to get out of jail early.

I don't hold your bad opinion against you however. You Chinese women gotta do what ya gotta do to get out of prison.

22889579? ago

Q quoted Chan posts with the hand-rubbing Jew meme, said that the end wonโ€™t be โ€œfor everyone,โ€ and said we are saving Israel for last.

Trump praises Patton who called WW2 โ€œSemiticโ€ and hated Jews. Trump mocked Jon Stewart as โ€œLeibowitz.โ€ He told Jewish donors to their faces that he knew they werenโ€™t going to give him their money but that he was going to win anyway. Trump is not so retarded as you are when it comes to kikes.

22889984? ago

The context was Israel (the government) and whether Israel (the government) had anything to do with Awan. Not Israel (muh enitre Jewish race).

Every instance you gave was Trump dealing with specific people who happen to be Jewish. That's a moved goalpost. You can't give any example of Trump or Q disparaging the entire Jewish race, in fact there is a mountain of evidence to the contrary.

In the end, the cabal has some Jews and some non-Jews. Acting like it's a Jewish-only problem is something that China desperately wants to do right now because it takes the heat off them.

22890305? ago

So the Jew meme rubbing its hands together, which Q didnโ€™t have to quote at all, is only supposed to represent Israel?

Explain that to me please.

You canโ€™t openly disparage Jews or niggers or any other ethnic group in 2016 or even 2020 and win a race. Most people are too fucking stupid and would react with disgust. You should at least realize that much you utter moron.

22895546? ago

So the Jew meme rubbing its hands together, which Q didnโ€™t have to quote at all, is only supposed to represent Israel?

Didn't say anything about it because I didn't remember it. Q#?

You canโ€™t openly disparage Jews or niggers or any other ethnic group in 2016 or even 2020 and win a race.

So you think Trump secretly hates his two children, three grandchildren and half of his cabinet members who are JOOOOOOS. And you think someday, he'll reveal a plan of concentration camps where he rounds up all muh JOOOOOOOOOS and cages them for being shipped back home, because every JOOOOOOOO is defective on a genetic level and must be eradicated.

Putting it kindly, you're crazy.

22895925? ago

You believe in Q, but not that Trump would mislead about handling the Jews? Still saving Israel for last you faggot, and not so you can eat baby dicks and worship Satan with your kike friends. You can go to hell and join them there.

Find the Jew meme on your own. Youโ€™re a dumb triggered loser and future generations wonโ€™t have this problem of coddling kikes.

22896041? ago

but not that Trump would mislead about handling the Jews?

Give me a reason to believe that Trump would ever take a position, publicly or privately, that as you say "disgusts" 99.9% of the population. This after having given zero evidence of such.

Find the Jew meme on your own.

I looked and couldn't find it. I asked you to produce the link and you can't find it either. So we're going to label that one not true.

All the "muh JOOOO" crap here are Chinese women trying to work their way out of jail as another thread explained on QRV. They are tasked with taking focus off China and putting it on muh JOOOOOOS. I actually feel sorry for you, I hope you get out sooner for being a troll.

22896101? ago

Give me a reason to believe youโ€™re not a foreskin eating JJJJJJJJJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0o0o0o0o yourself you retarded faggot.

22896335? ago

I don't care if you call me a Jew. The word has zero stigma for me. Just as with 99.99% of the population.

You're a swastika-armbanded unicorn. You only exist as the figment of a sick billionaire's throwaway change.

22896569? ago

Eating foreskins certainly wouldnโ€™t be a stigma for a faggot like you. I bet you go full rabbi and give babies herpes just like these sick motherfuckers.


Calling me a Nazi doesnโ€™t hurt my feelings. The German members of the Nazi party back in the day were by and large greater men than you will ever even conceive of being.

AND they didnโ€™t eat foreskins you sick kike. Rot in hell.

22897166? ago

Eating foreskins certainly wouldnโ€™t be a stigma

Even if that happened, which I doubt, but even if it did ... lock the one rabbi up who did it. That doesn't implicate the entire Jewish race on a genetic level because of anecdotal bad examples. There are bad examples of every race.

Calling me a Nazi doesnโ€™t hurt my feelings.

Because you get paid for conflating Q with Naziism. It makes you money (or gets you out of China prison earlier).

22897416? ago

Itโ€™s a fucking tradition to eat foreskins among the Jews you ignorant douchebag. Iโ€™m surprised you arenโ€™t joining them and eating a big heaping dish yourself.


Do those look like fucking Chinamen to you, shit-for-brains?

22897772? ago

Itโ€™s a fucking tradition

No it isn't.

muh anecdotal example

Look up anecdotal in the dictionary.

22903848? ago

So how many books about Jews have you ever read you big brain you?

22903919? ago

Tell me the books you've read and I'll tell you the books I've read.

This aught to be good.

22903948? ago

I have half a shelf on my library faggot. Youโ€™ve read none and donโ€™t even try to goddamn lie. You fucking disgust me to no end

22904124? ago

Just as I thought. You couldn't even name one.

Quality of trolls are getting lower nowadays, perhaps the billionaire pocket change is drying up.

22904147? ago

22903788? ago

22897936? ago

Hereโ€™s another โ€œanecdoteโ€ for you, you fucking queer.


โ€œOttawa, ON โ€” Canadaโ€™s Governor General Michaรซlle Jeanโ€™s adventurous taste buds have landed her in hot water yet again after she participated in an ancient Hasidic circumcision ritual which culminated in her eating the freshly cropped foreskin of a newborn Jewish male infant.โ€œ

The question for me is how and why you came to LOVE these sick motherfuckers so much. You really have a fetish for them and their child abuse donโ€™t you?

22898683? ago

muh 2 anecdotes

2 anecdotes are still anecdotes

Furthermore, the cabal doesn't consist of "orthodox JOOOOS". Name one single orthodox JOOOOO who is a member of the cabal. Can't, can you?

Do you think Soros is an orthodox Jew? How about the Rothschild family?

You can't even get your criticism of JOOOOOOOS done properly.

how and why you came to LOVE

You sicken a majority of the population. Certainly, you realize that. I'm not even here to defend JOOOOOOS. I'm here to stop the Nazi trolls from conflating Q with Naziism, which would rightly limit the reach and impact of the Q movement. That's your goal, because you're a paid peon. Your job is to limit the reach and impact of the Q movement.

And you've failed, bigly.

22903891? ago

I bet you had a rabbi sucking you off you were born too huh kike?

22904041? ago

80% of the American male public are circumcised.

You never responded to that fact when I asked you how the got that way.

Because you're not an American, so you have no frame of reference in reality.

22904064? ago


America is run by Jews and you help them. You probably donโ€™t even know any Jews yet you defend the sickest shit they do and are too brainwashed to ever learn better. Dumb hopeless fags like you are why Q can never name the Jew openly. Too many of you old fucks that just have to die off

22904210? ago

America is run by Jews

Every Monday evening they all do a Vulcan mind-meld and decide, as a group, how to best control the world ... do they?

Is that what Napoleon told you?

you are why Q can never name the Jew openly

Go and look at Trump's twitter feed right now. Many pro-Jewish tweets.

Two children are Jewish. Three grandchildren.

There is zero evidence Trump has anything against muh JOOOOOOOOS.

Q called out Israel (the government) and Mossad (Israel's intelligence agency). Not muh JOOOOOOOOS.

22904230? ago

You donโ€™t know shit about Trumps family you retarded whore

Just like you donโ€™t know shit about Jews

Or Nazis

22903844? ago

You must have never read what the Bible says about Jews either. The only people Jesus ever took a whip too, and who were constantly trying to kill Jesus.

22903907? ago

You must have never read what the Bible says about Jews either.

You conflate muh JOOOOOOOOOOOS with scribes and pharisees.

Jesus? Jewish. 12 apostles? Also Jewish. Jesus primary audience while he walked the earth? Jews -- gentiles weren't preached to until Acts. All the writers of the New Testament, other than perhaps Luke? All Jews.

You revere a book that is written by Jews, about Jews and for Jews -- with gentiles added in the book of Acts.

The only people Jesus ever took a whip too

It was actually against the law for Jews to take a whip to Jesus, so they didn't. Jesus was sentenced by a Roman and whipped by Romans, after being convinced to do so by scribes and pharisees.

You're not very good at this are you?

22903964? ago

I was talking about the whip Jesus took to the money changers dumbass

I know Satanists like you donโ€™t actually pay attention to their Bibles

22903953? ago

Write more faggot

22900081? ago

โ€œ...after she participated in an ancient Hasidic circumcision ritual which culminated in her eating the freshly cropped foreskin of a newborn Jewish male infant.โ€œ

If you don't know jack fucking shit about Jews, which you obviously don't, then let me just tell you that you don't know a goddamned thing about nazis either, you fucking retard.

22900668? ago

You seem to lack the capacity to understand what an anecdotal example is. Here I'll give you an analogy to help you better understand it.

"Jeffrey Dahmer ate people. Jeffrey Dahmer was white. Ergo, all whites are evil cannibals."

Point out the fallacy in that argument, if you can. I'll wait.

you don't know a goddamned thing about nazis either

I know Nazis always have and always will have a negative connotation associated with their party that you openly embrace, thereby dooming whatever cause you pretend to support. That's actually why you want to conflate Q with Naziism, because every American citizen has received anti-Nazi propaganda and readily reject all things Nazi, and your job is to get people to reject Q.

22903878? ago

I see antisemitic threads make it to the front page of QRV all the time now. Never used to happen at first. That means people are slowly learning. BUT NOT YOU!

22904031? ago

front page of QRV all the time now

Which takes like 5 upvotes at the right time. A brigade of 20 trolls can manipulate this entire sub and the Nazis do it quite regularly.

Did you notice that Q continually links to Twitter? Why do you think Q hasn't linked to QRV in going on a couple years? I'll tell you ...

It's because of Nazis like you.

22904040? ago


I donโ€™t need a pat on the back from someone else to know if Iโ€™m right or wrong. Iโ€™m not a fucking woman

22903375? ago

Youโ€™re a full on fucking retard arenโ€™t you? Why do you think I keep saying โ€œBrit Milahโ€ you dumb fucking ass?

โ€œAnecdotesโ€ donโ€™t have a fucking name and place among Jewish customs you waste of fucking filth. Kill yourself. You are too goddamned stupid to be useful to anyone on here.

22903465? ago

โ€œAnecdotesโ€ donโ€™t have a fucking name and place among Jewish customs

You have yet to explain how Jewish customs have a place on QRV. I asked you to name a single orthodox Jew in the cabal and you couldn't.

Trillions of dollars pilfered. Millions of people slaughtered. Entire nations burned to the ground so they can be bought up at firesale prices. The USA for sale to the highest bidder.

Not a single orthodox Jew responsible for any of it. You know of any rabbis in the Rothschild or Soros families? Didn't think so.

You're here to protect Rothschild and Soros by redirecting the torch and pitchfork vigilante justice mob that was heading to their doors to the local synagogue who had absolutely nothing to do with any of it.

The cabal are cannibals. They wear red shoes to signify they eat people. Yet you're fascinated with fabricating stories of baby foreskins being eaten, you're the sick one.

Not to mention orthodox jews are an extremely small subset of worldwide Jews. You have a big problem holding actual guilty people responsible, instead diverting to innocent millions.

22903926? ago

Person A: Eats fucking foreskins

Person B: Says, โ€œHey, Person A is eating foreskins!โ€

You, a real bright fucking genius and patriot to your people: โ€œWHAT? HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT, THATS SICK AND ANTISEMITIC!โ€

You are a fucking joke

22903868? ago

Most of QRV is waking up to the Jew but not you. I suspect you must be a woman for how illogical and stubborn you are. Cry more bitch.

22903998? ago

Most of QRV is waking up to the Jew

Who are you trying to kid? You Nazifaggots hate Qanons with a passion. You call us Qtards. You hate Trump with a passion (because muh JOOOOOO kids and grandkids, muh JOOOOOOO cabinet, imagining he's controlled by muh JOOOOOOOOS).

Your sole purpose is to conflate Q with sucking Hitler cock, in order to limit the growth of the Q movement.

Fortunately, we've all learned to mostly ignore the Nazis.

In reality, you don't represent a voting demographic. You only exist as a figment of a cabal billionaire's throwaway pocket change.

22904005? ago

Cry more, we are winning and you are scum

22904078? ago

Cry more, we are winning

You don't even exist in the real world. You are not a demographic. If you were, you wouldn't get elected for local dog catcher.

In fact, the American public is so repulsed by actual Nazis that you would never even win a primary for local dog catcher.

22903829? ago

Henry Ford hated Jews and published a book detailing how they bragged to him that they were going to take over the entire world through the financial markets.

You are a fucking stooge compared to Henry Ford and there is no fixing stupid except to kill yourself.

22903485? ago

Why WOULDNT sick fucking jewish traditions have a place on here, faggot? Just because you are too much of a pussy and a coward to face reality?

Youโ€™re moving goal posts my retarded friend. I donโ€™t expect you to know what those big words mean but they mean you are dumb.

22903593? ago

Why WOULDNT sick fucking jewish traditions have a place on here, faggot?

First, you're imagining that foreskins are eaten as part of the ritual.

Second, 80% of all American men are circumcised, and not by JOOOOOOOS. You'd realize that if you were American, or knew how to use Google.

Youโ€™re moving goal posts my retarded friend.

No I'm not. I've said from the beginning you're (at best) using anecdotal examples that aren't typical of Jewish culture and (at worst) fabricating the story. Either way it has no relevance to Q. I'd ask you how you think the JOOOOOS circumcised 80% of American men, the bulk majority of them being non-Jewish, but you live in a world other than reality so whatever answer you came up with wouldn't be relevant to reality.

22903699? ago

Do you know how much contempt I have for WILLFULLY IGNORANT people like you?

You are NOT just ignorant. You WILLFULLY do not even TRY to find follow up information because you DONT WANT TO HEAR IT.

There is a special place in hell for people like you, who shut their ears to bad news and make everyone else suffer for it.

You obviously donโ€™t know a goddamn thing about Jews. NOTHING.

How many books have you ever read on Jewish history or culture? Go ahead. Iโ€™ll wait for your answer.

22903835? ago

Do you know how much contempt I have for WILLFULLY IGNORANT people like you?

Let me tell you what I see. I see a muh JOOOOOOO faggot who is on QRV arguing like hell on behalf of little Jewish children.

That's right. Some how you're a stupid motherfucker who hates JOOOOOOOS with a passion but, for some odd reason, Jewish kids are all you care about. It keeps you up at night thinking of how Jewish children, who belong to the race you hate, are getting herpes.

Sounds legit.

There is a special place in hell for people like you

You wouldn't even know about hell if it weren't for Jews. Am I wrong about that? Explain to me how you would even know that hell exists without the Torah.

How many books have you ever read on Jewish history or culture?

Again, someone who supposedly hates JOOOOOOOOS more than any other is so fascinated with them that he reads great volumes of history and literature about them. Mmmm hmmm.

Sounds legit.

22903904? ago

This dumbass thinks modern Jews follow the Torah LMMMFAO


22904049? ago

This dumbass thinks modern Jews follow the Torah LMMMFAO

This dumbass thinks all rabbis eat foreskins. I'd say LMFAO but your delusion is quite sad actually.

22904079? ago

Not all rabbis, just mohels.

They have a name, not that YOU would goddamn know, you pea brained piece of shit cunt.


22904250? ago

Not all rabbis, just mohels.

From hating all JOOOOOOOS to "just mohels".

We're making progress!

Maybe by the time we're done you'll move the goalpost even more.

Let's find out Nazifaggot, shall we?

You're getting paid per post so I can't imagine you'll object.

22904267? ago

Go abort your fetus whore

22904348? ago

Go abort your fetus whore

^^ tell for democrat

We're creating a great psychological profile for you, aren't we?

22904359? ago

Youโ€™re just mad because your womanly stupidity gave you away again

22904259? ago

Nope sorry wrong about everything again

You canโ€™t reason and are clearly a woman

22904495? ago

Nope sorry wrong about everything again

You canโ€™t reason and are clearly a woman

You can call me a Jew if you wish. I don't recognize a stigma against being Jewish so it's an ineffectual insult.

You can call me a woman if you wish. I don't recognize a stigma against being a woman so it's an ineffectual insult.

I'd only be offended at such things if I were a democrat. Like yourself.

22904508? ago

Stuff it bitch no one on this website likes you

22903860? ago

Write me another novel faggot. I donโ€™t even read your stupid shit anymore. You are literally stupid and I waste my energy.

22903939? ago

Write me another novel faggot.

The novel writer is you. You're the one who went hog wild with replies, I'm only responding to your novel.

Projecting like the good Alinskyist you are.

22903978? ago

Nazis fought the commies but you support them and help them murder goyim children

22904098? ago

Nazis fought the commies

What? I can't hear you. Try taking Hitler's penis out of your mouth so you can speak more clearly.

And try not to nip off his foreskin.

22904142? ago

Sorry Iโ€™ll speak a little louder into the microphone rabbi





22904284? ago


Wow. What a scholar you are.

So you mean that all the holocaust propaganda we understand as Americans was actually told to us by the American POTUS during the time of WW2?

Well that was very very bad of him, wasn't it?

I'm surprised you don't note what race FDR was and hold that propaganda against his entire race.

22904316? ago

Q said to check history books over the years

You never did because youโ€™re a useless cunt

You probably never even saw that post just like you never saw Q post the Jew meme

Your husband is failing the world by not beating the fuck out of you

22904302? ago

The Holocaust wasnโ€™t discussed โ€œduring the time of WW2โ€ you complete fucking moron

Go find the earliest encyclopedia reference to the Holocaust you can. It wonโ€™t be from the 1940s.


22904517? ago

Ok. School me. Simple question for you, I'm sure you can answer it since you seem to have so much time on your hands.

Which non-Jewish American POTUS administration sold the American public on Holocaust propaganda?

I say non-Jewish American POTUS but that's redundant, seeing we've never had a Jewish POTUS before.

22904689? ago

Voat is full of us nahtzees and we hate stupid whores like you

22904755? ago

I agree.

Nazis hate Qanons.

Nazis hate Q.

Nazis hate Trump.

You Nazis have made that abundantly clear.

22905005? ago

Yes and Voat is full of Nazis so fuck off cunt, no one on here fucking likes you

22910707? ago

Yes and Voat is full of Nazis

Correction. Voat has a handful of paid trolls who are either employed by Brock's Share Blue or are Chinese women trying to earn their way out of jail faster.

22903627? ago

Every time you type out JOOOOOOOOOOS it makes you sound like you are 4 fucking years old, lying on the floor playing with coloring books. Which you probably areโ€”in an adult day care for mental retards.



22903712? ago

I don't like you saying muh JOOOOOOOOOOS

muh JOOOOO troll doesn't like being called a muh JOOOOOO troll.

Ok JOOOOmer.


They don't. Let's break this down.

Do you hate all JOOOOOOS, or just Orthodox JOOOOOS?

Do you hate all Orthodox JOOOOOOS? Or only rabbis?

Do you hate all Orthodox JOOOOOOO rabbis? Or only ones who did the thing you're imagining they do?

Why are you blaming all JOOOOOOOOS for something you imagine an extremely small number do?

And how are those 2 or at most 3 JOOOOOOOS you hate relevant to Q? (They aren't).

22903814? ago

General Patton hated J0@0@0@@@0โ€$$:7:)s and called WW2 โ€œSemitic.โ€ He had shit smears on his boots worth more than you are.

22903720? ago

Fine, letโ€™s just be totally immature about this.

I can play this game too faggot. And youโ€™re not going to like it

22904895? ago

I can play this game too faggot. And youโ€™re not going to like it

You're a failure at everything in life, aren't you?

22903852? ago

I can play this game too

Of course you can.

You get paid per reply.

22903970? ago

Old Testament prophets constantly telling the Jews to stop โ€œpassing their sons before the fireโ€.


22904110? ago

Old Testament prophets

Those prophets were Jews.

You're not very good at this are you?

22904127? ago

Oh so if 5% are good and only 95% are evil then the important takeaway is obviously OMG NoT aLL jEwS

22904179? ago

Oh so if 5% are good and only 95% are evil

95% of the world's Jewish population are rabbis? Over 10 million? But there aren't even 2 million Orthodox Jews.

Nazis are bad at math. I learn something new every day.

Funny how you could barely point to two anecdotal cases yet hyperbole it to millions upon millions.

That's how we know you're a democrat. Democrats divide people into groups, just like you.

Nazis are the original division faggots.

22904221? ago

I bet you are an obese pig of a land whale

You are why the founding fathers never wanted women to vote

If you have a husband he needs to beat some fucking sense into your dumb ass

22904315? ago

I bet you are an obese pig of a land whale

It's hilarious watching you lose the debate so badly you revert to ad hominem.

I read earlier today that China is employing prisoner women and letting them out early if they are good online trolls, lessening their sentence.

If that's you, great job. I hope you get out early.

22904327? ago

Bitch you couldnโ€™t reason from the very beginning. Thereโ€™s no use formulating sophisticated arguments for a fucking adult child of a whore

22904191? ago

Here I think your son is in this picture, whore


22904181? ago

You ARE a woman, arenโ€™t you?

22904291? ago

You ARE a woman, arenโ€™t you?

You ARE a democrat, aren't you?

22904353? ago

At first I thought I was talking to a man. But after so much complete horse shit I finally realized you MUST be a woman.

Women have smaller skull capacities and lower IQs than men.


Youโ€™re not worth the fucking effort whore. Go kill yourself

22904566? ago

At first I thought I was talking to a man. But after so much complete horse shit I finally realized you MUST be a woman.

^^ Another democrat tell. No real arguments so resorts to ad hominem and division by race, gender, ethnicity.

It was cute how you pretended to know the bible though.

22904665? ago

Youโ€™re a piss poor psychologist and no one likes you whore

22904338? ago

If Iโ€™m really getting paid to post by a state actor then it wouldnโ€™t be hard for me to get your home address from the said state actor, would it?

22904551? ago

If Iโ€™m really getting paid to post by a state actor then it wouldnโ€™t be hard for me to get your home address from the said state actor, would it?

ANTIFA. Am I right?

Keep typing. It keeps you out of your ninja costume, pepper-spraying innocent people.

Q, in his great wisdom, instructed us to post anonymously. That you think China could get my home address simply shows your ignorance of how anonymity works.

22904675? ago

Yawn. Whatever you say cunt. Go check the muffins

22904773? ago

You've never denied that you're a democrat.

Not that you need to, you've already said you are in many ways.

So I have this to say.

Biden? Really? That's the best you could do?


22903857? ago

No one could pay me to defend foreskin eating kikes like you do faggot

22903925? ago

No one could pay me to defend foreskin eating kikes

You won't defend a figment of your imagination?

I believe it.

22903938? ago

The articles I sent you never existed

22897883? ago

Itโ€™s called Brit Milah you worthless fuck.

Look that up in a dictionary. And then kill yourself.

You are a sick fucking monster defending these people.

22875241? ago

Keep the towel - I've been waiting decades as well. I was what we'd now call "black-pilled" because I truly believed there was NO HOPE that we could beat the Satanist Cabal. I believed they were untouchable. Not anymore.

I cracked up when I heard that "Hanx" was saying he had coronavirus, and remembered Ricky Gervais' speech: "We're all gonna die soon"

22879418? ago

yeah I've been into conspiracies most of my 52 years and have been following Q since the beginning, and I almost fell of my chair when I saw the news about mr. hanx!!

SO f'ing awesome!!!

that man has always creeped me out, so glad to know he's finally getting what he deserves.

22875608? ago

I'm with you, I am black pilled. felt like you felt for a couple decades. I had given up on all hope and was scared for my kids and not as much scared for my grandkids. They have hope.

Hell my daughter is just recently red pilled. She started watching my YT videos I been watching and she thought I was going insane. Lol. Well now she blows my phone up asking my opinions. Wouldnt have it any other way.

22876579? ago

Oh how blessed you are!

22875127? ago

Welcome to the party pal.

22884305? ago

Nakatomi Plaza.

22875122? ago

Welcome to the redpilled.

22875002? ago


22874993? ago

Why explain? whats changed your mind exactly?

22874977? ago

It's funny. I'm still laughing. None of you can explain to me what mass arrests are happening, yet I can.

You're all too busy jerking yourselves off because someone shared some tweet and you're all coping.

Lol outside comms. What a joke.

22875125? ago

jokes on you-4 more years-flake

22875471? ago

How optimistic. I'm sure Israel will appreciate this.

22875059? ago

Lol, look how desperate this shill is.

Doesnt even have a coherent "message" .


22875100? ago

You're also defending outside comms. I guess that doesnt matter anymore? Qoomers are so inconsistent.

22875138? ago

The fuck are you even talking about?

Comms has nothing to do with one guys personal story.

Jesus, even your pathetic shilling attempts are so retarded they dont even make sense.

22875459? ago

Comms are irrelevant? Fantastic update there. Bravo.

22876202? ago

One guy posting on voat is not fucking qanon comms, you low IQ liberal. Jesus fucking christ. How stupid are you? "Q said no outside comms!!! That mens twitter, fb, and social media has to be 100% silent!!! Or else a was wrong and people are posting!!!"

Fucking moron.

22877470? ago

Did you proofread this?

22877678? ago

I dont waste time on retarded shills.

22877859? ago

Yet here you are. Continuing to lie to yourself.

22878701? ago

cOntiNuiNg tO lIE tO YouRSelF

22875091? ago

So you can actually tell me what mass arrests are going on? Which cartel and which states? I'm waiting since you're so informed. Help the rest of us out. I'm trying to help you with your bullshit narrative here.

22875150? ago

ArReStS oR gTfO

22875418? ago

I bring this up because there ARE arrests happening. You're all too retarded to cite them to me. I have the link right here.

Further proof none of you have any ides what's going on. Stop mislesding others.

22874957? ago

It's crazy, we know, but at some point you have to just throw up your hands and go "wtf is happening?". Welcome to club crazy.

22877490? ago

What is happening is that the cabal Trump fronts created a psyop to wrangle the tards into the reelection club. The reason the jew billionaires who installed him call you goyim is because you act like cattle, and are as easily controlled.

They did the same when they installed Obama. The "payroll tax cut" is your obama phone.

You're watching a show... These people are stupid...

"What is best in life is mocking the clueless goyim to their faces."

22888752? ago

The "payroll tax cut" is your obama phone.

Except itโ€™s OUR money and not a piggybank for DS slush funds that enrich the politicians and their cronies and use against us.

22893292? ago

If you're one of the "taxes are theft" people, do you want to live in a place with zero public services? Agreed they're wasting a huge percentage of it, but some level of financing from residents of a country are necessary.

22900727? ago

Would prefer local taxes vs large federal taxes, give more control locally, not federal bills stuffed with pork for George Soros NGOs.

22877659? ago

thank you for the comments JIDF. we appreciate the JIDF input.

22878230? ago

Because the JIDF calls out jews.

22878481? ago

Their hubris knows no bounds.

22878885? ago

If you're talking about the jews, and not referring to the Qult followers, I agree. (Well, both, really.)

"You're watching a show." "These people are stupid."

Q followers nod stupidly when mocked to their faces.

22877503? ago

I like how both groups are on leashes.

22875180? ago

Its all a matter of perspective, and this case there is family values and there is faggotry.

22874944? ago


22874812? ago

Like ball earthers laughing at real earthers.

22875892? ago

Ball earthers believe in "gravity" which science can't even explain, or prove, yet they believe with the fervency of a religious zealot that it holds oceans to a spinning ball while gravity can't even attract dust. Laughing out loud at all of you morons, while I trigger your cog diss, and FORCE you to cling to your stupidity. LOL!!!

22875834? ago

The flat bottoms of clouds and chemtrails testify of the flat earth, and rainbows testify of the firmament.

Where's your proof, ball earthers?

22884292? ago

Also, the "hot spots" that the sun makes on the tops of the clouds. That's proof that the sun isn't ridiculously far away. Triangulation puts it around 3,000 miles.

22885118? ago

I was in a sui juris group on fakebook when people began posting flat earth stuff.

smh, the first exposure I had was from someone whose argument was that the earth looked curved due to lens curvature. He was right, but that wasn't exactly a WTC building seven kind of argument to grab my attention, and counter my cog diss.

I subsequently found Eric Dubay's video, History of the Flat Earth, and the trigonometry, miles squared, times eight inches, did the trick.

A couple years earlier, I happened to observe, exactly what you mention, in the high county of Colorado, and the angles of the sun's rays formed a triangle with the ground. I distinctly remember saying to myself, those rays tell me that the sun is much closer than I was brainwashed to believe.

There is so much evidence that becomes obvious once you overcome your cog diss, it's really kind of embarrassing realizing you fell for it for so long.

22875027? ago

Divide and Conquer is hard work and needs entertainment to blow off steam while recruiting.

Nothing better than Grooming useful idiots.

22874933? ago

Exactly!!! real earthers = SPHERE earthers

22874970? ago

Real earthers have FACTS, ball earthers have faith.

Cite ONE fact proving your ball earth, believer.

22875224? ago

why your to stupid to comprehend, find a edge and fall off-lol

22875794? ago

"you're" "too" stupid to make a salient point, or recognize the Biblical truth of the earth that your Father in Heaven prepared for you.

22875710? ago

Should be easy to cite ONE fact supporting ball earth unless you're merely a believer.

22875121? ago

What a waste of ignorance. You should use it to support babbling Biden instead.

22875698? ago

Can't cite one fact to support your religious faith you live on a spinning ball in spite of the evidence surrounding you?

22875049? ago

How about a lunar eclipse you stupid bitch

22875967? ago

Good one, and that was one mistaken notion that I had prior to overcoming my own cognitive dissonance.

Turns out that there are instances of the sun and the moon being over the horizon at the same time during eclipses.

The phases of the moon are a mystery that is NOT explained by the foolish belief that it is shading from the sun.

Simple experiment: take your laser thermometer during a full moon and measure temperature difference between full moon light and full moonlight shade. It's not reflected sunlight.

22875685? ago

How do you explain the sun and moon over the horizon (note I did not say, curvizon) at the same time during some eclipses?

22884274? ago

Also, Bedford Level.

22885123? ago

Yes, and that wasn't that long ago.

22875948? ago

Stay stupid

22875990? ago

Can't cite one fact, can you, moron? Look in the mirror when you type that.

22875029? ago

I'm not a BALL earther. I already said that. wake up faggot.

22875847? ago

No, you didn't.

22874745? ago

Iโ€™ve been a q person for 3 years and laugh at them now.

Wake up goy

22874573? ago

Waiting for this to be edited in 3....2...1...

22875275? ago

eee iieedd dd

"It's spelled 'idiot'... it's for you"

22874807? ago


22874978? ago

OK Groomer.


22884249? ago

OK Grooter.

22884329? ago

I am Groot!

22875154? ago


22876101? ago

"ok groomer" is the best response to these homos that I've ever seen. "ok boomer" was good. "ok groomer" is 5 steps beyond that.

22877133? ago

"You bathe and clean dogs!"

Yes, that's quite devastating for most people.

22877665? ago

I thought the phrase was because of โ€˜grooming gangsโ€™ in some of the weaker countries that let in refugees in Europe, either way hilarious retort

22878390? ago

because of โ€˜grooming gangsโ€™

But what legitimate person associates "grooming" with pedophilia? (none) Think about WHY the media has associated and promoted a word meaning "cleaning and caring for" with people seducing children into sex...

22878630? ago

I respect your response, good points.

22878280? ago

you're correct, he didnt get it.

22878408? ago

YOU want people trying to have sex with children to be seen as caring and nurturing.

22880189? ago

That is inaccurate and I have said nothing to imply anything of the sort.

22882514? ago

you're correct, he didnt get it.

If that was you, you seemed to be approving of the term "groomer" to make pedophiles seem more caring and attentive.

22885971? ago

That was me but you read it wrong, I was saying that the person mentioning grooming dogs did not understand the intended 'ok groomer' reference was in fact about the distasteful and disgusting acts of people like creepy uncle joe and those muzzie gangrapists.

There, hopefully it no longer sounds complimentary.

22886325? ago

What is the reason the media and (((others))) want you to use a term for distasteful and disgusting pedophiles that means "caring and attentive"? Why are we using their language? I know they've put it in the dictionary now, but I still disagree with making them sound like nice people. They're disgusting pedophiles, and they're seducing children into sex.

The Evolution of Grooming: Concept and Term - https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0886260517742046

See what you think.

22886349? ago

Ok I see your point now, I definitely didn't think about it that way, but I can certainly understand what you mean now. Agreed, the term is far too soft.

We should call them instead 'horsemen', sounds more sinister and makes sense when you see us tying one to four outward facing horses.

22886454? ago

Agreed. Seducers is too soft too.

22874559? ago

We won't say "i told ya so"

ok, maybe just once. -we told ya so.

Right! God Bless the Plan!

22878578? ago

I'm confused. Is this it happening now?

22879027? ago

pretty sure it is.

22879741? ago

Who has been arrested?

22879892? ago

Obama's former DHS director and his co-conspirators.

22877063? ago

The plan to puppetize the old and mentally feeble.

22877385? ago

So, Fox News hadn't already done that years ago?

(((You))) aren't making sense

22878318? ago

A variety of interests want to control useful demographics. It's the main purpose of television, and of psyops.

22877160? ago

Aw, look here at the sour pickle.

22878282? ago

If you enjoy being a puppet of a psyop, feel free to continue serving your owners.

22878480? ago

speaking of serving one's owners, i can tell yours aren't paying enough.

22878849? ago

I know some of you would feel compelled to seek payment for your efforts.

22874396? ago

Welcome to the party. WWG1WGA

22879963? ago

I Laughed at You Q People for 3 Years. ...I'm not laughing anymore.

Welcome Patriot. We were all asleep before we awoken. Including me ;)

22879092? ago

Almost ditto to OP. I came across Q about week 2 of the postings and have read them ever since, being on and off and on again based on the various events that happened and were possibly about to happen. All this said, now is literally the perfect time for the plan to happen. We saw it in China with the police and military going door to door pulling some people out while letting others stay. There is absolutely no reason the same canโ€™t happen here for arresting the deep state. There canโ€™t be a better time than this. But, if this entire event passes in a few weeks or months with no arrests, it will be practically impossible to find a better time and circumstance than this to conduct mass arrests. This is a now or never event.

22882480? ago

So what is happening then? Is it an occultish thing? Can you elaborate a bit?

22883647? ago

The discussion blew up more in another thread: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3703521/22879641

This is the showdown between shills and Q believers. Simply put, the atmosphere doesnโ€™t get any better for Q team to start arresting the deep state. Flights grounded, people self isolating, everyone watching the news. If at the end of this quarantine there are no deep state arrests, almost no one will be able to justify that Q team will ever actually do anything, shills win. However, if these perfect conditions being setup for mass arrests were orchestrated by Q team and arrests of the deep state happen, patriots win and shills canโ€™t deny Q is real.

If nothing happens, there will be a small sect of people that will try to keep everyone believing in Q, but the majority will know at that point, as the public will not fall for โ€œquarantineโ€ conditions again, and the people and markets wonโ€™t tolerate another grounding of flights. If what Q has been saying is real, weโ€™ll know in the upcoming days and weeks.

22887208? ago

I'm a little uninformed so I have more questions. Q is the Jewish question, right? Where do I read more?

22891533? ago

Being Jewish or not has nothing to do with Q. To learn more check out qmap.pub

22896828? ago


22879249? ago

What did rig for red mean?

22879829? ago

It means weโ€™re surfacing.

Submarine reference.

22879278? ago

Drop 3891 (3/9/20) or drop 3574 (11/2/19)?

22879397? ago

Stupid shill. It meant something different for the different time.

22879586? ago

Are you fucking retarded nigger?

22885707? ago

Donโ€™t know why that made me laugh so hard

22877766? ago

Yes...in the words of the best film ever, "Casablanca"

Paul Henreid to Humphrey Bogart, "Welcome back to the fight! This time I know our side will win."

Welcome to a really great party of Patriot Anon who love God, Country, family and each other!

22876596? ago

Well, this thread holds no relevance in reality. Q has always been a fake fukker.

22876020? ago

22884216? ago

Wild, I had been watching YouTuber Samuel Leeds, does some great real estate investing across the pond.

22875494? ago


22875753? ago

Every 2 years, for the last 10-12 years, right before every major election, some disease scare sweeps through. Happens, like clockwork, again. "Qew predicted this! Finally no more filthy niggers or spics flooding our town! All aid to Israel immediately cut off and a huge bill has been sent! 100ft border walls with turrets and cannons! Operation Wetback II is in full effect, a thousand deported an hour!"

The Qew movements only conceivable goal is to get the Jew York guy who praises Israel and marries all his children to Kikes to get re-elected and fight the big old mean and scary "Deep State". None of this solves fucking anything.

22877044? ago


22876982? ago

If Trump was your puppet, you wouldn't be shilling against him, Shlomo. High jew iq my ass.

22878225? ago

Explain why it makes any conceivable difference whether or not someone believes in the Qew Hope Porn? Just one! (they can't)

If what Qew the Jew predicts in his tea leaves comes true, it matters 0% whether I believe it or not. 0%. Yet, you are EXTREMELY ANGRY that someone would dare question the Qew movement or it's motives, why? Why would you even care one way or the other, outcome will be the same regardless. But no, you are angry, call me names, but you have no reason for it.

Will me not believing in Qew have any sort of different outcome? No? Then again, why do you care?

Fucking Kikes, you insult our intelligence endlessly. Are there stupid white people, of course, you've been race mixing us with mutts for quite some time, but there are still plenty of us actual whites left and we can clearly see through all your voat brigades and endless lies. You aren't fooling anyone important, just the fools who would believe anything to fulfill their Hope Porn fantasies. They will be useless in the upcoming wars regardless, so I'm not sure why I'm even here trying to explain to the mutts why this Qew the Jew thing is literally the dumbest most simple minded movement in modern history.

22879157? ago

That was beautiful. You may gass yourself now.

22879540? ago

Gas? You mean like that fake propoganda called the Holohoax wear Jews tried to convince goyim that rooms with wooden doors were gas chambers?

22879931? ago

The gass meant for dumb faggots that shill against Trump. That's for you.

22881155? ago

Who the fuck is Trump to you? Do you think he's going to read a eulogy at your funeral? He's some Jew York TV actor who spends more time worrying about the concerns of Israel than the people of the United States. What proof do I have? Easy, he didn't immediately stop foreign aid (specially to the 1st world nation of Israel) and use that money to solve the homeless crisis. That's why he, and all of our elected Jewish puppets in government, hate and despise the white people who built this country and endlessly suck the dicks of Kikes.

This Qew is religious Hope Porn for you. It's fucking sad that you are so blind to the reality all around you while you cuck for some guy to save you from everything. Be a fucking man, realize that nobody is coming to save us and it's time to man the fuck up. As soon as everybody realizes this and stops letting themselves be cucked waiting for the great white hope to save them, we might finally be able to do something to save ourselves.

22881340? ago

Who the fuck is Trump to you?

He's the best US president in my lifetime. I love how much he makes boys like you cry.

22881803? ago

And Hitler was the greatest hero of all time, but unlike you, I can give great detail and go on for great lengths backed up with mountains of evidence to prove my point. And I'd be happy to do it. Now, if you would be so kind as to explain to me what exactly Trump has done to make you want to suck his dick so badly, I would love to hear about? I don't mean, "Trump is draining muh swamp" because I don't even know what the fuck that means or why I would care as it has no effect on me whatsoever. Give me something real, like Trump is going to issue death squads to remove all non-whites from America, then I have no doubt he would not only be the greatest president, but might actually surpass Hitler in greatness.

22881896? ago

you want to suck his dick so badly

lol. Faggot.

22882416? ago

I'll never click on that. You posted that for nothing.

22884500? ago

Afraid to click a link, no wonder you want someone else to fix all your problems. Just like a communist.

22887245? ago

Lol. You're such a retard. Q isn't there to fix our problems. You don't even know what is going on, yet you want to be taken seriously. Typical atheist faggot.

22892039? ago

Explain to me Rabbi, if you died tomorrow, what effect would it have on your Qew movement?

22892184? ago

Lol. Dumb faggot.

22875621? ago

You seem cranky. Stopped receiving those Soros checks in the mail?

22875814? ago


22876291? ago

Anyone who would come here just to troll is at a minimum, a sociopath. Shill status isn't exactly reaching.

22875906? ago

Not everybody, just the obvious shills.

22877034? ago

This sub is made for clueless boomers who shill Q all day long, and who never learned what the word 'shill' means. Foreigners? Retarded folk? Mountain valley dwellers?

22878509? ago

None of the above, actually. Did you take your meds today?

22878920? ago

I did, actually. But I'm going in next month (if we're still alive) to get the tubes checked for buildup.

22879076? ago

I will be, so speak for yourself.

22879349? ago

You don't actually know that.

22879424? ago

Don't I? You may or may not be in the ground by then, but I will be alive and kicking.

22875858? ago

Fuck off shill

22875665? ago

...and yet Soros if free to run around and write checks that destabilize the planet. Prove me wrong.

22876271? ago

Nothing is happening unless it all happened yesterday.

Mind of a child. Prove me wrong. Lol.

22875706? ago

That just means we haven't nabbed him yet. What is your point? We are working our way to the top, shit is just now starting to get good.

22876992? ago

^ This guy literally believes this...

22878468? ago

Sorry your boy Bernie lost, must be why you are sp so agitated. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

22878831? ago

It's interesting when people feel compelled to display their inability to reason.

22879100? ago

I agree, you should work on that.

22879398? ago

I make a few comments here and there, but only a tiny percentage are able to see that the presentation of the psyop is "not exactly on the level".

22879444? ago

Damn, I guess you are wasting your time here, then. You should probably find a hobby.

22880273? ago

This is one of them.

22877820? ago

LMAO. These people are gullible retards

22874394? ago

Wow. Your dumber than the qtards

22874946? ago

22877265? ago

Funnily enough, the OK groomer plan was a great plan by /pol/, who are very aware of jewish power in western governments.

22879056? ago

The Vatican sponsored the Jewish State 1949 out in the open. Just so they could invent the Mossad in 1913 behind Centralist Bank closed doors. Out of view, like their Jesuit assassins and Military Intelligence.

Long before the OSS/CIA or the Vatican's bail out for Benito's ascension to normalized Dictatorship.

22874446? ago

Don't you have public toilet seats to lick?

22874438? ago


As in you're spelling is atrocious

22876005? ago

You're ... but yeah OP is a faggot.

22878161? ago

Except he speaks truth to the Qtard.

22874335? ago

When you finally See IT... It becomes a tidal wave of " Oh Fuck"'s!!!

Welcome Patriot Anon....


22876865? ago

Lmao. I hope you get the boomer remover.

22877005? ago


22877783? ago

^^ Lover of the Negro

22882707? ago

Law abiding American citizen?

Damn straight.

You are our enemy otherwise.

Where We Go 1 We Go ALL

22937983? ago

Most legal immigrants ever. Obama deported more illegals. Even with a pandemic, the border is still unsecured. No new wall has been built, and the replacement wall was blown over by wind. So why support a jew puppet?

22886947? ago

Take your Jew propaganda and shove it.

22889395? ago

Divisionfags are wasting their time! We are UNITED globally and nothing will stop what is coming..

22937989? ago

Whatโ€™s coming is more kike shenanigans from Zion Don the isreali pawn.

22941742? ago

Try harder