23236880? ago

22880636? ago

I want the satisfaction of watching the hosts get perp walked in orange jumpsuits.

22879382? ago

Remember when niggerfaggot Trevor Noah who nobody ever heard of became the replacement for Letterman? Made no sense.

22879064? ago

This is relevant to the conversation -- Speaking Hypnosis techniques used by Obama https://archive.org/details/ObamaUseOfHiddenHypnosisTechniquesInHisSpeeches/mode/2up

Once you know this stuff, it's easy to suddenly hear it in so many different places. Not just Obama, but also on TV, in ads, and in many politicians. This is what Buttigieg was trying to do, but he's so lame and has that weird lisp that seems to neuter any attempts at hypnotic speech

22879403? ago

And he sucks cock.

22878680? ago

They should replay old episodes of Night Court. Best show ever.


22878626? ago

Maybe the networks will run repeats from a few years ago and everyone who watches will see how retarded 'muh Russia' was.

22878454? ago

Except Craig Ferguson. Scottish expat who became American citizen the legal way cause he loves America. He's hilarious AND patriotic

22878819? ago

Agree. Craig actually sees it. It's why he's no longer on air.

22878413? ago

Anyone who watches the MK Ultra Mind Control machine is still Blue Pilled.

22877155? ago

Modern day court jesters. Using comedy and ridicule to create social shame around certain ideas. Part of the same mockingbird apparatus

22877069? ago

In chaosmagick ~democracy, all directions is used for control. Every bit of thought is empowered in every directions of your free will. The result....a broken team of (egos) running/fighting for their own cause.


22878951? ago

lol? First of all - I notice that the people on every site I've researched about your chaosmagick spells can barely pull a sentence together to explain anything. Most of them can't spell while claiming to be able to create Spells. (Ironic, I know.) Grammar seems to be a lost art with your folks. All you're really saying is what we've known all along. The Hollywood types and those that are in charge of "programming" are Satanists. Anyone dabbling in the Occult might want to tread lightly, as it always -- ALWAYS and ALL WAYS -- back fires. Dabble not in that which you don't understand. You don't control the occult. Opening the door to it controls Y.O.U.

22879065? ago

Democracy is chaos magic.....in trivial words a built script for control.

Ego is built in every directions (isms) for control. You are bound in a constant battle in the octagon of thoughts.

Sorry for the grammar.....but just maybe you will understand..

Do you get it?

22879725? ago

Democracy is Mob Control

This is a Constitutional Republic

22876710? ago

And Behar gone - Bonus!

22876369? ago

Oh yes. It is sweet. I am loving this. - It's like a hurricane party in North Florida. Except after the storm, - wishes come TRUE. lol HAHAHAH Feels good.

22876260? ago

Bring back Lawrence Welk!

22884862? ago

Bring back Johnny Carson!

22875772? ago

We turned our tv off about 17 years ago, because we decided it was bad for our kids. And we realized if we wanted them to not watch, we had to set a good example. So we just turned it completely off. The results are nothing short of amazing: our kids grades all went up. Their attention spans lengthened. They are very different from other children now. They have massive vocabularies from all the reading they did instead. One time, we were at a relatives house, and the tv was on. Typical commercials were playing. My ten year old goes, what is this garbage? And I’m like, advertising, they are trying to sell you things. He watches it for a second and says: well, they aren’t doing a very good job, are they? Meanwhile, the relatives kids are glued to the screen. The main thing that happens when you turn the tv off is that the mind numbing brainwashing doesn’t work on you any more. You can see right through it. Turn it off, the choice is yours.

22877792? ago

The main thing that happens when you turn the tv off is that the mind numbing brainwashing doesn’t work on you any more. You can see right through it.

Bingo. That's the #1 thing I've noticed. When I'm at someone else's house or a restaurant, I just can't take it seriously.

22875944? ago

Agreed. And well done. Great parenting.

My relatives kids are glued to iPads. I want to break the iPads every time I see them. In fact, I make fun of the shows they watch out loud, in front of them and their parents, in a slight attempt to have them change their own minds.

It’s just fucking sad.

22874781? ago

Talk shows shut down.

Schools shut down.

Sports shut down.

It really seems like the mentally enslaving weapons by the DS are being dismantled right now.

22874713? ago

The NPC programmers must need time to gear up for the election.

22874264? ago

Your stance on television makes you my hero.

I've been out here in the world preaching it FOR YEARS, there is a SIGNIFICANT MENTAL HEALTH CHANGE when you STOP WATCHING IT.


.#KillYourTelevision - #TalkToEachOther

22874206? ago

After Johnny Carson retired it was pointless to watch the pretenders

22884870? ago

I agree! I miss Johnny Carson.

22874150? ago

You still watch TV you ain't woke.

They still control you

22874392? ago

^He speaks truth!



22875308? ago

16+yrs sober and doing just fine

22880209? ago

10 years here, I wouldn't have believed what I know now If my future self told me flat out.

TV drastically changes perception.

22873851? ago

Stopped watching TV in 2006 so this doesn't effect me in the slightest. Hope it's enough to break the habit of some normies. Once you quit TV you'll never go back. I can't NOT notice the patronizing tone and heavy propaganda now.

22878802? ago

Agreed. I cut the cable almost 10 years ago. I just couldn't afford it at the time and then realized I didn't miss it. When I'm in other people's homes, I notice how irritated it makes me. I heard some newscaster's bullshit at someone's house while we were in the other room and I went, "WHAT? That's such a huge lie! How do they get away with that!" ... but here's the scary part: my friend said, "What? What are you talking about? Who gets away with what?" SHE didn't hear it. No one was in the other room and the TV was just on. So that crap is going into their subconscious minds. I said, "You really need to turn the TV off. You struggle with Depression. Maybe that's the source!" I don't know if she listened to me, but wow. just WOW

22875866? ago

Unless you're a hermit, TV absolutely effects you because you encounter people every day that are programmed by it.

22880219? ago

Dancing around the programmed reactions makes life seem unreal.

22874800? ago

Same here. My laptop is all I need for entertainment, nothing is force fed.

22874369? ago

another anon here, this man speaks the truth, there is a significant shift in mental health... YOU CAN FEEL IT.

Dont believe any of us, TRY IT and see. End the Hypnosis of the masses, Turn Off Your Television.

22874597? ago

Turn Off Your Television.

Impossible! (I don't have one.)

22880224? ago

^This guy gets it :D

22874040? ago

Agreed 100%

22873806? ago

I hope Jimmy Kimmel and that other creepy crypto kike Fallon gets Corona Virus

22873570? ago

Celebrities are going to hide under the guise of sickness. People that are asleep won't question anything. They are going to their bunkers and private islands. This isn't about the Wuflu guys.

22873513? ago

Your nerd bashing makes me think you’re a low IQ meathead with saggy arms and a fat face.

22873710? ago

Stop looking in the mirror when you type.

22873755? ago

Because that makes sense. Everyone is using mirror computers these days.

Again, low IQ meathead. Or just a standard boomer.

Possibly ptsd loser.

22873878? ago

You forgot "balls deep in your mom."

22874401? ago

he's kind of right about the mirror thing.

22875793? ago


22873511? ago

I miss Carson. Johnny was a class act!

22884882? ago

I miss Johnny Carson too.

22874046? ago

You’re joking around, right?

22873735? ago

"I miss when the water was only warm and not boiling hot!"

22873372? ago

I haven't watched them forever. Not that I liked them all, but the ones I did, stopped being funny a very long time ago.

22873327? ago

pantywaist nerd

The fuck is this you dog faced pony soldier?

22873457? ago

Not as cool as a fat broad or a horse-faced lesbian.

22874081? ago

Agreed. But for real what the fuck is pantywaist nerd and what era / area did it come from

22873325? ago

Its hilarious. they are shooting themselves in the dick because they hate Trump. Good fucking riddens. Or have their ratings gotten so bad they are using this for cover to cancel their shows?

22873293? ago

Maybe Pedo Colbert is next.

22875873? ago

Podesta bestie

22873220? ago

I work night shift in a care home. I agree 100%

22872958? ago

Haha they cant do it. They got the staff in the audience seats whoop whooping!

Stephen Colbert's First-Ever No-Audience Late Show

22873621? ago

Blathering idiot...

22872992? ago

It's incredible how not funny it is. It never has been funny. Perhaps now, people will never go again now that they see that it's not funny.

22873165? ago

Its all wizardry! Laugh now buttons etc.. and yeah it was cringe worthy, he even knew it was terrible. I bet his joke writers get the boot! Even the 'go to' anti-Trump jokes dont cut it.

So they had the musicians laugh extra loud.

Wake Up people!

22872920? ago

Hah. I wasn't aware those shows were being canceled. Haven't had TV since I moved to the boonies over a decade ago.

So what's replacing those shows?

22873010? ago

They are still shooting bullshit internet stuff, but they have no audience. In fact, if you watch their internet stuff it's not funny. Because they aren't funny.

22878086? ago

they never are, the only thing that makes it seem 'funny' is the laugh track. try watching 'friends' without the laugh track, you'll want to kill them.

22872842? ago

I don't think the DS was expecting things to get shut down like this.

22872889? ago

Agreed. I think its to protect the people from Deep State attacks (i.e., bombs, shootings, stabbings, other bio-weapons etc.) the white hats control the coms. So, they seen chatter that discusses this. The military in in full control.

22874612? ago

they seen chatter

They saw chatter.

22877805? ago

I seen what you did their.

22872923? ago

Amen, anon.

22872195? ago

with the [ laugh ] now button inactive, the lot of them have been submerged in kryptonite for the unfunny

22872537? ago

Yeah how bad are their shit jokes gonna sound now! I watched a Seinfeld episode once that had the canned laughter removed...

22872141? ago

I can't help believing that the contempt I feel for sports is all a part of their scheme. Why? I have no idea. But...

Somehow, for whatever reason, (((they))) have decided that we should not follow sports. (((They))) ....They want us to stop watching negroes running around with balls. I'm all for that. Anyone who watches a bunch of niggers with plastic balls is a retard. But WHY are ((()))) doing it now?

22874321? ago

The sports people are in bed with the Chinese. The big games are when they smuggle their dope, children, etc., right through the tunnels underneath our feet, while we watch the game. so maybe by shutting down these games, they are interrupting their trafficking?

22872874? ago

Because you have no clue what is going on.

Go back and re-read past drops.

22872821? ago

I don't think they are. The military knows that sports are a form of psychological subversion. Bill Cooper himself warned us about sports. He stated, paraphrasing of course, from his one-time CNN interview; "I know people who know every player on the Mets. They get together with their friends and have cocktails and talk about what the person at second base did in last nights game. It's sad. It's really sad."

22873596? ago

RIP, Bill

22872244? ago

There are many reasons for this happening now. One is for protection of large crowds and shootings, bombings, etc. There will be major happenings coming soon. Those of us who have diligently followed Q know that arrests are imminent. The general public is in the dark due to the MSM machine brainwashing them about POTUS and that he is against the left, they are the victims, etc. It’s just not true. I’ve read hours and hours of federal documents that show the corruption and the reason WHY NOW is protect the crowds, keep people safe from the wackos who want to make a statement against the government and also to keep people at home. The Coronavirus is a good cover for keeping the family together during this time. Just read some of the documents and articles on this board to educate yourself about what is actually happening. You won’t regret having the knowledge during the days ahead.

22872235? ago

I think it is all for the show. In order to hype the hysteria and prop up the propaganda. For us to feel the most fear and cr crash the economy so (((they))) can swoop in and save us.

But God has a different plan. Just like the story of Joseph- “ what they planned for evil, God planned for good” Genesis 50:20

22874437? ago

keep that ammo dry, godspeed

22872910? ago

Wasn't it also Joseph who was the "prepper" who stored extra grain for the drought?

22879828? ago


22872085? ago

I don't know what's going on pal... maybe you Q people are right... but this is major.

22872795? ago

It's the round-up of the bloodthirsty elite, get ready for chaos.

22878584? ago

Don't want to arrest them in front of a huge studio audience, that's for sure. I hope Jimmy Kimmel is the first to go down. What a POS that cretin is

22880141? ago

The publicity isn't the thing. The repercussions of any misstep when containing the pedovore super-bosses is the issue. One wrong move and a real contagion, nukes, sleeper cells... You get the idea. The game is being played for the best possible outcome. Right or wrong, it's being played on a level far above what I'm capable of. Godspeed patriots.

22874341? ago

I certainly hope so. The alternatives are NOT GOOD.

Our GEOTUS, is about to lock down the nation, I dont care who you are, this does not happen everyday.

22874554? ago

Or every day.

22880231? ago

it cant be used as a conjunction?

Srsly, I thought it could be.

I will google and concede if wrong. Thanks!

22873234? ago

I wish.

22872873? ago

I'm down for chaos: at least my ass will be wiped.

22876490? ago

Ahh, I found a toilet paper hoarder. Everyone go to his house!

22877307? ago

Come on, I got plenty. Whites only.

22872268? ago

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22872033? ago

Agree with you. Im from UK our TV and chat shows just as shit as yours. A chat show is just a commercial for the latest movie coming out with a touch of propaganda disguised as shit jokes.

22873684? ago


22872245? ago

Over here in the Netherlands our live talk tv shows dont have a studio public anymore. Let's hope this is the beginning of the end of the endless agenda pushing on TV. (lol they had a table with 8 people consisting of all colors and a trans)

22878337? ago


Took me a second, I think you meant Turbo Faggot

22875836? ago

that's exactly what TV was designed for...

22878572? ago

That's why they call it PROGRAMMING

I can't believe I didn't catch that word all those years. Q is right, when you wake up, it's very hard to go back to sleep

22879211? ago

Tell A Vision..........


22879704? ago

oooooh - right. OMG how did I miss that one, too? Been asleep at the wheel

22874026? ago

I went to Amsterdam once and there was nothing but muslim men sitting in coffee shops

22883245? ago

thats called target practice

22874312? ago

Same thing happened to me, unfortunately, I was in San Diego.

Yea that hits a little closer to home. Esp seeing as I had just come home from fighting them to save you all from their ways and ensure our continued freedom... come home and find out the civilian population SURRENDERED while I was still on the battlefield. disgraceful.

22875067? ago

Thank you for your service, Patriot

22880214? ago

Anytime, shipmate o7

22872309? ago

Fuuuuck sounds rubbish!