22872836? ago

Q drop 947.

Iran next.

2yr delta.


22872351? ago

These posts are valuable. Thanks for your work in putting them together.

22871794? ago

Avenatti. Hilarious. Smile. Happy. Rat-infested. Urine. Love it. That's what jail is supposed to be douchebag. You're not supposed to sit on a leather sofa and get a massage.

22870783? ago


22870344? ago

Keep em coming! I come to Voat just for these posts. Thank you, patriot!!!

22870192? ago

Good stuff and thank youπŸ‘πŸΌ

22870188? ago

Avenatti sent thousands of people to jail cells just like the one he's in. Guarantee some of those people were innocent and he wouldn't care less. The guys a rat and belongs with the vermin.

22869998? ago

Thank you!

22869903? ago

Thank you, Patriot. I look forward to all your posts. β€οΈπŸ€πŸ’™

22869809? ago

The Fed injecting money is just a slow moving bomb.

This will force a reprint of currency.

22870413? ago

This put debt on the feds balance sheet, we will not be paying it back.

22872159? ago

One way to start unwinding the Fed.

22869796? ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/zTZjLHtv3C1J - ( How liberal media created Michael Avenatti and... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/XWvTaAl7kjXf - ( US launches airstrikes in response to rocket at... )

22869514? ago

Keep up the good work!!!

22869467? ago

Go, go, go!