22860999? ago

Flights in and out of Canada have no screening what so ever. My son just flew back from the UK and is from an area that has the virus. He walked on and off the plane with no health checks either airport. Found out yesterday an Oncologist and her Surgeon husband flew into my city from Hawaii on Friday went to work on Monday and have the virus. The Oncologist had seen 14 cancer patients and several staff before being tested and sent home to self isolate. The Surgeon is testing negative so far but they are scrambling to find everyone he was in contact with. Today two more travelers have tested positive and God only knows where they were after coming home till they were isolated. Trudeau is an ass and I pray his wife gives it to him and we can finally bury {literally} this idiotic government and move on to saner times.

22861909? ago

Flights in the US have no screening either. My cousin works for Airbus and just flew back from Bejing to Dulles, no one on his flight was screened or tested. He said it was surreal

22867687? ago

Wow. Jesus from China? lol this whole world is nuts.

22861431? ago

So after China its Canada which is ground zero? https://voat.co/v/news/3701258/22860177

22861548? ago

China > Iran > Canada

22860978? ago

ALL DS faggots are infected now, not much they can do about it.

Imagine how many are dying in the elite bunkers! This is biblical.

22860833? ago

Huh lol

22860811? ago

Sure... I think that's called a "vacation with pay" for politicians.