22864079? ago


22862734? ago

The virus is the cover for the arrests coming IMO. Think about it. Everyone off the streets, travel restricted. It's too convenient of an opportunity not to arrest a mass amount of people with as little friction as possible. Seems way too convenient to be a coincidence.

"These people are sick."

"We are the cure."

It all makes sense now.

Q hasn't reference the virus specifically even once, but has been telling us about it the entire time.

I think this is it. We should know soon.

22862617? ago

The fatality rate for this virus seems to be a bit less than 1% in large data studies that have tested and detected the large number of asymptomatic people (see South Korea). Psychopathy is a genetic trait, defined by the MAOA gene (search it in genecards.org), and seems to be represented in about 1% of the population. Psychopathy is commonly associated with hypersexuality and other psychosexual disorders. Psychopaths have no empathy for other people, which probably explains why they can hurt kids. Psychopaths tend to be drawn to the following career paths:

Media (TV/radio)
Police officer
Civil servant

22863254? ago

I was a part-time police officer in the UK for 18 months. I quit because it scared me and I didn't really fit in. Guess I wasn't sufficiently psychopathic. :(

22862221? ago

I like this.

22861653? ago

Gonna be a LOT of jews with corona virus if thats the case.

I pray this is true

22860967? ago

I think so. I've been saying this since the Pope and Mayor Pete got sick.

22860320? ago

Keeping the arrests secret will be a big problem. Needs to be public. Full Transparency.

22862785? ago

Arrest them swiftly, redpill the public after the dust settles. Makes more sense than the other way around, which would take too long.

22859549? ago

Hundreds of artist cured of cancer past decade, yet all your family members that get it will die

22859373? ago


22859262? ago

One way to keep their agents in line is to infect them, and then give a treatment that only works for a little while. If the food guys cut them off they all die.

22859239? ago

Been wondering the same

22859099? ago

omg you cultists make my head spin

22858913? ago

And "nothing can stop what's coming" is talking about Coronavirus. It will come to all of us and nothing can stop it.

22858856? ago

Not sure why your post gets upbotes but I posted the same thing yesterday and nothing...

22858678? ago

These people are sick.... It's gonna be biblical.... Glad I'm not the only one having that thought.

22862890? ago

So we're saying the elites DID release this virus into the public to ruin Trump, but the alliance knows about it and are using their plot against them? Because people ARE dying and nobody would ever forgive the whitehats from releasing the virus intentionally. How do you explain THAT to the sheeple through the fake news?!

22858664? ago

This is the dumbest shit I’ve read all day.

22858572? ago

O! M! F! G! You people went too far. Please come back to reality. Not for me, for yourselves. Just dig and stick to facts. Stop with these "predicting the future" bullshit. Coincidences happen all the time. Don't just pick the ones that fit and say they are proofs.

22861664? ago

I agree but how many times has Q posted, "How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?" So there is that.

22858927? ago

Welp people have been playing with the bible this way for ages, nothing could stop them.

22859420? ago

Yeah but at least most bible followers admit they go on faith not logic. Here, most people convince themselves it's the latter.

22859431? ago

Yup that i agree.

22858459? ago

Maybe, but Why did he sign an 8 billion aid package for them then?

22858206? ago

What if adrenochrome (or kuru) that the elites are into (or suffer from) puts them at a higher risk of Coronavirus?

Could there be a bioweapon that the whitehats have developed (not necessarily this particular outbreak) that is designed to specifically go after those who use adrenochrome for example?

22860886? ago

ADRENOCHROME from Wuhan spiked with a special strain of coronavirus.

22859904? ago

wow that would be awesome and SO efficient!!

something that TRACKS them and DISABLES.

and we know how much DJT loves to keep costs down...

22859222? ago

I like the idea, but I doubt it since adrenochrome is just extracted adrenaline, isn;t it?

22862865? ago

It's adrenaline which has been processed into adrenochrome through extreme fear or stress in the pineal gland.

22862893? ago

yeah, so you cant really make a virus that targets that without killing everyone dont think

22862974? ago

well the kids would have to be sick, so it doesn't work as a theory.

22861257? ago

The fact it doesn't hit children at all (and barely anyone under 20) is interesting as well. Some of the microbiology sites have shown some of the genome sequences look like they adapt better to specific races - but others discount that portions were taken from a SARS vaccine that was largely developed in China with chinese samples. Very interesting theory but I won't believe it's true unless most of the pedo's we know of have acknowledged they've contracted it and/or keel over.

22860073? ago

But true of KURU

22858180? ago

Maybe it is easier to say they all died from a really bad flu, rather than tons of suicides (arise suspicion) or the truth: "the supply of children's blood is no longer flowing, so the celebrities are dying off now that they don't have your children to harvest anymore".

It fits. Look at some of the celebrities that have gotten really sick in the past 3 years, now the public can accept they had "Compromised immune systems" and died from a flu virus.

Holy shit, is this really happening?

22859997? ago

No it should not, not saying your wrong. But if people dont have the truth well have another 911,wjere the government clearly did it and all the sheep accept the narrative. But then again so it goes

22860527? ago

exactly. If the full truth doesn't come out then the DS will just regroup and be back in control in the next few decades.

22858161? ago

Corona virus is about as dangerous as the common cold, so I'm saying....No.

22858253? ago

On the surface, I would agree - but think a little deeper about this and it starts to make sense.

22860288? ago

The phrase "These people are sick" makes more sense in a psychological and spiritual way than a weak, low mortality virus.

Now could Team Trump be using this as a pretext to push thru his plans, even at the cost of a supposed setback as a result the panic over this virus? Absolutely. President Trump is the ninja master at throwing the DS plans into total disarray.

Ask yourself this: How many people here have posted about being sick with Corona, or know somebody that's been sick with it or let alone died of it?

22858154? ago

I had this thought as well... watching it all play out is better than any movie I’ve ever seen!!

22858048? ago

Q also said these people won’t be able to walk the streets. Never said why. Maybe due to quarantine?

22859918? ago

Are all the right eye people going to turn into reptilians?

22858748? ago

Gitmo quarantine.

22858167? ago

I like this.

22857930? ago

Nice job anon. I like people that post their ideas. Instead of just keeping to themselves.

22865504? ago

Will Corona stop people going to cinema movie? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3693456/22831306 member of the notorious Soda Pop Club, where child actors Corey Feldman (messed up), Corey Haim (overdosed) and other pre-teens were repeatedly, horrifically abused, Alyssa did an excellent job of hiding, and deflecting any knowledge whatsoever of this situation.

22857887? ago

I do not think so. Depraved elites who victimize children are sick in the head. That is the message. Do not try to draw meaning into every major event.

22858079? ago

It can mean more than one thing at a time. They can be sick, sadistic freaks and also literally physically sick as well.

22858294? ago

Or perhaps not even physically "sick" but that they'll go down under the guise of becoming sick with this Corono (dark to light) virus. Poetic justice?

22857854? ago

Holy shit that's a good look. You might have it sir.

22857730? ago

the thought crossed my mind too.

22857234? ago

"Double meanings exist."

Q express the future with such seemingly deliberate vagueness and ambiguity as to make interpretation nearly impossible before the event, rendering them useless as predictive tools.

22858098? ago

It's not about predicting anything...it's about informing us ans giving an understanding when something does occur.

"Future proves past"

22858311? ago

lol! Q drops are so confusing you don't even agree on the meaning.

You say: "It's not about predicting anything"

and another comment says: "posts make perfect sense and often are even linked by date/timecode."

22858487? ago

Think for yourself.

Trust yourself.


22858066? ago

Except in retrospect posts make perfect sense and often are even linked by date/timecode.

22858325? ago

lol! Q drops are so confusing you don't even agree on the meaning.

You say: "posts make perfect sense and often are even linked by date/timecode."

and another comment says: "It's not about predicting anything"

22858406? ago

What does another's comment have to do with my comment? Not everyone is in agreement.

22859328? ago

Exactly my point. Q is so vague that everybody can interpret the drops the way they want.

22859514? ago

Some posts are intentionally vague. The vast majority are very specific. Some have ??? meaning only discovered after an event. It isn't the Q is vague, it's that we haven't broken the cypher.

22859893? ago

The vast majority are very specific.


22860290? ago

Try reading one.

22861363? ago

I already read a lot of them since before I was also hooked to hope porn.

22861922? ago

So then why are you lurking on QRV? Shill much? GFY.

22863578? ago

Just like someone who left a cult and want to warn others. Dark to Light.

22858261? ago

It's almost like the future proves the past or something...

22863290? ago

Your perspicacity knows no bounds!

22857477? ago


That is true with most of these Q posts, everything is vague - deliberately. One can interpret it anyway they want to fit the scenario. If it happens to be wrong, it's deliberate misinformation. The posts are useless to us and the post always stop when it is too hard to explain what is happening in real time to real people. It is all BS. I'm sick of the whole corrupt game.

22858249? ago

Sad to say but there is a lot of truth in this post like it or not. I don’t believe Q is total BS but I seriously think it’s a waste of time to try and predict events and dates with Q’s posts. I’m not sure that anything Q has predicted has actually happened yet. Just some vague stuff that people try to draw correlations to after the fact. I do believe Q is real I just don’t think they’re God-like as some of the followers do. Q cannot see the future. Q cannot ensure anything with 100% certainty. Q CAN plan and predict which is what I feel is happening but even Q gets things wrong sometimes. Unforeseen twists and turns delay or change the plan.

22858693? ago

I agree with the first part, but I think Q is a larp. Granted, a larp with good intentions, that pointed everybody in the right direction and help start info gathering by normies, but still a larp. I don't get these people with unquestioned adulation.

22858282? ago

You're all over the place with that post, and I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that you've barely read any Q posts.

22857650? ago

ok groomer

22858143? ago

>If you question the veracity of the Nostradamus de jour you fuck little kids

okay qoomer