22842716? ago

Feldman has said that he himself had been molested. Did he say who molested him? Or just say Sheen molested Haim?

22840838? ago

I don't remember how much prison time Sheen served for that suitcase of cocaine he was busted with a few years ago, nor who else was arrested for it. Anyone got some good scoop on that?

22840022? ago

Hes a pedo. His father is a pedo. Everyone that makes it in Pedowood is a degenerate devil worshiping POS.

22839769? ago

Gosh, is it possible for someone be a boy raper and to believe 9-11 was an inside job at the same time?

Yeah, I think so.

Sheen is a spoiled child of Hollywood who became a sex offending, drug addict.

Whether he cleaned himself up or not, it is still possible for a fucked up person to see that 9-11 was an inside job.

22839561? ago

I think his ex wife Denise Richards already said to the police that he was a pedo...that was 15 years ago i believe

22839509? ago


Or maybe all the other pedo AIDs carriers are here defending him.

22839298? ago

I thought we were going to get some 1st hand information from Corey. Who fucked him up? Who fucked up River? All he's got is dirt on a drug addicted loser? Not that I don't think Charlie did that shit, it's just that this is something pretty obvious. Starting to look like Corey is controlled distraction.

22839290? ago

I gotta say, I'm disappointed. After all of these years of talking about it with no names and finally we get Charlie Sheen? Probably a victim himself. How convenient now that Haim is gone and Charlie (only 6 years older) is about to go out with AIDS. Well that Hollywood for you. They All have 'earned' tons more money than me. Hope the price of fame was worth it. That includes the young boys that don't speak up at the first sign of things wrong. If they have bad parents, then how about a friend with good parents?

22839206? ago

Lay off Charlie or some of that tiger blood in his veins are gonna get ya.

Getcha good.

22838624? ago

Nothing will happen to that evil bastard. Why are they wasting all those HIV drugs on a monster like that? They should put him in a cell next to Weinstein!

22838491? ago

fuck you Alex Jones. you're next.

22838391? ago

This feels like controlled opposition. I think Feldman may be telling a lot of truth, but if he was a legit threat he would have been killer years ago. I think he is allowed to continue living and making money if he points the finger at low level targets. Hollywood tried to destroy Sheen’s career and he was able to go around the media to tell his story about what went down when he was booted off his last big show. I think Feldman is given some names he can sacrifice that may actually be abusers who are on bad terms with the rest of the industry.

22841969? ago

the other guy from mr rooney ferris bueller is pedo, as of 2019 JeffreyJones was listed on the U.S. Department of Justice national sex offender database https://voat.co/v/QRV/3697256/22829179

22838346? ago

Charlie is probably innocent. The powers that be having been wanting to Michael Jackson his ass for years.

22838548? ago

Check out his ex wife's divorce reports, what him and his exes got up to and all the allegations.

Dude was on a shitty sitcom for years getting paid stupid money. Also don't forget that his daddy is a drug addled lunatic who whores out to the democrats because he was a fakeass president for the Junkie Aaron Sorkin.

22839812? ago

Yeah Martin Sheen was big in hollywood, I'd bet little Charlie Sheen got raped a couple times as a kid.

22838344? ago

Sheen hates the jew - Why he was fired from "2 1//2 Men". Heard he help fund 9/11 doc. "Loose Change". This is a possible set up/smear.

I bought the Sheen abuse story peddled by Feldmanstien initially but life has taught us all lately never to believe the jew. Have to side with the used up degenerate Sheen.

22838318? ago

feldman looks exactly like sheen.

I have thought feldman was sheens son for years.

22839312? ago

All I see is similar mouths. Maybe white mouths, thin lips.

22838402? ago

Odd. They don't look alike to me at all. Not even vaguely similar.

22840009? ago

dude are you a retard?

Sorry, no PC buffer there..

How many chromosomes to you have?

Brown hair and white skin does not make two people identical

22853815? ago

"how many chromosomes to you have"

-the guy calling ME a retard.

also, you are unaware of what the word identical means. I did use the word exact, but I used it colloquially in the way that all people comparing people who look similar use it.

You are the one who is clearly a fucking moron. Maybe before you start running your mouth about another persons intelligence, you should try not to sound like you have a grade six education.

Next. Fucking faggot

22838604? ago

They do have similar features in the second one. I guess i never looked at either of them close enough to notice. Says Sheen was born in 65 and Feldman was born in 71 though. Possibly brothers or cousins? Idk. Never been into actors or actresses.

22838891? ago

The second one features a photoshopped face for Feldman.

22844790? ago

Photoshopped how? I just did an image search and seems to me nothing is edited to mislead here.

22847069? ago

Did you find the original.........?????

22847534? ago

Close to original. A photo from the same set? Anyway it's the same face. Nothing's been shopped here.

22838137? ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/CUMcnKfvFsAr - ( COREY FELDMAN ILLUMINATI SACRIFICES CHARLIE SHEEN? )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/3wF60pmmi8dO - ( A Warlock's Hatred: Sheen spews forth another a... )

22838067? ago

Didn’t Sheen pretty much admit to KNOWINGLY spreading HIV AIDS to dozens of women and got his own condom brand out of it and wasn’t shamed to the point of being run out of Hollywood?

To the point where that stupid show about him is still played on a daily basis as naseum w his creepy perverted drug induced lifestyle set to the laughter of a studio audience?

22841958? ago

Why did Alex Jones spend so much time with Charlie Sheen? Was infowars blackmailed and controlled?? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3697421/22829688

22837943? ago

All them movie faggots done had some young boy booty

22837908? ago

This was a limited hangout for the goys. The kike grifts everyone for donations then he names one goy who is straight with 0 evidence, and doesn't name any of the Jewish pedos.

What a fucking coincidence.

22838023? ago

It was so easy to see that this was going to be it. I can’t believe these tards keep falling for it.

22837897? ago

Charlie Sheen was getting it in on some nice tight young butthole while all coked the fuck out. Corey Haim and Cory Feldman were pretty little boys.

Feldman isn't getting anymore of that sweet sweet Hollyweird Jew money and tried to push what weight he thought he had around.

Both kids were faggots. They both took cock up the butt by men knowing it was wrong.

22838126? ago

You are a dumbass! Oh sure a little boy has the power to stop a rape from a man at a job he worked at. I think you would knowingly suck a cock ya little faggot ass....I guess you can spot your own kind.

22838236? ago

He was a teenage boy. They know better. He just wanted to be rich and famous. He got what he wanted.

Sheen got coked-out faggot sex and the Coreys got the life everyone would dream of.

22840084? ago

I wouldnt bend over or smoke sausage for money or fame. It could never take away the experience which I wouldnt be able to live with. I remember Haim in lucas when he was raped by sheen he wasnt a teen he was a preteen. In their movies before the lost boys they were too young and too scared to say no to sadistic satanist who could turn you into a red pair of shoes if you didnt comply.

They had a reality show called Corey and Corey and in the episode they were screaming at each other and crying about to fight each other over the fact of being raped. Haim yelled at Feldman "where the fuck were you when I was being raped between sets!" Feldman yelled back " I was getting raped too where the fuck were you!" So you can see the satanist cabal totally fucked these kids up. Haim killed himself because of the fact he was being raped and his personal conflict of those memories. Im sure Haim didnt dream of that life...either of em did. Sure as kids they probably wanted to be the next big actor but was then swept up in a forced trade with death and fear as their prison.

22840458? ago

So 13 is a pre-teen?

22842027? ago


22837822? ago

Sounds as if Charlie Sheen has some good rock candy and two dirty, ugly, jewish teenage "actors" took it in the asshole, and liked it.

Until they were washed up and out of money.