22842422? ago

Care to share links to other "Wins of the day..." posts, please?

22841386? ago

Grateful, Patriot! 🍿🍿

22840717? ago

Except don’t forget, of course, that Q is the ultimate perpetual “loss” for anyone seeking truth or relevance.

22840490? ago

Solid post, thanks for the good work.

22839169? ago

Excellent news! Altho, the visual I get from Nun's as sex slaves, 2019 or not, is really ew. Usually we think they are ugly old crones in their habits.

22839594? ago

That's how they want them to feel. Habits, burkas, hijabs worn with typical accompanying garb...they're all meant to dehumanize a woman. Make her feel she is nothing and should be hidden. Take away her identity, her validity. Instill feelings of shame for having a body that causes men to think sinful thoughts, etc. A woman who allows this kind of subjugation is an easy target for the filthy controlling animals who created the rule that they must be worn. Which was their whole point to begin with.

22838847? ago

You fucking rock, thank you!

22838739? ago

Thank you! Please continue doing Wins of the Day!

22838682? ago

thank you!

22838529? ago


22838396? ago

The Down & Dirty compact news for those on the go who wants to be in the know. Thanks Anon for doing the hard work so we don't have to.

22838392? ago

The Detroit story was my favorite of the day...one of the workers said, straight faced looking at Biden "You're full of SHIT" Kek...these clowns still peacock around like it was 2012 or some shit.

22838367? ago


22838255? ago

I'm using my 1 comment per day to say I really enjoy that you post this every day. Thank you!

22838568? ago

Tell me who you are and I'll upvote you a bunch to help out.

22840251? ago

It won’t help here, but carry on your good vibes at v/great awakening and contribute to the conversations and you’ll get the CCP to come on back and post and all that. Welcome.

22838231? ago

I wouldn’t call hunter a win, I’m guessing court will allow it

22837998? ago

Thank you so much for making this post daily! It's great for morale and gives me my best talking points for red pilling people in the salon. If they have any spark of life in their eyes, I red pill! Now I have a handy outline every day! WWG1WGA

22842384? ago


22837834? ago

Kek on the Detroit auto workers.

22837703? ago

WinAnon is the best!

22838197? ago


22837424? ago

Thank you so much, Patriot. ❤️🤍💙

22837339? ago

Thank you. This information is very hard to find due to the bs food and tranny posts. You are doing a great service to all patriots. Thanks so much!

22839632? ago

My feed is kept on "hot" so I see all of these and none of the porn/food/goddamn-its-good-to-be-a-gangster posts anymore. Might wanna give it a try.

22839887? ago

Thanks. It's really bad now. 10-15 consecutive bs posts. Thanks for all your hard work! I will keep it on hot.

22837287? ago

Fantastic.. it's habbening!

22837266? ago

Is #7 from 2019?

22838876? ago

Dang, it sure is. I missed that somehow. I've edited to take it out. Thanks.

22837060? ago

Thank you!

22836997? ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/KzHfqltsi8NK - ( THE 5th DIMENSION - (LAST NIGHT) I DIDN'T GET T... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/UQ3lECy7Juf4 - ( Emergency responders load patient into ambulanc... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/HflOWIb9v7L5 - ( Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on the Peace Dea... )

22836771? ago

Dude I can’t believe Pope Benedict covered that up. I thought he was a good guy forced out.

22842600? ago

Is this a joke? I can’t tell? Bwahaha

22838472? ago

None of them have been good guys

22840901? ago

^^^This right here.

22837338? ago

He just wasn't bad enough

22836747? ago

  1. Lordy these people are stupid.

22836726? ago

Yes and thanks Patriot! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸