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22828978? ago

Nauseating blind item from CDAN involving incest and child abuse; commenters name Charlie Sheen and Heather Locklear as possible offenders quote - Regarding Heather Locklear...NEVER EVER FORGET she was married to the unbelievably insane "TOMMY LEE", ex-husband of Pamela Anderson who is now (allegedly) Julian Assange's girl toy...oh what a tangled web! ...

A commenter on r/conspiracy suggested Stephanie Seymour as the new girlfriend of the male abuser (Sheen). There were weird photos of her kissing her teenage son a few years ago

They're both a mess now so it would make sense if all that had been going on

Relevance: CDAN posted a blind item last year about MD and ML roleplaying about inappropriate age sex. Many speculated that the initials stood for Heather Locklear and Charlie Sheen. This video fleshes it out and ties it together in a bow.

Okay, so you remember the horrific post by enty about the TV co-stars who took roleplaying way too far? Well, someone has followed up on the allegation and produced a video.

Things are really getting out there, and if there is truth in this, there is no doubt that everything is going to come tumbling down.

Original CDAN blind:


Now, the person ML was with at the time in a relationship would help him with his fantasies but drew the line at finding someone real and had no idea that ML had been sexually molesting and abusing a young child.

Don Henley Blind. Per the blind: 1. She was born November 1965. 2. Her husband "went on to have a nice career in politics." 3. "And with his wife's support he's become one of the most powerful men in California politics." Here is a link to the blind for reference Now, Enty is VERY careful with his words. The assumption is her husband went on to have a nice career in CALIFORNIA politics--but that is not what is written. It doesn't say WHERE he went on to have a nice career in politics. I BELIEVE THE GIRL IS SARAH COX, WIFE OF CALIFORNIA GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE JOHN FOX. Why? 1.) Per his Wikipedia page, he credits his wife Sarah for "inspiring him to run for president" 2.) The "nice career in politics" was in IL 4.)John Cox is running as gubernatorial candidate for CA in June 2018 primary 5) They have four daughters; the CDAN blind referenced "kids" 6) PLEASE SEE THIS ARTICLE AS IT TIES IT ALL TOGETHER:

John Cox was born July 15, 1955 (per Wikipedia page). The Weekly Standard article says his wife Sarah is "eleven years his junior." Now--note the date of the article: May 21, 2007. This date would put the 15yr old girl in the blind at age 41 at the time of the article. Technically, given his precise birthdate, John would have been only TEN years older than the girl--however he would be turning 52 less than two months after the date of the article. Very easy to simply round to the nearest birthdate, thus making her "11 years his junior."

Now fast forward to CDAN blind posted 6 days after the Henley blind--coincidence?

CDAN names Hollywood publicist Jeff Ballard as a serial molester of young boys, says fellow long-term tween/teen molester Charlie Sheen joined in

With the wave of publicity that is looking for these horrible people, both M and P have gone underground. What they used to do fairly openly relatively speaking, they now do mainly through online webcams.

Several decades ago, when P was first starting out, he had a very public confrontation with one of his victims. It was in the parking lot outside where a very hit network sitcom was shot. Members of the cast and crew witnessed the interaction. It was a member of that cast that introduced P to his victim.

Another of P's victims was 12 years old at the time. P lured him back to his apartment. Once there, he plied him with pot and booze and made him watch porn before molesting him.

It is time for P to be exposed. It is time for others to step forward and pass along their stories. If you don't want to send them to me, then send them to that group that makes films exposing these awful people.

P - Jeff Ballard

M - Charlie Sheen

Jeff Ballard website:




Charlie Sheen raped 13-year-old Corey Haim on the set of the movie Lucas, friend of the late child-actor claims:

Charlie Sheen Instagram:

An Open Secret tweet thread on this with photos:

Ballard was also Charlie Sheen’s publicist for over 30 years

tweet from Mark Dice that has a segment from Denise Richards' divorce papers and points to why she left the marriage. think everyone should be aware of Charlie Sheen's divorce papers in light of the Corey Haim rape allegations circulating.Here's an entire article on this subject:"In December of 2005, the Respondent (Sheen) and I took a vacation in Barbados without our children."It was my intention to discuss certain serious matters with the Respondent during this trip and to try and understand why the Respondent was participating in certain activities, which were repulsive to me and to convince him to seek help for the sake of our children.


'Haim said after it happened Sheen became very cold and rejected him. ', "He said Charlie was a loser. 'According to the report, the Enquirer says they spoke with dozens of sources who say Haim told them about his alleged abuse at Sheen's hands before he died of pneumonia in 2010."

"Former actor Dominick Brascia alleges that Haim told him about his incident with Sheen and that a 19-year-old Sheen rejected him after their encounter"

22829027? ago

I think the pizzagate sub had this figured out 3 yrs back, there also used to be a pizzagate on reddit but thats dead now ....So its Charlie Sheen, the conspiracy about hollywood satanic pedos is real? @CluelessInTheDark @ellanana ? @JesusRules @frankenmine @HarlandKornfeld14 ?

22829058? ago

People in the room seem to have seen it live so Did the website crash? ? @Truthplease5 @Steakmaster ? @Grunge @Vindicator

22854846? ago

The first day yes

22834210? ago

Feldman said last night that his site was hacked. No actual evidence has been presented of that, though. Seemed like a way to hype the big splash to me.