22838340? ago

You can add that Biden calls that auto worker a horse's ass and tells him he's full of shit.

That'll get him a lot more votes.

22832178? ago


OP, please don't include trackers. Pretty please. Here's the link without trackers:


22833958? ago

Sorry, didn't know that happened with that link.

22829757? ago

What will be Nancy's punishment?

22828251? ago

It’s pathetic how all those reporters are still sucking Weinsteins dick.

22827830? ago

Best post of my morning again.. Ty anon

22827654? ago

Symphonic, Patriot! Thanks for your efforts! 🍿🍿

22827386? ago

Thank you for doing this. I find myself wanting to be negative about some of these and it just shows me how much I needed this list. I've been on voat a long time and the demoralization shills get to me.

22827202? ago

Keep posting this Patriot...I am sending it out to friends every day !! It's the WINNING the MSM will NEVER report. Carry on !!

22826386? ago

Speaking of Joe....I found this picture of him sniffing his granddaughter, his dead son's kid, at his dead son's funeral!!!!!! Joe is a real piece of work he is.


22836067? ago

Look at juniors face, someone told him about old joe.

22836059? ago

old blonde lady is giving him a handy

22826788? ago

Wow. ....just wow...that really ...just is the ultimate. There are no words.

22825857? ago

"In just 21 words, Boasberg provided the first judicial declaration the FBI had misled the court, not just committed process errors. "There is thus little doubt that the government breached its duty of candor to the Court with respect to those applications," Boasberg wrote."

22825819? ago


22825798? ago

Winning every day!

22825621? ago

Thank you!!

22825443? ago

Keep this up even if there is 1-5 wins. For the rest of us, If you don’t see something here that was missed, say it!

22825419? ago

https://archive.ph/wip/qcXnX :

Tom Fitton on Twitter: "FEDERAL COURT: Mrs. Clinton Must Testify About Her Emails by May 16… "

This has been an automated message.

22825191? ago

Love these posts. Thanks.

22825059? ago

This is now the best aspect of Voat!

22824976? ago

Woohoo! Keep em coming.

22824890? ago

Thank you again 😊

22824865? ago

Thanks, Patriot! ❤️🤍💙

22824551? ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/xKuaLbv9ymE6 - ( Jury reaches verdict in Harvey Weinstein rape t... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/rywFvtPySQNG - ( Court Orders Hillary to TESTIFY to Judicial Wat... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/HQ7hLnl2DSn3 - ( Dr. Oz explains how coronavirus is different th... )

22824441? ago

Keep the wins coming Anon!

22824407? ago

Thank you!

22824371? ago

Keep In mind guyz. TruePundit claimed Durham was a bust

22826436? ago

I can't see the link you attached proving your claim.

22824847? ago

That's not true.