22830540? ago

Lol no

22829399? ago

All I think is 'Joe Dirt' and his meteor

22831788? ago

Can I get some Ketchup with that meteor?

Classic movie

22827902? ago

Your post title was more thought-provoking than the article. A very interesting way of looking at it.

If you want to inject thought-forms of peace into that epicenter, now may be the time...

22826425? ago

Are they afraid that their god will not protect them while they are on their holy pilgrimage?

22826293? ago

Somehow, it reminds me of the Monoliths in the film, "2011, A Space Odyssey"

22824729? ago

Are these the same people who were kissing shrines and licking walls and/or doors?

22831169? ago

thats them, they also whirl their dervishes round the thing (they run in circles)

22824388? ago

That's a cartoon or video game screenshot

22824425? ago

Why do you say that?

22824541? ago

Zoom in. Those fake green lamps and those little fake people.


22828109? ago

Is that you Tcbot ?

22825049? ago

The people look like the football players from the old vibrating table football game. Hahaha if anyone remembers that

22825398? ago

I begged my mom to buy that from a garage sale for $1 when I was 4 or 5 in 1975. My first real "toy." I loved it, line em all up and then they just go in random directions haha. .

22829000? ago

Hahahah the best!

22824206? ago

They rubbed it with their left hand!!

22823885? ago

Oh you mean Moslems?

somehow I read it as, black knight satellite

22825054? ago

the raghead jihadi, the pedo terrorist so called prophet and an old Moongod of Babylon? https://voat.co/v/anon/3691889 The Kaaba~Mecca~Muslim~Shiva~Satan~CONNECTED!!??

22823843? ago

Inside is an asteroid. It was a white stone encased in silver which turns black over time. They claim it turned black from absorbing their sins or whatever typical religious bullshit. But it's normal for that kind of asteroid to turn black over time.


22824839? ago

Silver exposed to air always turns black. It is called tarnishing.

22825714? ago

look at the pic the silver is not black it's silver lol, the meteor turns black because it's that kind of meteor. look https://lizleafloor.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/the_blackstone.jpg

22824816? ago

Still kinda want to see it.

re-enacts final scene from se7en

22823836? ago

Maybe it just dropped a really nasty fart.