Before his death Issac kappy spoke of peados in hollywood (
submitted 4.8 years ago by 3696176?
22829122? 4.8 years ago
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22820901? 4.8 years ago
Kappy was a scammer, just like veganmikey and others.
Brought to the scene by Thomas Schoenberger, known and convicted scammer.
Do a youtube search for:
Convicted Felon Thomas Schoenberger Brought Isaac Kappy to YouTube Community via LTV
There you have Kappy telling you himself.
Sorry i do not have my 5 points to post the url.
22819522? 4.8 years ago :
๐นโฝ๐ Sassy_Blonde45 ๐โฝ๐น on Twitter: "Enough said! Issac kappy exposes peados in hollywood ๐คฌ๐คฌ๐คฌ๐คฌ๐คฌ #TheTruth #CoreyFeldman #COREYHAIM ๐โฆ "
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22819502? 4.8 years ago
Because he was one of them.
22829122? ago
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Posted automatically (#96549) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.
22820901? ago
Kappy was a scammer, just like veganmikey and others.
Brought to the scene by Thomas Schoenberger, known and convicted scammer.
Do a youtube search for:
Convicted Felon Thomas Schoenberger Brought Isaac Kappy to YouTube Community via LTV
There you have Kappy telling you himself.
Sorry i do not have my 5 points to post the url.
22819522? ago :
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22819502? ago
Because he was one of them.