22821994? ago

You're a real brainwashed moron to concider these bullshit games of politics as a "win"

22816978? ago

We can find more "wins" on 9/11 or the day JFK was shot than this. These are utterly pointless as long as the cabal are walking free.

Arrest or GTFO

22816096? ago

Oh कृष्ण, oh कृष्ण.

Let us play कृष्ण.

You make me write कृष्ण.

And you interrupt too कृष्ण.

कृष्ण, end all interruptions.

कृष्ण, let evildoers eat themselves all the way.

Down, down, down they go कृष्ण.

And here they come again. Oh, कृष्ण.





22815118? ago

Great job it is much appreciated. Thank you.

22814905? ago

It would be hilarious to see Biden nod off in the middle of the debate.

22814697? ago

Thank you, Patriot. Really needed this today.🍿🍿

22814455? ago

Thank you, Patriot. ❤️🤍💙

22814382? ago

thank you! please keep this up, we all love this.

22814056? ago

Thanks Patriot... always nice to recap the refreshing news that gets buried elsewhere.

22813917? ago

It is far too early to be counting covid chickens.

22813835? ago

Awesome man! Thanks for doing this!

22813787? ago

You make my day..........thanks

22813674? ago

Anon, you can add the DNC changed the rules AGAIN to disqualify Tulsi for the Debates!

22813609? ago


* Runs a platform that no one over 35 will support.

* People under 35 don't vote.

* Whines and blames others when his math doesn't work.

* His math never works.

22815738? ago

When I listen to this "man" moan about America and promise treats from government, I'm unable to see why anyone would support him. The same can be said for all Dem candidates, they are all absurd.

22813551? ago

Thank you for this!!

22813410? ago

Good stuff. Thanks for daily

22813316? ago

  1. outcome still worse for us
  2. gay and pointless to consider a "win"
  3. who gives a shit
  4. catalyst for overall market tanking so we're poor and self-sufficient yay
  5. businessinsider is a fucking cueless
  6. oh noez another motion omg this time its for real

weak list, you're normally much better than this

22815280? ago

Mindless liberals don't care about the truth, they just want to hear things that make them feel good. Impeachment that would never happen, Russian collusion that was a lie, etc.

22813422? ago

Some days there aren't much boom wins, but always a few minor wins.

At least we have them every fucking day.

The dims would crucify some of themselfs to have wins these days!

22813295? ago

Love and appreciate your daily updates!

22813077? ago

Thank you patriot!

22812841? ago

Thanks Patriot. I really needed to see this one today. You do a great service to this forum.

22814392? ago

Came to say the same. Including links is a huge bonus. Nearly all of President Trump’s first term has felt like a teeter totter, we’re high and winning one week and down and losing the next. Posts like this shine reality into what the media is hiding on those days it feels like we’re losing. Also the President is so busy doing positive things that it’s hard to keep up with it all.

22814519? ago

100%. I tried to send a message to the Mods to have these posts pinned daily. But Voat would crash on me which is a helluva coincidence or a damn convenient feature - if you are a mod!

22812808? ago

4 is gonna put a lot of people out of jobs in the E&P industry.

22813331? ago

4 is dragging the entire market down, but I guess we have cheap gas to go out and not spend our excess funds

22812771? ago

As if Biden would deliver less gaffes when he is sitting down lol

Anyway, thank you for your service, WotDanon!

22813756? ago

Perhaps it is to remind of Bloomberg in his absence?

22812928? ago

If he's peacefully sleeping in his chair.... he should be relatively gaffe free.

22812942? ago


Or their next idea is to let him sniff a child every 15 minutes. Maybe it'd help.

22814946? ago

Definitely won't be sleepy then