22815403? ago

I fucking hope so, I need to cash in on his estate.

22810125? ago

Implying Epstein is dead

kys nigger

22809690? ago

Except they didn't have anything on Trump. Otherwise it would have come out and the MSM Whores would have orgasms spreading the narrative.

22809528? ago

He said that she said??? Fuck that. Proof or GTFO!!

22810048? ago

How does that have anything to do with my comment?

22810960? ago

hollyweird and political connections are proof enough?

22811030? ago

An accusation isn't a fact until it's proven. There are a lot of accusations right now.

22809490? ago

the kike and kebab, genital mutilations? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3694754/22808776

22809295? ago

Not me, I hope 😬

22807701? ago

I don't believe her. She wants to throw us away from digging into the blackmailing operation, claiming that she and Epstein did it all themselves. They were just fronts of an ongoing operation that began with Meyer Lansky and kicked into full force with Lex Wexner. The lowlight cameras were operated by specialists, not by Epstein himself.

22807778? ago

Yep. George Webb’s been all over this. For a long time.

22807011? ago

Jewish agents tasked with getting politicians and others in compromising positions so that when the jews need something and get told no they bring out the blackmail. It should be met with nuking israel and listing all jews as foreign enemy combatants.

22809038? ago

You just want an excuse to hurt other people.

22808062? ago

What is the mystery babylon religion? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3694473/22806663

22808636? ago


22806581? ago

and Masons? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3694505 The British Roots Of The Deep State: How The Round Table Infiltrated America

22807995? ago

Masonry is a jewish operation

22806305? ago

Yep. That's how blackmail works.