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22808118? ago

Freemasonry is Judaism for Gentiles plain and simple. The idea of "Freemasonry" is that they want physically rebuild the Temple of Solomon on the Temple Mount.

What Christians need to realize is the Church of Christ is the temple. That's where the phrase comes "On this rock I will build my church." After his disciple told him he was the Son of God.

Jesus built his Temple on the rock that he was the son of god. Not on some long destroyed foundation in the Middle East.

22808192? ago

@ellanana @JesusRules @madmalloy ? and the entertainment industry @fogdryer messages in kids tv shows

22810119? ago

some of the first and largest movie studios were in fact created by Masons. All of these same major film

studios are still operating to this very day. Yes, some of them were Jews or from a Jewish background,

but all of them were high level Freemasons.