22810446? ago

Your mom bu lon

22808756? ago

Reminder that everything good has been subverted, twist to malformation, then used by (((them))) against us. Urukai started out as Elves.

22809875? ago

Originally the story was supposed to have the sex doll be the likeness of a 20 year old. Jewish maggot creator changed it to be about child sex doll with the themes of pedophilia/incest, but from the perspective of the 'robot' so that the cowardly maggot creator could brush away the real world, something the audience picked up on and so they walked out. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3693199/22797809

22811123? ago

Well that's fucking disturbing. At least the audience had the conviction and intestinal fortitude to walk out.

22808418? ago

Freemasonry is mentioned in the protocols of the elders of Zion.

They are Jewish puppets. The star of Remphan is all over their architecture.

22876769? ago

A Masonic pizzagate pedo hard drive containing indecent images not used as evidence against Lord mayor of Leeds Britbongistan, kept in a pedo apologist police commissioner's safe for 14 years. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3702881

22808441? ago


22808480? ago

I said it in the first line.

The protocols of the elders of Zion is the source.

You can get it in Jewish bookstores. If they ask when your looking for it or buying it you are Jewish.

You can also get it free online, there is the full version then a bunch of abbreviated versions.

22808118? ago

Freemasonry is Judaism for Gentiles plain and simple. The idea of "Freemasonry" is that they want physically rebuild the Temple of Solomon on the Temple Mount.

What Christians need to realize is the Church of Christ is the temple. That's where the phrase comes "On this rock I will build my church." After his disciple told him he was the Son of God.

Jesus built his Temple on the rock that he was the son of god. Not on some long destroyed foundation in the Middle East.

22810320? ago

Freemasonry = Noahide Laws = Judiasm for Gentiles

22808192? ago

@ellanana @JesusRules @madmalloy ? and the entertainment industry @fogdryer messages in kids tv shows https://voat.co/v/QRV/3687621/22753529

22810119? ago

some of the first and largest movie studios were in fact created by Masons. All of these same major film

studios are still operating to this very day. Yes, some of them were Jews or from a Jewish background,

but all of them were high level Freemasons.

22807999? ago

Does the world use 911 as an emergency number?

Does the fucking universe revolve around you?

What's the difference between a constitution and a rite?

Gotta love the faggot who gets owned in every post and keeps coming back for more.

22808495? ago

Because Freemasonry created America.

22808602? ago

No answers. Typical shill response.

22808770? ago

Lol shilling against Masonry as if it is a bad thing.

22808817? ago

I said it was a "shill response" ... no debate. Unable to argue. Deflect. Change the narrative. Attack the source and not the argument. All straight out of rules for radicals. Now ask yourself why you are acting like a leftist bitch if you can answer the questions and are so knowledgeable on the subject.

22808833? ago

Ok dick head watch my next post about masonry.

22809000? ago

You going to avoid any questions on that one too?

22809040? ago

Dude I am not gay. Go find another boyfriend.

22809162? ago

So easy to expose low IQ cunts. It's like kicking puppies.

22808364? ago

Sears ... or Hancock building in the thumbnail or Sears tower? ... Savile a Masonic funeral and he prayed to the same tentacle god as Jack the Ripper, the towers Hancock or Sears? https://www.bitchute.com/video/M4rw1KGYNQeK/ Masons Dindooooooo Nuuuufin.......

22808415? ago

More word vomit while avoiding the questions.

22808501? ago

Obviously youre one and greatly offended ny beng exposed.

22808595? ago

Are you going to answer the questions and debate, or deflect like a leftist bitch?

22808217? ago

The Masons have become a cult, some are criminal and some are pedos, it is very different to what Kinghts Templar once were. Why do these old dying corrupt Freemasons think the world revolves around them? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3638405/22377003 Freemasons are occult. Shriners swear an oath to allah. Mormons are lying devious perverts that put on a front and everyone thinks theyre holy because they dont drink

22808277? ago

Once again ... word vomit and avoiding my questions. The Shiners exist in how many countries? Are Shiners part of any Rite or constitution? oh .. that's right, you don't know and won't answer my questions. Just trying desperately to change the narrative.

22808051? ago

The Shiners, the pedo Vatican, the Jewish Occult is there some kind of connection...there are now many insiders speaking out, many who reached the highest level of Freemasonry, rubbing elbows with Presidents, Celebrities, Politicians, the “elite”. And why he decided to walk away, COMPLETELY. The veil lifted on these “dark rituals” ...would the founding fathers some of which were Masons now turn in their graves if they saw these modern pedo groups, the criminality, the Anti American links…. what led to the Anti-Mason movement in the early days of America?

22808077? ago

Once again .. the standard response of the ignorant. Don't address the questions ... just spew word vomit like any leftist does, because facts aren't important.

22808140? ago

The phone numbers? I dont think it means much.... Aussie, France, England, Japan? 1-1-2 or 9-1-1 in Ethiopia Africa 911 in HongKong China 999 .... inside Iran, Israel, 110 or 100 in Pakitsan 15 in New Zealand 111

22808160? ago

Exactly. You would think the Masons would use 911 globally based on the OP's theory ... or do masons only exist in the States based on his argument?

22806663? ago

Yes noahcide freemason shabbos goy are the traitors who let the synagogue of satan gain control of the earth.

May they and their jewish troll masters burn in hell!

22808067? ago

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22806788? ago

May they repent and defect.

22810457? ago


22806404? ago

Would you say that Ancient Aryan Theory, such as pyramids all around the world, Atlantis, and the first civilization in the middle east (that part is surely true) would fall into this? How AAT fall into the egyptian/babloyian freemason stuff?

22806794? ago

Yeah probably. I think the demons went around the ancient world and organized the first empires.