22786662? ago

it is already on voat hunt it out... the mafia was jewish

22786258? ago

She is 100% correct.

22786182? ago

IL Douche bag.

22785969? ago

OP is a clown

22784713? ago


22784306? ago

Clown world? This is the most clearly true and historically accurate thing I've seen in quite a while.

22784080? ago

This was fantastic! What are you talking about?

22784768? ago

Not sure who the hell the poster who linked to the following, but nice trick.

Stolen with impunity and the arrogance of common sense:

Benito Mussolini purchased/bribed/partnered with the largest Church on Earth. A "royalty" with the oldest continuous Military Intelligence organization since before the Peodphile Prophet. The Jesuits grabbed politics by the balls in 1922 and the exploitation of their host Nation, Italy.

Revisionist history avoids mention of the Vatican and their Jesuit "Shock Troops" who organized Sicilian/Italian Mob leadership into the richest black-market "Capitalist" in modern history. The marriage of Warlords and Catholic Pedovores who ran Global vice long before 1923 (it was official the last days of '22). Thanks to Nationalized Industry operated as a collective "organized" (Mob) labor/militia. The real Terrorist of humanity. Union strong thugs use terror to keep power, well duh.

The same Italian fascist (Jesuits blackmailing Catholics/Politicians) ran vice here in the States since the roaring twenties, yet Pedowood has made Italian Mobs into Heroes through revisionist history. Organized blackmarket is Capitalism on steroids and this alone is what organized terrorism in to the Deep State we all know and love. By the oldest Military Intelligence running under the roof of the Vatican.

How the fuck.0


Communist? That level of pronoun revisionist propaganda takes some very powerful mind control at a global level. The fact everyone believes the Vatican did not play both sides of the first world war is the real mind fuck. The Catholic Church was the underground railroad for the looting during BOTH wars. They were the Red Cross "facilitators" behind the scenes during the greatest wars of humanity.

The Vatican Bank is the Deep State, denial is why they helped form Israel. Optics and deflection. A ready made Scapegoat we call Mossad. Right now there are hundreds of Millions of highly educated who think Fascism is Anti communist, which is so far from the truth it is really a mind fuck on a global scale.

As Friedrich von Hayek stated the last Century, "Fascism is the stage reached after Communism has proved an illusion."

22784717? ago

This is just an anti-Mussolini apologetic screed on the "It was Catholics, not Jews" topic, and a libertarian's take on Fascism.

Highly spurious and brandishing.

Mussolini, the granddaughter is passionate and on point. Her last name could be Satan, and she would still be right.