22777387? ago

@whitemouse oops, he did it again.

22777340? ago

its so terrible, i keep watchin it to make sure

22777286? ago

Almost perfect, I like titties I can fuck.

22777159? ago

Q followers will downvote a beautiful woman to protect the Trans.

22777138? ago

She could sit on my face any time.

22776987? ago

I would fuck that all night and tomorrow.

22776633? ago

Who is she?

22776975? ago

This chick:


She appeared in this Playboy Starbucks video.

Here is a clip from it that I also just posted before it:


22777308? ago


22776669? ago

go back to reddit

22776715? ago

Never been there in my life, dick licker. Just asking a question. If you don't know who the cunt is, just say so.

22776706? ago

hey theoldones, get a real job

22776605? ago


22776677? ago

.... porno addicts at reddit know

22776740? ago

porn? you think this is porn??

22776698? ago

her name's a little too close to dindu for my tastes

22776592? ago

.. We know Sbbh spammed here, we know people dont like the pizzagate posts and voat was attacked and attemped hacks, we know bots are hired and spam from vietnam, pakitsan, turkey and india arrives, know one of the sick people spamming up this place with mudsharks and filthy porno kike media is /u/Joe_McCarthy @Joe_McCarthy

22776652? ago

This gif isn't porn. Just a girl with no clothes.

22777102? ago

It's better than nearly all porn - whatever it is. Very good that she's not wearing clothes.