22789637? ago

Developing the "scrawny skank" look, prized by once-sexually-attractive women who are aging out....too thin makes them look older. Its a sign that she's obsessed w/ her sexual attractiveness.

Also, she looks meaner and more lizard-like every time I see her. The evil she's involved in is taking a toll, almost making her seem less human.

Anybody else get that vibe from her?

22783822? ago

All under the cloak of the "United Nations". Can we PLEASE defund this repulsive entity already?

22782866? ago

Hold on. Who's the "mentor"? It said the mentor is the one who was threatened.

Curioser and curiouser...

22781215? ago

Here she is in an undercover leaked video talking about being tied down and beaten during a ritual while killing snakes. (Not even kidding)


22782176? ago

hideous whore of satan

22780996? ago

Her father must be sick over the choices his daughter has made in her life. He's an honorable man- and she is a piece of shit.

22779805? ago

Anyone got the cellphone video of Jolie trying to persuade friends into joining her sex cult by showing them a video of sexual torture?

I can't find it

22781258? ago

it was in the pizzagate sub some months ago, ask them

22779385? ago

Was acid burn innocent?

22779255? ago

Ancruella De Jolie

Best comment ever

Sad tho...

22779187? ago

She's in the trilateral commission too. Satanic high priestess

22779142? ago

I have no doubt that Angie is a procurer just like Lindsey Lohan.

Lindsay Lohan Punched in Face ... After Accusing Couple of Trafficking their Kids (think mirror - always accusing others of what they themselves are doing) https://www.tmz.com/2018/09/29/lindsay-lohan-accuses-parents-child-trafficking-punched-hit-face/

22837639? ago

Corey Feldman Names Charlie Sheen as the Satanic Pedophile of Hollywood in My Truth Doc? His Livestream fails but people in the Theatre go to see the film. Feldman blames hackers. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3697256/22830405

22837994? ago

Much thanks for the heads up.

22779001? ago

A couple of years ago she bought 100 acres in Cambodia from a former member of the Khmer Rouge and built a home on it. Cambodia is where she adopted her son 15+ years back from an orphanage, only the child's living mother differed as to whether the infant was an orphan. She paid her off and all was okay. Seems that Skeletina's own child army gives her cover for her deeds. She is also a pilot and own her own plane which is handy, besides the private jets that she owns.

22778875? ago

Will this be a boomerang? The Dems have whipped up everyone with "RACIST!" and reparations for slavery, when it comes out what has been going on in Haiti and Africa with the children and the network of those brought into the light, that could most certainly be a HUGE red pill to wake up many. In addition to that, all of the children that this is also happening to in Central and South America. Then, maybe they'll start asking about all the children that go missing here!

22783782? ago

"Reparations" are just the Dems trying to keep their slaves onside.

22778623? ago

Seems plausible but I'm not judging yet.

22778215? ago

wait is this that "club" that A list women actresses join, that's talked about frequently on CDAN?

22780744? ago


22777808? ago

Speilburg needs a new daughter? Am I right?

22777318? ago

Seems to fit.

This article was posted the day before the blind item.


22781955? ago

Do you think they pay the 1 billion to keep the bangi's quite as they take their children?

22777214? ago

She is trying to cut her son's dick off and turn it into a girl.

Brad Pitt is the king of cucks. He is still making anti-white shows and now his dickless son will never carry on his name. I would feel sorry for him if he wasn't helping the Jewish war on whites.

22777680? ago

Angela Jolie is a man

Brad Pitt is a woman

22779186? ago

I think you are right, in the sense that Jolie likes to wear straps on and Brad likes to take dick on the arse.

22778194? ago

dude no... i see so many of these people who are always harping on their perceived fact that literally ALL celebrities are their opposite gender... i'm sure for a handful, it's certainly true... but angie has the frame of a 12 year old girl, brad had the frame of a grown man... a girl can't have a jawline like that

22777978? ago

she may have cut off her tits and he may have cut off his dick but a gender change that does not make.

22777715? ago

That would be nuts that is the first time I have heard that. How do you know?

22778437? ago

They're all Trans.

90% of them.

Celebrities, politicians.

That is the great illusion.

22777982? ago

His ass

22777741? ago

Brad is most definitely not as female. Knew him in Jr High.

22776995? ago

Enough money to last a lifetime. Easy when that life is over in a few weeks.

22776791? ago

Funded the building of an Afghanistan girl's school also.

22777572? ago

Girl's school.

That's Oprah's MO.

22776685? ago

She too will hang for crimes against humanity.

22781564? ago

The family is fucked up...Remember a brother who looked almost exactly like her, they would french kiss in public doing weird incest kinky stuff, angelina jolie brother kiss, it was making headlines and she was cutting herself

22781689? ago

They each kept a vial of the others blood on a necklace.

22783733? ago

That was her and Mr. Woodcock. Billy Bib Thornton.

22781939? ago

That was her and that fuck bad santa guy she married for a week.

22783353? ago

Oh yeah thatss right. It was Billy Bob

22776386? ago

Can’t use the term cult here. It triggers some faggots.

22778649? ago

He did and I don't see anyone triggered. So if you're the only one making it an issue, maybe you're the one that has a problem with it?

Kinda like how "rayciss" works. The one bringing it up is the one who's rayciss.

I see you.