22768785? ago

Thank you for the update and looking forward to more!

22768594? ago

Love these “Wins of the Day!”

22768318? ago

While the typical movie viewer scrambles to the local theater to watch the latest Marvel movie regurgitating the same tired bullshit script and storyline....I, on the other hand, recognize that not all heroes were capes. Kudos on the post, brudaaaahh

22768291? ago

Thanks anon fire your perfect shill antidote ....

22768034? ago

7 isn't a win for the children he's busy molesting

22767899? ago

You're the most valuable poster on the sub... thanks!

22767874? ago

Awesome thank you!

22767603? ago

Hey WinAnon, looking forward to your posts now.

Kudos Brother! 😁🙏

22767528? ago

We need more positive content like this. Thank you!

22767370? ago

Good form

22767348? ago

OP, thank you, yet, again! Great summations and admirable consistency! Appreciation! 🍿🍿

22767235? ago

Seriously. Arrest or GTFO.

Useless political dramas are useless.

22767071? ago

Thanks WinAnon!

22767005? ago

Thanks again! Kickass as usual! I especially like number two. How great would that be to flip 9 congressional seats in CA?!

22766578? ago

Lol! I love how you through in no. 7! Stupid schiff.

22766515? ago

I like wins of the day. Thanks.

22766456? ago

Another day in the life of .......the boomerang.

22766192? ago

If you're doing these each day, can I copy pasta to Twitter

22767592? ago

Sure, go ahead.

22766186? ago

Independents were allowed to put votes in to Dem primaries. It’s even worse than it looks cuz I know I threw in a vote just to fuck with them.

22766147? ago


A weekly post consisting of the daily links then a monthly post of the 4 weekly. For all the “nothing is happening”, why can’t we get rid of 7,000 year old corruption overnight crowd.

22766110? ago

Silly goose...Schiff's been busy trying to figure out how to sneak items into cakes...and up his crevass. He knows where he's going...and that skill is something he's going to need to be very very good at.

22765988? ago

Why is Schumer still free. Anyone who threatened a Democrat would already be in jail or forced to resign.

22765934? ago

Yep...sounds about right...sorry..I'm not NEARLY tired of winning, fellow Patriots!


22765914? ago

Can we get this daily... ya know as in, QRV daily notables?

Do we even have mods here? RIP r/GA

22766865? ago



22765808? ago

Thank you. I love these posts!

22765792? ago

Thanx for the news Anon, events of the day packed in one location for our viewing pleasure!

22765728? ago

Love your "Wins for the Day", thank you.

22765722? ago

Thank you, Patriot - I look forward to your daily posts. ❤️🤍💙

22765681? ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/4QvOv2CVl0J6 - ( Schumer tells justices they will 'pay the price... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/PrplbiBWjFZZ - ( Top AOC aide Corbin Trent exits congresswoman's... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/E7RZ7Z73YeHQ - ( Bloomberg reassessing campaign following disapp... )

22765573? ago

Thank you!

22765451? ago

I appreciate the hard work Anon, keep it up!

22765285? ago

I love you all.

22765429? ago

I love you too faggot

22765695? ago

Love you too, no homo.

22765089? ago

I like the Schiff win

22765067? ago

Then do a weekly.

22764953? ago

Nice! Keep it up anon!

22764912? ago

Thank you, Patriot! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸