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22747782? ago

Did you know Covid translates to Kobe in Hebrew?

22748406? ago

Shit is getting crazy. no coincidences? Jesus, if all this was planned, I'd love to see the planning area this was thought up in.

Only God and God's team could have planned this. There is no doubt in my mind.

22748517? ago


Check this shit out for proof of God all over it.

(((They))) have scripted this reality by the numbers and ritual, but God is still in control ultimately, and laughs in derision at their stupidity: >

LSU Tigers Do The Get The Gat Challenge At The White House

Kobe Bryant > Ritual Sacrifice > 654 > 1854 > POTUS Tweet - Get The Gatt > Decoded

Time to Blow your Minds... > POTUS Instagram Post days before Kobe Bryant's death > POTUS knew

22749276? ago

Just wait until you learn who has been talking to you on QRV. There is a reason, a holy reason why this board is anonymous.

If I told you, your mind would refuse the answer. So, brace yourself, think of the biggest person in history, then think bigger than that.

22749631? ago

I've suspected, indeed I have "known" for some time what is going on here, and who is speaking with us.

22749967? ago

You were called here afterall. So I do not doubt that you might have guessed right.

Biblical..It'll give a whole new meaning to the word. God's plan is the plan Q is implementing

Watching you is like watching a Beautiful Mind. You don't know where you get your information from, you just get it right somehow.

Amazing to watch! We'll see each other on Twitter. You'll know me.

22750053? ago

The Holy Spirit is where I am getting it from.

And I work very hard on all this.

It's my purpose, my reason for being.

My Mission. God sent me, and I shall Prophesy and bear Witness to the second coming of our Lord, reading from the scrolls, the book of Life.

The Key of David.

Thanks for a lovely conversation. I see you Sir.

22751968? ago

You'll see me soon enough, the entire world will.

They knew this day would come. They knew.

Revival of God's love for man, renewal for God's Earth. Trust in God's plan, it's the same one Q is implementing.

22752153? ago

See you at the top. <