FACT Jews own Voat, site shutting down in 30 days (QRV)
submitted 5 years ago by 3685884?
22737067? 5 years ago
You mean Zionists. Why do you think it is full of nazitards?
Nazitards are the unwitting tools of the Zionists.
22736693? 5 years ago
Nah, if true, they'd keep it open to track sh-t posters like you. Revenge is a dish best served cold and all.
22736449? 5 years ago
Fuck (((SBBH))).
22736328? 5 years ago
ban hammer DESPERATE time!
22737067? ago
You mean Zionists. Why do you think it is full of nazitards?
Nazitards are the unwitting tools of the Zionists.
22736693? ago
Nah, if true, they'd keep it open to track sh-t posters like you. Revenge is a dish best served cold and all.
22736449? ago
Fuck (((SBBH))).
22736328? ago
ban hammer DESPERATE time!