22736460? ago

The Jewish community acts as a human shield for the Jewish elite.

22736424? ago

Masons are noahide shabbos goy.

22736254? ago

The masons can get you gangstalked to death.

They are exceptionally dangerous!

But the normie Jews are just brain washed.

23076963? ago

Sabbatai Zebi Masons, 1666 London burns, England and Dutch House of Orange? The Great Plague - "The Black Death killed 100,000 Londoners in 1665 - one in three of the people living in the city. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3636106

22736275? ago

What the fuck is gangstalked?

22736310? ago

It's when the government uses narcissistic abuse tactics to destroy your life!