22734242? ago

What kind of darts player is this fiance? Bum darts?

22734188? ago

Steven Spielberg and his wife Kate Capshaw......were not upset by her career choice.

Of course not. Now Stevie will have some fresh pudd-pulling material.

22732916? ago

For the woman to get arrested and charged (I'm assuming the victim was male) is a minor miracle considering when the cop comes to the door on a domestic violence call someone is going to jail and in nearly every case its the male.

22732585? ago

Dude is not having a great 2020.

22732452? ago

Leave it to a nigger to be adopted by a billionaire and STILL be an ungrateful parasite and professional victim.

22731669? ago


22731344? ago

Jewdicial system goy

22730934? ago

Lots of coverage on her of late. Shes probably.getting set up on the alter. They're going to kill her for some reason when it comes out hes a pedo and how he raped heather Roark to death. Wonder if how often he wears her leather shoes.

22731029? ago

We ask that you respect the privacy of our family during this difficult time.

  • S. Spielberg

22730767? ago

Perhaps either your humble Self or the beer were worth more than the porn-brat or her victim...

Or some corruption and bias, your choice I reckon.

22730469? ago

I had a $200 bond a few years back. Thought it was a mistake.

22730876? ago

Mine was not a mistake, a little overkill, but ultimately I served 3 months, did my time and learned from it. (grew up in the woods of NY, Fatherless home, poverty, ect. I could have very well turned into one of the zombies you see in SanFran) any way The double standard is the point I was trying to make. If this chick skips bail she's not gonna miss that $1000. If I skipped bail my sister would have lost her house. the point of bail is leverage on you to come back to court otherwise the state will hold you to ensure you come back to court.

22731052? ago

Right. My point about the $200 was why bother?

22731593? ago

$200 is a lot of money to some people. Rent is 400 in some places...

22730403? ago

Are you the kid of Pedowood elite?....if not..theres you're answer to WTF

22730262? ago

My sister had to put up her house to bail me out. This spoiled little smut puppet gets off on $1000. they wipe their asses with that kind of money. BullShit

22734230? ago

Who the fuck cares??! Stealing beer is an asshole move. No sympathy from me.

22734877? ago

missed the point moron

22734919? ago

I'm a moron?? You're the idiot who stole.